Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 365

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365. I only see dots

Among the reasons Encred came to the capital was this.

“If you go, you can try joining the Knights, right?”

The threat of monsters and beasts did not only lead to the development of cooking and building skills.

Those with superior military strength were also gathered inside the walls.

It was necessary for both survival and defense.

Among those who gathered, the greatest were the knights, and the knights of the capital were like a symbol of military power.

When dividing standards into city, country, and continent levels, where did it start?

Where did the term ‘quasi-knight level’ come from?

The existence of the Knights Templar became the standard for all.

It was one of them.

The Marquis examined Encred. He had a vague idea of ​​his partner’s tastes.

What is more valuable to a human called Encred than Crona, women, status, and power?

You can get to know a person by digging into his past, knowing the path he has taken, and knowing the purpose of his actions.

The marquis did so.

“I said it was a gift, but what do you mean?”

Acea entered the mansion and spoke, and Encred seemed to see the Marquis smiling behind her.

Acea, standing on one side of the training hall, was simply armed and wearing a sword.

‘Snake snake.’

Andrew said that he was a human who swallowed dozens of snake serpents and gained the internal organs of a hydra.

That is exactly what a great man is.

A person whose true nature is unknown.

Will it be on the Queen’s side, on Kraang’s side, on Count Molsen’s side, on the side of Viscount Mernes, or perhaps on the side of a new faction?

Nobody knows.

He is simply in the capital as the Marquis of Okto.

Considering the power he possesses, he can never be ignored, so he is a great nobleman that not even the queen can treat lightly.

Currently, there is no grand duke in the kingdom and there is no one holding the rank of duke, so he is the one who divides national power with the Marquis of Weissar.

Would such a marquis take Kraang’s side?

The emergence of an unprecedented archduke will also affect his own power.

That’s why I heard that the Marquis of Weissar also doesn’t welcome Kraang.

This is what Marcus said himself.

However, even though he was obviously on Kraang’s side, the Marquis came and spoke to him in person and asked him to take care of business.

He is a human being whose thoughts are unknown and what he will do.

Well, leaving all that aside for now.

“It’s a story you don’t have to worry about.”

Encred was happy to see you. I wanted to meet you, and one of the opponents I wanted to attract and compete with was right in front of me.

“Speak comfortably.”

Acea nodded and said. She was the same as before. Short hair with a gentle face.

Acea, who brushed off her orange hair with her hands, looked at Encred.

It’s surprising and absurd.

Because in her opinion, this doesn’t make sense.

It was amazing to see the author in front of me.

At Border Guard, I did something similar to a skills test at Marcus’ request.

I clearly remembered the sight of the friend named Encred in front of me shrinking from intimidation.

‘Though Ruagarnet said it was a bit different.’

Acea trusted her intuition more.

In a way, it is natural to trust my own experience more than the words of others. This was even more so because I was a person who wanted to become a knight and had to put faith in the path I walked.

In her opinion, Encred was fortunate to have a talent that reached the level of a squire.

No, that too was rated very highly. From what she saw, she decided she couldn’t go any further.

But that man named Encred is here. He confidently makes eye contact while making various pretense statements.

‘How did you do it?’

What did you do to achieve such feats?

Something similar to Hoseungsim arises. I want to gauge my opponent’s skills.

I came here for work, but I knew it the moment I saw it.

She didn’t join the Knights Templar and become a semi-knight for nothing.

It is difficult to become a semi-knight if you are not good at martial arts, combat, and fighting while wielding a sword or any weapon that suits you.

You can become a quasi-knight only when you have talent plus desire.

Looking into Acia’s eyes, Encred left what he was doing and faced her.

“Try that again.”

He told me to speak comfortably, so I did. It’s a refreshing attitude. Acea liked that.


she asked back.


“Bite the bubbles. you.”


This time I don’t feel anything behind him. At that time, when he was overbearing, didn’t his subordinates gather together and glare at him?

Andrew Gardner is not even noticeable. What I was concerned about were the subordinates under this man whom I had seen earlier, but they were also nowhere to be seen.

Acea looked intimidating. Turn on her feet, shift his stance to the side and pretend to place his hand on the sword grip. Coercion is a technique that breaks the will of an opponent based on willpower.


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‘Kneel down. ‘Or die.’

Encred felt a sense of intimidation mixed with murderous intent.

A virtual blade flies out. Encred knew it wasn’t real. Now, there is no Encred of the past who closes his eyes when he sees the sword, and there is no Encred who is overwhelmed by intimidation.

