Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 374

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374. Woof

While Saxony was making a fuss, Encred threw Marcus aside.

“The Grand Duke is in the palace.”

Marcus said, rolling onto his side. He also has insight. He crumpled to one side and found a place to hide.

There is nothing we can do because we do not have the power to mobilize military force right away. You have to hide it well.

Although he served as a battalion commander, there were no troops under his command who actually followed his orders.

‘Damn Baisar.’

The main family did not take one side or the other.

Marcus didn’t like that. But he can’t just sit back and relax.

Send Encred to the palace and he will do what he can.

Once you survive.

If I had known this would happen, I shouldn’t have gotten off the horse.

Encred nodded roughly and his eyes widened. I felt the same strong energy as before through my partner’s skin.

It is a strong will.

‘I’m fast.’

The strength just to run.

However, he did not want to use his power or will carelessly. Still, running.

‘It’s because of my request.’

Jjaknyun fully accepted Encred’s request.

The horse, which had become a beast, stamped its feet a few times and moved.

It was rude to even compare their movements with ordinary horseback riding.

Jjaknun gently kicked the ground and lowered his body.

I pushed off the ground with my knees half straight and passed through the front door of the mansion as I ran. It was secret and quick. It was as if the black shadow disappeared with a swish.

It was a time when Saxony had just killed several assassins and attracted a lot of attention.

There was no one guarding the main gate while guarding the top of the wall. Is this some sort of peculiar habit of assassins?

Encred said while thinking.

“Over there.”

Hold your mane and lower your body. My pair of eyes moved at the whispered words.

We headed towards the outer road leading to the royal palace.

The interior of the capital was a mess. All the sharp-witted citizens went into their houses and locked their doors.

Several stores also quickly closed, and some of the guards walked around holding spears with a murderous look in their eyes.

Encred ignored everything. Jjaknun lightly tapped the ground and stood in front of the outer road leading to the palace.

This is not a road where people come and go in the first place.

It was a direct route to the royal palace built on the outskirts, with a wall on the left.

“let’s go.”


The pair of eyes answered and kicked the ground. Then the surrounding objects become lines and disappear behind.

What happens if you activate Instant Will in succession?

It was a decent speed.

It wasn’t long before I saw an obstacle blocking my way. No, as soon as I saw it, it was right in front of me.

One point of concentration was activated and I recognized what was in front of me.

It was a wooden fence. The front was cut sharply and it was firmly planted on the ground, so it was set at an angle, so if a horse, carriage, or person hit it without thinking, it would get stuck in the fence and easily create a few cool air holes in the body.

It was in a form that even a decent combat horse could not easily charge into.

If a direct route to the palace was created, it was natural to have the means to block it.

“membrane… … Ahhh… … ?”

The soldier in front of the obstacle tried to say something, but could not finish his sentence.

It seemed like some kind of black mass was flying. It’s unbelievable speed. In the blink of an eye, we arrived right in front of our nose. I tried to shout to stop.

But before he could get his entire meaning out of his mouth, a black lump passed over his head.


With the sound of kicking the ground, the wind passes by my ears. Something heavy jumped over his head.

It passed above at the same speed it was running at.

Jjaknun kicked the ground and jumped over the wooden fence. It wasn’t that high for even-eyed people to see.

There was no need for Encred to say anything. My partner took care of it.

“… … and.”

Several surprised soldiers turned their heads back.

A horse of the level of a courser can jump a considerable distance, but I thought it was safe to say that this was flying.

The road to the royal palace was blocked by dozens of soldiers and fences, but they jumped over it in one go.

“Uh, uh, hey, shoot!”

The commander spoke belatedly.

The command made no sense.

The horse that jumped over has already run far away.

It was faster than any horse I had ever seen.

It was Encrud’s second time riding a pair of eyes.

But it seemed faster now than then.

The royal palace that had been visible in the distance quickly approached.

I jumped over the sharp spears and wooden fences and ran straight away, reaching there in the blink of an eye.

