Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 362

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362. Kraang’s aim

Five steps next to Krang, the whip guard was paying attention to the surroundings.

In addition to him, a bald warrior who looked like he was using his body was also brought along.

He was behind Krang, with his back exposed like a statue.

It is a well-trained body. You can find out at a glance.

He is not an ordinary person with great skills.

Encred looked at those two and thought of Andrew.

He was probably making a fuss inside the party hall right now.

Did you say that if you join a party, people won’t treat you like a ghoul?

So, if it were a ghoul, it would recognize it and make an impression, but it would completely ignore it.

Who can deal with a nobleman, even a baron, and an asshole who took the wrong line?

I completely ignored the butler in front of the party.

“Baron Andrew Gardner? “Are you sure you’re here?”

The butler does not speak loudly. Andrew sighed inwardly, but outwardly he answered in silence.

“why? “Have I come to a place I can’t come to?”

“What about the invitation?”

“You must have been busy so you missed it.”

“… … “You may come in.”

The butler brought Andrew in with a very disapproving look on his face.

Encred, who acted as an escort, could not enter.

No, I went inside a few times. Thanks to that, I sold my face and received attention.

After that, the organizer forbade any escorts.

In the first place, I wasn’t interested in the inside of the party.

It’s just a way to see Kraang, including the surrounding atmosphere.

To be honest, I was hoping that if I walked around like this at night, another warning person would appear, but that didn’t happen.

Eventually, I met Krang and asked him.

“It’s a knight.”

Krang was lost in thought for a moment.

The pupils do not shake and there is no sign of nervousness.

However, he continued only after choosing his words for a moment.

“Why aren’t you punishing Count Molsen when he calls himself the king of the border? “This was the first question I had.”

Because I had a question and had already found the answer, Krang was able to answer it.

“You know Rihinstetten, the great country in the south?”

Krang’s tone of voice was gentle. She seemed to be introducing a famous bar at the bottom of a market somewhere.

It was evening, but it wasn’t cold anymore, so it was actually nice to talk outside.

An old bench, the lights of a mansion where a party is in full swing.

Insects like fireflies appear one by one.

Although it doesn’t fit the current story, Krang’s voice was as cheerful as always, so it gave the feeling of a leisurely night walk, regardless of the content.

“It’s already been seven years since we fought against the Kingdom of Rihinstätten, and we’ve never been easily pushed back, right?”

right. I’ve never heard such a rumor.


“Because the southern territory fought well?”

“Considering that, wasn’t it too easy to break through as soon as the demonic movement occurred?”


“Because Lord Cypress and another knight are blocking the place.”

The power of the southern powerhouse Rihinstätten is objectively superior to that of Naurilia.

They also have their own circumstances, so a complete landslide victory is difficult.

However, that does not mean that it could be prevented, but it was prevented. I held on. He rebelled against the invasion.

“I saw it at the place I went after hearing the news. The two knights are accomplishing something miraculous. “If they are absent, the southern front could be pushed back as soon as tomorrow.”

As Krang spoke, he kicked a stone on the bottom of the bench with his toe and pulled it out of the ground.

After removing the stuck stone, he kicked it and said,

“The two knights’ feet are tied up. “Are they the only ones stranded?”

“I guess the knights were tied up too.”

Encred is not stupid.

What is the best way to avoid being pushed back on the battlefield?

We need to deploy troops and strengthen our forces.

The kingdom did so.

Two knights are guarding the southern border. Even if only one of the two had ignored the border, it would have already been half ruined by the Rihinstetten invasion.

Krang knew how messed up this country was.

And now I know that Encred is also a mess.

“What about the third knight?”

There are three knights of Naurilia. No, there are three known ones.

“The third knight is confronting a group of monsters.”

This is my first time hearing this story. Although it was confidential, Krang still spoke in the same manner.

“Well, a troublesome monster appeared and formed a colony. In addition, the Eastern Mercenary King is also eagerly targeting this place, so some of the knights must be sent there. “They are not the only threat.”

Even when there was an all-out war with Azpen in the past, one knight barely escaped and participated in the battlefield.

At that time, the direction of the battle was not focused on reducing Azpen’s power.

Rather, I focused on hitting short and fast and then letting go.


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‘Because I can’t lose weight for a long time.’

Because the driver’s absence poses a threat elsewhere.

The most urgent thing was Azpen, so I had no choice but to come, otherwise the knight would not have participated in the battlefield.

It all seemed plausible.

