Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 361

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361. Where is the knight?

“Shall I use poison or some other trick?”

The next morning, as soon as dawn broke, Encred asked.

Saxony shook his head after hearing the question.

Now it was the usual Saxony.

It is an indifferent, bored, and peaceful expression and attitude.

However, his tone of voice revealed a faint sense of life.

“I won’t do the same thing again.”

Saxony’s voice as he spoke those words was like a piece of ice taken from a glacier. It’s cold. He had a mixture of cynicism towards those who came and made tricks while he was away.

Of course, the cold and murderous smile disappeared as soon as it appeared.

He returned to his usual indifferent and haughty expression, not even raising an eyebrow even if someone poked him with a needle.

“You’re saying you won’t let that happen, right?”

Encred asked and Saxony nodded indifferently.

That’s it then.

As I said, nothing much happened throughout the day. Those who came out warning us are never seen again.

You don’t want to come in one day?

No, even if two or three days pass, I won’t be able to come.

In the first place, if they came when they were alone, they would not come when they were gathered together.

Encred spent another day.

I trained without thinking, and rolled Andrew and the five trainees.

“help me.”

One of the trainees muttered without realizing it.

“Yes, one cut today will save you tomorrow.”

Encred answered the trainee’s complaint with sincerity and received applause from Dunbakeel.

“It’s a famous saying.”

“It’s not a famous statement, it’s a declaration that I won’t listen to that kind of talk. “Stupid beastman.”

Rem next to me scolded me.

Only Encred could vaguely hear their conversation.

The trainee would not have heard it. Rem must have deliberately muffled his voice because he knew why Encred was giving this answer.

Please save me like this.

‘You can roll more.’

Encred even wanted to pour his energy into speaking into his sword. He was going to not only satisfy their needs and desires, but also prevent them from dying as much as possible.

In Encred’s opinion, the Gardner family’s troops were only seven.

Andrew and Mack, five trainees.

Among them, Andrew is the least useful.

‘I can’t believe it’s at a usable level in this situation.’

If something happens, you just die. Since he is a familiar face, I have no intention of watching Andrew die.

However, it was not possible to just follow him around and protect him.

The best thing to do is to protect yourself.

Since that is the purpose of the training now, it was right to spend a little bit of extreme time.

And in times like this, it was easier to take a stance of not understanding, like a wall, rather than trying to understand what the other person said and scolding them.

When a conversation is being communicated, do people start talking and have a conversation?

There is no such attempt to make with someone you cannot communicate with.

Just busy doing the tasks given to you.

That’s what Encred wanted.

It means focusing and struggling like crazy on what you are doing.

Because I came up from the bottom, I knew the mindset they needed now.


The trainee was in despair, and Encred was satisfied.

Ragna looked at that and nodded. Do your best in everything.

He was just like the captain he knew.

I am satisfied.

Seeing that makes me motivated again.

‘The sword.’

Ragna quickly fell into his own world.

Saxony was speechless as he looked at the same thing. For two days, all they could say was that the enemy would not do the same thing.

And no one spoke to him. Saxony was difficult for Andrew too.

Mac, of course, was not someone to talk to.

The five trainees were busy finding their own way to survive.

Rem and Ragna didn’t bother to argue either. Now everyone had something to do. Rem would sometimes fill Encred’s place when he was away.

“If you hit me even once, it’s a break.”

It is about showing a different kind of hell to the five trainees. Rem was very happy about it.

Ragna swung his sword on one side and was lost in thought.

I could tell that he was thinking about swordsmanship as he occasionally muttered to himself, ‘Light, fast and heavy.’

In the meantime, Saxony could be lost in thought in silence.

The first was his own work.

‘Is it a game of tag?’

The target of revenge was identified based on the evidence presented so far.


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However, just because it is specific does not mean that it can be found.

Well, it’s difficult. More information needs to be gathered. You have to find out and dig into it.

After practical concerns, theoretical concerns arose.

‘Is this right?’

The path you have chosen is not a ‘helpful’ path.

