Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 364

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364. Marquis’ gift

He had more gray hair than black hair and his beard was short. Although his body was moderately trained, he was past his prime. A little bit of flab remained, whether I knew it or not. I am not the type of person who is determined and disciplined.

Elegance can be felt even when standing still. It seemed like they were saying that nobility was like this.

Encred’s eyes and senses felt and saw the other person that way.

So, this is what I think when I think about what he said.

‘The Marquis.’

Encred calmly admitted that he had fallen for the provocation.

It doesn’t matter because it doesn’t change anything.

Above all, it was something I was willing to do in the first place.

I am so grateful that the Marquis said the right thing.

However, this is not something that should be done right away. My sweat cooled down a bit and the wind felt cold.

Encred put down the ax spear he was holding to one side. Other weapons were also placed one by one in the weapons warehouse next to the training ground to prevent dew from forming.

Now that everything was gone, I was hungry. I trained and even dealt with the Marquis. I felt hungry. It was time for her to eat lunch,

“Let’s eat.”

Encred said as he closed the weapons warehouse door.

Kin raised his head at those words. He wondered if he might offer himself a meal.

No one did that. No one even bothered to help themselves.

‘Do these humans have no eyes?’

For some reason, I feel like I am losing confidence in my appearance. Therefore, I had no desire to stay here any longer.

“I’ll go.”

Keane left. There are five escorts waiting outside. Everyone has a neat attitude. He seemed like a capable person.

Encred glanced at it and thought.

They’re dragging it around.

but. There are people saying that the security in the capital city is a mess these days, so that’s what needs to be done.

The escort that the marquis brought with him earlier was particularly small.

After Keane turned around. Encred walked into the mansion and opened his mouth.

“You weren’t interested?”

Andrew was right next to me.

I saw Andrew glance in Keen’s direction a few times, and I asked him to calmly send him away.

“I’m busy saving my family. It’s not the time to be distracted.”

I nodded and asked if that was so. There is no right or wrong. Is there anything like that in life?

It’s all just your own choice.

Encred respected Andrew’s choice.

“The captain is also unique.”

Andrew said. Encred heard it often, so he listened to it with one ear and ignored it.

Because this is a better expression than telling someone to go to a temple and get treatment.

“Oh, I was still hungry.”

Dunbakeel said, approaching from behind. Encred told Dunbakeel that he couldn’t eat unless he washed.

Of course, I washed myself.

After a while, we gathered at the table and the menu was presented.

The maid who made a mistake with the marquis controlled her mind in the meantime and diligently carried dishes and water.

Soon, plentiful dishes filled the table.

Today’s menu was a stew made by boiling carrots, broccoli, potatoes, and beef in wine.

It is one of Naurilia’s traditional dishes.

Monsters and beasts generally made humans gather in castles to live together, and naturally, food culture developed.

It was for a similar reason that the technology to build forts developed remarkably.

In any case, the food culture inside the castle developed in various ways, so it was only natural that this was Nauril, the capital of Naurilia.

Even the chefs Andrew hired were top-notch in the provincial towns.


Encred tasted the stew broth first.

The heavy savory taste enveloped my tongue and went down my throat. The taste washed over her body and awakened a momentarily forgotten hunger.

I picked up a fork and ate beef and carrots cut into squares on a plate.

Instead of eating the bay leaf, he put it aside and stabbed the meat into his mouth.

When I took a bite, the well-cooked beef felt soft and quickly tore apart.

Soft and fluffy. It tears and falls apart in your mouth. The unique fatty taste of beef combined with the savory taste harmonized with the lightness and flowed down my throat in a waterfall.

The carrots were nicely cooked, and the broccoli seemed to have been transformed into a new vegetable thanks to the seasoning.

It is a satisfying meal. The hand handling the fork became faster and faster.

Everyone was similar to Encred.

Because Esther also turned into a human and took over the table.

“It’s amazing every time I see it.”

Andrew looked at Esther and said,

The five trainees and Mac ate ​​separately, so the only people here were Encred’s people except Andrew.

Esther checked the direction of Andrew’s eyes and spoke.

“Is this your first time seeing a witch?”

Esther asked awkwardly. It is a favor shown because proper food is provided.

Of course, it is difficult for anyone to see it as a favor, but it was a favor for Mester.

“I’ve never seen such a beautiful wizard.”

