Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 368

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368. A fight that ends when we meet.

The South Gate guard changed his hat. The feathered hat was his symbol. The guard captain tilted the brim of his hat a few times and looked at the full moon that brightened the surroundings.

‘What is my duty?’

It is about protecting the capital.

It wasn’t a sudden realization.

I was aware of it originally, but it only recently became a stimulus.

A bastard who became a nobleman of the royal family and is called the returned prodigal son.

As a blood relative of the Queen, he showed his duties and responsibilities.

Then, you too will have to do your job.

In conclusion, the guard captain could not bear to see the Moonlight Beast any longer.

So he did his job. Since one of the squires had been attacked, he was fully prepared and moved.

“Let’s go this way.”

The guard captain spoke to his subordinate.

“But Captain, is it true that you are coming out?”

A subordinate who looks dirty because he hasn’t shaved his beard asks.

“of course.”

Even in the capital, there were people who were interested in the Moonlight Beast itself. The south gate guard said that.

He surveyed and checked the surroundings to predict a good location for it to appear.

In other words, it moved through the same thinking structure as Encred.

‘full moon.’

A place far from the residence of nobles.

‘It’s here.’

If not, you just have to start again. Due to lack of manpower, we cannot check the entire area.

He brought only three trustworthy soldiers under his command.

You and your three subordinates could probably catch at least one werewolf.

I don’t know how it hides during the day and only appears at night.

‘They must be using some strange magic.’

It must be a spell cast by a crazy wizard.

The South Gate Guard Captain looked around in the moonlight.

Will it really appear?

His expectations were met.


The sound of meat being broken was heard, and the smell of blood was pervasive. It was inside an alley. He ran quickly.


“Follow me!”

I quickly spoke and ran, and sure enough, I saw a blood-soaked monster inside the alley.

Ears that stand up on pointy points, and steel-like feathers that cover the whole body instead of fur.

It is twice as tall as a human. My forearms were as big as my thighs.

It seemed to fill the alley.

It’s a path wide enough for three adult men to walk.

The guard captain swallowed his saliva while thinking. If he gets scared, he loses the fight he will win.

He composed himself and opened his mouth.

“You were an owl person, not a werewolf?”

He said and pulled out his sword.

The sword that was pulled out with a chirping sound reflected the moonlight.

The guard captain held the sword with both hands and looked directly at the opponent. The profile of the Owl Man and the monster Owl Bear was visible.

Red blood vessels are visible between the round eyes. The blood vessels must be so thick that the moonlight alone can be seen in the eyes.

I had to raise my head to make eye contact.

The gaze started from the eyes, scanned the entire body, and then headed to the floor.

A blood-soaked floor, corpses strewn on one side, sharp monster claws and twisted intestines caught between them.

Torn flesh, broken bone fragments, and even in the moonlight, the color appeared a dull dark red.

Each claw was like a thick, sharply sharpened blade.

Owl Bear trembled, paying no heed to the guard captain’s gaze.

The guard commander who saw that instinctively knew that that damn monster bastard was enjoying the present. I was drunk with joy. I was taking pleasure in slaughter.

“Are you enjoying it!”

protect the city Protect citizens. It is the guard’s duty to kill the monsters that fill the moonlit night with fear.

He kicked off the ground and thrust his sword straight down.

To cut down, closing the distance in one step. I have no intention of cutting off my arms or body all at once. However, if you angle it properly, you may be able to cut out the flesh.

The technique of cutting with one sword was his specialty.

Owl Bear blocked it by swinging his arm. He saw the angle of the flying blade and he accurately twisted one of his index finger nails to block it with the outer surface.

A fingernail met the blade.


Sparks flew out, breaking the moonlight. As soon as the sword was blocked, the guard captain quickly retreated.

Although he can’t become a knight, he has the skills to take down quite a few guys.

I judged that it was at least Squire level.

So, wouldn’t he have served as a guard captain?

But this is something.

Didn’t one squire barely lose?


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‘Even though I didn’t swing it with all my might.’

