Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 356

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356. Andrew struggled

The six nobles did not say a word.

Kraang and Encred were treated like non-existent people.

“Wait quietly. Don’t open your mouth until you ask. Do not raise your head and make eye contact, but answer the question sincerely. “When the Queen calls you, step forward, get down on one knee before her, and answer.”

Meanwhile, Viscount Bantra approached and spoke. En Creed nodded his head without showing his anger.

It would be difficult to take on this level of skill if you haven’t trained your senses or skills.

Seeing Viscount Bantra stepping forward alone while everyone else was not stepping forward, it seemed like he was in a position to handle all the dirty work.

Encred suddenly became worried and asked.

“Are you being ostracized?”

Isn’t it because other nobles are determined to just order us to do difficult tasks?

If that’s true, should we at least wave a carrot like Saxony does?

Viscount Bantra didn’t even blink at those words.

The spirit is extraordinary. There was no disturbance.

Does Count Molsen have eyes for people?

Trained arm muscles were visible through the wide sleeves.

This is a forearm that has been used to holding a knife quite a bit. The same goes for the palm shown while speaking. It was similar to Encred himself. Even if it explodes again and again, it is still the palm that holds the sword.

“Don’t run your mouth carelessly.”

Viscount Bantra continued as if warning. Encrid shrugged his shoulders.

Two of the nobles turned their gaze as if this conversation was refreshing.

But no one said anything.

After waiting for a while, some nobles whispered. It looked like they were talking into each other’s ears while covering their mouths.

They might have thought they couldn’t hear, but Encred wasn’t one with sense skills.

As I concentrated, I could hear their conversation.

“He’s a poor guy.”

“I heard that your skills are comparable to that of a semi-knight.”

“Did you bring this bastard here with the intention of recommending him to join the Knights? “Thank you for protecting me until now?”

“I thought he was a bastard who brought me here to be on my side.”

“You’ve got a face that’s perfect for rolling under a lady’s leg.”

If Rem had heard this, would he have split his head open with an axe?

Because I secretly hate those kind of noble babblers.

Encred didn’t mind. Have you ever heard a story like that once or twice?

All I had to do was ignore who was talking about what.

Encred looked to the side, listening to the nobleman’s conversation in one ear, and saw Kraang standing there calmly.

His posture was not disturbed, but if you look at his expression, he seemed to be waiting with his legs crossed and his arms crossed.

The queen appeared quickly.

“Your Majesty the Queen!”

Of course, I didn’t come alone. Those who followed as escorts and the royal guard entered together and stood in front of the throne room door and the back door where the queen entered.

Is it your preference to paint the tip of the spear blade gold?

It was a sudden thought.

Of course not. It must have been done to show prestige. The Royal Guard also serves as an honor guard, so they must be armed with gold decorations.

If nothing else, it would have been splendid to look at them while inspecting them while holding the golden helmet and golden spear.

An untimely curiosity arose, but was soon erased. Who cares?

“Is it you?”

As soon as the queen arrived, she looked at Encred and spoke to him.

Rather than someone who ruled a country, she seemed like a kind and smiling woman.

Encred remembered the old barmaid who took care of him when he was young.

On one side is the ruler of the country.

On the other side was a waitress carrying beer glasses.

Although the difference in status was clear and there was no similarity in appearance, Encred subconsciously felt a similar feeling from the two.

“Bow your head.”

Next to me, Viscount Bantra spoke reproachfully.

Should I?

“Leave it alone.”

The queen stopped.

Then he looked at Encred’s face for a moment and said.

“You look pleasant to look at.”

Rather than coveting a man, it was purely a compliment to his appearance.

Encred had nothing to say.

You can’t answer, ‘The Queen is generous.’

In reality, the queen was not the thin and delicate type.

It was moderately fleshy and wore a tiara symbolizing a crown on its head.

And next to him, there was a familiar face, or more precisely, a familiar prog.


Frog puffed out his cheeks for a moment. That must be smiling.

Encred also greeted me with his eyes.

Ruagarne was with him when he obtained the nameless swordsmanship, trained him as a true swordsman, and was a proc who got heated whenever he saw a cultist.

“Don’t you know how to behave?”

A nobleman spoke again. I could tell just by looking at it.


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The Queen’s authority is a mess. The queen gave permission, but the fact that a mere nobleman stepped forward is just like that.

Encred noticed it too, but passed it with one ear.

“I guess we’ve gathered here to check if it’s someone with royal blood, right? “Say your name.”

The queen seemed to not be able to hear the nobleman’s words, so she turned her gaze to Krang.

Encred didn’t even have time to step forward and get down on one knee.

Naturally look away and change the subject. This was the main point. Of course, the guy who came forward couldn’t argue with Encred.

Encred is out of the spotlight. Krang took a step forward.

The noble who had been glaring at Encred now glared at Kraang.

He was a spineless guy. Once he decides to show malice, he shouldn’t look away.

Encred thought so and looked at Krang stepping forward.

What can I say about that step?

It was neither fast nor slow and was confident. There was a process where Krang walked and raised her head to look at her queen.

In the process, Encrid seemed to make eye contact with the queen, even though Kraang was lower than the throne.

There was a lot of power, force, and confidence.

My clothes were dusty from the trip, and my hair was shabby from not washing it properly, but those things didn’t matter.

He had dignity and dignity.

“Kdiannat Landius Nauril, here I am.”

