Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 376

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376. There is no next time

‘You crazy bastard.’

Seeing Encred smiling, Acea almost lost her composure, but gathered herself together.

If you don’t want to kill that bastard, you should stop him here.

My younger brother was taken hostage.

That there is someone behind you that you never thought of.

Complex thoughts piled up layer by layer and then disappeared.

There is nothing to say since there is a person smiling like that in front of me.

“There must be a reason why it needs to be drilled, right? “I have a reason to stop it.”

These words came out of nowhere.


The reason why I say this to Encred.

I can not know. Her mood just urges her on.

So my face hardened even more. She hid her expression and began speaking with her sword.

His specialty wasn’t just pointing the tip of his sword.

Technology will never be outdone. There was a gap between himself and Encred that could not be bridged in a short period of time.

It is acknowledged that the opponent is superior in terms of strength, but the gap in technology will not be bridged so easily.

A battle of strength and numbers, Encred was good at both.

However, no matter how good you were at fighting, there was no answer if you fell behind in detailed techniques.

Encred closed his eyes again.

“And then you die.”

I had no intention of killing him, but I couldn’t let my guard down.

“Do it if you can.”

Encred does not back down. Acea felt frustrated at that for a moment.

“If not now, then next time, you don’t have to take risks and fight.”

Acea knew the answer even as she spoke. If it were En Creed, it was very obvious how she would respond.

Although I hadn’t seen him for a few days, I clearly knew what kind of person Encred was.

“If today doesn’t work out, go to tomorrow. If tomorrow doesn’t work out, go to next time.”

Encred closed his eyes and said while aiming his sword.

“If I had been thinking about the next thing, I wouldn’t be standing in front of you right now.”

Acea bit her molars.

The two fought one after another. Acea ended up making two holes in Encred’s forearm.

There was also a wound deep enough to stick a finger into his thigh.

In the meantime, Encred lost track of Silver and used sparks to leave a long knife mark on Asia’s cheek.

“It would have been easier if I had intended to kill him.”

Acea took a breath and said.

Before I knew it, I could see the sun leaning to one side.

The sword of the rebellion that started in broad daylight must have pierced the entire palace by now.

No, is it different?

“Now that’s enough.”

A voice came from behind Acea, in the shadows where light could not reach.

“Take that away.”

Voices spoke one after another.

Encred fell down and looked beyond Eisia. There is no light. I can’t see the other person clearly. Only the silhouette was visible. It is a dark and dark silhouette.

Even though I was standing in a dark place, the person’s color felt strong.

Who is that again?

I could feel the momentum just by looking at Acea’s attitude. She is above her.

This is the darkness caused by not lighting the candlestick. A man walked out from beyond.

Colors were added to the silhouette and it came closer and closer. As she looked at it, it seemed to her like an unstoppable boulder rolling towards her.

‘It’s not a knight.’

I knew it through instinct and experience. Haven’t you already dealt with them before?

It’s just one cut, but I know because I experienced it.

It wasn’t an article.

He had gray hair, a long sword at his waist, and a bloody dagger in his hand.

Acea turned around. Even though she knew that she still had room to kill En Creed, she didn’t hesitate to turn around.

She said while holding her sword towards the back.

“Sir, let’s stop here.”

Encred could see Acia’s back and the front of a man whose weight seemed to overwhelm her.

The man holding the dagger tilted his head. His wavy dark brown hair moved along with his nods.


“This is enough. “What are you going to do when the Master returns?”

Encred felt that Acia’s words were not persuasive.

Even she herself couldn’t believe it.

“If you can’t do it, I will do it.”

The man spoke and walked forward with great strides, and Acea showed her intimidation once again.

It’s a wall.

The wall that blocked Encred himself changed its direction.

“I’d better quit.”


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Encred muttered. It is difficult to gauge the opponent’s skill. Is it because I lack insight?

I don’t know.

I felt like I was watching Ragna or Rem.

“Do you know that all semi-knights are the same?”

