Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 372

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372. Squire Lawford

Krang reflected on his mistake.

It was also an operation with many gaps to begin with. So the mistake wasn’t important.

I knew what I needed right now and confirmed what I needed to do.

He did so.

What I needed right now was time, and I needed something to earn it.

“Marcus Weissar.”

“Please speak.”

“Can you get out and call for help?”

“… … “I think that’s the way it should be.”

Krang was locked in the assigned reception room. The small private reception room was what the royal palace called the outer separate room.

This is a place where guests stay when they come to the palace, and it is not equipped with defensive facilities.

Since he was not yet an archduke or anything, the living room connected to the bedroom was the only space Crang had.

That’s why I’m trapped here now.

As soon as Krang finished speaking, Whip Guard Matthew threw a stool toward the window.

The window cracked and broke.

Matthew smashed the remaining glass with the handle of his whip and cleared it away.

The window was wide. It was enough for one person to go out.

“There will be my escort outside.”

Marcus said and walked over to the window. It is three stories high. It’s not low, but there’s a large garden tree in front, so if you fall while holding on to a branch, you won’t die.

Krang sat on the chair and crossed his arms. Her mind wasn’t complicated. She became rather simple and clear.

Viscount Mernes rebelled.

It would be crazy not to look back.

‘It’s an appropriate move.’

Krang admitted. He said that Viscount Mernes, who he thought was a half-asshole, was actually a smart and sensitive guy.

‘Are you going to use everything you have here?’

It is a move in which a sharp-edged dagger is thrust under the neck.

Everything Krang had done so far, including the grand duke appointment ceremony and coming to the palace, was for one thing only.

It is a simple and clear story.

The goal is to collect and dispose of trash.

That was also the way to solve the problem the queen gave.

“Make all ministers on your side.”

Kraang muttered. This is what he says as he raises one knee and hugs him. It was a small whisper that only my ears could hear.

To put it the opposite way, all I had to do was drive out and eliminate those who were not on my side.

What if it is impossible to find and persuade them one by one?

‘It’s just a matter of cleaning everything up.’

When I did that, all the opponents came together as one. The faction that had become one under Viscount Mernes attacked.

‘The factions will continue to fight and fight each other, so I thought it would be a little later before I could worry about this.’

Still, now was not the time to worry about reasons.

In the first place, it was a fight that required a gambling move, and Krang threw a gambling move. The results of the gamble were now coming out.


Marcus threw himself out the window.

Krang jumped up, leaned out the window, and watched Marcus leave.

He grabbed the tree branch right in front of him, slowed his fall, and fell and rolled.

The method of falling to disperse the impact was neat.

He was also a disciplined and trained soldier. As soon as it fell to the floor, the people guarding the front of the separate room rushed in.

Those with golden helmets and golden spear blades are the Royal Guard.

There were people here who were supposed to protect the queen.


“You are a traitor!”

Who is a traitor?

The spear blade aimed at Marcus flew out.

Marcus rolled on the floor again. Leaves and grass stuck to my cheeks and back. He rolled over, got up, and turned his back to the tree. His shirt was torn and tattered on his forearms.

After catching his breath, Marcus looked left and right.

He couldn’t see his escort. I’ll be in the lobby on the first floor of the private room, so I’ll be there soon.

Marcus thought and pulled a short dagger from his waist.

“Come in, come in, you bastards.”

Marcus said, turning his eyes left and right. The first one that comes in is killed somehow. He showed determination.

“Circular siege.”

Then, the Royal Guard commander with a dark gray helmet suddenly appeared and spoke.

No one rushes.

Instead, the Royal Guard’s spears surrounding the area drew a neat circle.

It is a perfect siege.

‘Mr. Geez.’

Throwing out spears at the same time in this situation is the Royal Guard’s specialty.

To block ten spear blades fired at the same breath and at the same time with a single dagger, wouldn’t you have to be at least a semi-knight?

That’s when Marcus broke out into a cold sweat.

“Is that the right way!”


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Krang said, sticking his head out the window. Although they were isolated and crowded, their dignity and authority were not diminished.

Krang’s authority and dignity come from an individual’s character, personality, and actions.

He put one foot on the window and exposed himself. If an arrow comes from somewhere, you will die, but hiding yourself and raising your voice will not help here.

One of the royal guards who was waiting saw this and gently lifted his spear and held it back.

It was a distance that you could hit if you threw it far enough.

The commander in the dark gray helmet saw that and waved his hand.

This is a signal to wait. Then the soldier frowned inside his helmet.

“It’s a symbol.”

“Just shut up. Disobeying orders is summary execution.”

The soldier’s eyes sparkled at those words, but he eventually lowered his spear.

The person wearing the dark gray helmet raised his head. Towards Kraang.

“Then what is the right way?”

he asked. He stopped with his spear raised, and his men gathered around him. There were less than ten people.

