Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 377

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377. Meeting the tip of the sword

A purple lamp swayed over the turbulent black river water. As the ferry boat swayed, his body also moved left and right.

As Encred sat at the edge of the ferry and kept his mouth shut, the boatman spoke again.

“There is a very easy way.”

Encred did not answer. The boatman continued speaking.

“Run away.”

His lips moved only slightly, and his voice echoed from a ferry boat.

“Don’t run away and meet your death. Then I will take care of it.”

Instead of answering, Encred lowered his eyes diagonally. He seemed like a man filled with countless thoughts in his head.

The boatman’s mouth opened again. The sweet, echoing voice floated over the ferryboat again.

“If you don’t want to run away, use your tongue. Persuade your opponent and prepare for what happens next. “If it’s just the two of us, we can handle it.”

If Acea and Encred join forces, they will be able to deal with the guy that appears after them.

We know the future because we repeat today.

Not all today will necessarily be the same, but the big picture will not change.

Asia’s stamina dropped and she was injured while fighting Encred. It was the same for Encred.

If the two of them combined their strength without injury and maintained their stamina, they would be a strong enough opponent to handle. Conversely, you might be able to win.

It’s a life-threatening fight, and it would definitely be advantageous if the two of you were on the same side.

Of course, it won’t be a fight you can always win.

“Do you want to know exactly what a wall is?”

The boatman’s words were as emotionless as usual. He just continued to say facts with meaning, not emotions.

Encred listened to the boatman’s words over and over again, but had no answer.

Is it because he thinks over what he said?

The boatman kicked the bottom of the ferry with his toe.

The ferry boat was shaken violently by the foot cloud. Encred, who was sitting, placed his hands on the floor to maintain his balance. He raised his head just like that.

A blank stare, a face lost in thought, a half-open mouth.

These are the things seen through the boatman’s eyes.

I wonder if my eyes have returned to focus, and then I ask a question.


“What did I just say?”

The boatman rarely showed emotion, but he held back and asked.

Encred blinked twice and answered.

“Oh, I didn’t hear you.”

It was real. I couldn’t hear because I was concentrating. As always, Encred answered sincerely and sincerely.

“… … good.”

The boatman’s mouth moved earlier than expected.

My words didn’t even enter this bastard’s head. It wasn’t something that went in one ear and out the other. It wasn’t like he was throwing it away in defiance. I just chewed it and swallowed it.

Even a boatman would have been uncomfortable.


Encred, who was dumbfounded, asked again, and even though he knew it was true, it seemed hateful.

Because innocence can sometimes become a weapon that brings frustration to the other person’s heart.

“I told you to go.”

The boatman didn’t bother to get angry or argue. All I had to do was send it. There was a reason to send it.

‘I will watch.’

You’ll know what he’s thinking and what he’s planning to do when you see it.

“Ah yes.”

Encred nodded without even being shy.

Soon, Encred’s appearance on the ferry faded and disappeared. The boatman, who was left alone, stared into the darkness without saying a word.

Perhaps he will repeat the same today.

And you will face moments like this again. You will find yourself on a ferry boat, in the dark. It was natural.

The boatman sees the repeating day ‘in advance’.

What’s going to happen happens.

Things happen as planned.

Of course, Encred surprised me a few times, but that was all.

After all, there is no wall that can be overcome in one day.

Today’s repetition is a continuation of pain and suffering. It is a structure that cannot help but be like that. Because that is the core of the curse.

However, for those suffering from mania, even pain becomes joy.

‘The crazy one.’

The boatman’s gaze became blurred. Not towards the black river, but towards Encred, whose life had to be repeated.

His appearance was visible due to the curse.

The boatman looked at it.

He repeated the same day over and over again.

Wake up at dawn and train your body.

Replace persuasion with kicking the magistrate.

I sent a guy named Ragna and a beastman named Dunbakel to the group advancing from outside.

I shamed my colleague who was standing next to me by telling the group of assassins that it hurt and that it was true that he had been stabbed.