My grip was almost torn by the hand that struck it away. Above all, the movements from just a moment ago were like angles and defenses that seemed to have been learned in swordsmanship.

I’m pushed. If you fight alone, you will die. It was obvious that the squire would end up like that.

Luckily he wasn’t alone.

Cold sweat poured down my face, but instead of being scared, I boldly jumped back and shouted.


Owlbear’s eyes turned towards him. Joy, desire, murderous intent, hostility. Brown eyes are a mixture of everything.

The red, prominent veins stimulate fear. Even though it didn’t open its mouth, it felt like its body would be pierced if caught by that sharp beak.

In particular, that eye color, the eye color itself, looks rather strange because it resembles human eyes. Of course, there was no time to worry about this.

As he stepped back, the Owl Bear followed him as if strolling.

As soon as I got to the front of the alley, my three men aimed their spears at me.

The moonlight illuminated the front part of the alley exquisitely. Thanks to this, the inside of the road looked darker.

One of the subordinates, who was nervously aiming his spear, gulped.

Meanwhile, the guard commander was drenched in cold sweat.

Owl Bear walked out slowly. Its gait was quiet and unbecoming of its size.

It’s so secretive that you won’t even notice it if you decide to go after it.

It was the walk of a born hunter.

He came out of the alley, saw the things aimed at him, and took a deep breath. He soon felt his chest swell.


The guard captain decided that it would be advantageous to attack first and shouted. It was the struggle of a scared human being.

Even though the enemy was stronger than expected, the sense of responsibility remained the same.

The guard captain shouts at the same time.


The monster cried. A cry that engulfed the captain’s cries spread through the air.

A roar flew through the air and struck the human ear.

‘100 million.’

The moment he heard the owl’s cry, the guard captain felt his whole body paralyzed. Your heart begins to beat as it pleases, and muscle tension increases. My body just froze.

A prey that encounters a natural enemy cannot be free from fear.

This is why monsters are called predators of humans.

Among them, monsters with outstanding abilities can harden the human body with just their roar.

The guard captain had a vision that the Owl Bear’s claws were tearing his throat and digging into his chest.

The moment I saw that, my body froze, and so did the soldiers.


The fear of death consumed my body.

It was a roar that evoked the fear of a high-ranking monster.

Like a mouse stopping in front of a cat.

The monster that subdued those surrounding it with a single cry raised its claws.

The intention was to pluck the heads one by one and drink the brain fluid.

Because that would be a food superior to any other delicacy.


I laughed.

Here was an extreme pleasure that could not be found in human life.

At first, I resented my body becoming like this, but not anymore.

It’s fun and enjoyable, so what’s the need to deny it?

Just don’t run into the squire like before.

No, what kind of person in the royal palace could afford to do that?

What are you sending to catch yourself?

At best, two squires? watch?

The people who fell before my eyes showed me the reality.

Now the capital has become my restaurant.

There was so much food to chew and swallow, how could I not be happy?

Pleasure soars and joy engulfs the body. Each feather quivered in response to the joy that was about to come.

The muscles of the entire body contracted and relaxed repeatedly.

It was time to enjoy.


Drool is flowing. I couldn’t wait to catch it and eat it.

It’s time to stop thinking and dig in your nails.

Thump, thump, thump.

The sound of kicking the ground irritated my ears.

To the left, it is approximately twenty human steps away.

After taking on the body of an owl bear, my hearing became more sensitive than anything else.

Measuring distance by sound was not a task.

Owl Bear decided that the sound of someone kicking the ground was getting closer to him.

The monster’s instinct moved before human reason.


I pulled out my fingernails twice as long as before and crossed my arms to block the front.

Inside the alley, in the dark. Owl Bear’s vision accurately captured even objects jumping out of it.

Nocturnal vision allowed me to see my surroundings as clearly as during the day.

A lump leaping out of the darkness, leaving a white afterimage.

The mass suddenly increased its speed. Something came flying at me three times faster than the sound of it running.


Owlbear saw the line drawn in front of him. It was a line that started from the arm of the lump and divided my body, and it was two strands.

