Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 370

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370. Color contrast


The water is rippling.

The only light source in the pitch-black darkness illuminates the surroundings. As I turned my gaze following the trail of light, I saw a being holding a lamp on a ferry boat.

Encred’s body is carried on a long ferry crossing the river.

Is it an illusion that my stomach is bigger and longer than before?

It had been a dream for a long time.

The boatman was standing opposite, holding the oar.

“Long time no see.”

Encred said.

Skin is visible along with the eyes, nose, and mouth. It is like dry land during a drought. There was not a trace of humanity visible in the cracked dark gray skin.

It’s still difficult to read their expressions, but compared to when we first met, I can see more.

At least you can see the eyes, nose, and mouth.

Even more so, now I can even talk.

The boatman’s mouth opened. The straight line appears to open for a moment and then close. The mouth opened and closed in such a way that it was impossible to read its shape.

“This wall will be fun.”

He said.

The heavy and low tone of voice felt like a dull hammer.

The moment words are spoken, they reach the other person. There is no weapon that is that fast.

Encred felt as if he had been struck in the heart by the hammer of the boatman’s words without any time to defend himself.

Shock spreads throughout the body. My body is shaking. I feel vibration. It stimulates the natural fear of humans. The boatman did so.

And Encred.

“I look forward to it.”

I enjoyed everything.

There is no beast’s heart, no single-pointed concentration, no sensory skills, no trained body.

All that remains is your true self.

Encred responded with his own will, belief, and determination.

In fact, he enjoyed it. Seriously, I truly enjoyed this situation. It was something I said from the heart.

Your heart will tremble and the shock that will pass through your body will all become stepping stones for the next step.

It is anticipation that overcomes fear.

Is there even a day today that doesn’t serve as a stepping stone?

It may be so, but it cannot be so.

It’s a contradiction. These are contradictory words.

However, these words suited Encred himself perfectly.

‘There is something to learn even from the flowers blooming in the field.’

There is something to learn from the stars in the night sky.

There is something to be learned from dandelion seeds fluttering in the wind.

Think about it.

Think about it.


Think and think again. Don’t forget that everything can be your sword.

Teachers, instructors, mercenaries, Rem, Ragna, Saxony, Audin, as well as Ester, Dunbakel, Teresa, Kraang, Andrew, and even the most recent Acea.

Many others, those who died by their own swords.

Enemy soldiers when repeating the first day.

Prosecutor of the Huryer family.

Traps of wizards, magic, witchcraft and strategy.

Everything was a teaching.

“Is it madness or determination?”

said the boatman.

Gradually his appearance becomes blurred. This is a dream and an inner world. You will wake up soon.

“Or is it the struggle of an ignorant person?”

The boatman looked at Encred.

Eye color changes all the time. It turns blue, then red, then red, then pitch black. It took on a purple color again and then turned into dark tree bark.

Only then did Encred realize that it was the first time he had looked directly into the boatman’s eyes.

“Now we can even make eye contact.”

I heard the boatman’s words. I only felt a vague mixture of admiration.

With that, Encred opened his eyes.

‘long time no see.’

It’s been a while since I had a dream about a boatman. It seems like it was a long time ago since I last saw a boatman.

This is because I haven’t repeated today recently. So did you let your guard down? Are you saying you don’t face a repeating day?

That didn’t happen. Even when catching the moonlight beast and when fighting with Acea.

As my thoughts reached Asia, my sparring with her came to mind. It was disappointing and disappointing. It would have been fun to fight a little more.

There was a lot left to learn. But she left.

Acea showed a moderation that was not easily seen in Rem, Ragna, and Saxony.

‘Is it because I built and learned the basics at the Knights Templar?’

Soft, but straight.

Although it is called a circular sword, it is a completely different form compared to the Valenic mercenary sword.

‘Hwangeom is something that deceives and confuses the opponent.’


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Among them, it is a technique that excludes deception and takes advantage of the opponent’s concentration.

This is a method that would not work on a warrior or swordsman of any level.

Probably, if you are at the level of a semi-knight, or even below the level of a squire, you will be able to ignore Acia’s ‘aiming with the tip of the sword’ and throw away your sword.

Even ignorance, not knowing what is, sometimes appears bold.

Of course, at that level, he wouldn’t be an opponent who would even need to point the tip of his sword.

Although it was a short period of time, there was still a lot to learn.

It was the same mindset as in the dream.

There is something to learn even from the fluttering dandelion seeds.

‘Everything that happens around me is my teacher.’

If there is a teaching, I will think about it, study it, and learn it.

Although Encred was not conscious of it, his desire to improve always boiled over.

It is a desire to become better.

