Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 37

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37. What is the medium of witchcraft?

“Where did you learn those steps?”

In the fifth today, Ragna suddenly asked.

Of course you taught me.

Encred couldn’t be honest.

“There are more than 20 training centers that I have attended.”

Among them, there were some who were close to scammers, but there were also many places that taught properly.


Ragna nodded.

As I move based on the steps I learned from Ragna, Ragna’s expression suddenly becomes more lively. He was enjoying the moment.

To be honest, Ragnar was not a great teacher.

I couldn’t do that.

A genius cannot see beneath his feet.

That is why it is difficult to teach the path one has taken.

How can I explain something that can just be done?

I think that if you are told to throw down your sword, you should do so.

The necessary steps and movement of the center of gravity in the meantime are not explained. No, I can’t explain it.

This is the worst type to open a swordsmanship academy.

Encred realized that on the first day.

Still, it was okay.

If the person teaching is bad, the learner just needs to do well.

In that respect, it was safe to say that Encred was the best on the continent.

“Where are your feet? “Which direction do you point your toes?”

“Do I even have to tell you that?”

It is not an accusatory tone. I’m asking because I’m genuinely curious.


Ragna told me the direction of my toes, corrected my posture, and showed me his posture.

That posture was like a sample of basic skills.

It would be a talent that would make anyone with discerning eyes drool.

Just seeing Ragnar’s posture over and over again helped Encred.

“What is the center of gravity?”

“Yes, you can do it with that timing.”

Encred asked, and Ragnar answered.

Throughout the twelve repetitions, Ragna only taught Encred the steps and posture.

“Posture and feet come first, basics come next.”

“Sometimes you can swing it pretty well.”

“Now we couldn’t even chop firewood.”

“If an enemy soldier dies from your strike earlier, thank him three times for dying.”

“Are you dancing now?”

“It’s dancing, right? Since I danced with a sword, I should call it a sword dance, but I don’t want to do that. “Let’s name it the pole dance.”

Ragna quietly hurled harsh words.

‘Was this guy this type?’

Rem was a teacher who was several times gentler.

Sometimes, when I saw him speak, I wondered if he had gone crazy, but I was still satisfied.

Every day, I felt like I was cracking open an egg and being born again.

As the diagonal slash began, Ragna spoke.

“The line connecting the opponent you are facing and yourself is called the attack line. This line is usually the shortest distance between two people and is also the path through which the weapon will pass during an attack.”

“Blocking the opponent’s attack line and extending your own attack line is also basic. You understand? I don’t think so. Oh, is this it? “You understand with your head, but your body doesn’t listen?”

“I’ll say it again. “The squad leader only understood through word of mouth.”

Ragnar was a man who could not be taught without spitting harsh words.

Learn and learn again.

Twenty days have passed.

Twenty-five days have passed.

“… … “I thought your basic skills were poor, but you still know how to use your feet.”

It was a story I heard on the 35th day.

By this time, Encred’s behavior had changed slightly.

He didn’t die right away after the fog set in.

After dodging the first spear, he rushed into it and died.

The spear would be stuck in my body like a hedgehog.

It was a very good method.

Because sometimes a spear would go astray.

Why did he take the spear back when he was rushing at me to kill him?

I understand. It would be absurd to see him suddenly asking for death.

If the spear hit missed, it had to wriggle for an hour and then die.

It was a series of truly unbearable pain and a series of terrible moments.

Ragna called or shouted Encred every time.

“Squad leader!”



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Later on, I was in such a hurry that I just shouted, “Hey.”

Encred fulfilled today faithfully.

“Your posture is better than I thought.”

It gets better little by little. Every time it changed like that, Ragna frowned.

“Until yesterday, it was clear… … .”

I even muttered something like this.

“… … “Where and what did you learn?”

Ragna spoke as the hundredth day passed.

“who are you?”

I looked up to see what kind of nonsense this was.

“Obviously it was a mess until yesterday, so how did it happen in just one day? Is it magic?”

Ragna was surprised. Encred burst out laughing at that sight.

“why? “Do you think my skills are better than expected?”

“Not a little bit. “It makes me wonder if he’s the real squad leader.”

Ragnar looked with genuine suspicion.

This was a squad of troublemakers, and Ragna was also an oddball.

“So you’re not going to teach me?”

“That’s not it.”

Ragna started again with a calm attitude.

Afterwards, I swung my sword against an imaginary sparring opponent.

The concept of the line of attack, how to hold a sword, and when to use a sword as a means of defense.

“If it is a good quality sword, you can block it with the side, but if not, you can block it with the blade.”

“Cutting, stabbing and slicing are the three basics. The steps and posture are not bad, so focus on practicing the three basic sword techniques.”

There were many types of steps that Ragna taught.

Moving forward, passing by, digging in, avoiding, turning to the side, turning around, making a sharp turn.

Just memorizing it makes my head complicated, but as I do it, it has become a habit to some extent.

No matter how proficient he may be, his skills improved as he continued to teach on a 1:1 basis with someone of this level of skill.

Even if it was a weakness that was invisible to the eyes of a genius, it was a series of joys for Encred.

“Picture your opponent in your mind. “After that, I swing my sword.”


I continued to learn through dozens of todays.

Diagonal cut, sword bind, winding cut, bending cut, top horizontal cut, side-eye slash, crown cut, counterattack, half-sword fighting, parrying, shedding, continuous striking, digging, and striking.

As time passed, the vitriol decreased.

“It’s better than I thought. “Where did you learn the art of attaching a sword?”

“One of my previous instructors taught me to bind one to death.”


Ragnar said he was satisfied with that.

I also adopted this method when learning other skills.

