Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 359

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359. Saxony Bensino

“The biggest problem in the capital right now is faction, and the group that used to fight factions is now preparing for a war between men and women.”

Andrew spoke to the best of his knowledge, and Encred added what Rem had said and combined it in his head.

“There are no useful items. Well, everyone is just selling junk.”

These are Rem’s words after looking around the capital market.

There are a lot of people and things, but if you tell them to sell.

“It’s not possible. “This was ordered by so-and-so from a certain family.”

It is treated as a type of military supply.

Weapons and food do not circulate smoothly. What does that mean?

‘I guess that means they’re stationing their troops nearby.’

I will monitor the situation inside the capital and if things go wrong, I will call the troops inside.

The problem is that it doesn’t happen with the Queen’s permission.

“Right now, the Royal Guard has split into several factions. “This is when something funny happens.”

“Funny thing?”

It was Encred’s habit to ask what was funny.

It means showing the best attitude for the person speaking.

Andrew talked non-stop.

“Yes, it’s funny. They assassinate each other, and a heretic inquisitor comes and arrests anyone, accusing them of being heretics. “Recently, we hear some animal noises at night and people go missing every few days.”

“This is the capital.”

“Yes, the capital. I know. It’s a big city. Because the city is so large, disappearances are common. But this is a bit strangely numerous. However, there is no commander to investigate assassinations or incidents. It is said that the guards at each gate are using their strength, but what can they do with their hands and feet tied?”

Encred crossed his arms.

I saw Andrew’s face flush on the old table.

This is something that cannot be said calmly.

Encred asked that flushed face.

“Amid all this, one of the royal bloodlines came here?”

“It’s like putting fire on oil. It became an opportunity to make faction nobles who were only paying attention to draw their swords. It’s not that I don’t know the purpose. “He said he would end the factional fight and entered the capital to do so.”

End the fight? A natural question arises.


I’m just curious about the method.

Andrew raised his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

“I don’t know how.”

Krang takes care of Krang’s work.

So what should you do?

What were you most looking forward to when you decided to come to the capital?

‘Should I go back without meeting a single knight?’

A chance to fight, a chance to train, a chance to open my eyes, that was it.

As I listened calmly to Andrew’s words, wouldn’t the people hidden by the nobles of each faction also come out?

They will challenge you to fight. I will fight for my life.

When I thought about that, my anticipation grew.

As I realized while teaching trainees, there would be new opportunities within the palace.

If you can’t come up with an answer by thinking about it too complicatedly, there are times when it’s right to just do what you feel.

Encred did just that.

Stand next to a friend you like and do a sword dance.

I decided to do so after taking note of someone’s warning.

Is this an impulsive decision?

“What are you thinking like that?”

Rem asks from the side. He is the kind of guy who will do whatever he decides.

“I’m thinking of cutting the queen’s head and becoming a faction noble myself.”

Just spit out anything.

“What, let’s fight? It’s good. good.”

It seemed like the only thing this crazy guy could hear from what he said was that he wanted to fight.

Indeed, it is Rem.

“What now… … ?”


After calming down the startled Andrew.

As I was roughly organizing my to-do list in my head, Encred felt something eerie grazing his back.

Naturally, I turned around.

In the corner of the living room, I saw Saxony, half hidden in the shadows, leaning against a pillar.

“Hey, shall we take a quick walk?”

Looking at the look in his eyes, it looked like he would do something if left alone.

When did you see those eyes?

I saw it right before my feelings with Rem reached the extreme and I decided to pull out my sword.

In other words, it appears to be in a state right before the sword is drawn.

Why all of a sudden? Was Saxony also attacked?

No, it’s a different reason.

I knew it intuitively.

‘I said I had to come to the palace.’

It’s probably because of that.


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“Of course.”

Saxony answered and walked outside. Is it an illusion that it looks like it is suppressing some kind of impulse?

“Did he take medicine?”

Rem muttered.

“It goes out and it comes back.”

Encrid chased after Saxony.

Come out of the mansion and walk through the shadows.

The wind suddenly blew and blew my hair.

The two soon started walking side by side.

Encred nodded, looking at the moonlight, starlight, and the light from the furnace set up in the distance.

I was walking along the mansion wall on a dark night.

“There is something I must do.”

Saxony spoke first.

“Um, okay.”

Encred nodded.