Esther didn’t really react to those words.


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Andrew didn’t mean anything much either. However, I think it is only natural that Encrud does not turn his attention to Kin Baisar. Esther cuts broccoli with a knife and puts it in her mouth. The appearance is almost deceptive.

The long flowing hair, blue eyes, and mysterious aura covered it all and made the other person feel like an untouchable being.

But everyone treated her comfortably.

Rem asks, and Ester nods,

“Is it delicious to eat a leopard? Or is it better to eat it as a human??

Dunbakhel also asks.

“Why don’t you transform yourself and eat it?

Esther answered with an expressionless expression. I wasn’t angry. This is what it usually looks like.

Andrew has also been getting used to it for a few days now.

‘That leopard was a witch’

But what surprised me more than that was Encred. Encrid has become a completely different person compared to when he was under his command.

‘Do you really want to become a knight?’

So much so that I couldn’t help but think that way.

Andrew thought about random things and then focused on his food.

Watching him eat, I felt like I wouldn’t even be able to see the meat if I left it alone.

Even if you prepare well, it’s like this. They ate three times as much as the average person.

Everyone seemed to have forgotten about the Marquis.

Even Andrew was surprised by that.

No one asks what’s going on or makes any argument. It’s the difference between following and believing.

Looking at Encred, Andrew unconsciously realized what he needed to gain from his subordinate. That was unexpected luck.

After Andrew got lost in thought and everyone had their fill.

Dunbakhel asked with a hint of seasoning on his mouth.

“What is that? I’ll tell you in advance, it’s not a beastman.”

I said it all over and over again, but I understood it all.

What kind of person is this guy who roams the streets of the capital at night and kidnaps people?

Whether it’s good porridge or if you miss it, don’t you need to know its identity first?

Rem also agreed.

You must first guess the identity of your prey.

‘A beast running rampant at night?’

Even if the security of the capital city is a mess, it doesn’t make sense for monsters to run rampant.

What this means is that it hides during the day and is active only at night, and only once every few days. Even up to this point, it was difficult to guess its identity.

Ragna also nodded lightly. This is an indication that you understand and have the same question.

Encred was surprised that no one here asked why they had to capture it.

If you ask what that is, you can see that even Dubackel has no complaints.

It was amazing to see that.

They follow along without complaining or dissatisfaction.

In reality, they were also bored. I spent a day or two harassing trainees and touring the capital.

Rem was also slowly sharpening the blade of his axe.

It was also a sign that he wanted to fight. The atmosphere throughout the capital was also stimulating. It was an air similar to that flowing on the battlefield. Encred chewed and swallowed what he put in his mouth and then opened his mouth.

“Thunderbolt wizard, cave, alchemist medicine test subject”

It is a list of words.

Encred had an excellent memory. He was here to hear what had happened in the capital during that time.

Wasn’t there something that Andrew summarized?

The howl of a beast that causes missing people every few days.

A presence that cannot be felt during the day

As I was listening to all the information, something came to mind.

Encred’s mouth opened again.

and a black knife

Saxony was also there. This is where everything Encred said is gathered.

This is a place where traces of biological experiments were clearly visible when the black knife overturned the place where medicine was produced.

Was it the alchemist Laban? There was a madman with that name

There, I also saw a human lying around, half turned into a ghoul.

Encred thought after organizing the information and recalling it from his memory.

What is this being that runs wild at night and hides itself during the day?

What does it relate to?

What if we apply the current situation here?

In the capital is the head of the Black Sword.

He lost the sword called Lycanos, and those he would call enemies came to his side. no. It didn’t end with what came.

“Doesn’t Saxony know that he’s after him?”

know. If I didn’t know that much, I wouldn’t have been able to hide my identity and pull off a trick like this.

“Is that correct?”

Saxony narrows his eyebrows and asks. En Creed nodded her head. Instead of ending there, he happily continued his explanation for those who followed without saying a word.

The traces are similar to those of a monster, but the fact that it hides during the day is proof that this being has reason. Otherwise, someone would capture it and release it every time, but that is not possible.

The capital security forces are not all assholes. You can’t do something like that and not get caught.

Encred recalled the guard captain he saw when he entered the capital. He left an impression wearing a feather hat.

Regardless of his skills, he did not appear to be an easy-going person.

What they missed. Because the opponent’s strength and movements are that much more difficult to deal with.