Owl Bear reflexively raised his arm to block. He held it parallel to the ground and held it out as if it were a shield. A flying line hit the top of my forearm.


The sound was dull. Owlbear felt shocked. His feathers themselves were as strong as steel and were not cut, but the impact left a mark.

The owner of the line he swung retreated faster than he hit.

As soon as Owl Bear blocked, he stabbed the opponent with his right foot, making a move to avoid it.

Owl Bear’s claws just swept over the spot where the opponent was.

After immediately stepping forward, the monster looked at the opponent, tilted its head and said.

“… … What, was there anyone else besides me? “There are a lot of meals.”

It is the appearance of a wild beast. So, a half-human, half-animal that has become a beast.

Nevertheless, he opened his mouth and spat out human words without any hesitation.

As he spoke, Owl Bear judged that the opponent was not the same through his sense of smell and hearing.

However, it is difficult to turn your attention elsewhere right away. The momentum rising from the opponent in front of me made it that way.

The being who had thrown two lines at him rolled his eyes.

It has golden eyes that shine so wonderfully. Even in the moonlight, it showed its full color.

“Hey, I’m a beastman.”

This is what you say to yourself.

“What difference does it make? “I also become a human and then an owlbear.”

Although I feel angry because my pleasure and joy are interrupted, there is no need to fight with my colleagues.

The meals are plentiful and the restaurant is spacious.

There is no reason to fight over the source of pleasure.

In front of my nails, it didn’t matter whether I was an old person, a young person, a man or a woman.

The person with golden eyes, who identified himself as a beastman, clenched his molars and spoke as if shouting.

“f*ck you, bastard, there are no owls among beastmen!”

Dunbakeel rode forward with his horse in the form of a white lion. phut! When she kicked the ground, her body stretched out.

What he was holding in both hands were two curved swords.

It’s a span shorter than the scimitar, but you’ve already gotten used to it.

The blade drew a line and shook as it fell toward the opponent’s forearm.

It is a sword called ‘Falling and then stabbing’ that I made after a few days of hard work.

When Encred was learning a certain technique, he saw it from the side and recreated it as his own.

Cut and stab and stab and then cut. It’s messy and there’s a lot of change.

But Owlbear’s extra senses recognized it all. And the monster’s body was able to respond to all of its speeds and trajectories.

earth! earth! earth!

He had claws stronger than steel, and he swung them.

I blocked it with my fingernails and pushed it away, looking for an opening.

When he was human, he also went through training. He knew how to use quite a few tricks. He stretched out his foot again, taking advantage of the prisoner’s gap.

The claws grew long and looked as if they would soon rip into Dunbakhel’s abdomen.

Dunbakhel swung his body around with his left foot. He turned his body and swung the curved sword in his hand.


The ship’s slash, faster than before, became level with the ground and cut into the air.

Owlbear just stretched out his paw and didn’t get any closer.

‘It’s tricky.’

He fights better than the previous squire. So is there a problem? I decided there was none.

Even if it’s wrong, if you leave me out… … .

“What, you were an owl?”

I couldn’t even finish my thoughts.

It was in the back.

On one side, I saw a guy holding a long ax in his hand and swinging it around.

‘It’s a familiar face.’

Where did you see it?

I searched for memories. I don’t know. However, the energy radiating from his body was unusual.

‘Shall I run away?’

We must not ignore the warnings of our instincts. Reason also gave the same command.

“You can go well if you just answer the questions.”

At that time, I heard a voice right behind me. He was so startled that he reflexively swung his elbow.

The steel-like feathers could be used as weapons, and if hit properly, they could turn humans into a paste.

The opponent was not right.

After speaking, I backed away. He seemed to have predicted his actions. It was quicker to back away than to hit.

Owlbear knew it from the waves in the air.

“Who is the leader of the Black Sword?”

he asked. The Owl Bear immediately condensed the air into its stomach and blew it out.


Bring fear, he roared.

The power of the monster resounded in the air. At least one of them will urinate and pass out.

Just like the soldier from before.

