Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 36

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36. Fog of Annihilation

Ragna was embarrassed, but soon put the thought aside.

‘Because he was a strange person to begin with.’

In his eyes, Encred was not a normal person either.

“So from now on?”

Encred asks.

“Of course.”

Ragna answered.

The two started anew by holding their swords under the clear sky.

No, it started with finding the right weapon.

“It has good strength, but there is no reason to use a light weapon. Do you think it would be better to change your armament to a heavier longsword? “Chat with me.”

Ragna said, handing over the sword on his waist. I thought Encred was unconventional.

Do you usually hand over a weapon you are familiar with so easily?

“Because I haven’t written it until I’ve gotten the hang of it.”

Ragna continued.

When I received it, it wasn’t a very good sword.

Although the one he had used seemed better, he agreed.

The person teaching me now is Ragna.

I decided to follow his words.

“i get it.”

From Arming Sword to Long Sword.

It was a sword with a longer handle that could be wielded with both hands.

The blade was a span longer and weighed more.

However, it was not a messy sword.

Although it wasn’t made of good iron, the finish of the sword, including the center of gravity, looked good.

“Right hand in front, left hand behind.”

After changing the sword, start with a new way to hold it.

Encred was completely absorbed in that time.

And it was the same for Ragna.

The mere presence of the squad leader was stimulating. Since he taught in person, he also became very motivated and was absorbed in the time.

The two spent time like that until after lunch.

I was so focused that I didn’t notice it until a while after I had skipped a meal.

“What are you doing, playing house while skipping meals?”

It wasn’t until Rem came that Encred felt the passage of time.

“Now that I think about it, I’m hungry.”

Ragna muttered.

“Did you harass our squad leader, this bastard?”

“go away. savage.”

“You go away. “You lazy bastard.”

The two of them grumbled. Encrid hung down his sword, drenched in sweat.

I was pretty exhausted.

I decided to start over, but it didn’t happen right away.

‘It’s not enough.’

There was absolutely not enough time.

Originally, I had planned to be sensible and just leave out the technology.

Since I could repeat today, I expected that my skills would improve if I did so.

‘It’s just the opposite.’

I never thought I would lack basic skills.

I didn’t even think about it.

And one more thing I realized.

Building your basic skills while being watched by someone who is good at using a sword was completely different from doing it alone.

“What was your intention in pointing your toes that way?”

“My grip has lost strength.”

“Are you trying to stab me? “Are you trying to cut me?”

“What do you want to do now?”

“That won’t work. “I need to start by learning how to walk properly.”

Nagging thoughts poured down like a shower.

Each one becomes an asset.

Ragna, who was arguing with Rem, suddenly asked Encred.

“But don’t you want to show off by improving your sword skills or something like that?”

Ragna asked, remembering why he picked up a sword when he was young.

It would be a lie if I said I didn’t have a desire to show off and stand out.

Of course, Encred also had a desire to win, win, and win.

Among his delusions was the idea of ​​standing in front of the Lady and receiving her handkerchief.

How could that not be the case?

Everyone has a desire to be recognized.

“There are a lot of things like that. “I want to show off a lot.”

Encred answered. I want to be cheered by someone and become the main character of the bard. Of course, there was such a desire.


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Ragna nodded at those words. She seemed to have some answers.

“What is he saying now? Anyway, the reason for the convocation. “An order was given to gather as enemy forces began to appear.”

It was a battle again.

Encred nodded.

Ragna looked at Encred like that and thought that he had done something pointless.

‘Do you think you can get past today?’

What would happen if Encred went into battle like this?

An unfamiliar sword, a clumsy and awkward sword.

This is the sword he built today.

Therefore, I expected him to die.

‘I have no talent.’

While rebuilding the basics, I realized that Encred’s skills were insignificant.

It is not something that can be achieved overnight.

Ragnar reprimanded himself for a moment.

‘Did I send him to death?’

I regret it. His mouth was the problem.

He said he did something right by stepping forward.

Did you go out again today?

Ragna sighed with regret and made his decision.

‘Let’s stay nearby.’

I wanted to protect today as much as possible.