It is a desire to go further.

It is a desire to develop skills, level, and technology.

You naturally develop a positive attitude, and it doesn’t stop there, you also reflect on yourself.

Because now I know that it is a faster way.

Rest is important and there are times when you need to take a step back and look.

Now I know that.

Things I didn’t know when I met and learned from numerous instructors.

Now I can finally see, realize, and reflect on them one by one.

Encred knew that the time that had passed was not in vain.

I woke up with a thought and started my daily routine.

After going out, I warm up my body by jumping around in place.

Only then did they perform a unique isolation technique that stretched the muscles while loosening each joint.

Afterwards, I stood in front of the garden stones I had Andrew pile up, grabbed them with both hands, and pulled them.

It is a process of strengthening the back of the thighs, the center of the body, and even the thigh muscles when standing up from sitting.

Before I knew it, I had forgotten my dream of becoming a boatman and my desire to improve.

The place was filled with nothing but enthusiasm.

“Aren’t you tired of it?”

Andrew, who came out late, stuck out his tongue.


Encred asked while catching his breath and taking a short break.

“What I’m doing now, no. “Including everything.”

In the morning, I train every part of my body, and then I train again by getting hit by Dunbakel’s rocks or Lem’s fists.

Afterwards, practice swordsmanship and handling various weapons.

Sparring again and training again and again.

In his spare time, he teaches himself and his trainees.

Even just for one day, I carry out my excessive schedule every day without any hesitation. I wondered if humans could do this.

Andrew’s question conveyed that feeling.

What’s more, they recently beat up a moonlight beast, a human, or a monster.

He even talked about it as if he had gone out for a night out somewhere.

Andrew wondered if Encred was human.

Life is more brutal than before.

Even when I was under him before, I thought the training was rigorous, but compared to then, even though my skills are much better now, the amount of training has increased rather than decreased. It’s more extreme and unconventional.


Encred opened his mouth.


When he didn’t continue speaking right away, Andrew asked back as if he was adding a hint.

“It’s so fun I’m dying.”

Andrew’s lips opened and closed again, then opened and closed again. It was difficult to say anything.

However, if I didn’t say a word with all this admiration, I felt like my heart would feel clogged and stuffy.

So he turned his head to the side and muttered inaudibly.

“… … “You crazy bastard.”

I whispered that I was whispering, but of course Encred heard.

Before he knew it, Saxony came out and gave him advice from behind.

“You will hear everything.”


Andrew, who was startled because he didn’t sense any presence, turned his head back and asked.

“The captain has bright ears.”

Saxony kindly said it again.

Andrew’s suspicious gaze turned to Encred.

“I didn’t hear you call me crazy.”


Andrew sighed.

“Let’s start training.”

The technique of isolation that day began specifically with Andrew’s custom.

The human body adapts. Therefore, if you do the same intensity every day, you will become weaker.

So, it has to be done harder and more forcefully.

Encred gave Andrew such a gift.

“Why us?”

The five trainees also have to engage in more intense training.

There was something akin to resentment in their eyes.

“There’s plenty of room, guys.”

Rem laughed when she saw that. Where do you get eyes like that? resentment? Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?

“good night. good.”

Rem chuckled. The faces of the five trainees turned blue when they saw that.

Ragna came out to the training ground only late in the morning.

Compared to before, I really felt like a different person.

It seemed like it would be the same day.

Except that there is Krang’s title award ceremony tomorrow.

But it was different.

Encred felt the change in the air with his skin.

“Well, it’s quiet.”

Rem’s wild nature smelled similar. The same goes for Dunbakhel.

“Let’s get armed.”

Encred said. Rem nodded his head without saying anything. Everyone started moving. Encred also took care of his weapons.

‘Six whistle daggers.’

If the timing is right, it can be useful.

He wore three swords, bandage-type armor wrapped around his body, and a leather armor on top of it.

It was an armor lined with tough fabric.

Thanks to this, it held the body tightly and restricted movement, but it was difficult to see it as a major hindrance.

It was a gift from Andrew.

“Get your weapons ready.”

It was right after morning training ended. Andrew and his five disciples also gathered together at En Creed’s words.

“What is it?”

Mac asked. Did he also feel the uneasy atmosphere?

Am I just asking because I feel uneasy after seeing Encred and the group?

“I’m not in a good mood.”

Dunbakhel gave the answer. Ragna took his sword from one side and another short sword at her waist.

Then I pulled on my boot laces and tightened them.

Encred checked all the equipment, starting with the sword belt, and looked around the mansion and listened.


Rem didn’t say it was quiet for nothing.

Saxony nodded at Encred’s words.