Saxony will take care of whatever happens.

“I have to do something for that, but I’m worried because it’s quite difficult.”


I don’t think it’s a word that goes well with Saxony.

Encred thought for a moment. He came out feeling like he had something to say, but what could he do?

“It means killing a person.”

Saxony said.

Yeah, well, I guess so.

Looking at the current momentum, it seems even more so. So what should I say?

After much thought, Encred opened his mouth.

“cheer up.”

In the first place, he wasn’t the type of person to ask for any help, and he would take care of most things on his own.

So what to say is obvious.

Encrid nodded and patted Saxony on the shoulder.

After tapping his shoulder a couple of times, Encred turned around, thinking that Saxony’s eyes seemed calmer than before. He was thinking of going back in.

Saxony stopped when he saw that.

He looked at his captain’s back. It is a lamp that moves through starlight and moonlight.

‘I knew it wasn’t normal, but.’

This thought comes to mind again.

Are you cheering here?

‘Because you trust me?’

Is it faith? trust? Is it because of that reason?

A look of concern appeared in Saxony’s eyes again. Encred thought as he walked.

If Rem and Ragna had an accident, it would be a public incident, but Saxony was not.

Other people don’t call them sneaky wild cats for nothing.

Saxony will do its job. Quietly and secretly.

Encred thought so.

So it’s towards the back.

“It’s an enemy and it’s revenge.”

Saxony said. A voice of just the right size reached Encred’s ears.


Encred turned around. He is a person who usually listens well to any story. It was the same this time too.

Encred completely turns his body and assumes his stance. It seemed as if he was asking if you were really going to say something.

As Saxony just watched quietly, Encred naturally turned towards the two stones placed next to the wall.

I sat there and took out some seasoned beef jerky and a canteen from my waist.

Was this thorough preparation? Or is it a coincidence?

The canteen smelled of alcohol. It was not like sweet cider, but strong brandy.

Saxony took the canteen and took a sip.

As I swallowed the hot liquid, the heat rose again from my stomach to my throat.

It is a high-alcohol drink.

Of course, Saxony had nothing to do with it. He chewed poisonous plants from a young age to build up his resistance.

A body that can withstand poison cannot become drunk.

I suddenly remembered the time when I used to chew and swallow poisonous plants to survive.

What was the driving force that made you endure it all?

Death was the beginning.

The death of my family, my parents, everyone I knew.

I saw death and used death as a weapon.

That’s the way he lived.

Encred took the canteen, took a sip, and said.

“Who is your enemy?”

“There was an organization called Black Lily.”

Saxony began to talk leisurely.

It was a story that started simply, as if there was no sadness at all.

* * *

The father was cruel, and the mother was merciless.

“If necessary, stab your friend in the back.”

That’s what my father said. And that became his will.

Saxony lived according to his will from then on. He would stab anyone in the back if necessary.

“You’re a poisonous bastard, this.”

Then I met my teacher.

I’ve been through a lot. Before he knew it, his position had changed.

He lived a life of chewing poisonous plants and making knife marks all over his body.

The path Saxony walked was strewn with blood. No, I made a path with blood and walked that path.

I walked and walked again.

Saxony was the son of a noble family.

Saxony Bensino, that was his name.

The Bensino family was a fairly influential noble family.

He entered the trading business and was very successful, but his father hoped for even greater success.

Was that wrong?

I do not know.

Saxony decided not to bother discussing right or wrong. She set simple, clear goals.

I will take revenge. I will kill everyone involved.

“Hey, then it’s short-lived.”

The teacher blamed himself for that.

Saxony did not listen. I followed one straight path.

“When does that thing become a person?”

“Is this what the person who runs the assassination guild would say?”

When I answered that question, I remember my teacher laughing.

“Yeah, it’s better to be angry. “That’s nice to see.”

It’s a trivial thing to say.

The goal was clear. Gathered information and researched.

The family was ruined. Was it due to a combination of bad luck?

It was an unthinkable sound. It was someone’s handiwork.

Saxony decided to hold the man responsible for the trick responsible.

This is the name I found that way.

Black lily.

It is the name of the organization. What did they do together? These were people whose goal was to fill their stomachs.

Among them, those who rose up under an evil lord became a gang of thieves.

Another person became a noble of a country. Someone else disappeared like smoke.