Which is the right path, what is the answer, and why is he obsessed with revenge, risking his life?

If revenge is the goal, is it okay to do this?

“Stab it.”

Encred’s words remained in my mind.

Encred, with his forearm bandaged, came into Saxony’s field of vision.

As the days get warmer day by day, sleeves are getting shorter and shorter.

It was closer to neglect rather than treatment, but the wound healed without reappearing.

It was a mark made by his stilettos.

“Why are you worrying? Start by finding the reason. “Think about why.”

The teacher said.

Saxony did as he was told.

The reason for your worries lies in your heart. It’s because my mind can’t figure it out.

If you don’t know, you will be dragged away, but if you know, you won’t be dragged away.

Just because you find the why doesn’t mean you have to come up with an answer.

There are many paths.

Saxony also chose one of them.

Instead of making up my mind, I left it to my own devices.

Instead of wondering, ‘Can I do this?’, do it. Just do it. It moves. do it Take steps toward results.

This is Encred’s mindset. I learned it from watching him.

I once again got a glimpse of the greatness of the human being in front of me.

‘I don’t give up just because I don’t have talent.’

Instead of worrying, think about it.

If you can’t do it with your head, use your body.

Use your body and move your head. Do anything. It’s a struggle.

“You can’t. “What kind of skills do you have?”

I am not swayed by criticism and ridicule. It goes forward alone.

The complexity in Saxony’s mind was soon replaced by simplicity.

The tangled skein of thread was unraveled and straightened.

So, for now, I’m going to do whatever I feel like.

Afterwards, Rem harassed five more trainees, saying he was bored.

Dunbakel received two curved swords from Encrid and swung them for a while, saying he would get used to them.

Later, he turned into a beast and asked Ragna to spar, but was beaten.

Ragna spent some time swinging his sword or lying on his bed or on the grass next to the training ground.

He seemed leisurely unless someone challenged him to spar.

Sometimes Saxony went out of the mansion with Encred, and there were many other times when he went out alone.

When the two went out together, they usually went to parties.

Encred went out with Andrew as his escort.

Among them, although it was rare, I saw someone I knew. There were so many people in the capital now, and everyone was trying to get a place, that something like this could happen.


“It’s been a while.”

The other person reacted and Encred spoke next.

He was an instructor who taught swordsmanship when he came to the capital.

Although he is not a very good human being.

‘Is this a proper noble’s bodyguard now?’

This is a judgment made based on the clothes you wear, the weapons you carry, and the people around you.

“Are you really that Encred?”

A former bullshit expert instructor said.

At the time, I thought my skills were pretty good, but what about now?

Encred nodded, thinking.

“That’s nonsense.”

He mumbled and whispered with his colleagues.

From what I heard, it seemed like they were calling me a fraudster.


Andrew, who was next to me, narrowed his brows.

“Leave it alone?”

Andrew is planning to step forward in person right now.

“Leave it alone.”

Encred looked at them and thought there was no need to start an argument.

Even the instructor who specializes in bullshit laughed while looking at Encred. It was a smile that made you smell like fish. It was fishy.

“Uh, okay, see you later.”

The former instructor left, giggling among his colleagues. The bullshit instructor wasn’t even the leader among them.

Was there anyone particularly noteworthy? It seemed like it wasn’t there.

ignored. It was just a passing thing.

It was only when several of the party came and went that Encrid was able to meet Kraang.

Krang said that getting out of the palace itself was difficult.

“Everyone is ready to pull out their swords at any moment.”

“Count Molsen?”

I don’t know anything about the inner flow of the palace. He only mentioned the most influential person.

It was a wrong answer.

Krang responded to those words with a smile.

“In fact, the man holding the blade in front of his neck is not a noble on the border, but inside the palace.”

Although he didn’t even ask who it was, Kraang continued obediently.

“He’s Viscount Mernes.”

At first glance, I heard that he was the one who united the factions within the palace and formed one force.

