Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 358

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358. Wait, stop.

It was safe to say that catching a flying arrow was a feat.

Even if you knew it, it was a stunt, but now it suddenly flew in and even flew into the back of my head.

I sensed it and instead of avoiding it, I grabbed it.

It was achieved through a combination of sensory skills and single-point concentration.

“… … wow.”

“W-what is it!”

Two of the trainees opened their mouths.

The other three were speechless.

Even just looking at them would have been surprising.

One was amazed that he caught the arrow, and the other was surprised that the arrow suddenly flew out.

Encred looked at the top of the outer wall.

I saw a guy who didn’t even hide his presence and only covered his face.

The narrow width of the fence is not inconvenient; it stands well and does not shake. It seemed to prove that he had an excellent sense of balance.

The clothes were ordinary. It is a wide shirt and short pants that reach down to the ankles.

Did you not wear black clothes because it was late at night?

Still, I wore a mask.

Encred tilted his head to one side. The opponent threw the arrow and did not make the next move. It seemed as if he was waiting for an answer.

“ruler… … .”

That’s when the other person opens their mouth.

Encred suddenly threw the arrow in his hand. Ping and the arrow flew towards the opponent.

The Valencian mercenary sword is ‘hit while speaking’.

The arrow that was thrown using the throwing method, “Ping,” made it fly up to the side and then move laterally.

‘My body is light.’

Encred’s thoughts moved as he thought, and Encred’s hands moved as he did.

So, after throwing the arrow as bait, he immediately threw another dagger.


What a whistle dagger. It’s hard to find, so I used what I didn’t have here.

As the whistle dagger flew at frightening speed with a cheerful sound, the guy on the wall fell backwards.

Encred’s right foot presses down on the ground. Bending his knees, he gains semi-elasticity. The explanation was interrupted, but of course all the actions occurred in an instant.


Encred rushed forward, creating a hole in the dirt gym floor.

The body flew forward at a frightening speed, as if proportional to the gaping hole.

Not even an afterimage was left in the trainees’ eyes.

“You’re crazy!”

It was a voice heard from beyond the wall. Encred ignored it and ran up the wall.

Although he is not fully armed, he only has three swords.

The mouths of the five trainees who were watching with blinking eyes opened wider.

It jumps upward while wearing three swords and leather armor around its body. The lightness of his movements seemed like some kind of fraud.

Mystery, deception, magic, or something like that.

Encred hooked the tips of his fingers on the edge of the wall and pulled himself up.

How do you do that?

Is it magic?

It was around this time that the minds of the five trainees became confused.

Esther, who had already woken up, watched with sad eyes.

Of course there was no magical intervention.

This was accomplished by something physical that threw away all limitations.

Encred pulled his body up, and in the meantime, the two guys waiting behind the wall pulled out their short swords.

The two guys jumped in place and swung their swords.

Two blades rushed towards Encred’s wrist.

Encred’s body was halfway up the wall. En Creed just removed his left hand.

Hung Hung.

The two blades aimed at the hand that was on the wall cut through the air, and in the meantime, Encred firmly grasped the wall with his right hand and pulled it again.

All the while, my body soars. As it floated into the air, the two guys waiting below could be seen panicking.

Eyes and pupils shake.

As they were standing tall with their backs to the sunlight, it seemed as if a black shadow had suddenly appeared in their eyes.

“for a moment!”

One of them shouted, but it was none of his business.

What does it mean to look at the situation of the guy who attacked first?

Encred twisted his body in the air, holding a gladius in his right hand and a spark in his left.

From the attacker’s perspective, it seemed as if some kind of light was rising from Encred’s eyes.

It looked bizarre because it had its back to the sunlight.

Encred’s hands, which seemed to stop in the air, moved in an instant.

Two beams of light, with black shadows, glowing eyes, and physical threats, spread wildly left and right.

Kang! puck!

With your right hand, strike with your sword and slash at the same time.

With your left hand, pull and stab at the same time.

Two different types of sword techniques hit two enemies at the same time.


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The guy on the right raised his sword and blocked it, but the guy on the left had no choice.

The blade pierced my left shoulder.

That was just because I was lucky.

Encred had melted and swung what he had realized a moment ago.


The left hand had to hold the will of the moment, and the right hand had to hold the crushing sword.

I learn while teaching and reflect on it while dealing with attackers.

I can see the road I have to go soon.

Encred, who fell to the floor with a thud, placed one knee on the ground and raised his head, a smile unconsciously appearing on his face.

Is there time for learning?

Every moment, everything is a teacher and a teaching.

I learned something about momentum from Krang’s back, and I also learned how to mix swordsmanship and wrestling from the techniques Andrew had honed.

There is a lot to learn here too.

Encrud felt satisfied with having reached the capital and escorting Kraang with just that.

He was really that kind of person.

However, if you look at it from the other side, from a different perspective, it would be shocking.

Jump over a wall in one go, strike one guy in the air with a short sword, punch a hole in another guy’s shoulder, then fall and laugh?

The light flowing through his eyes could have looked like madness.

