Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 369

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369. Without the people, there is no king.

I don’t know how many people are coming, it’s so chaotic. Owlbear’s gaze turned to the one who had just opened his mouth.


The monster saw a familiar face again and called his name without realizing it.

Encred took a quick look around, and only after seeing the people who had come here and the guy wearing the feather hat did he look directly at himself.

Eyes met eyes. En Creed organized a few facts in his head at that moment.

The other person knows themselves.

The opponent is likely to be a noble.

Swords are associated with swords.

It is in a state of being transformed into a monster.

I know how to use it.

The brown eyes resemble someone I know.

A name came to mind. A guy who emphasized a disciplined body, enjoyment, and courtesy.

It was difficult to see his face later, but wasn’t he under Count Molsen?

So, are Count Molsen and the Black Sword on the same boat?

A few new questions came to mind, but Encred spoke as he seemed to know who the other person was.

“Viscount Bantra?”

You can recognize its identity just by looking at it. This is what a developed sixth sense says.

It was only then that Bantra realized why their faces looked familiar.

These were the guys I only met once when I entered the palace.

And as soon as I found out, I kicked the ground.

I was thinking of running away.

Because I knew what those guys, the Mad Company, had done.

But the escape was not successful.


As soon as I ran, a disc flew over my head.

As soon as I heard the sound, my instincts responded. If you jump up, you die!

It was an incredibly fast throwing axe. I avoided it because I felt a force that even the monster’s body could not contain.

Instead of jumping up, Owl Bear lowered his head. His body curled up. Instead of trying to run away, he stopped in place.

“Okay, I need to cut it.”

After that, the blonde swordsman approached and spoke.

This is the guy who has been spreading ominous energy like crazy since a while ago.

I’m scared to end the conversation.

It is a blade that approaches with a puff and strikes vertically like a thunderbolt from above.

Bantra, who had become a monster, puffed out his entire body’s feathers and crossed his arms upward to block.

Kang! Squeak, wow!

The blade seemed to be blocked, but it cut my arm in half.


The voices of monsters and humans mixed together, and a painful roar erupted.

“Hey, this is revenge for a colleague.”

Meanwhile, Acea’s thin blade, which came with Encred, flew towards the heart.

He stands behind Encred as if he were not there, then jumps out and delivers a stabbing blow.

‘Damn it!’

Owl Bear tightened his chest muscles and jumped backwards to prevent a hole in his heart.

With a pop, a thin blade went in and out between the muscles and flesh between the feathers.

A stream of blood that turned dark red followed the outgoing blade.

The opponent is a semi-knight of the Knights Templar.

No, that wasn’t the problem.

In this position, there were at least five other people with similar skills as him, including Associate Knight Acea.

There was no choice whether to turn into an owl bear or an owl bear grandfather.

It was a fight that would end if we met in the first place. Searching was work, fighting was not work. In other words, it would end as soon as the moon rose.

It wouldn’t have been possible if the quasi-knights, or knights, hadn’t stepped forward. If I had come forward, it was the right thing to do.

What’s surprising is that Krang sent an escort and the guard captain stepped forward.

Well, in other words, at least a few people were worried about the safety and security of the city, so it wasn’t a bad thing.


Bantra cried a few more times.


I endured it while swearing.

“help me!”

In the end, I longed for life.

Watching this, the feather-hatted Southern Guard captain briefly blamed his poor eyesight for not being able to recognize his opponent.

‘They are all monsters.’

What should we call a person with a level of skill who can play with an actual monster, the Owl Bear?

Only then did he realize that the rumors about the Border Guard were true.

People within the capital still say that it is a rumor and nonsense.

‘You guys are saying shit.’

The guard captain, who came back from the dead, wanted to rip the snout of the cub that said such damned things.

The Owl Bear, which had been holding on, had a hole in its thigh, its head was broken, and finally, half of its neck was cut off by an ax blade.


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Bantra lay down on the ground, gushing dark red blood as Rem watched Rem’s skill.

He fell forward, head first.

As he was mortally wounded and the monster’s blood drained, the transformation ended. He returned to human form.

