Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 371

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371. Persuade the magistrate


Folman Vertes, Encred, who memorized the name even though he didn’t mean to, looked at the person who shouted with a red face.

It means a magistrate or a bureaucrat.

Of course he’s a noble.

Anyway, inside this royal palace, are nobles being taken out of some kind of infinite pocket?

‘Isn’t there too much?’

They say that all dogs and cows are viscounts, barons, baronets, and nobles with blue blood.

Isn’t the title too vague?

Useless thoughts suddenly appeared in my mind, then blurred and disappeared.

Whether there were many nobles or not was none of Encred’s business.

However, since it was a lot, I thought it might be okay to reduce it a bit.


Rem picked his ears and said to Paulman, who was getting angry.

“ruler. “Listen carefully.”

“Hey guy, where are you coming from?”

The guard captain appeared to be the commander in charge of another gate.


When he got angry, the south gate guard behind him hit me on the forehead.

Why did they come forward and do such a damn thing? It looks like that.

Encred knows the army and knows the soldiers.

How many of these people came of their own will?

The soldier, who had quick eyes and sharp ears, looked uncomfortable. It is knowing what the people in front of you have done.

These are the people who dealt with the moonlight beast and ensured the safety of my family, citizens, colleagues, and friends.

These are people who did the work they were supposed to do.

Their eyes were uncomfortable. The facial expression was also the same.

In particular, there were many such people around the South Gate guard captain.

Rem cheerfully ignored the man’s words and continued.

“The Moonlight Beast killed and threatened citizens. But huh? Since we couldn’t solve it, a paramedic came and caught it together. When I caught it, I thought it was either a bantra or a hawk. But what? Murder?”


One of the guard captains was so angry that he held up a spear longer than his height.

It seemed like he was going to attack me at any moment.

Rem lowered her hand from picking her ears and looked in that direction.

If you attack it, it looks like it will cut it to pieces.

“Well, just a moment, just a moment.”

The south gate guard quickly stepped forward.

If left unattended, it could be a major accident. He saw Encred and his group fighting.

Only Paul was so jealous that he thought it was an opportunity and ran forward, but he stopped him in the end.

If this complicated situation ends, it has become impossible to maintain the current position.

Still, nothing changed.

He himself was eventually dragged here. He can’t die for mutiny, can he? Even though I knew it was poison, I came with the feeling of licking the blood of a ghoul.

But I couldn’t just leave it at that.

If you leave it alone, all of your subordinates will die. It was obvious that his companion would be chopped by an ax or a sword, and his head would be cut off and he would be rolling on the ground. I couldn’t just leave it at that.

“There is a misunderstanding.”

Polman raised his eyebrows when he saw the south gate guard leader step forward.

“Go back, where are you going?”

Where do authority and dignity come from?

You can tell by looking at Kraang. It comes from the person himself. They walk differently and talk differently. The weight of words is different.

The trust and faith gained through actions give strength to words.

“Kneel down now!”

So, does the man in front of me have authority and dignity?

The momentum in his voice made it sound as if a mosquito had come and started buzzing.

There was an ugly man there who was blinded by jealousy.

The voice was low and imitated dignity, but it sounded like a whiny, immature child. Well, it may be foolish to come this far.

‘Is it because I’ve seen so many proud people?’

Crang, Marquis of Octo, Ruagarne, Eisia, etc.

Even the Whip Guard had come to deal with the Moonlight Beast.

I moved because I knew that protecting my lord came first, but keeping his lord’s will came first.

There was a glimpse of spirit, duty, will, and belief in the movements.

Rather than being Krang’s tool, he seemed like a human being with something of his own choosing.

Compared to those people, the friend who was whining in front of me seemed so inferior in comparison.

Encred also has ears. Did you say that the magistrate was grinding his molars because he was jealous of him attending the party?

“Unless I came here to talk, I think it would be better to start quickly.”

Ragna, who was behind him, took a step forward and said.


The south gate guard slapped me on the forehead once more.

I’m so shocked that this is it.

The magistrate thought he had endured enough.


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Don’t these scoundrels even ignore the dignity of nobility?

The lady I was in love with didn’t do this because she fell in love with Encred at first sight.

Although he was a magistrate and a nobleman, his opponent was only a soldier and a brat.

If you listen to the rumors around you, does that mean that he stole the achievements of his colleagues?

The rumor raised by those who were jealous of Encred was growing like a snowball.