The first thing Saxony found was a man who had lost everything and had thrown his life into the gutter.

“Why did you do that?”

I was curious. He ruined one family and chewed and swallowed a few tops.

Many people died because of black lilies.

There had to be a reason.

“f*ck the reason.”

The fallen powerful man chuckled.

“How much would it be worth if you rip off the Bencino family? f*ck you. “Everyone lives by cheating on others.”

The man who gave up everything didn’t even spare his life.

Wouldn’t it be more considerate to give death?

Wouldn’t sending someone to hell actually be something to be thankful for?

It would be a blessing to kill someone with a simple stab wound to the neck.

I didn’t like that. Saxony did not take direct action.

Instead, they cut off the limb tendons and threw them into a beggar’s den.

Four days later, he was torn alive and killed.

That year, because of the drought, even a handful of wheat killed people.

It would not have been possible to survive in the beggar’s den because even the grass roots were lacking.

The dead man’s last words rang in my ears.

Everyone lives by cheating on others.

That man was a friend of his cruel father. No, it was.

“You just have to look ahead. “There is no need to look back.”

My mother’s merciless words remained in my heart.

Is it okay to do anything for a purpose?

If I have to do that, I will.

It took several more years to find the mastermind behind the Black Lily, and in the meantime, the teacher died.

I would never be able to understand my teacher’s will for the rest of my life. So I forgot my will.

I didn’t remember it. Buried it.

“If necessary, stab your friend in the back.”

“You just have to look ahead.”

Instead, he reflected on his father and mother’s words. Their words tangled and mixed in my head.

“Everyone lives by cheating others.”

The dead man’s words are mixed in there.

Afterwards, he killed the four leaders of Black Lily.

It wasn’t until it was time to find the fifth guy that I realized that one of the ringleaders was also targeting the Bensino family.

Should I say he is a real enemy?

I don’t know his name or his identity.

After several clues and deductions, I met Abnaier.

He told him to go to the royal palace of Naurilia, and Saxony came to the royal palace.

When Encrid was attacked and Rem, Dunbakel, Ragnar, and others were wandering around the market floor complaining that they were selling only poor quality goods, Saxony entered a mansion in a residential area.

There were spider webs all over the old mansion, and the traces of human habitation were faint.

He saw the person who lured him there and called him out.

He was a white-haired man wearing a monocle.

Although his body was thin, he carried a cane and sword, and his eyes were so thin and small that it was difficult to read them.

I could tell at a glance.

It was the same class, the same industry.

“You must be from Geor’s Beast, right?”

The other person pointed out his origin. It was natural. This is information that was intentionally leaked to get to this point.

Geor’s Blade is the best assassin guild on the entire continent.

Nevertheless, the opponent shows no fear. Are you confident in your skills? No, it is because they believe that the other person has exploited their weakness.

“I know what I’m looking for.”

The white-haired businessman said.


Saxony asked. Brown eyes with a hint of red in the darkness seemed to absorb the darkness.

“Aren’t you the legitimate son of the Bensino family?”

Ah, yes, you should know up to that point.

“I will give you all the information you want. Everything, anything.”

Saxony waited for the next words.

“Stab him instead.”

There was no need to say who he was. The owner of the black hair and blue eyes, he is the commander of my unit.

“Encred, stab him.”

The request was to stab the person he called the leader. The price was the information he had been searching for his entire life.

* * *

Encred sat down and silently looked at the moon. The canteen in his hand shook and made a sloshing sound.

Saxony watched this and discussed revenge and enmity.

One of them is inside the palace, so you have to go in and find it yourself.

I left out the mention of meeting someone from the same industry with white hair.

“Okay, let’s find it.”

Encred said. There is no laughter. This is no joke. I’m serious. I say this with sincerity.

A willingness to help is evident. If it were interest, I would do that. If you don’t refuse, you will help.

In fact, I will do my best.


He is that kind of person.

However, will it be possible to find the person who has been difficult to find even if you wander so much with just effort?

Saxony had an easy road ahead.

The words of the father, mother, and the first enemy killed intersect.

“If necessary, stab your friend in the back.”

“You just have to look ahead. “There is no need to look back.”

“Everyone lives by cheating others.”

This is the path Saxony has taken so far. A path drawn with blood, swords, and poison.

It’s a path that you can just walk down the same path this time.


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