It all makes sense. The absence of knights and the fact that only some of the knights remained in the palace.

And all of that was a great opportunity for those who were ambitious and dreamed of rebellion.

‘The Royal Guard was also mixed into factions.’

The same goes for the guards guarding the castle gate and the guard captain.

It became a situation where everyone had to stand in line.

Reality and facts are intertwined to tell one story.

Why does everything fit together so perfectly?

Why is such a favorable situation for those who dream of rebellion? Why was a good stage for them to act?

Encred’s intuition fueled his excellent situational judgment.

Even though I’m not fighting, my concentration comes naturally and my senses become more sensitive.

Out of my tense head, I came to a conclusion.

What does Krang gain from all of this?

Why did he come to the palace and cause trouble?

After he arrived, the group of nobles behaved as if their feet were on fire.

Because the heir is moving towards asking for the throne to be given up immediately.

He also had some power. Because everyone knew right away that center pole Marcus was on this side.

Impatience brings action. A group of nobles did just that.

If we look closely, a group of nobles could have been a signal to let us know which side they were on.

Because if you don’t take sides, you’ll be pushed out.

You need to clearly state which side you are on.

“that’s right?”

There was no need to ask too much. Encred asked, and Krang spoke with a smile on his face.

That smile looked so bright.

It didn’t seem like a person who showed such feelings.

It’s a smile that might seem scary to some.

“I was just about to tell you.”

I had no intention of hiding my intentions.

No, it was as if he had told me to notice from the beginning.

Krang got up from his knees.

He got up and kicked the stone. The stone flew away with a thud and rolled to a place where the light did not reach.

“I’m going to gather all the things I don’t need in one place and get rid of them. That’s why. “We need a civil war.”

If you collect trash, you should burn it or bury it. Civil war becomes an act for that purpose. It was decorated that way.

Of course, the priority was that these noble factions should be quietly driven out of the palace.

Kraang did not come to prevent civil war. He came to accelerate.

No, he was going to perfectly achieve his goal in the process.

In other words, by laying down the board and subtly dividing sides.

I plan to distinguish between what to say and what not to say.

The basis for that is, of course, force.

‘I deliberately emptied my troops from the royal palace to weed out those who would betray or betray.’

That’s the bottom line.

Encred also stood up. It was time to go. I also saw Andrew coming out of the mansion with a very tired face.

Encred asked while looking at that. It was one of the two purposes for coming here.

“Do you know who the leader of the Black Sword is?”

The leader of the bandits resides in the royal palace, and he is a member of the Black Lily.

That’s all Saxony found out.

However, did you say that it was impossible to find out how well the leader hid himself?

In the meantime, a request came from someone presumed to be part of the assassination coalition.

“… … It may be a coincidence, but the goal is the same. That friend is my biggest headache right now. I will organize the necessary information and send it to you, so please think about it. “I’m trying to find it too.”

Encred nodded. He has achieved his purpose of following the party and meeting Krang.

My questions were answered and I was promised help.

At this moment, Encred had decided on his side.

“Ah, Enki. “You don’t want to be my knight, do you?”

Krang suddenly asked without stopping.


“Because I don’t think I’ll be satisfied with someone else’s article. Well, that’s right.”

With that bright smile from before. And she turned and walked away. With the attitude that the answer is not important.

Encred didn’t think much about it either.

I focused on becoming a knight.

I didn’t consider becoming someone’s knight.

It wasn’t important right now.

The important thing is that Kraang is distinguishing between enemy and enemy.

So, the board was laid. He spoke with his actions to all the nobles. He showed intent.

Of course, only a very small portion of the nobles would realize his hidden intentions.

However, even if you notice it, you cannot ignore it.

Krang had spoken to all the nobles.

There are no knights or knights, so run wild within the palace.

The effect was clear.

Everyone forms a private army and dreams of or plots to overthrow the royal family.

Count Molsen is the true king of the frontier.

Inside the palace, the number of people showing unstoppable ambition has increased.

‘I don’t want to die like that.’

I felt worried for a moment.

With the situation set up like this, the most dangerous thing is Kraang.

The appearance of someone with the right to succeed to the throne is a thorn in everyone’s eyes.

In a situation like this, taking it for granted that he would become king and looking to the future was, of course, a difference of character.

Encred brushed aside the worries that had briefly arisen.

If he was this crazy, he would have thought about protecting his own life.

It was originally set up based on the premise of force.

I was curious. What kind of force is Krang hiding?

I suddenly felt like I wanted to see it. Although I don’t think they’ll even show it right now.