Once again, what Asia said resonated with me. Maybe it was because of this man that she said those words during her sparring, she didn’t know.

The man ignored Acia’s intimidation. There is no change in walking speed.


Encred sat down and called the name again. Acea did not answer.

Instead, he raised his sword and aimed.

Aim the tip of your sword.

And Encred once again saw the correct answer that broke her sword.

It was the fourth after Rem, Ragnar, and Saxony.

As soon as Asia aimed her sword, the opponent took a big step forward and struck Asia on the side of the sword with a dagger. I tried aiming with the tip of my sword, but it was useless.

Encred was able to instantly understand what the other person had done.

It is a natural realization because it is the correct answer on the fourth look.

‘Just because you aim, the substance doesn’t go anywhere.’

The sword is in its place. If you can strike it with force, you can break the point of your sword.

If Acea swings or blocks her sword first, this skill will break anyway.

So even if I approached and swung my dagger, I had no choice but to block or block the attack.

However, since the attack had to be done so that the spilling technique could not be used, and there was no room for Acea to counterattack, there were more than one or two conditions that had to be met.

So how is that possible now?

I could see the answer, but not the entire process.

‘Normally, I would spill it and hit it again.’

My pulse was cut off.

Showing such skill with a single dagger was a skill of a different order in itself.

Not all quasi-knights are the same.

Those words touched my heart deeply.

Encred stood up using his sword as a cane. You will be able to swing your sword once or twice more.

If I just watch and see Acea die, my dream won’t end up being so disturbing.

From the moment he got up, Encred stopped caring about whether his sword worked or not.

I just did it because I could.

“Don’t be stupid.”

The man holding the dagger spoke again. His gaze never returned to Encred. He only turned to Acea.

Acea retrieved the sword that had bounced away and was stabbed in three pieces.

It is a stab that resembles a trident. Did you say the name of that technology was Trident?

He said it was a skill he learned from watching fishermen working in fishing villages.

The man waved the dagger up and down.

I moved the dagger like I was stirring a ladle into stew.

It seemed that way in Encred’s eyes.


Three crash sounds sounded.

“Is this really going to happen?”

The man spoke again. Aceia raised her sword instead of her horse. She changed her posture.

Her skill is not limited to pointing the tip of a sword.

This is a fact that Encred also knows well.

She put strength on her toes. Her weight shifted her center of gravity. Although she did not neglect to train her strength, there were many people whose strength was far superior to her.

If Acia hadn’t thought of a way to overcome that, she wouldn’t have been able to become a quasi-knight.

“Do you really want to die?”

There was no tone in the man’s tone. There was no flow either. He was more of a list of facts.

Acea’s sword flew several more times.

It bends and sticks, flies and soars. This is a technique that pierced Encrud’s forearm because he could not block it.

Delicate and sharp. Just looking at her speed, she is comparable to Will in his ‘moment’.

It would be correct to call it a move of conversion.

But even with all the blades, the man blocked them with only a dagger.

The tip of the blade eventually grazed his cheek, but of course it was not a fatal wound.

I pick and blood splatters out. The man put down his dagger. The small blade falls to the ground. Meanwhile, the man’s hand was gripping the handle of the long sword at his waist.

A pommel shape appeared in Encred’s eyes. It is a wolf-shaped pommel.

Grab the sword and draw it. It wasn’t as fast as a flash of light, nor was it loaded with heavy power.

I just got picked and moved on.

However, the sword the man swung rose at a strange angle and cut off the vein of Acea’s sword.

Strike the sword in the middle. Acia’s sword flew out with a crashing sound.

‘How is that possible?’

I don’t know. I have no idea. There was nothing you could tell just by looking.

Acea pulled the sword in front of her chest. It’s a broken flow. Because the momentum was dead, there was no way the opponent could be hit by the thrown sword.

As my pulse suddenly stopped, my feet became entangled. As the steps get worse, my breathing becomes difficult. It’s a heavy breathing.

Acea held her breath. She cut instead of stabbing, ignoring all currents.