Instead of a long sword, he is a Saxon who carries a forearm-length sword on his waist.

As soon as Saxony felt the uneasy air, he looked around.

There was no one around the mansion. There were quite a few people walking by, but there wasn’t a single dog in sight.

Across the cleanly paved bluestone road, several people could be seen hiding inside their houses.

Did someone clean up the area? No, the residents don’t come near this mansion.

It means that the surrounding area has already been surrounded by troops. A soldier dressed as a guard carrying a spear and a sword caught my eye. The number was approximately over twenty.

Encred ignored it. You probably don’t intend to do anything with that number.

So what are you going to do?

Right now, his successor is Krang. It’s Marcus. Are you going to ignore that?

‘What are you going to do?’

I was even looking forward to it.

After waiting for a while, Esther suddenly raised her head.

Encred and Esther’s eyes met.

Esther had been lying still and had just raised her head when something stimulated her.


To be exact, it is mana interference.

Someone played a magical trick here.

It’s a preparation that doesn’t cause anything to happen right away, but will make you do whatever you do if you let it.

There is a saying that a wizard’s battle is won by one who prepares.

Those who know their opponents and prepare for them have an advantage.

‘Does the other person know me?’

From a magical perspective, you get the idea. She rarely revealed herself, but didn’t she kill Galaf who was controlling the river?

There may have been someone among his disciples who recognized his traces.

‘Who could it be?’

It is a desire to win rather than curiosity.

There was a good reason why she was called a fighting witch.

Esther did not shy away from the fight.

Was there a widespread rumor that he had become weak due to a curse?

Anyone who knew that would definitely regret it deeply.

Esther took a step forward from her leopard appearance and turned into a human.

The fur disappeared, revealing white and fair skin, and instead of disappearing, the fur turned into a long coat.

Esther, who had changed, looked forward and looked around.

“When I see it, I tear out my eyes.”

I just saw Encred grab Andrew’s chin and turn his face.

“Good job.”

Esther praised briefly and walked away.

“I’ll be back for a while.”

Encred didn’t ask where. He will move everything on his own. If there is something magical, they will probably be trying to stop it.

I wasn’t worried, but I wanted to at least throw in some words of support, so Encred did so.

“Don’t get hit.”

“Who are you worried about?”

Ester, with her long, black hair pulled back and tied up in a vague and arrogant manner, climbed over the wall.

Before I knew it, long leather pants and a white shirt were included under the coat.

As it freed itself from the effects of the curse, it was not difficult to create clothes imbued with a protection spell.

It wasn’t just lying on a cushion and playing.

Esther also prepared and equipped herself with various things.

Not all wizards are prophets, but those who use spells properly have the sense to foresee danger.

The same was true for Esther.

She couldn’t have predicted this moment, but she was prepared.

It would have been enough to show the contrast.

Immediately after Esther left, Encred turned his head to one side, moved his ears a few times, and spoke.

“Andrew, have someone inside the mansion to defend it.”


“It seems a bit much.”

Andrew did as he was told without asking.

“Everyone go in!”

A few of the employees, namely the remaining maids, servants, Mac, and the five trainees went in first, while Andrew remained in the training hall.

Encred glanced at Andrew and answered.

“Shouldn’t you at least help out with one hand?”

Because I said there were a lot.

It’s because it’s annoying to protect and fight, but Andrew won’t be defeated easily.

With five trainees and Mac, we can probably handle it.

In the first place, I had no intention of letting anyone into the mansion.

Doo doo doo doo.

Soon I heard goosebumps shaking the ground.

I could feel the ground vibrating and getting closer.

A cloud of dust rose and cavalry could be seen riding on the bluestone.

At the entrance to the mansion, a military unit was seen tightly blocking the area where everyone’s eyes were directed. The man in fancy armor in front opened his mouth.

“I am Polman Vertes. “Is there someone named Encred here?”

“… … A magistrate?”

Andrew muttered after hearing the name.

“That’s me.”

Encred raised his hand. The hands are impressive, wearing gauntlets made of hard leather and iron plates.

In other words, they are armed. That was also visible to the magistrate.

The number of people surrounding the front of the mansion was twenty. The cavalry that came this time numbered over thirty, followed by some infantry, making the total number over a hundred. It seemed like all the guards had gathered.

Among them was the South Gate Guard Captain who was seen when catching the Moonlight Beast.

His complexion remained blue.

“I will take you away on charges of murdering Viscount Bantra.”

said the constable from his horse.

Oh my, this is terrible.

Encred speaks with his face.


Rem spoke with his mouth.

The magistrate’s face turned red at that truly succinct answer.

It was a color that really contrasted with the south gate guard captain.


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