Moreover, the magistrate, whose ears were clogged, heard only what he wanted to hear.

Even though I heard that the Border Guard was a hero, I ignored it.

What kind of monster has Viscount Bantra turned into?

Aside from the actual transformation into a monster, this was an opportunity for the magistrate.

Moreover, didn’t Viscount Mernes also subtly encourage it?

Go and see the end.

The result is now, and the result was the words spoken just now.

“Arrest him!”

As soon as the magistrate’s order was given, two guards and three cavalrymen dismounted from their horses and approached.

Their spirit was quite ferocious.

Even if it is just a rumor, what has been achieved is truly amazing.

Even if only some of them were real, they were not great people to deal with.

Nevertheless, the fact that he came forward also meant that many false rumors about Encred were spread.

Encred watched the approaching group indifferently.

Should I follow along quietly? no. Even if I said something nice, I shouldn’t have followed suit.

Encred knew instinctively.

‘Things have already happened.’

Otherwise, there are Krang and Marcus, and they are coming to get you?

“Get Baron Andrew too. The author faces the same charges. “If you resist, you can kill me.”


Andrew snorted at those words. Yes, if you’re going to try it, do it. That was the mindset.

The eyes of the man named Polman scanned the armament of Encred and his companions.

It seemed like he was praying for me to attack him. He did as he wished.

There was no need for a major battle. Encred spoke, completely ignoring those approaching.

“Dunbakel, catch it and bring it to me.”

There was no need for Ragnar and Rem to step forward.

A prisoner jumped forward. The white shadow stretches and stretches. The short white hair looked like a long line.

One of the guard captains reflexively held out his spear.

He was a person who had the skill to freely wield a spear as his skill. Although he is an outstanding person among ordinary soldiers, Dunbakel is a beast that even Acia recognizes.

As she ran, she twisted the spear’s shaft by tapping it with her fingernails, then grabbed the pole and threw it aside.

“100 million!”

One of the guard captains who was holding on to his spear rolled to the side.

Three more soldiers were blocking the front. Dunbakhel did not even draw his curved sword. He walked up, tripped the man on the shin with his foot, extended his fist and struck him near the jaw.

Their helmets did not protect their chins.

In particular, he was particularly vulnerable to punches that came close and were thrown from the bottom up.

Chin, hun. Snap, snap.

After several noises, the soldier who blocked the magistrate collapsed.

Dunbakhel did not stop there. This was just a process.

She struck forward further, and the magistrate, who saw her, grabbed the sword at her waist. It is a broad sword with a wide blade.

While he was putting his hand on his sword grip, Dunbakeel soon approached the mounted magistrate.

She grabbed the magistrate’s wrist as he tried to pull out his sword.

Still on his horse, the horse carrying the constable raised his front paws, hissing in surprise.

“Uh oh!”

The surprised magistrate was dragged down by his wrist.

Because my foot was caught in the saddle, my ankle was bent in the opposite direction with a crunch.

My left foot came off easily, but it was because my right foot was caught in the stirrup.


The magistrate screamed from the sudden pain.

Dunbakhel pulled him out with all his might.

The magistrate’s screams began on the horse and ended in front of Encred.

Dunbakeel stepped forward and knocked down five soldiers in an instant, grabbed the magistrate’s wrist and dragged him down to bring him forward.

The Capital Police Commander, who was ranked just below the magistrate and was the highest rank other than him, was about to move but stopped.

‘f*ck, what is this?’

To be honest, I couldn’t even think of stopping it. He was right next to the magistrate and barely managed to pull out his sword.

The sound of the sword being drawn and teasing represented his thoughts. He sounded like a helpless noise, lacking confidence.

No, it could have only sounded that way to him.

He raised his sword forward.

But can I swing this?

At first glance, it wasn’t at an ordinary level, but it seemed like they had to bring in knights. So, an assistant driver was needed.

In fact, he was also a squire and had brought in a knight, but looking at the current situation, this was the wrong appointment.

The one who came with him was the squire. Not a quasi-knight.

“Can you stop it?”

The police chief lowered his voice and asked. The squire on his left, wide-eyed, spoke without taking his eyes off him.

“He’s in the row above me.”

The word much was missing, but the squire knew it as soon as he saw it.

If that prisoner attacks you, will you be able to handle it?

Although it is said that you have to compete to determine whether you will win or lose in a fight, you can see the difference in skill at a glance.