Considering that he has a competitive relationship with Viscount Bantra, he is a man with different ambitions than Count Molsen.

“You’re in such trouble, my friend. “It’s one of the five fingers.”

Krang spoke, placing his palms on the bench, straightening his back and looking at the sky. Why does he seem carefree, contrary to what he says?

The five fingers supporting the palace symbolized the five families.

Marquis Baisar of the Thumb family.

The Black Finger Rockhorn family has been involved in the military for generations.

The ruler of the border, which means middle finger, belongs to Count Molsen.

Yakji was responsible for the kingdom’s livelihood for generations. The current man was called the Marquis of Okto.

The last baby family is the family that guards the royal palace and its name is unknown.

And currently, none of the five families supported the queen.

Everyone is busy looking after their own interests.

Krang didn’t explain all of this either. There won’t be a need for that.

Krang glanced at Encred’s eyes. What I was curious about now didn’t seem to be anything like that.

So what did you want to know that brought you here?

At first, Andrew, who appeared as an uninvited guest at the party, attracted attention.

Afterwards, the rumors focused on the escorts following him.

A hero born from the Border Guard.

In reality, he is a writer full of inflated pseudonyms.

Did you say that someone who knows Encred’s past keeps talking about it?

It is rumored that he originally had poor skills and lived in vain on the backs of his subordinates.

‘If you can’t see it, you can’t admit it?’

Is that arrogance? Or is it arrogance?

Or is it to protect the prestige they have built so far?

‘Not everything.’

Krang saw them all as idiots.

If you don’t trust the reputation, you can test it by pretending to like it.

If you don’t like that, it’s better to just watch.

However, some stupid and ignorant nobles were busy belittling and belittling Encred.

‘Maybe I lack intelligence.’

How could someone with a brain like that become an official in the royal palace?

One of the people who were busy belittling him was the palace magistrate.

He is the superior of all guard captains and is in charge of the royal palace guards.

‘Am I supposed to like this?’

Should he be happy that his supposed enemy is stupid, or should he say that he is very sad that there are only assholes in the palace that he is supposed to rule?

Or should we blame the queen who led this country?

Either that, or you may have to sympathize with the Queen.

Because none of this could have been done by the Queen.

Of course, the reason Encred received attention wasn’t just because of his skills.

“I’d like to see that face.”

“I heard you’re that handsome?”

“It’s great for your eyes.”

It is the curiosity of a group of noble ladies.

The two men who followed Andrew as escorts chewed everything from the outside of the party to the inside of the party.

Of course, those two were Encred and Saxony.

I guess this is why the nobles, blinded by jealousy, are telling behind-the-scenes stories that are close to criticism towards Encred.

There is no motivation more powerful than jealousy.

In fact, some of the nobles were anxious to kill Encred.

Including peace officers.

If Encred pulls out his sword in the city, wouldn’t the guards be dispatched immediately?

Krang thought and opened his mouth.

“Viscount Mernes is the son-in-law of the Marquis of Weissar and a member of the Lachon family.”

He has the most powerful supporter in the current royal palace and even has a private army in the capital.

He also brought some of the Royal Guard under his command.

He was also a great man who had rapidly increased his power since entering the capital, and was now able to unite all the surrounding factions.

In terms of risk in the current situation, the ship was more dangerous than Count Molsen.

“There is a saying that battalion-level private soldiers were gathered and stationed outside the capital. So, what are you curious about?”

Krang continued to ask without stopping. He must have come here for a purpose.

Encred had a lot to ask, but it boiled down to one thing he was really curious about.

Many questions would be resolved with this one question.

So, Encred asked about the people he expected and deserved to be there.

“Where are all the articles?”

If there is even one knight in the palace.

If they were by the queen’s side, would the Mernes or Mernos I mentioned earlier be able to run rampant like this?

A group of assassins sounded a warning in broad daylight.

The cries of animals are heard at night, and ghost stories are circulating every day in the capital.

If there are knights, if the knights move, it cannot and should not happen.

So, this was the core question that runs through all of this.


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