The inside of the palace was already in shambles, with screaming and fighting breaking out everywhere.

“Right and wrong are not determined by others.”

Krang spoke clearly and slowly.

What is right for the Royal Guard?

It is about protecting the royal family. The man wearing the dark gray helmet was in agony.

What is the right way?

Krang, his hair blowing in the wind, came into his field of vision.

Even though everything ends when you die, you risk your life to buy a little time.

For what?

This is to save the life of Marcus Weissar, the man whom Viscount Mernes called a traitor.

Does that action have any meaning?

Would buying some time make a difference?

I do not know. It was not a calculated action.

I do it because I believe it is right.

It seemed that way. At least that was all he could see with his own eyes.

He saw Kraang, met him and talked to him. That must have had an impact too.

He didn’t know he would make this choice at this moment, but he chose a side.

“… … Unit reversal. Turn the window.”

“Are you crazy!”

The soldier holding the spear backwards shouted, but the owner of the dark gray helmet kept his mouth shut.

I decided to stand here to protect the queen. She believed that this was a more honorable position than being a knight.

But what about now?

A position that is urgently needed to protect the lives of a few noble nobles?

Where should I lift the spear for them?

I didn’t want it.

To be honest, after I told them it was none of my business, I wanted to punch them in the face.

Soon the Royal Guard group split into two.

It was a group divided into factions to begin with. The spearhead flew towards the owner of the dark gray helmet.

This is the guy who frowned.

He turned his body sideways to reduce the range of the spear blade.

I dodged it and hit it with my spear, then put my left foot forward again and hit my spear like a club.

Hung! Sigh!


The scream of the subordinate who raised his arm to block it rang out. When the guy whose arm was broken in a single blow retreated, other guys took his place.

“Are you crazy?”

another soldier asked.

“It seem to be like that.”

When he answered indifferently, his subordinates cleared the way for Marcus.


Marcus said and left. Instead of answering his words, the dark gray helmet stood behind him.

Marcus went out without looking back, took his horse, and ran. But the crisis was not over.

I had to repeatedly shake off those pursuing me.

Two of his guards followed him, but one of them died, and the other stayed behind to bide his time.

At the end, even a madman from the West joined. Of course, Marcus didn’t even have time to check who the other person was.

“Where are you going in such a hurry?”

I quickly got on my horse and ran away, but the guy ran without even riding a horse. He was fast. It looked like he would be caught any moment.

The spear he threw cut into the flesh of my forearm.

The horse ran away without any time to recover. Drops of blood flew as he ran.

“Run, you are my lifeline.”

Marcus consoled his horse and ran to Andrew’s mansion. That was the last resort.

Now, even my family, Baisar, could not be said to be on his side.

* * *

Krang shouted, isolated in a place where everyone had left.

“Do you know who my friend is? “He is Encrid, the lone shining star of the Border Guard, the antagonist of Azpen, and a madman armed with demonic powers.”

No one answered. Matthew asked back.

“… … Will it work?”

“right? “It’s not working yet, is it?”

Even though the calculation failed, Krang smiled. He smiled broadly and responded to Matthew’s words.

“Open the passage.”

At least a secret passageway was secured. It is a hole that leads diagonally downward. It was also the queen’s consideration.

‘I guess I can hold out for about half a day.’

Then you can clean up the collected trash. In other words, the other person moved half a day faster than expected.

‘This shit started in broad daylight.’

Krang instinctively knew.

You need variables to live your life and succeed in this business.

The opponent also prepared for that variable, but Krang also prepared.

Now it was time to see the end.

* * *


Rem reacted.

The extent of the injuries sustained by Marcus on the horse, and the behavior of the man following him.

The moment he saw it, Encred’s mouth opened.

“Screw you.”

Even so, Rem himself was the one to catch and kill him. He is followed by an angry madman.

The guy who ran away before showed up here.

Rem jumped out on the wall.

Then the person chasing Marcus turned around. He kicked the ground with a thud and then he immediately turned and started running backwards.

Following that, the spear blade floating in the air turns and follows suit. It was a retreat without any hesitation. Rem quickly followed after him.

The two ran over the bluestone faster than a horse.


Without thinking, a woman on the side of the road screamed.

After seeing this, the person who was either her lover or her husband held the woman in his arms and pressed himself against the wall of a building that appeared to be a store.

In that brief moment, the sight of the two quickly disappeared.

I couldn’t follow Rem with my eyes because he disappeared between the buildings.

Encred looked at Marcus who had approached him.

He climbed onto the horse, blood dripping from one arm, out of breath, and spoke with an expression of greater urgency than ever before.

“Help me.”

Encred decided it was time to move.

As I was about to climb down from the wall, someone shouted from behind me.

“If you run away from here, the problem will only get bigger!”

It was a squire. Encrud spoke towards the back.