The guy wearing the feather hat seemed to barely be able to hold on, but the rest of the soldiers sat down and urinated.

Everyone was impressed by the roar, but there was nothing that met his expectations.

Why is everyone okay?

The guy holding the ax even grinned.

“Don’t be loud. “You monster.”

Then another human came too. It was a man walking from one side, holding a long whip in his hand.

“what? “Could you come out for a night drink too?”

The guy with the ax asked. The person holding the whip had a face that even Owlbear knew.

‘Isn’t this the time to be away?’

The other person’s name was Matthew, the escort of Cdyanat Landius Nauril.

A person who caused an uproar inside the royal palace by saying that he would be crowned as Grand Duke.

It was also thanks to that person that I was able to freely enjoy my meal at this time.

The more noisy the palace is, the fewer people will pay attention to you.

There won’t be an uproar just because a few people go missing in the middle of the night.

At most, only the security forces will come forward.

The moonlight beast targets commoners, especially the poor. Targeting nobles didn’t backfire for no reason.

Who will step forward unless it causes damage to their own territory?

So, all of this was unexpected. It was something he couldn’t understand.

There were people who stepped forward not for their own benefit, but to protect the safety of citizens.

There was someone who risked his life to chase after him, crying out for responsibility and duty.

There were people who understood the principles of their behavior through their innate powers of observation and insight.

Even Owlbear didn’t know all that. Just like a person who is drunk on drugs seeks the drug again, he has become intoxicated by the element of slaughter.

Of course, he nevertheless judged himself to be a rational being.

So I made a decision based on reasonable grounds and thought I made a move.

It was all nonsense.

His reason only became a tool to pursue pleasure.

That was a side effect that I was unaware of.

“What are you doing?”

The south gate guard also stood up and said.

He barely got over his fear. His chin trembled, but he held on by clenching his molars.

Then it got better.

The atmosphere around him also contributed to his stability.

The atmosphere has reversed.

The Owl Bear was unable to crush the soldier I defeated.

He could not tear the white lion beast that rushed at him to pieces at will.

The monster felt in danger. She decided that the atmosphere was going strangely.

However, you can’t just die.


After experiencing pleasure. I can’t forget that. I will survive and live like that again.

It will chew and swallow countless humans, eating their brains, blood, and internal organs.

Oh oh.

With a short roar, I strengthened my will and determination.

Even if the path was wrong, the willpower was clear.

Owlbear seriously injured the squire.

The harmony between the power of monsters and the reason humans naturally possess made it possible.

“It’s laughable!”

Owlbear shouted. The meaning behind the roar was clear.

Those who heard it responded.

“Why is he so good at talking to people?”

The one holding the ax said.

“Did you come forward on the marquis’ orders? Indeed, he said he would handle it himself.”

Matthew cared more about the people around him than the monsters.

“My ears hurt, you monster.”

Suin frowned.

The man standing behind him didn’t even put his hand on his sword.

I just looked at it indifferently.

However, it is still scary.

If you go that way, you die.

These were words spoken by the instincts of a monster, not a human.

That was right. Ragna was just debating whether to cut it or not.


“Tell me, who is the leader of the Black Sword? “I will send you away cleanly so that you will not be killed by that barbarian’s axe, or torn to pieces by an ignorant swordsman.”

There are also people who confidently speak in a calm tone behind the scenes.

What is this guy?

Where do you keep telling me to send you?

“Let’s go nicely.”

He said. The one standing in the moonlight was visible but blurry.

When I wondered why, I noticed that the sound diminished only around him and his presence seemed faint.

If I missed it, it seemed like it would come up behind me and stab me with a knife. He was a man who created anxiety.

“Say it.”

“I don’t know anything about that.”

Owl Bear lost momentum. He answered without realizing it.

“is it.”

The other person muttered and took a step back. That alone significantly reduced the pressure.

Of course, that doesn’t mean there’s any risk.

It’s time to raise your guard to the highest level and look for a corner to escape to.

“Security leader?”

A new voice broke through again.

This was a voice I definitely knew.


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