I could tell just by looking at the movement. At least the highest rank of squire, just before semi-knight, or semi-knight.

It was a movement and technique worthy of such a judgment. It was a blow that made full use of the beastman’s unique athletic ability.

There are also things that feel more dangerous than that.

There was a person who ordered it, and there were people who just watched without a care in the world.

The soldiers were overwhelmed from the start.

No one could say anything. Everyone, including the marshal and the squire, fell silent.

The highest commander was caught right away.

Everyone saw the police officer, who couldn’t even stand because his ankle was broken, sprawled out on the floor in front of Encred, dripping with cold sweat.


Even though he was discouraged, he eventually rebelled. There is no authority or dignity, but there is still aura. but. Isn’t there a need for Ogi to be there?

Encred asked when he saw the magistrate.

“Second knight Acea was also present. Is it true that you are charged with the murder of Viscount Bantra?”

“Associate knight Acea? Did you think you could get away with it if you showed up as a member of the Knights Templar? These are traitors! “What are you all doing?”

The magistrate, blinded by jealousy, gave up any attempt to understand the situation.

He squealed.

The squire, who was watching this, took a step forward.

Shouldn’t someone speak up properly?

The security captain next to me didn’t seem to have any intention of opening his mouth, and the reason he came here was to say this.

“That’s right. “Queen Knight Lord Acea did not deny any of the charges.”

said the squire, raising his voice.

“So she was caught too?”

Encred’s gaze returned to him. Blue eyes looked straight at the squire.

“She is a Templar.”

The squire wanted to swallow. This is because the moment he made eye contact, the tension increased. Nevertheless, he seemed calm on the outside.

Encred thought after listening to the squire.

Are you saying we can’t hold the Knights Templar responsible for something like this? It was heard that Acea was not caught.

So how does everything else work?

At least it was clear that something had happened within the palace. It is time for Encred to recognize the situation through a few guesses.

“What are you doing! Don’t arrest this group of traitors right away!”

The magistrate finally made a mistake. The tear stains around my eyes eased the weight of those words.

He is good at talking to people who cry because he is in pain. The only thing better than a ghoul is the tongue.

Encred chose the quickest way to persuade Lee Jae. To be honest, it was a little noisy.


He immediately kicked his chin with his foot and made him faint.

I kicked him in a way that made it seem like it didn’t matter if he died, so I heard the sound of his neck being broken, but I don’t know if I was lucky or not, but he didn’t die.

My neck is bent to the side and my nose is buried on the floor, drooling. When I took a quick look, I just fainted.

“What, if you’re going to kill me, tell me.”

Rem spoke from behind and continued, giggling.

“Have you forgotten my nickname?”

A noble hunter, anyway, his hobbies are eccentric.

Encred left the unconscious man behind and opened his mouth.

“The next person in charge? If you’re going to order everyone to attack, I hope you think carefully. “I have no intention of turning Andrew’s mansion into a cemetery.”

It would show some kindness. The south gate guard is over there.

That author fought for people and for the security of the capital.

Wouldn’t that alone be worthy of respect?

Walk the right path. Because I saw that, I used it as a standard for judgment.

Since you can’t know everything, it was natural to use what you heard, saw, and learned as the basis for your choices.

Encred did just that.

“I wish you could explain what happened to the palace.”

He said afterward.

Something clearly happened. Otherwise, this cannot happen.

A magistrate’s personal deviation?

If he was that mobile, he would have attacked me right away for any reason.

You only came here now? Because permission was not given.

Crans said that Viscount Mernes was the biggest problem.

The uneasy air stings my skin. Encred stopped speaking and turned his gaze to one side.

Shut up! Shut up!

I could feel the urgency from the sound of the horses’ hooves. It’s the sound of getting closer to the mansion.

“help me!”

There was even shouting mixed in.

Encred kicked the ground and launched himself, leaving behind those in front of him. He jumped straight up the wall of the mansion.

Rem followed Encred next to him. With a thud, it kicked the wall and rose upwards.

He had a unique talent for climbing fences.

Some of the security forces flinched when they saw that and tried to move.


Ragna blocked it. The feeling of intimidation itself is different. Everyone stopped.

Above the wall, Encred saw someone running vigorously on a bluestone-paved road.

It was Marcus.

He was the one who asked me to save him.

Someone was running and chasing after him.

It’s a strange outfit. He was wearing something that looked like a cloak covered in several layers of leather, and a spear was following him as if it were floating on both shoulders.


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