“I’m going to the palace.”

The squire knew whose hands the palace was now in.

Going now means risking your life.

For what?

The squire frowned. He frowned. The bridge of his nose wrinkled.

Suddenly, things like why I was here, what I was here for, whose orders I was there for, and whether I had my own will came to mind.

The words of the driver who taught him came to mind.

“It’s not about right or wrong. “Where is your meaning?”

He was recognized for his talent in swordsmanship and became a squire, but his personality was always criticized.

“So what do you think?”

Even when choosing a lunch menu, I would respect my colleagues’ wishes.

My original personality was to be drawn here and there.

That was also what brought me to where I am now.

This is because he obeyed the will of others rather than his own will. Although the self-consolation that I moved according to his orders remains.

‘Is that all it takes? Are you satisfied?’

I don’t know.

‘Why am I here?’

The Squire’s will was strengthened by Encred’s unexpected words and the words of the person he was supposed to capture.

A strange and strange feeling moved his mouth.

“Soon, the army gathered by Viscount Mernes will advance.”

As I raised my words without realizing it, Encred looked back and blinked.

Why are you telling yourself that?

“The person who leads them, uniting all factions, is no less than a quasi-knight of the Knights.”

“What are you talking about now?”

Next to him, the chief constable spoke in an urgent tone and grabbed the squire’s arm.

The squire calmly shook off the arm and continued.

“Please help me.”

Encred scratched his head.

Asking someone to help you is not something a person who came to catch you would say.

But it was difficult to ignore the way he spoke so sincerely.

The squire bowed his head.

The South Gate guard wearing a feather hat next to him also came forward.

“If things continue like this, even the citizens of the capital will be seriously injured.”

Will the army that has advanced to the capital just remain calmly stationed there?

Those are things created by gathering together pieces called factions?

Among them, there must have been swordsmen who sold their bodies for gold coins, and there must have been many who were blinded by the slaughter. Since it was a time when even nobles could not decide on various things, those who had become infamous would also have been included.

For the safety of citizens.

To protect the capital.

The two stepped forward and bowed their heads.

“Ragna, you can stop it, right?”

Ragnar did not ask ‘why?’ I just looked at Encred’s eyes.

“Go and stop it. Dunbakhel, come with me.”

Ragna and Dunbakhel will be able to stop the elite soldiers coming from the front.

“What is your name?”

Encred asked the squire.

“This is Lawford.”

“Go and gather the remaining troops and block the incoming enemy. “Hold on with the gate closed, and my troops will take care of those who request a duel.”

After rescuing Kraang, if we are surrounded by the advancing enemy forces, that will be the end.

Encred perceived the situation both sensuously and rationally.

Previously, the sense I had developed when I was surrounded by enemy forces and escaped after repeating hundreds of times today shone through.

He knew what to do through intuition.

To block external forces and organize the internal forces.

Unless Kraang has no idea, all he needs is time.

Encred realized where he was now.

“let’s go.”

Ragna spoke after hearing Encred’s command.

It was not a request, but an order. Ragna and Dunbakel turned around without making a sound.

To one side, Marcus gasped. His skin turned blue.

Saxony stuck to Encred’s side.

As we climbed over the wall, the remaining troops turned their heads to the left and right.

Should I follow a man named Ragna?

Or should I catch Encred who is moving away?

They saw a fallen police officer, and next to him was a police officer sweating profusely.

“Didn’t you raise a spear to protect the capital? At least that’s how I am. Those who will stay here, stay.”

said Squire Lawford.

There comes a moment for everyone when they grow and become enlightened.

Now Lawford was like that.

The trigger was Encred’s words about going to the royal palace.

“let’s go.”

He followed Ragna first, followed by the South Gate Guard Captain, followed by the soldiers who had changed their minds earlier, and the remaining Guard Captain continued to say things like damn it.

“Let’s go and do our duty.”

Still, the words were plausible.

Of course, Andrew also stepped forward.

If he went to the palace alone now, he wouldn’t be able to do anything, so he wanted to protect the walls. Let’s ask the five practitioners to stay.

“We trained as hard as we could.”

A female trainee full of freckles said.

When the five trainees got behind Andrew and tried to follow Mac, Andrew shook his head.

“You’re a butler now. Protect.”

After speaking, the six of them joined behind the group that left first.

Ragna, who was in the lead, walked quickly forward, and Dunvakel followed next to him.

“This seemed more fun, right?”

Ragna nodded indifferently.

Squire Lawford, who was walking next to him, inwardly shook his head.

fun? Now was not the time to discuss such things. He said after walking a little. The direction was wrong.

“We have to go to the west gate.”

Lawford said.

“Um, this way, right?”

“No, it’s north.”

Lawford spoke to the prosecutor who was taking the lead and took the lead himself.

For some reason, he seemed to have poor navigation skills.


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