As soon as Jak-Nun reached the front of the palace, he hit the ground with his front paw and turned to the side and stopped.

Couple book.


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When it stopped scratching the ground with its hind feet, the dust accumulated on the floor rose up.

Running at incredible speeds is running, but stopping with complete control of one’s body is also a state of art. Encred straightened his body to one side and spoke.


Then he immediately jumped from above. Because now was not the time to admire the pair of eyes.

Encrid ran into the palace. He had no soldiers guarding the front of the castle. Instead, there was a noise from metal inside and the smell of blood.

Encrud ran after the sound and smell.

“Oh, that idiot!”

He saw someone who recognized him. It is a place where a group of people come together.

Was this moment created by chance?

Or is it the help of Goddess Luck?

Or maybe he was hoping for a moment like this.

You never know.

The bastard who was spreading false rumors was a familiar face. He was a former bullshit instructor.

“Hey, bring that waitress.”

I still remember the time when I was wiping my mouth. After that, he was beaten to death.

“Tell me you’re sorry for losing and that you were wrong.”

He insisted, but Encred answered quietly.

“what? “Did you say doggie?”

I have so many memories of almost dying. Some of them are helpful, but some are bad memories.

The current case was the latter.

The former bullshit instructor was now a soldier of the Viscount Mernes family.

He was wearing a Gambison with the family crest on it.

He smiled heartily and opened his mouth.

“Hey, tell me honestly. “You sold your body to get to your current position, right?”

It was the first bullshit I heard in a long time.

The instructor who specialized in bullshit knew Encred from the past.

A guy who wields a sword to death even though he has no talent.

The guy who swung his sword until his grip exploded.

It’s an asshole. What kind of Border Guard hero is that guy?

It was nonsense.

There are probably people watching your back.

It was like that then too.

Aren’t there some bastards who secretly take care of that guy?

“Do you know where Krang is?”


“I don’t think you know.”

“What are you talking about, you idiot?”

“You’re probably still busy barking around, right? Woof woof?”

When I brought up our past relationship, his face brightened.

“Kill it.”

He spoke with a fierce attitude, thrusting his sword forward and taking a stance.

There were some things the old guy said that were helpful.

“If you are overconfident that you are strong, you will fall. Even if you catch just one rabbit, you have to do your best. “If you don’t, this floor will lead you to the goal.”

To agree. Encred thus looked his best.

Between the colonnade that looked like a corridor, the number of instructors and their group facing each other was thirteen.

Judging from the way he was giggling and holding a sword in his hand, it was obvious that he was running around mischievous under the title of Viscount Mernes.

Even now, behind them, a maid with half-torn clothes was visible. She was shaking, with her eyes frightened and her arms bruised and bruised.

Encred took a left step forward. Gives strength to muscles. He bends and straightens his knees, catches the spark, and looks forward.

I looked at the visible enemy and kicked the ground.


The soles of my feet pushed against the stone floor.

Instantaneous acceleration.

The speed at which I let everything go behind me became a burning point, putting an end to my previous relationship.

Ting, puk.

A body appeared along with the noise. A stream of blood followed the spark that was removed as quickly as it was pierced.

The guy couldn’t even react to Encred’s stabbing.

The difference in skill was clear.

The guy holding the sword fell down. Suddenly his knees hit the ground and he fell forward.

There was a thud and the sound of the head kissing the floor deeply.

The others stopped breathing when they saw the guy falling. It’s because I was so surprised.

Encred silently pulled out the sword on his left waist. Slurp, it’s Gladius.

Gladius in the right hand, sparks in the left.

Encrid, holding a sword in both hands, became a wolf among sheep.

Two of the sheep held out their hands full of wool, but the wolf lightly swatted them away and cut them off.

The subsequent slash with the thick, wide blade and the stab with the thin, narrow blade put twelve sheep in a state just before slaughter.

After killing them all, Encred waved the weapons in both hands in the air and wiped away the blood.