I headed towards the royal palace and without hesitation cut off the evil that was blocking my way.

Cut and killed. There was no long conversation.

“It’s maid rape, right? “I cut it down before without even asking.”


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He ignored the other person’s absurdity. No, I had no interest in the past that was right in front of me.

Since he almost killed the owner of the curse, he might have a grudge, but I don’t see it. It’s not like it doesn’t exist.


‘I’m just obsessed with other things now.’

Encred looked at the maid instead of the bewildered man.

When I asked with my eyes if it was true, the trembling maid nodded.

After that, there was a process of swinging, cutting, and killing.

So I faced the wall again.

This is a female knight with orange hair.

“Until there.”

She blocked the way. Encred raised his sword.

There is no question. There is no reason to ask because it will happen anyway.

No, I didn’t move with that kind of thinking structure.

The boatman glimpsed a part of Encred’s mind for a moment. It is something full of anticipation.

‘That bastard.’

He is in this place where he wants to compete with the wall. I ran to cross swords with that female knight.

Same day repeats.

Even if the details aren’t exactly the same, today is similar.

Of course, there were other things as well. This was before I got here. This is a change that occurred during the training process after waking up in the morning.

“Rem, how did you do that?”

It was about the time the morning sunlight passed through the center of my head. A magistrate came in the middle and, no matter what he said, Encred talked to a guy named Rem.

“This guy, this person came here personally, so you can’t believe it’s just small talk.”

“Wait a moment.”

Encred said that and asked again.

There was a magistrate in front of him with his mouth wide open in absurdity.

“Aim the tip of your sword. “You blocked it with an ax blade.”

“It’s about aiming an axe.”

The guy named Rem, who blinked, explained briefly and boldly.

“You just have to cover it well.”

In fact, I couldn’t give any further explanation, and Encred decided that there was nothing more worth hearing and turned away.

That’s what’s different from today’s repetition.


The opponent who was ignored was furious.

That was it.

Afterwards, he tried something with a sword in front of a wall called Acea and met with a similar result.

I was cut and stabbed and lost. It was scattered on the floor.

There is another difference from the previous day. The boatman already knows this.

Encred doesn’t know this.

His eyes glanced behind Acea.

The author who Acea called her senior does not appear.

It is instead.

“I’ll check the back and come back.”

Acea left, and that was the end. After a while, it was dark and today was over once more.

The boatman looked across from the ferry.

Sand-like fragments gather and gather. The dotted grains soon began to change, forming a human shape.

It was Encred.

The boatman felt his curiosity rising. There was no need to endure that, so he opened his mouth.

“I’ll just ask you one thing.”


Encred was still there with a blank look.

“You were so busy thinking about it that you didn’t even hear what was said in front of you, right?”

Encred obediently opened his mouth. He wasn’t going to hide it. There was nothing to hide.

However, I just wonder why you ask that.

“How do I stop someone from pointing the tip of their sword? “I thought.”

Seeing the youthful enthusiasm and heat in those eyes, the boatman was convinced.

This author, Encred, focused solely on one thing.

So, I only saw the opponent holding the sword in front of me. Whether it was a wall or something else, I only saw that and recognized that and poured all my attention into it.

The boatman said things he didn’t need to say or things he could say under his authority.

“Do you think that’s a wall?”

I was thinking of saying no. I was going to tell him to face a real wall.

“I do not know.”

Something like that.

This word has been omitted.

So does it matter? Isn’t that what’s important to me?

This word was omitted.

Is there anything else you want to say? If you don’t have it, it would be better if you leave me to figure things out.

This word was also omitted.

The boatman felt emotional. It’s absurd. Am embarrassed. Because he was faced with a innocence that did not reveal his intentions, he thought about it again and again, and his words to tease his opponent fell into vain. It mixed with the darkness and flowed away.

“Do it.”

The boatman read the message and answered.

Yes, do whatever you want. What you see now is not a wall.

The answer omitted this word.

Encred disappeared again. It became blurred and dispersed and disappeared.

‘It’s stupid.’

