Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 367

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367. A hard stone has a good head.

The moonlight illuminated the city.

In other words, Encrid did not run even though the Moonlight Beast could appear soon.

I just walked at a moderate speed, making a thumping sound.

As I walked and occasionally looked around, some residents who were lighting pole lamps pretended to know me.

“Where are you going?”

Jumin’s eyes glanced behind Encred and asked.

“Night walk.”

A calm answer.

“I heard it’s dangerous.”

Familiar responses came and went.

Asia’s eyes darted between the two, wondering when they had become so close.

Encred whispered indifferently.

“He’s a fruit seller. He said he’s been having a headache lately because of his daughter’s wedding. “He has a smooth face, but I heard he likes a guy who puts his hands on many women.”

“… … “How did you know that?”

“It came up as we were talking.”

Acting without hesitation is also Acia’s specialty.

‘But I don’t think I can do it like that.’

As he walked forward, Encred opened his mouth.


“If there is a commotion, you can find it right away.”

At those words, Acea glanced at the man named Saxony.

This is a man who perfectly suits her taste. Just looking at his closed eyes, neat mouth, and appearance will make many women cry.

Acea had a vague idea of ​​what that man could do.

‘The senses are special.’

For three days, we did nothing but eat, sleep, drink, fight, and spar.

It was a time that brought intense fun to Asia.

Was Ruagarnet like that?

They say there are monsters around a man named Encred.

This is probably correct since it was seen through Proc’s eyes. So I knew it, but when I experienced it myself, those words really touched me.

Everyone was a monster.

How would you sum up the Saxony fight in one word?


Saxony, who said he would not come forward, eventually grabbed his sword a few times. It wasn’t a spar where half my life was at stake like when I first fought with Encred, but it was a fight.

Because we shared the sword, there were many things we could feel.

He fights by calculating and predicting movements. I put everything in my head and see what happens next.

What makes that possible is a keen sense.

The level of seeing and hearing was extraordinary.

Becoming a quasi-knight also means training your five senses.

Was there anything easy on the way to knighthood?

As Acia was also a member of the Knights Templar, she also underwent such training.

Nevertheless, Saxony had a unique sense.

‘If you want to move one step first, you must first know how the other person will move.’

What my teacher said comes to mind again.

A man named Saxony did just that.

He predicted his sword and moved first.

He couldn’t even properly use his specialty, ‘aiming with the tip of the sword’.

Before I could start the technique, a sword flew out without fail.

A trajectory that will cause you to lose your posture.

Or hit the sword face to change direction.

‘You must be very talented.’

Of course, if you get it right, you will be the one who wins.

Although he was excellent at seeing, hearing, and predicting, the force felt from a single long sword was not that great.

Just because it isn’t great doesn’t mean the long sword’s killing power is lower.

‘It’s worth a try.’

Acea decided that way.

If Saxony is the calculation.

Ragna seemed like a bundle of instincts.

The problem is that for this monster of instinct, doing whatever you want becomes the right answer and the right path.

‘You bastard.’

It was similar to the baby’s sword that gave him a painful defeat and made him look back on his past.

So, talent, it is a monster made entirely of talent.

It is a calculating monster, a monster made up of talent.

Acea was never able to win against Ragna.

“What is this?”

“A fast and heavy sword.”

I immediately asked and the answer came back.

It is a fast and heavy sword.


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Damn, it’s a bountiful harvest.

Easier said than done. Making things happen as you say is the realm of talent.

As Asia, it cannot be surpassed. So it was natural for me to be jealous, but if I had been consumed by that kind of jealousy, I wouldn’t have gotten to the level I am now.

“Does someone else’s bread look bigger? There are many bastards with better skills than you. “It was widespread.”

My teacher’s teachings come to mind again. That means this sparring gave Asia a lot of insight.

‘Mine is also excellent.’

Even if the other person’s looks good, you can beat it with your own.

Acea herself has too much to blame for her talent and to face her limitations and back down.

‘When the heart collapses, the will collapses, and when the will collapses, the sword also collapses.’

By repeating it like a mantra, jealousy remains a stimulant. That was Asia’s secret to development.

Looking at Rem in that state, what can I say?

‘Are you a crazy bastard or a crazy genius?’


If Saxony is calculation and Ragna is a bundle of talent armed with instinct.

Rem is.

“how is it? “You can’t stop it, right?”