Draw from top to bottom. The vertical downward slash was not as strong as a thunderbolt, but it was as fast as a beam of light. Encrud was the same as the number of anomalies that occasionally appeared as sparks.

The man brought the blade down and pushed it as the sword was struck with a loud thud.


The blades collide and sparks fly. A brief stalemate occurred, with both sides clashing swords.

Encred jumped at that moment.

An explosive charge like when facing Acea is impossible.

However, I was able to properly show the blow.

Contains the acceleration of a moment.

Rejecting the intimidation radiated by the opponent.

Explode your mighty heart and maintain one-pointed focus.

He ignites the sparks he holds in his left hand. She imitated the stretching black sunlight.

The sun, the sunlight reaches you the moment you feel it. There is no way to avoid it.

It was a stabbing that seemed reminiscent of that. The level of perfection of the technique is higher than ever before, including breathing, steps, timing, muscle elasticity, and the strength of the hand holding the sword.

This is a sword that fits everything.

It was a stab of just the right feeling without feeling any joy or anything.

Nevertheless, he dug into the opponent’s dark space.

How to avoid sunburn? Just stand in the shade.

My pulse is cut off. The sword entered exactly in the middle and struck the center of the spark before the stabbing motion was fully realized.

There was no extreme force, but as the direction changed, the power of the burst, breathing, and stepping that emanated from the entire body, starting from the feet, all became disturbed.

Encred knew that his strike had failed.

That was the result.

The sword held in the man’s right hand suddenly cut Acia’s heart.


Acea vomited blood bubbles. She swung her rapier, giving her heart to her sword, but her strength was already gone.

The man didn’t even greet him. He caught the falling blade with his pauldron and threw it away.

Also, his left hand was outstretched, and before he knew it, a shortsword was in his left hand, the tip of which was stabbing Encred in the chest.

Because the bandage armor held up a little, the blade held by the opponent did not pierce the heart and went out of the way, but it came in from the side and grazed other internal organs.

The man’s gaze scanned the inside of Encred’s body. Still, there was no way to talk to him.

It looks like looking at a stone on the side of the road. Because of skill differences? No, it wasn’t like that.

It was an eye that looked at people or things that had nothing to do with oneself.

“There was no way to subdue you without killing you.”

He spoke to Asiaman.


Acea’s mouth, covered in blood, opens. She gathered the last of her strength and opened her mouth once more.

“My little brother.”

“do not worry.”

The light in Acia’s eyes dimmed. Encred was not distracted by the burning sensation that penetrated his intestines.

Today’s repetition was a curse, so there was no blessing in adapting to the pain.

Therefore, the pain is the same whether it was the first time I repeated today or now.

Still, he couldn’t take his eyes off Asia.

Aside from stopping him, why did he turn around here?

Why did you stop in front of me?

I could tell just by looking at the atmosphere going by.

It was something I just had to ignore.

All I had to do was turn around.

Then there is no need to risk your life.

But it didn’t happen.

I knew it without even asking why.

Just as you don’t put off today until tomorrow.

There are some things that even Asia cannot compromise.

Something she cannot compromise.

‘Not ignoring your heart.’

What was the reason she was here in the first place?

Are you trying to kill yourself?

No, I didn’t. I could kill as many people as I wanted.

The company members spoke in unison.

“If we go into a life-or-death fight, victory or defeat will be determined one way or another. But the truth that it is difficult to win right now will not go away.”

Rem said.

“If you fight, you lose. In most cases, you will lose.”

Ragna also said:

While I was continuing my thoughts, a man stood in front of me. His black boots caught my eye.

When I raised my gaze, only then did he speak.

“I died because of you.”

It was a callous tone that showed no emotion at all.

Afterwards, the man’s sword hit Encred’s neck.

The pain starts from the nape of the neck and reaches up to the brain. The moment when the burning sensation, the pain felt as the flesh is torn, the blackout, and the darkness embrace everything.

As I crossed at that moment, I saw the river flowing.

“Can you tell me the easy way?”

the boatman asked.


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