The maid was saved, but she became even more scared.

The group that looked like devils in front of my eyes instantly turned into a piece of meat.

I was lucky that I didn’t black out.

He didn’t seem to have the presence of mind to answer what was asked.

However, Encred is not in a position to take care of it.

“Where are you hiding?”

Instead, he just said something and moved. After that, he moved his feet and put the sword in the scabbard, then clenched and unclenched his grip and thought.

‘It became more comfortable.’

This is something I felt after dealing with Acea and sparring with her countless times, but I’m more used to using Will.

If I used it constantly and overexerted myself, I would faint sometimes, but I was fine in one night.

Acea was extremely surprised to see that, but Encred still felt uncomfortable.

However, the more you repeat it, the more you get used to it.

Should I say that my body naturally changes as I use Will?

Should I say that it develops like that?

In any case, it is much more comfortable and better than before.

It’s a short thought. It is a piece of passing thought.

Encred had a feeling that someone else would block his path from now on.

‘It seems like everything that could be called a bad relationship is coming out.’

The first was a jealous magistrate.

Afterwards, a group of assassins.

Now I’m a bullshit instructor.

Encred followed his intuition and moved his feet.

Soon, we found another group of people fighting.

This is thanks to moving according to the sound.

It was a garden inside the royal palace. There weren’t even people guarding the inner wall, so there was a fight going on here.

There, the Royal Guard group was split into two groups.

“Who are you?”

One of the Royal Guards shouted and Encred responded.

“You’re just a passerby, so do what you do.”

“… … “What a crazy bastard.”

“If anyone knows where Kraang is, I would appreciate it if you could tell me.”

Encred’s eyes turned to one person. He is the owner of the dark gray helmet.

Their bodies were stained with blood, as if they had gone through a lot of trouble.

“It’s in a separate room inside the palace. late.”

He said.

“Crazy guy!”

One of the Royal Guards rushed towards Encred, showing off a golden spear.

Encred took his right foot back and kicked it forward.

This is a Balaf style kick with the upper back foot.

Using the rotation of the axis of the waist, the foot bent like a whip and accurately hit the hand holding the spear.

The Royal Guard, who was conscious of the sword, was struck in the finger.


The sound of bones breaking rang out. These are boots with the top and bottom of the foot padded with hard leather. It was a weapon itself.


The soldier screamed and lost his spear. Since it was broken, it must have been quite painful.

The day before yesterday, I saw a face that I knew. He was a Royal Guard soldier who was teased and had his molars ground.

We meet here again.

Encred hit the guy holding my hand on the head with his sword.


A crunching scream mixed with a cool sound. The guy collapsed. A thumping sound rang out.

Blood seeped out from inside the golden helmet. His head seemed a little broken.

Encred asked, looking away.

“Do you need help?”

Even though he knocked down a guy, he was very calm.

Subtle pressure and momentum overwhelm the surroundings. It is a force that only those with skills can see.

Everyone fell silent under pressure that could only have come from a semi-knight of the Knights of the Red Cloak.

“Didn’t I say it was late?”

The dark gray helmet said.

When it was time to help here, I heard a voice telling me to go to Kraang.


Encred ran straight ahead. I didn’t know where the separate room was, but I just figured out the direction by feel.

If that doesn’t work, you can just ask the guy you meet in the middle.

“This is treason!”

A shout was heard from behind.

“If what I believe is right is treason, then I am treason.”

The voice of a dark gray helmet could also be heard countering those words.

Encred went inside and looked for the separate room. The long hallway led him to one side.

Light streamed in through the windows on the wall.

This was the moment when I took a few steps, thinking that Her Majesty might be in danger at this level.

“Until there.”

Someone blocked Encred.

It is a woman with orange hair and wearing typical leather armor instead of a cape and iron plate armor.

Encred’s feet stopped. This was an opponent who would speak before attacking.


“I can’t allow you to go any further than here.”

Acea blocked Encred’s path without even a smile.


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