Feathers fall out and the whole body trembles. The amount of blood pouring out has decreased significantly.

Transforming into a human didn’t change the fact that he was mortally wounded.


As Bantra fell and vomited blood, Encred came and squatted in front of him.

“Why are you here?”

he asked.

Of course I have no intention of answering.

However, as he was dying, regret welled up and Bantra spoke with resentment.

“It is unfair.”

The arrow of resentment was not aimed at Encred.

He turned to the being who made him like this.

Being intoxicated with desire and pleasure was a side effect, not what he truly wanted. He became a monster and lost his identity as a human, but found some part of his humanity before he died. That was why it was unfair.

“How did it become a monster?”

Encred asked.

“Medicine, medicinal.”

Bantra chanted as he died.

The light in his eyes gradually dims. He will soon die.

Encred couldn’t ask any more. Bantra mustered up every last bit of his strength.

I couldn’t close my eyes even after death without telling you this.

“I am not the last.”

* * *

Count Molsen received the report and nodded.

“He was discovered and died earlier than expected.”

The subordinate stood in the middle of the study and spoke, and the Count, leaning back in his chair, answered indifferently.

“Okay. “It was a card that was thrown away anyway.”

Is this the work of those guys called Encred again?

These are things that are quite frustrating.

Still, I meant it when I said it was okay.

“Are you ready?”

“Less than 15 days left.”


It is a night illuminated by the full moon. The Count, who had been drinking wine as a side dish all night, put down his glass and said.

“See you in fifteen days. “Your Majesty the Queen.”

At that time, he would know whether it was he or the queen who was sitting on the throne.

* * *

In front of the body of Owlbear, to be exact, now Viscount Bantra, the captain of the feather-hatted guard gave Encred a military bow.

“Please forgive my rudeness earlier.”

“It’s even rude.”

Guarding the door must have been something to do.

“I would like to thank you for your assistance.”

He said.

Encred passed it off without notice. He was of the opinion that it was something that should have been done no matter what.

Rather than that, I was more concerned about what Viscount Bantra had said before crossing the river.

“But was it okay for you to leave?”

Encred asked Matthew. I don’t know what happens inside the palace, but I know that it’s not usually a bad situation.

But Krang’s escort is coming here?

“Without people, there is no country. “Without the people, there is no king.”

Matthew said. Encred understood. It must have been Krang’s words.

If the Moonlight Beast became king while ignoring people dying, it would mean nothing to him.

I really liked that too.

He is the kind of person who makes you want to help. As for Krang.

“Anyway, I think I cleaned it up well.”

Encred said and Rem said that he was tired and suggested that they spar.

Ragna wiped away the blood and oil on his sword.

On one side, Dunbakhel held up his sword and nodded.

“Okay, this.”

I picked it up from the assassin’s hand and gave it to him, and he seemed satisfied with it.

“But were there more angry guys?”

Encred asked. Dun Bakel shook his head.

“I haven’t seen anyone with a similar smell.”

But what else is there?

And if there had been more, would it have been this quiet?

Wasn’t there just one moonlight beast?

No, the opponent was drunk on the blood of a monster. He gave in to his instincts and sought pleasure using the tool of slaughter.

Even if it is not the words of the South Gate Guard Captain, it is a guess obtained through interrogation.

Encred wondered if Bantra was spouting nonsense as he was dying, but he was sincere at that time.

I wasn’t so dull that I didn’t notice it.

So where is what?

Not in the capital.

So then, is there something more?

This is the end of the short thought.

“Count Molsen created the chimera.”

By mouthing one sentence, Encred concluded.

“Hey, I have to report that to the palace right away.”

Acea said and left. Whether it was late at night or something, this was urgent.


Before leaving, Matthew approached me. In the end, I didn’t even get to see this guy use a whip.

It was only Rem, Ragna, Dunbakel, and Acea who set out to capture Owl Bear.

“Do you have anything to say?”

Matthew approached, chose his words a few times, then bit his molars once as if he had made up his mind and opened his mouth.