“You’re crazy!”

One of the raiders shouted.

Encred didn’t pay attention to why they were talking.

Who are these? It’s more of a gut feeling, but I’m confident.

‘Is there any difference from those who came before?’

There is no big difference.

Then just cut it and that’s it. So, I couldn’t feel any difference from the group of assassins that attacked me on the way here.

It’s the same group.

Just before making up my mind and making a move.

These people were also assassins and learned and mastered the art. In particular, his ability to read the opponent’s momentum was top-notch.

As Encred was attacked, he quickly opened his mouth.


It was a sincere cry, but of course it was useless.

These are the people who are defined as enemies.


Close the distance. The steps are so fast that it is difficult to tell when they start and when they end.

At the same time, a long line was drawn above my head.

There were three attackers, and only the one who fired the first arrow at the wall was unharmed.

The sane guy shouted ‘Stop’, but as soon as he finished shouting, a blade fell from above his head.

As the space narrowed, it seemed as if a blade suddenly flew out.


There is no time to spit swear words out of your mouth.

He drew his sword faster than ever and raised it upward.

What he held in both hands were two curved swords.

That was the weapon that symbolized him.

Originally, he was a great man in charge of one axis of the assassination coalition.

‘Block and deflect.’

The moment I made up my mind, two curved swords rose in line with the flying beam of light.

‘I blocked it!’

But strangely, the moment when the light met my blade seemed to increase.

Thanks to that, my thoughts continued.

However, there was no time to feel doubt. He focused like never before. He thought only of blocking.

‘It was fast.’

Enlightenment came.

The angle at which you draw the sword, the way you hold it, and even the way you apply force.

‘Yes, that’s all you need to do.’

Things like how to wield a weapon and how to give strength came to mind.

So why is there still no shock?

I looked at the beam of light and saw that it was coming down little by little. The blade is straight and draws a line without any wobble.

Only then did his two weapons and the blade that appeared to be a beam of light come into contact.

The thought ended there.


Crump patter! Kwasik!

Encrud contains the will of the ‘moment’ in the sword he swings.

What is fast based on?

“Agility is the power generated by properly contracting muscles in the first place. “Those who build their bodies like lumps and are slow are all idiots, idiots.”

Rem said.

“It’s a muscle. “Brother.”

Auddin said.

Muscles, more precisely, muscles that you know how to use and control properly.

The muscles of the right thigh, waist, abs, shoulders, forearms, and even hands contract, adding explosive speed.

By twisting the ankles and waist, the centrifugal force of the bell is added to the sword that falls from above to the bottom.

The sword that fell after everything came together was literally like a thunderbolt.

It was a sword strike that reinterpreted Ragna’s lightning strike in its own way.

It was a blow that could only be prevented if the opponent was at least a semi-knight.

It is a slashing will, not a stabbing will.

So this was natural.

The thunderbolt that fell based on trained muscles pushed down the opponent’s two curved swords.

The first time I exploded was when I met a metal object and exploded.

Afterwards, the crunching sound came from the hand and arm bones of the person holding the curved sword breaking.

The last kwasik was the sound made when the unedged part of the curved sword was pushed back and hit the clavicle.

Encred crushed the enemy with one blow.


Let’s take a long breath in that state.

The remaining two didn’t even dare to attack.

Among them, the one with a hole in his shoulder was holding a poison called ‘Ten Breaths’ in his hand, but he couldn’t even move his hand.

When Encred exhaled with his back to the shadow from the wall, his breath flowed through the corners of his mouth like steam and rose upward.

It was a phenomenon caused by rapid movement causing heat to rise in the body.

“stop? for a moment? “Do you have anything to say?”

Only then did Encred speak.

‘f*ck, I’m asking too quickly.’

The attacker, who broke two finger bones while blocking the gladius, thought to himself, stood up and said.

“I came to warn you.”


Is it an illusion that I feel like I’m here to punish you rather than warn you?

Encred looked at him as if telling him to continue speaking.

“Off, I came here to tell you that this is no place for you, so go back.”

This was said by a guy with a hole in his left shoulder.

“You were the ones who attacked in the first place.”

“It was avoidable.”

“You’re laughing. “If you’ve just attacked me so far, you wouldn’t have anything to say even if I cut your throats off, right?”

As soon as he finished speaking, the guy with the shoulder hole threw a smoke bomb to the floor.

There was a pop and smoke billowed out.

As Encred watched that, he felt that they were looking down on him a little too much.

Do you think you will be defeated if you set off a smoke screen and attack?

I retrieved the spark and stretched the gladius forward and swung it with its wide side, and the blade created wind like a fan.


Physical power that exceeds a certain limit is no different from a spell.

A wad of smoke was pushed aside.

Encred thought that his opponent would keep attacking him.

Because it has been like that so far.

But that expectation was dashed.

‘I let my guard down.’

Encred admitted. I didn’t expect it to run away, but it all jumped out.

“What is it?”

Andrew came out of the mansion late and came running.

He was armed. After that, the five trainees also ran, and Mac followed.