But I also wanted this, and even if I overcome this wall, it will leave deep scars on him.


The boatman laughed.

If you see someone suffering at that time, there is nothing more enjoyable than that.

The boatman knew that if he crossed this wall, it would be like a curse to him.

* * *

‘I understand one thing.’

It is also a good idea to imitate Rem’s method.

It’s not just about Rem’s method, it’s about trying everyone’s method at least once.

After all, copying is one of the quickest means of understanding what you are imitating.

‘My method is next.’

If you see a path, walk. Encred did just that.

What is a wall and how far does it go?

If you asked the boatman, it seemed like he would give you the answer. Today’s boatman gave me that feeling. But that didn’t matter. There was no need to know.

So I didn’t ask. Instead of asking, I thought about it.

“What are you thinking about this morning?”

It’s the third today. During early morning training, I stopped and got lost in thought, and Rem, who finally got up and came out, asked: Encred asked a key question earlier than the second today.

“How did you hide the ax blade?”

Rem was not taken aback by the sudden question. Encred doesn’t do this for a day or two.

So the answer came right away.

“Asia’s sword is aimed at me. “I aim at the tip of my opponent’s sword with my axe.”

The explanation still felt like a stage where a dog had run amok. It was a mess. It’s complicated and difficult. If I was going to give up because of that, I wouldn’t have picked up the sword in the first place.

Moreover, Rem realized that his explanation was difficult.

“Take aim at the spark.”

Rem said, taking out a long axe.

Although it was held lightly, it had a strange center of gravity and was heavier than expected.

Anyway, the weight changed just by Rem holding it.

Encred took out a spark.

Ting, raise the drawn sword and aim. The thin, thin blade was aimed forward.

As I was doing this, I thought that the first step of imitation is to imitate the pointing of the tip of the sword.

‘A mix of intimidation and murder.’

In a way, it is a completely different technique from Saxony’s non-fatal stabbing.

It is a sword that deceives the opponent by putting pressure on him.

Encred couldn’t follow it right away. He’s aiming his sword instead.


Rem hit the tip of his sword with the ax blade. To be precise, the pointy part of the blade was struck with the ax blade.

“Do you understand?”

Encred was lost in thought instead of answering.

I thought about what Rem did a little while ago.

It was easier for Bae to understand the explanation through words than through words. I even struggled alone. Encred understood.

Rem hit the point of sparks, the tip of the sword, with the sharpest edge of his axe blade.

The day and the dot met exactly.

It was a miracle that went beyond the stage of a stunt.

Soon this action contained a question.

Can you make the tip of the sword meet with the same speed and strength as usual?


An exclamation came out.

“Do it. “You’ll know when you try.”

Rem took a step back, and Encred slowly held the sword in both hands. Spark and gladius.

It’s easy to let the blades meet.

But what about dots and dots?

What if it’s a day and a dot?

It is possible if it is slow.

It’s difficult to slow down, but it can be done.

My muscles naturally gained strength. In this case, unnecessary force is used and the movement becomes unnatural.

How do I do this naturally?

What kind of talent is needed for this?

“That’s right. “You just need to know how to do that.”

Rem said as he put his long-handled ax on his belt.

He said he had said everything he wanted to say.

Encred didn’t even nod his head. I quickly fell into my own world. It’s immersion.

When Rem saw that, he thought that he was such an amazing person, and then when he saw Andrew, he lifted his index finger and put it in front of his mouth.

There wasn’t even a shhh sound, but Andrew was about to say something when he closed his mouth.

Andrew, who took three steps back at Rem’s gesture, opened his mouth.

“What is it?”

“I will personally train you today.”

“… … it’s okay. Even if you do it alone.”

“No, it’s not okay. “I will take over the captain’s legacy.”

“No, Captain Encred is not dead.”

“It’s because I’m still not good at continental languages.”

What are you talking about? I’ve never seen them use Western language before.

What Andrew said with his expression was ignored.

Encred listened to the surrounding sounds and fell into his thoughts. He settled down inside himself and thought about it.


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