Will, who refused, stood up and pushed away the intimidation.

Encred took a step towards Acia.

Her pupils dilated. I had already heard it through rumors, but it wasn’t until I saw it in person that I was convinced.

Interest is real.

Ruagarne was right. His insight, derived from his experience, was astray.

Instead of overcoming it by forcing the load on my body like before, I used my will to overcome it.


Encred asked.

“good night!”

Acea shouted excitedly.


The thin, straight rapier was pulled from her waist.

Acea speaks, holding her sword vertically in front of her face.

“You don’t think my specialty is intimidation, do you?”

“If losing is not your hobby, you’d better do it right.”

Encred received those words. It’s a clever provocation.

Acea smiled brightly. I need to change this guy’s habits. That’s what she seemed to say.

Encred was very satisfied with the change in expression.

While she drew her sword and held it up, Encred also adjusted his sword belt and adjusted his grip to make it narrower.

Along with that, he changed the position of his left foot and naturally let his arms hang down. It is ‘preparation’ just before fighting.

As soon as I arrived, I started sparring.

Whether it was work or something else, it didn’t matter.

Acea did it right from the beginning.

There is no need to look at each other clumsily.

Both are semi-knights. It has a certain amount of power.

You can tell just by looking at them overcoming the pressure.

“I don’t know how many Wills will be used, but look forward to it. “It will be fun.”

Acea spoke and aimed the vertical sword forward.

Encred reflexively measured the distance.

The distance was five steps, and since I drew my sword and aimed it in front of me, it felt like the tip of the sword was right in front of my nose.

Encred took a step to the side. Changed location. It is a place where the sun is turned away. Eisia did not break her stride and used her left foot as an axis, and changed her direction, moving only the tip of her sword.

The tip of the sword was still blocking Encred’s eyes.

Encred looked at Acea at first. After that she looked at her shoulder in the middle of her whole body.

Concentration on one point comes naturally.

He is actually a semi-knight of the Knights Templar.

I don’t think I can overpower her just because I’ve received a knight’s sword.

With boldness and the heart of a beast.

Focus on the other person with one point of focus.

Prepare by encouraging sensory skills.

I was always thinking about going first.

Encred’s vision, which was looking at her shoulder, gradually narrowed.

The view of the entire body narrowed to the shoulders and hands, and then became limited to the rapier and the hand holding it.

Behind it, only the rapier blade was visible. After a little while, his gaze narrowed and focused on the tip of the rapier.

In the end, only a male dot was visible. But that point is big enough to completely block my path.

I understand it with my head. The opponent simply raised his sword and aimed straight ahead.


‘I can’t sense the distance.’

It was clearly five steps, but the distance disappeared.

The tip of the sword only appears as a dot.

Only dots remain.

There is no coercion. There is no pressure. Naturally, the Will of Refusal does not activate.

Just the tip of the sword is visible.

Encred couldn’t even try to find the opponent’s gap. What can I do when I’m just looking at the dots?

As concentration increased, the points the opponent presented grew bigger.

‘What are you doing?’

For Andrew, who was watching from the sidelines, it was just absurd.

He asked me to do something, took a step forward, and then told me to spar.

Then he pulled out his sword, aimed it, and stopped.

I thought Encred would take a few steps to settle down and measure the distance, but now they both stopped.

‘They’re not fighting.’

I was looking forward to watching a high-level sparring match, but a lot of time has already passed.

‘Should I at least try to talk to him?’

“Leave it alone.”

As soon as I had that thought, Rem approached me from behind and put an arm on my shoulder and said.

Andrew’s body jerked to a halt as his shoulders and neck were grabbed.

“If you make a mistake now, that blade will fly at you.”

He says and pulls back. Andrew quietly followed the gesture.

Rem wasn’t the only one who came out.

Ragna, Saxony, and Dunbakel also appeared.

The three eyes gathered in the center of the training hall.

Sweat began to drip down Encred’s forehead.

Acea was not calm either.

The opponent’s spirit was fierce and rough. It was like a volcano ready to erupt at the slightest crack.

If that thing explodes, it will be difficult to maintain our current advantage.

Lionesis divided swordsmanship into five types, summarized the pros and cons of the five, and established the relationship between biting and biting.

True swords are weak to illusion swords.

Because it swings correctly and straight to trap the opponent within its intention, the true sword is weak against the deceptive illusion sword.

The circle sword is weak to heavy swords.

Hwangeom deceives and deceives its opponents, so it is weak against honesty. If it was a sturdy sword with weight, it was the strength of a heavy sword.