“It’s the enemy!”

The time for battle quickly arrived.

Before the temporarily built positions could be cleared, the enemy infantry came striding across the long grass field and in front of us.

It was a strangely fast march.

Each unit gathered together to watch the enemy, and the way the enemy units gathered together was unique.

Clumps fell, and each unit held a long flagpole.


Flags fluttered on the flagpoles they held.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew in this direction from the enemy territory.

The moment Encred looked at the flagpole and the enemy soldiers, squinting because of the wind hitting his eyelids, he felt that this battlefield would not be easy at all.

It was an intuition given by the survival instinct that had kept him alive for years.

And I quickly knew that my intuition was right.


A platoon leader at the head of the lined up infantry murmured.

It was a familiar face. Venjens Platoon Commander.

This is the platoon leader who gave an infantry-style greeting with a very awkward expression when we parted ways at the medical barracks.

And then a thick fog began to form between the platoon leader and Encred in front of me.

* * *

“I got hit!”

Even before the adjutant spoke, the fairy company commander grasped the situation.

The fairy’s sensitive senses allowed her to feel the flow of the battlefield through her skin.

‘Magic? incantation?’

A thick fog began to form on the battlefield. It was not a natural phenomenon. The fairy’s sense of being a friend of nature and a friend of the forest signaled a feeling of heterogeneity.

The artificial fog was so thick that it soon became impossible to see an inch in front of us.

“Company commander!”

From the flustered adjutant’s voice, the fairy company commander realized an important fact.

‘I guess no one prepared for this.’

Suddenly I can’t see in front of me. Everyone must have been confused.

This is probably not just a problem for the 4th Company.

If this was an artificially created fog, it wouldn’t end like this.

That ominous feeling soon became reality.

Toad doo doo doo!

Quarrels and arrows flew.

It was an invisible arrow. It is the call of the messenger who suddenly poured rainwater from beyond the fog.

Suddenly, the quarrel hit the entire body of the soldier nearby.

The adjutant also fell after being shot in the head with an arrow.

The fairy company commander sharpened his senses and took a quick step back.

An arrow also hit the spot where she was.

He stepped back, drew his sword, and swung it.


Two arrows caught the sword and bounced off. The company commander immediately picked up the dead adjutant’s body and covered it.

If I didn’t do this, I would be killed by a blind arrow.

Fog and arrows.

‘Ready strategy.’

It was a disaster.

* * *

“It worked!”

Joy appeared in the eyes of the Azpen Principality commander.

Soon we will be able to decorate this battlefield with victory.

The resources consumed for this are considerable.

Failure was unacceptable.

As soon as the fog thickened, the commander shouted.


Commands were given with a mixture of joy and excitement, and prepared arrows and quarrels fell towards the enemy.

What Azfen prepared was a spell.

A spell called ‘Fog of Extermination’ that covers the opponent’s eyes!

The shaman smiled in satisfaction at the commander’s shout.

The spell was successful.

It was a spell made using the blood of a hundred newborn sheep, calves, and foals and the water of an untouched lake.

It doesn’t just contain ordinary ingredients.

Many sacrifices were made for witchcraft. The commander didn’t know that much.

Anyway, the shaman had put in all his effort so far.

The topography and climate were the reasons for the spell that brought rain.

It only works when the ground is wet.

Flags and flagpoles soaked in blood were the medium of witchcraft.

The troops protected by the flagpole are not affected by the fog, and this is all the shaman’s trick is.

However, this cannot be said to be the end.

You can’t see the other person, but you can see it.

Only a few idiots would know how effective it is on a large-scale battlefield.

The shaman did not care about the direction of the fight or its success or failure. I was only happy that the spell was successful.

“Are you happy that you succeeded?”

The commander of the platoon guarding the flagpole asked.

He was a platoon leader who was good at using a sword and had cornered Encred before.

“If I did something wrong, I would have failed, so I’m happy.”

The shaman spoke, recalling a time when the enemy had attacked in the middle of the night.

As my denial burned away, all the magic power I had prepared so far almost disappeared.

Just thinking about that time made me dizzy.