Encred said, resting his right elbow on the table and raising his index finger.

“The conclusion is that a human has been transformed into a monster.”

What kind of thinking structure does it take to come up with an answer like that?

Esther also understands this only after hearing it.

When devising sword techniques, Encred considers everything from one to ten.

Excellent memory helps with that.

Added to this is a creative and flexible way of thinking.

Creativity and flexibility are not something you are born with.

You have to train and repeat constantly.

For Encred, swordsmanship and martial arts were always a cliff with no answer.

I had to think repeatedly to climb up that cliff. Without that, I couldn’t move forward,

Therefore, it is a possible expansion of thinking. Since anything is possible, we can consider the possibility of everything.

After gathering the information, the answer came out.

“It only came out when the moon was up.”

Saxony also added its words here.

Saxony was interested in all the unusual things that happened in the capital.

Of course. Because I don’t know where the clues will come from.

However, this was beyond Saxony’s expectations.

To be honest, I forgot.

The world is full of crazy alchemists who conduct such biological experiments.

But after putting it all together, it makes perfect sense.

If you are a human who has been transformed into a monster, what is that monster?

The type that only comes out on nights when the moon is up and cannot control their instincts at night.


If Saxony had guessed it himself, my captain would have done the same. But this goes without saying. He just kept his mouth shut.

“Now there’s only one thing we need”

Encred continued.

Rem, who had been listening quietly, nodded and said.

“You have no rights.”

“right. Response: If we investigate the scene of the accident starting tomorrow noon, the magistrate will be happy. “They will attack you and ask you where dare you go.”

“You can’t just knock down someone who’s attacking you.”

Rem received the message. En Creed nodded his head.

Rem is not stupid. Sometimes the trouble he causes is literal, but other times it is calculated.

‘Anyway, you’re a brat.’

Encred organized his thoughts and spoke.

If the Marquis wasn’t just making empty remarks, he would send me something.

If Encred has the necessary ability to do this, where is the right? Who can give that to me?

If you have permission from a noble, things are easy.

A shield that can block the magistrate’s bullshit is enough.

Encred said he had expected that far.

If Marcus or Kreis had been here, they would both have stood up and clapped their hands.

“You go into politics!!”

Marcus would have said it in advance,

“He steals women’s hearts with his gift of words. A woman’s heart is truly capricious, so thinking with everything in mind is a talent!”

Kreis would have said this:

The direction in which they looked at each other must have been quite different.

Of course, since there are neither here, there is no need to admire them.

Rem wanted to swing the ax all at once,

Ragna was similar,

Dunbakhel was no different.

Esther had no intention of casting a spell either.

However, since it was an experimental subject, interest arose.

A combination of humans and monsters?

It’s called a chimera. I have no intention of doing such a thing.

It is separate from your own spell world. It’s not necessary and I feel disgusted.

Feelings are important to wizards. If he feels disgusted with himself, it means he doesn’t fit in.

If you continue to do that, you will lose influence over the world of spells you have created, and eventually you will lose your magic. He had made a similar mistake himself, so Esther backed him off.

“I’m going to rest. I like the cushions here.”


Even if Ester was missing, nothing would change.

Encred opened the second finger of his hand on the table.

“Conclusion two, today is a night without the moon, so all you have to do is get a good night’s sleep.”

Andrew, who was watching from the side, opened his mouth at some point and was unable to close it.

Then, at Encred’s words, he closed his mouth and asked.

“Why are you so smart?”

“Didn’t you have enough time to think?”

Does that mean anyone can know? Is this something you can figure out only if you have time?

“That sounds like all the magistrates and security chiefs in the capital are idiots.”

Andrew muttered in bewilderment, but everyone just ignored it. Because that’s the truth

No, this is something Encred is exceptionally good at. But no one really reacted to this.

“Why isn’t everyone surprised?”

Only Andrew muttered, but he soon closed his mouth.

Originally, this was the kind of person and this kind of unit.

That night, Encred and the group slept soundly. Encred woke up at dawn like any other day and began the isolation technique, and Andrew joined a little later.

I was young and faced a morning that was unlike any other.

An outsider’s voice rang through the morning practice.

“Was it really you?”

A guest has arrived. It could be said that it was a gift from an accurate organization.

He did the right thing to do it right.

By sending Associate Knight Acia, a member of the Knights Templar, she naturally recognized Encred.


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