The heavy sword is caught by the Yu sword.

Because they are honest, they tend to go with the flow and go astray.

Again, it is difficult for a soft sword to deal with a quick sword.

If you hit quickly before you spill, you won’t be able to use the spill technique.

Lastly, quick swords are vulnerable to straight swords.

If you are trapped within the expectation, the power of speed is halved, so it was natural to be caught by a straight sword.

The right sword is a deceptive sword.

A heavy sword that deceives.

A heavy sword flowing sword.

The flowing sword is a fast sword.

The fast sword is returned to the correct sword.

Of course, just because it is a quick sword, it does not guarantee that it will catch a true sword, and just because it is a straight sword, there is no guarantee that it will be caught by a fantastic sword.

Since everything differed depending on the level of training, the victory and defeat of the fight and the results were never monotonous.

You can die even while fighting an opponent whose skills are much lower than yours.

It’s an old adage.

The sword has no eyes. Anyone who gets hit by a blind sword dies. Death is fair to everyone.

To escape that fairness, humans tried to go beyond their limits.

That’s Will. It’s willpower. The culmination of that willpower was the article.

Acea’s sword was a phantom sword.

It is a technique that takes advantage of the opponent’s concentration to create a counter.

As soon as Rem, Saxony, and Ragna saw Acia’s technique, they each thought of a way to destroy it.

These people are geniuses, so it’s natural.

Of course, if you fight them directly, Acea will also give you an irregularity, so you will have to compete to find out the direction of the fight.

Although Dunbakhel could not understand the opponent’s skills at once, he knew what he could do.

‘Strike before drawing.’

Encred could not understand Acea’s technology at a glance. However, there is a tower built over and over again, and a path made by walking and walking again and again.

It became solely his swordsmanship.

What if you see a dot? What if you see a line?

If you can’t get through, break here.

The moment he decided that time was not on his side, Encred moved his hand.


The sound of a sword being drawn was strange. That’s because it was pulled too quickly and straight. It is a sword that minimizes friction.

It was the result of repeated training.

It was Will of the ‘moment’. What I picked was spark.

The spark turned into a beam of white light and struck the dot.


There is a sound of metal meeting each other. As soon as the tip of her sword touched something of hers, Eisia exploded the contracted muscles of her entire body.


The ship flew in faster than Acia’s sword bounced and decapitated Encrid.

It felt like blood would come out immediately, but that didn’t happen.

Encred barely managed to avoid it. He tilted his neck back.

Acea stopped there. If we went any further, it was a fight of death and death.

For a first sparring, this was also very rough.

So much so that I wonder if it’s right to call it sparring.

Even within the Knights Templar, they get angry when they compete with real swords like this.

Are you planning on killing me?


“Once more?”

Encred’s eyes sparkled. A gentle smile appears on his face. It’s a face that says I’m going to die.

Didn’t he die and come back to life a little while ago? But why do you make that face?

No matter how swollen your liver is, or even if you did it because you liked it, when you die and come back to life, you are bound to have some negative emotions.

However, Encred did not show any negative emotions, including resentment, complaints, and dissatisfaction, as much as the eyes of an ant.


This is Asia’s first experience. This is a human form that I have never seen before.

“If you’re tired, it’s okay to take some rest.”

There was a response from behind to Encred’s words.

“Here we go again.”

“It’s an outbreak.”


The order is Rem, Ragnar, and Saxony.

Dunbakhel remained silent. She didn’t have the confidence to block the sword that Acea showed her a moment ago.

Fast isn’t scary.

If it’s just speed, Encred’s sword is sharper.

So, I’m not surprised by how fast it is. More scary than that is losing timing.

‘I stopped breathing.’

I know this because I was immersed in it and watched it without realizing it.

Acea’s sword comes in between inevitable breaths.

If it had been me, my throat would have been cut.

Of course, if he had held out his sword like that in the first place, he wouldn’t have fought like Encred.

She must have run away first.

I would have widened the distance and started again.

‘Then can you win?’

That will be difficult. Dunvakel was offended by this and started snorting.

“You seem like a strange person.”

Acea finally spoke to Encred.

“But he’s smiling now too.”

Encred answered.

That’s exactly what it says.

Acea also felt a rare sense of fun and joy.

It was so fun that I didn’t know how many years it had been since this happened.

“No breakfast? “I didn’t eat anything.”

Acea said.


Encred called the mansion owner. Andrew nodded.

Since they eat every meal regularly, they must have prepared their meals well.


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