It’s fun. This is a bastard who lives for fun. The form of technology is not constant. Most things are created spontaneously.

Other than that, it was similar when he showed what he had.

It is anomalous and radical.

Ignoring minor injuries and attacking them.

Ragna also improvises a lot, but his approach was different from that.

It’s just fun. You fight to enjoy yourself.

Of course, what makes this possible is talent.

Rem even added his own experience.

The one who made nonsensical movements make sense, the barbarian who did it for fun, that was Lem.

“how is it?”

The best of them is the technique shown by breaking the point of the sword aimed at.

What should I say about that?

Aiming an ax blade? Cover the ax blade?

He covered the tip of his sword with an ax blade.

With that, the momentum towards which the tip of the sword was directed was killed. got rid of it Bold and unusual talk. What can I say when the distance is narrowed in that state?

‘I was scared.’

A crazy person is scarier than a radical person. The crazy savage looked like he would accept a blade sticking into his body with ease for the sake of pleasure and amusement.

But does that mean Rem is the most interesting?


Encred remains.

‘It’s amazing and amazing.’

Unique and unique.

Asia looked at Encred and couldn’t help but think that he was unique.

‘It looks like a block of stone made by carefully stamping and compacting it.’

The foundation is more than solid. However, it did not mean that it was less flexible.

It is a sword technique that feels as if the basics have been repeated dozens, hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of times to perfectly attach them to the body.

What can I say, it was as if I had made an unbreakable earthenware vessel by repeating the process dozens, hundreds, or thousands of times.

That was very surprising.

Normally, people would make use of their special skills. Develop based on the basics. Most people sharpen their swords that way. Learn martial arts, improve your skills, and make it your own.

‘Based on talent.’

But Encred is the opposite.

If you don’t know every single thing properly, you won’t be able to get through it. It’s not a path that comes down to talent.

It is a sword that seems to have been forcibly broken through by going over and digging into the basics one by one.

A person who seems to have overcome and overcome limitations despite being faced with them again and again.

It seemed that way.

Limitations eat away at humans. It weakens the will. It brings to mind the word ‘giving up’ and presents despair.

‘You surpassed all that?’

Probably not, it would be your own illusion.

So how did it get to this level?

That was just so amazing.

I don’t know anything else, but I know one thing.

‘It must be based on the fierce desire to improve no matter what you do.’

Just by looking at it, you can’t help but say that it’s terrible. An extreme madness that makes you laugh even before you die.

Even while sparring with myself, I did not stop training my body.

When I saw him ordering a beastman named Dunbakeel to grab something that looked like a rock from his side, I stuck out my tongue.

These are things that are not even in the knights’ training.

I once saw a priest break a stone with his palm as a sign of discipline, and it felt that way.

Every time I trained, I saw something like quiet madness.

Other beastmen also had extraordinary skills and talents. Does that make it special?

I don’t know about that.

However, I was curious.

It makes me wonder where all these people came from.

If she had known that it all started with the commander of the Border Guard Battalion, who is currently riding the tightrope in the royal palace, gathering people to decide whether they live or die, Acea would not have been able to hide her absurdity.

In any case, there will be no room for controversy over the fact that they are amazing people.

As I walked while organizing my thoughts, I came to a place where the alley stretched out in all directions.

“Let’s disperse from here.”

Encred spoke right next to me.

A place where there is darkness everywhere.

It was an area adjacent to a slum. It was also a place where criminal guilds were entrenched.


Acea asked back.


Encred answered.


“I’ll explain as I go.”

“Only Acea is going with me. Ragnar and Dunvakel. Saxony and Rem are scattered.”

If you put those two together, problems will arise. Although we haven’t seen each other for a few days, it’s a fact that Acea knows.

Ragnar is a guy who can get lost even if you just take him for a walk around the mansion.

“The bastard who misses is an asshole, a bastard, and a stupid bastard.”

Rem hummed a strange tune with even stranger lyrics and went into the alley.


Encred took the first step and seemed to go into the alley, then grabbed hold of a wall and climbed up.

Some had flimsy roofs made of wood and straw, but some had solid plaster.

As life inside the fortress developed, it was common for residential areas to be close together, unless it was a high-end residential area.

Thanks to this, the roofs were connected to each other, so if you had a good sense of balance, you could jump around on the roofs.