“Please help my lord.”


“Just once when danger comes… … .”


“… … hmm?”

“He said he would help.”

Why do you think you’re holding out here in the first place and not going home?

This is to see what Krang did and swing the sword next to him.

He will be the king for Naurilia.

Above all, he proved his words with action by sending a whip escort here.

He said he would serve the country, the people, and the people.

He said he would become that kind of king.

At the same time, he also said that they became friends.

A person of his caliber might not immediately become his knight, but he would be worthy of wielding a sword.

Because I had already thought about it, the answer came right away.

This is why the answer came so quickly that Matthew was embarrassed.

“This is not a person who will stop next to me. So I won’t ask for help.”

This is what Kraang himself said.

He said he would do this in his own strength. He also said that it was a gamble, but that he couldn’t win if it wasn’t a gamble.


Matthew also turned around.

When the night passed and the morning dawned, news reached Andrew’s mansion.

It wasn’t something that happened overnight.

The story of Viscount Bantra’s death was also buried. Everyone hissed.

The credit and story of catching the Moonlight Beast have long since been buried.

The news that was delivered was the Grand Duke Award Ceremony.

This is a signal sent by Kraang.

Perhaps because of that, Acea no longer showed her face.

After spending days watching and hanging out with him, I felt empty without him.

“What, that semi-descript isn’t coming?”

Rem was able to find it.

“I heard that a title award ceremony will be held. “It’s going to be busy.”

Encred answered with sweat pouring all over his body. He felt sorry for himself too.

‘It would have been nice if I had tried it a hundred or two hundred more times.’

Then I would have been able to break the point of the sword.

In fact, it would have taken much more time to overwhelm and win against Acea.

It was all a pity.

He was someone I wanted to meet dozens or hundreds more times.

“It’s a shame, so I guess I’ll have to beat up the captain. Naoshu.”

After tasting his food, Rem scratched the itchy part. Encred also felt the same way.

* * *

The circumstances inside the palace changed day by day. Everything was as Krang intended.

Krang set the fire even further.

“Are you just going to watch like this? “The Archduke!”

“Are you digging my own grave?”

It was something that would cause a whole group of nobles to rise up.

In the royal palace, where the rank of marquis was the highest, the queen declared that she would give Kraang the rank of archduke.

“Where has Viscount Bantra gone?”

Viscount Mernes asked.

He was the one who united all the factions in the current palace.

The reason why the scattered factions became one was also because of the existence of Kraang on the other side.

After taking control of Marcus Weissar and several nobles, he immediately sought to receive the title of Grand Duke on the back of the Queen.

Everything he did was a threat to the nobles.

Everything from the reform of the system to strengthen the royal authority was something that, of course, could not be ignored.

It is clear that it must be struck out. It’s like threatening the entire noble family.

It seems like the Queen gave her power behind the scenes, but she usually steps in and gets rid of the loudest voices first.

‘Are you being arrogant just because you have the queen on your back?’

Viscount Mernes judged that what Kraang was doing was ultimately the Queen’s will.

‘Why did you do that, Your Majesty?’

This will ultimately lead to catastrophe.

Of course. Factions gathered and united. It’s obvious that if you don’t radiate your gathered power to the outside, you’ll end up with a headache.

It was as if the queen had dug her own grave.

The title award ceremony will be held in a week.

Viscount Mernes moved the assassination coalition.

I also used the strength that supported me.

The remaining forces of the Black Knife Bandits entered the royal palace.

I used my side among the Royal Guard.

The news of the rising army was also announced to some of the knights who had crossed over.

‘This is loyalty.’

The trend has already turned.

Civil war only eats away at the country.

In that case, all you have to do is put everything to rest before it even starts.

If the queen were to use her younger brother, who suddenly appeared from nowhere, as a shield.

‘Except that his younger brother will die.’

Then the queen won’t do this anymore. She will be a doll sitting on a throne.

After that, you just have to let the true king enter.

‘That’s the end of my work.’

The Viscount muttered quietly.

Everything was supposed to end the day before the title award ceremony.


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