The platoon leader recalled the guy who had carried out a night attack while listening to the shaman’s words.

‘That bastard.’

As a member of the Gray Dog, a persistent lover, I really wanted to kill that bastard with my own hands.

Isn’t that guy somewhere in enemy territory right now?

Azpen’s platoon leader did not forget the face reflected in the torchlight. It is the handsome face of the enemy soldier.

He wanted to see him again.

* * *

As the spreading fog approached, I could smell water.

At the same time, I couldn’t see anything.

The Venjens platoon leader who had been visible until now has disappeared.

That’s not all.

Ragna, who was right next to him, is also not visible.


someone shouted. No, not someone. It was Rem’s voice. He let out his frustration.

“What kind of baby to eat?”

incantation? What witchcraft?

Encred bowed down with his thoughts.

Before I knew it, arrows and quarrels were flying above my head.

“Well done. “Don’t raise your head.”

I heard a voice right next to me. It was Ragna.

Tiding! Tudung!

A sound like this was heard from above my head.

The ominous premonition became a reality.

Encred lowered his head and thought.

‘It’s witchcraft.’

Why is the shaman here?

Why is there a shaman who exists only in rare cases among the foreigners of the western frontier?

The question of why was practically meaningless right now.

Encred gave up his thoughts.

Suddenly, a spear blade pierced right in front of my eyes.


The heart of the beast reacts. Boldness reared its head.

If it weren’t for that, my body would have frozen and died.

Encred reflexively turned his body to the left and swung his sword from bottom to top.


I couldn’t cut the oiled spear pole with a clumsy knife.

The spear was thrown out.

It was a spear blade that suddenly protruded from the fog.

Encred tried to move forward by assessing the location where the spear blade flew.

Then another spear blade flew out again.


I barely managed to stop it this time.

I thought as I blocked it. His posture was disturbed, and his center of gravity was also messed up.

The only thing I did well was to hold my sword tightly.

I ate up everything Ragna had taught me by nagging me over and over again.

‘This is so true.’

Naturally, I didn’t think that I would be able to master it after learning it once.

So what should I do?


Ragna says: Encred did the opposite of what he said.

Thanks to Saxony, my hearing has become more sensitive.

I couldn’t see it, but I could hear it.



“I’m dead!”

“Damn it!”

Amidst the screams and swearing that came from all directions, Encred leapt forward.

“… … Squad leader!”

Ragna’s surprised cry was heard behind Encred.



The blade of the spear pierced my neck.

‘That’s accurate.’

This is better than clumsily cutting a hole in the body.

Terrible pain spread from my neck to my entire body.

My vision started to get dark.

“You crazy bastard.”

The soldier who stabbed Encred muttered. He was embarrassed because he suddenly stuck out his neck and attacked me.

“It’s okay.”

The soldier pushed Encred with his foot. The blade of the spear fell out and a second excruciating pain came.

Encred felt death approaching.

I knew that as soon as I took a few breaths, darkness would surround me.

He was satisfied that death was approaching.

Is the terrible pain and the fear of death that you can’t get used to no matter how many times you repeat it?

‘With this.’

Today is the day to learn the basics from Ragna.

That was so enjoyable.


Encred laughed, blood dripping down his face. The enemy soldier who saw this stuck out his tongue. Even though I was crazy, I saw a truly crazy person.

Darkness, darkness is coming. When I open my eyes, today begins again.

* * *

“Why do you do that?”

Ragna asks. This time, instead of scratching his forehead, he answered straight away.

“Because I want to use the sword well.”

It was a different answer than the original, but the destination was still the same.

“Do you want to learn sword training?”

Of course.

Ragnar proposed again and Encred accepted.

The second day of basic training, the second day has begun.

And stood on the battlefield.

The fog spread.

“uh? “What the hell?”

Rem gets annoyed again. Encred struck the spear three times and placed his head on the spear’s blade again.

I was unlucky and got out of the way. The skin on his neck was torn and blood was sprayed on the floor.


It would be so painful to die from excessive bleeding like this.

Before I could even think about it, one of the enemy soldiers stabbed me again with the blade of a spear. Thank you.


die again

And the third day began.


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