Some of the buildings were taller than the others, so falling would have broken a few bones, but Encred didn’t even climb up there.

It was just sitting on a moderately hard roof.

“Why are you here?”

Acea asked again. For her part, she is just curious.

This is not her duty, or that of the knights.

It wasn’t within her own vows, but it was work.

So, it is better to succeed rather than fail. If left untreated, more people will die, so it must be dealt with for the safety of citizens.

So I asked. He will know and respond accordingly.

“It’s easy to know the other person if you understand their habits.”

Encred said. He continued to explain, and Acia nodded repeatedly without realizing it.

“Appearing only on nights when the moon rises is like a mania that cannot be controlled by one’s own will.”

That was correct. It is like mania, so it cannot be controlled, and because it is difficult to control, traces remain.

“If you had perfect control, you wouldn’t be so loud.”

This was also true in the same sense.

What would Acia do if she had to secretly kill someone?

We will decide on a target and start with the route to that target.

Afterwards, it is buried in a quiet place.

It’s easier to do that without having to go to the extent of assassination.

Within the Knights Templar, they receive training in the art of assassination, but if there is no need to use it, they will do so.

The only people who have suffered so far are the priests.


Once in a slum and three times in a residential area.

This is also what Encred told me. There were clear traces of when the investigation took place.

“The mania must have gotten worse due to the rain that has been falling for several days. “If you are influenced by moonlight, the full moon will arouse strong desires and desires in the subject.”

Right, that could be true.

Although it may not be a perfect fit, there is a possibility.

“If I had mania and was aware of it, I would try to satisfy my cravings in the furthest place from my living quarters.”

This means that the location of the criminal has already been identified to some extent.

‘The furthest place from the slum residential area?’

Acea’s gaze naturally went beyond the moonlight and toward the center of the city.

It is near the royal palace, where there is a separate inner wall.

There was a group of nobles nearby who could not stay inside the palace.

“An unbearable desire will cause turmoil, so doubts must be erased.”

The explanation is over.

Acea was convinced and agreed.

I got goosebumps while listening to it.

“When did all this happen?”

“You’ve been around a few times so far. “I thought about it based on what I heard at the time.”

Why is a stone that has been stepped on and hardened by being stepped on good for your head?

Acea’s eyes showed such doubt and surprise.

Encred easily passed his gaze.

I went to the market a few times and just compiled the information I heard from them.

Why didn’t Acea know?

‘Because I’m not interested.’

This is something you would know if you had taken on this task properly in the first place.

I didn’t worry about how many commoners and victims there were.

Because the squire was harmed, it was only a justification for the quasi-knight to step forward.

The palace was currently busy with civil war, so the Moonlight Beast would have been an additional problem.

This isn’t the first time something strange like this has happened in the capital.

I knew right away that the assassination coalition was roaming around even in broad daylight, so public order was in shambles.

Of course, Encred decided that no one would do a proper investigation, so he looked into it himself.

From the first victims to the number of victims that followed.

There was no need for detailed listening. The rumor, almost like a ghost story, spread again and again, and now it is a story that no one knows about.

A few words to the fruit seller.

A few words from the forge.

A few words from the gambling house guard.

Woodcutter, lumber merchant, glass merchant, bard, librarian, barmaid, and noble escort.

This is the conclusion I came to after collecting and organizing what I heard from everyone.

In particular, the monk’s testimony was decisive.

“I was dressed. It was a coat that looked quite expensive. And with its back to the moonlight, the monster ignored me and attacked the priest.”

While being overcome by the impulse to kill, one can make rational judgments at the same time.

Then it is easy to predict where the opponent will appear.

Monsters and demonic beasts move based on instinct, but humans are not. Put reason first. In other words, if the other person is thinking and moving, you can take a peek at the basis of their thoughts.

‘The sacred is a threat, so deal with it first, and then make a fuss far away from your area to avoid getting caught.’

A human who became a monster due to mania would not have stolen an expensive coat and put it on, so it must have been what he originally wore.

Afterwards, seeing as that story was included, he must have changed after taking off all his clothes.

Saxony’s guess is a lycanthrope.

Encred came to a similar conclusion.



A sound resembling the cry of a night bird rang out from somewhere.

Encred believed that the place where the sound was heard was close to the direction Ragna was heading towards.

“let’s go.”

Only then did Encred run, and Acea followed behind him.


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