Although he transitioned to the role of a butler, he still appears to have not neglected his training.

Looking at the atmosphere felt in the capital, it seemed like it was not the time to put down the sword and pound the ship.

There was more than one thing that bothered me here.

“Already gone.”

Even Andrew knew there was an attacker. His eyes turned to his body.

“What is he?”

“I attacked him and stabbed him, but he died.”

Both arms and bones were broken and the clavicle was broken. My internal organs were shocked, and I crossed the river with my heart being hit by the back of my weapon.

“This is ridiculous, now you’re climbing over the wall of a nobleman’s mansion in broad daylight? “Not even at night?”

Andrew said, looking at the dead guy and the traces of smoke. There was anger mixed in his voice.

Encred was roughly assessing the situation.

These are an assassination group.

Why are you attacking me now?

‘Saxony was also away. ‘Because everyone dispersed.’

There couldn’t have been a better time than now.

What does that mean?

‘They say they’re watching.’

Andrew grinded his molars next to me.

“These guys are real.”

My pride would have been hurt and I would have been angry.

Encred roughly wiped the blood off the sword, retrieved it, and then ran his hand through his hair.

It really wasn’t that bad until a little while ago.

There was some enlightenment.

Someone like Ragna or Rem would break a wall more than a dozen times a day, but Encred would have to be lucky if he didn’t repeat today.

Then a thought suddenly occurred to me.

Can’t we bring that luck to our will?

To do that, we had to first know the current situation.

“What do knights and knights do?”

This is the key. I ask a question that gets straight to the point.

Andrew twitched his lower lip and trembled.

What does the kingdom’s power mean?

Of course it is a knight.

If you didn’t have any knights, if you couldn’t train them, it was natural that you would be crushed by Azpen right away.

Local warfare was not important. If Naurilia’s force had been pushed back even a little, Azfen would have mercilessly committed all his strength and crossed the border.

The reason they were unable to overcome the Border Guard was ultimately due to the existence of the Knights.

Azpen decided that if they fought to the end and risked the decline of their national power, they would be pushed back.

Understanding and predicting the situation.

I need it now.

Encred thought as he did so.

‘Wangnun is a specialist in this kind of thing.’

What can I do if I’m not there?

If you don’t have teeth, you have to chew with your gums.

“Do you know the current situation in the country?”

Andrew thought for a moment and asked again.

“I don’t know.”

Encred answered sweetly.

They say it’s none of their business.

Looking at it, Andrew seemed to understand why Kraang held the crazy leader in such high esteem.

How many people can answer that they don’t know what they don’t know?

Straight, straight, and solid.

That’s what it feels like.

How are your skills there?

‘A monster, a monster.’

One wonders what happened to the fallen body.

Why does that bastard seem to be smiling softly?

It was because enlightenment came with the light of day at the moment of death.

There’s no way Andrew could know that.

“There is not a single knight in the capital now. “Let’s go in and find out the details.”

From now on, this is not a story for practitioners to hear.


Andrew said as he turned around.

“Yes, I will organize it.”

Mac’s complexion was very bad.

Encred thought that was natural.

Even if you were like yourself, it would be heartbreaking to have a lord who bet all of his money on a hand that he was sure would lose.

I didn’t listen closely, but I know it just by feeling it.

‘Isn’t this an unfair fight?’

You can clearly see it without even thinking about it too deeply. From Krang’s perspective, it is a series of dangers.

In this case, I think it would have been better to build up strength from outside and then bring in troops later to apply force.

“what? “What happened?”

Rem came back before evening.

“I don’t have any good stuff.”

Dunvakel was also there, and Ragna came a little later.

“This person says it’s his first time in the capital, so why does he keep saying he knows the shortcut?”

It wasn’t even a hot day, but I could hear the attendant who was with me sweating profusely.

As expected, sending an attendant along was a godsend.

Finally, Saxony returned.

“Where do you keep wandering around?”

Rem glanced and said.

They were gathered in the lounge that was used as a living room on the first floor of the mansion.

He had been wandering around too, but he seemed to have quickly forgotten all about it.

Should I really call it Rem?

Saxony completely ignored those words. He didn’t even look at me or pretend to listen.

He usually ignored me like this, but this time it seemed like he didn’t even care, so to speak.

Then he turned his gaze to Encred. Encrid, seeing Saxony, opened his mouth.

“Are you here?”

Saxony nodded.

In Encred’s eyes, Saxony, who was nodding his head, seemed to be in some kind of trouble.

Subtle and subtle. It’s at a level that you can’t feel unless you have a sixth sense.

“What’s going on?”


The answer comes as soon as you ask. This too is strange.

Normally I wouldn’t react that way.

‘What must happen?’


‘It seems like there’s something going on here rather than me.’

Shouldn’t I have answered that?

But no.


I’m just curious, but is he the type of person who will answer if I ask him? If it were, it wouldn’t have been called the Mad Company.


“Andrew, just say it.”

The first thing to do is to listen to the explanation you have heard. Regardless of what I did or didn’t do, I needed to know what was going on.


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