“Can you stop going to the party? “I’m really suffering.”

Andrew soon approached and started complaining.

“Training is better, right?”

Andrew’s mouth fell silent at those words. If you had to choose between partying and training, which would it be?

“I will do it as training.”

For a brief moment, he said this with sweat pouring down his forehead.

“Okay, then.”

I’m done chasing after the party.

I went all the way to Saxony and looked around, but there was no one attacking me anymore.

It will be quiet until the embers thrown by Krang explode.

In the meantime, he grabs the leader of the black swords and strikes him, and while watching what Krang has done, he adds another sword.

That would be it.

Then, you will be able to fight an unexpected opponent.

Will the factional groups of ambitious people attack without thinking?

Speech that is not based on force loses its power.

Especially in the current royal palace, force has become the law.

Did you say that the magistrate was so threatening?

“let’s go. “To train.”

Andrew spoke, gritting his molars with determination, and Encred also took a step forward.

So we returned to the mansion, and as soon as the next morning Encred had to greet the guests.

“There were rumors, and you really came to the capital.”

Kin Baisar was a woman who was said to be the most beautiful woman in the capital.

Encred was sweating and swinging his axe.

Lem says that experience in handling various weapons is as important as fighting them head-to-head.

It actually helped.

I was sweating profusely as I held the end of the handle of the ax spear and swung it with one hand.

Welcoming guests in that state.

“The attitude of welcoming guests is still the same.”

“I don’t think you came alone.”

Encred said. She placed the tip of her ax’s spear downward for a moment and turned her body around. The thin training clothes stuck to my body due to the flowing sweat.

It made his body muscles stand out. Kin opened his mouth, thinking he wanted to pet it.

“Yes, there is someone who wants to see you. Don’t you want to come after washing up and greet them politely?”

I could feel some kind of force outside the mansion.

So, it means that there is someone with formidable skills.

Although it doesn’t really exude great lethality, it doesn’t hide its presence either. What does it mean to be able to express yourself like this?

At least he is a semi-knight.

“Is it really necessary to get dressed up just to meet an old man?”

Someone said as they entered the mansion. He was a white-haired nobleman. As he said, he was close to an old man, but he could feel a subtle strength in his steps.

It feels like a strong step.

When he came in, Mac rushed out and so did Andrew.

“How did we get to this point?”

Even Andrew looked embarrassed.

In the current kingdom, the closest person to the queen is Baisar.

The person with the greatest military power, excluding the Knights, is Count Molsen.

However, if all the citizens and nobles unanimously chose the most noble person, a different name would come out.

In my own land, there is a person who is respected by everyone for his kindness and clear handling of work, and outside of it, there is a person who is respected by everyone even though he does not take anyone’s side and does not form factions.

Of course, he was one of the Five Fingers, the owner of the largest land in the kingdom, and he was also the queen’s teacher.

Marquis of Okto.

It is the fourth finger that supports the kingdom.

On the outside, he looked like the old man next door who was obsessed with chess.

said the Marquis, who entered with a smile.

“I came as a guest, but if I’m here by mistake, please tell me. “I have no intention of making you uncomfortable.”

Andrew shook his head at those words.

“Not at all. It’s shabby, but you can stay as long as you want.”

Even Andrew showed respect to me, which gave me a sense of his usual behavior.

Encred also had a similar feeling. It is different from other nobles.

He was a person who achieved a lot based on his last name.

Of all the noblemen I met here, I felt the clearest.

That doesn’t mean it’s easy, though.

The spirit of the guard behind him was like that.

It was like that when I saw the eyes looking at me while sitting at the stone table on one side of the training hall.

“Just keep doing what you’re doing. “He came suddenly, so I have to wait.”

“Your Excellency the Marquis.”

Kin said from next to him. Then she says with a wink. Come and sit in front.

Encred looked at it and said.


Saying that you will wait is not pretense, so wouldn’t it be right to respect that meaning?

It wasn’t like a fight or anything.

However, due to his choice, the spirit of the guard behind him became a little more violent.

Encred found that interesting.

The two escorts looked like they would attack at any moment if they made a mistake.

“Who came?”

Of course, a response came from behind Encred as well.

Rem spoke and took a step closer, and Ragna sat down next to him and looked at him.

Before he knew it, Saxony was leaning his back against the wall near the entrance to the mansion, and Dunbakel and Esther came up next to Encrid.

In terms of momentum, they were people who could not be defeated by anyone.


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