“At my previous training center, I kept saying that the upper horizontal cut was a mess, so if I were going to teach you swordsmanship, it would be a good idea to start there.”

“… … “I’m the one teaching you, but it looks like you’ve already decided on what you’re going to learn.”

“Not necessarily.”

Shrugging his shoulders, Ragnar gave him a short test.

Then he immediately did as Encred said.

“I will.”

Ragnar would never know, but after repeating today’s lesson several times and teaching him, he would move on and say that this was enough.

Each time, Encred moved on to the next step.

A repeat of today, drenched in sweat under the rays of the sun.

This might be boring and nauseating to some, but it wasn’t to Encred.

By the time two hundred today passes by.


When I opened my eyes, I saw a black river.

What’s going on?

I see a boatman. A blindfolded boatman.

I couldn’t see his mouth open, but his voice caught my ear clearly.

“Are you crazy? Do you keep dying on your own feet? “You stupid bastard.”

The boatman’s tone of voice was plain, but the content was not. I woke up from my dream before I could answer anything.

Again, it was a familiar day.

Encred just opened his eyes and didn’t move. He was lost in thought.

“Did you even have a wet dream? “What are you doing?”

Beside me, Rem made a noise that sounded like a dog.

Ignoring it, Encred stood up.

‘Let’s just say I wanted to call him crazy.’

Even if you want to ask why, you can’t.

There is no point in holding on to a problem that cannot be answered no matter how much you think about it.

Encred stood up.

“Do you know any magic?”

At those words, Rem turned his head.


“If you know, please let me know.”

Every time the fog rose, Rem would spit out words related to witchcraft.

He must have known something.

I’ve been busy training the basics of swordsmanship, but now I have some time to spare.

It means that the training has become ingrained in you.

Every time I see Ragna, his skills have improved to a surprising degree.

I haven’t tested my skills yet, but what is certain is that Encred himself feels better than before.

“Sorcery can be a sorcery or something.”

“Recite what you know, I think it’ll be fun.”

Normally, Encred would never speak to me first. Rem smiled heartily and opened his mouth.

“Are you curious about what the wind is blowing like? It’s good. Well, let me put it simply. “What is the difference between magic and witchcraft?”

“Magic is more common.”

Although rare, wizards are occasionally seen.

But speaking of witchcraft, I have never seen Encred, who wanders around the continent. It’s that rare.

“It’s not wrong.”

Rem said and made the bed. She roughly rolled up the blanket, put it aside, put on her boots, and went outside.

Encred followed behind him.

It’s the same today.

I didn’t think it was boring. No matter what today is, it is just a happy day for Encred.

As I followed behind, Rem spoke again.

“Sorcery requires a medium. I know that magic sometimes requires a medium, but in magic, sacrifices or mediums are very important. “If it’s not there, it won’t start.”

“Did your tribe also use something like that?”

Lem is from the western frontier.

The reason it became a pioneer area was because the Central Continent Empire won the war.

Before that, the west was a land of immigrants.

This was also a story that was already over a hundred years old.

It has now become the western frontier, and western immigrants have been incorporated into one race.

Although they are still disparagingly called barbarians, witchcraft originated in the West.

That was common sense.

“I’ve seen it a few times. But did you know that there are actually only a few true shamans? “All those wandering around the continent are sorcerers, sorcerers.”

If that’s the case with Rem, then it must be so.

Encred nodded and went back to his business.

“Where is Gashu?”


After meeting Ragna, I sharpen my basic skills again.

When two hundred and fifty days had passed since this day was repeated, Ragna spoke.

“Were your fundamentals this strong originally?”

Ragna’s red pupils were seen to be dilated as he brushed his blonde hair.

“It looks like the longsword was the main weapon from the beginning.”

Yes, you’re probably right.

Because I continued to train with this sword.

It’s an awkward but familiar sword. This is my first time being touched by Encred, but this process has already been repeated several times.

It is a familiarity gained through repeated today.

“It’s time for real action.”

Ragna said after training was over.

Encred nodded and asked.

“What are you doing? “They say we’ll gather together.”

Rem called the two. On his way back, Encred obtained bread from Chrys and chewed it.

I chewed hard bread soaked in water and bought beef jerky to eat.

I checked my equipment and stood on the battlefield again.

Rem asked as the longsword she had replaced with Ragnar swung from her waist.

“Didn’t you say you gave me the sword you used at a high price?”

“I’m more comfortable with this.”

“I have seen many people who changed their weapons overnight and went to the goal.”

Is this a curse or a worry?

“Just worry about yourself.”

I took a deep breath and composed myself.

Just because the heart of the beast gives you boldness, you cannot rely solely on it.

If it is a practical task that is already being done, it would be better to do it for ‘tomorrow’.

Encred thought before the enemy came into view.

‘Spells require a medium.’

That medium is so important.

According to Rem, yes.

What if the reason the enemy stayed in the tall grass was not an ambush but concealment?

What if there was something they wanted to hide?

Encred saw it in advance.

Flagpole and flag.

After setting fire to one of the barracks, wasn’t he busy putting out the fire in the barracks rather than killing the intruders?

Soon the enemy came into view.

A soldier from the 3rd squad right next to me frowned and muttered while holding a spear.

“Why is Daehyung like that?”

Since it is a formation based on the flagpole, it has no tactical value.

If so, it would only have magical value.

Six flagpoles and flags towered above the enemy forces.

It is a medium for witchcraft.


The fog spreads and obscures my eyes.

Well then, shall we swim in the fog of witchcraft?

Encred’s ears twitched.

It was time for the sensitive hearing I acquired from Saxony to take the place of my eyes.


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