Krang opened his mouth. His voice resonated throughout Daejeon. It is a voice that reflects off the walls inside the throne room and seems to shake the whole body.

“This way.”

As the queen spoke, an old woman wearing a rich robe came out from behind her.

She received the pendant from Kraang and matched it with the one in her hand.

“you’re right.”

Afterwards, there was a process of checking Krang’s blood using some sort of spell.

Encred just watched.

“right. You are my flesh and blood. Recognized in the name of the Queen. “If there is anything to discuss later, ministers, say it now.”

The group of nobles did not question anything.

Instead, he spoke with his eyes.

‘Yes, who doesn’t know who is the Queen’s blood relative?’

‘It’s because the previous king couldn’t give up his bad habits.’

I already know everything.

With the assassin set being sent, what can anyone do to determine the authenticity of Krang?

For that purpose, a pendant engraved with the royal family symbol was provided and the wizard confirmed it.

What can I say, it felt like watching a promised play.

Afterwards, the queen said she was busy with official duties and was leaving.

The ministers also quickly dispersed.

As it happened, the last ones to leave the throne room were Kraang and Encred.

The group of nobles ignored Krang and Encrid like they looked at cows and chickens.

He didn’t even glance at me as he left.

The guy who asked me if I didn’t know how to behave didn’t say anything anymore.

Encred opened his mouth as he left the throne room.

It’s not my business, but isn’t the atmosphere strange?

“No one seems interested.”

Even though a new succession structure was created and he showed dignity, why are the nobles not at all interested in Kraang?

“Because there are no nobles here who recognize me, and only those who want to kill me have gathered.”

Encred asked, understanding the meaning of Krang’s words.

“There’s no need to talk to him because he’s going to die soon, right?”

“They are practical people.”

Krang said and chuckled.

Is it right to laugh like this when my life is at stake?

The dignity from before has disappeared, and the face is just playful.

Encred said with concern.

“Don’t get too close to Rem.”

“I repeat, in my opinion, you are the craziest.”

“I’m serious, but try not to talk to Rem as much as possible.”

It was colored. It’s definitely stained.

Coming out of the throne room.


Proc, Ruagarne called Encred.

“How are you?”

Frock struck the blade of his hand vertically as he spoke.

Encred raised his hand to block and recognized Frog’s movement.

It’s a trick.

What is more important than the hand that goes down is the foot. Frog’s feet pushed against the floor. He approached, sliding on the solid carpet.

It’s a tactic to gain distance.

The captivating sword was activated at will.

The slippery hand blades moved and bent in accordance with the footsteps, stabbing and hitting. Encred blocked everything.

Because the skin was slippery, it was easier to shed.

From the beginning, it was just a fight for fun without any killing intent or even momentum.

The two soldiers guarding the front of the throne room watched this and their eyes lit up.

The level of fighting between the two was quite high.

“If we fight now, I will lose. “You’ve improved a lot.”

Ruagarnet was impressed. He withdraws his hand, grunts, and puffs out his cheeks.

It was exactly what it said.

Well, since it has increased so much, even if the cultists attacked, they would have been able to crush their heads.

When I remembered that, I felt good again, and my cheeks made two more gurgling noises.

“Is this right with the prince in front of you?”

Encred said.

“No one asks Frock for manners.”

“To agree.”

Krang also added his words. Then he asked En Creed.

“Did we know each other?”

“I’m a proc who came to the Border Guard before.”

As soon as Encred could answer, Frog moved his cheek and said.

“Was it something we could talk about so casually?”


“You taught me swordsmanship and we fought together. “I also explored artifacts there, and if I did something wrong, I could have been trapped there.”

“It’s going to be a long story.”

Krang added an appropriate chuimsa.

“Yes, I will. “Anyway, where has everyone gone?”

Encred nodded and asked.

In fact, I couldn’t see any of my group.

Did a knight come out and capture them all?

That doesn’t mean they won’t be taken away quietly.

Even if I told them to rest inside the palace since there would be no familiar faces, they were not the kind of people who would take it easy.

Regardless of Encred’s inner thoughts, the gaze of the two royal guards watching the three, including Frock, became complicated.

Why does Encred speak so comfortably to the prince, and why does he speak so loudly to Froc?

Why is no one questioning that?

“I knew I would come here sometime. Leader.”

This is something that comes out of nowhere. Encrid turned his head in the direction of the voice.


It was really unexpected. I didn’t expect to see anyone here other than Marcus and Ruagarne.

Even if it came out, I didn’t think there would be any good connections.


“To a nobleman, you are rude.”

The other person said with a smile. It’s a word mixed with playfulness.

“But the person in front of you is a prince.”

Krang intervened.

“Yes, Your Majesty, how are you?”

“Thanks to.”

It was a conversation that took place in an instant with the single word ‘you’.

“Please change your seat. “I invited everyone to my mansion.”

The other person, a familiar face, spoke.


Encred said his name.

“Andrew Gardner, nobleman.”

“And I am a prince.”

“Your Highness, have you always enjoyed jokes that much?”

Andrew said, blinking.

In Encred’s eyes, Kraang and Andrew seemed to know each other. That was right.

Andrew dreamed of the revival of the family, and instead of joining an existing faction, he placed the fate of the family in the hands of someone else.

He was Krang.

After breaking up with Encred, Andrew also went through an adventure that was not an adventure and was here now.

He was now Baron Andrew Gardner, and proudly owned a mansion in the capital.


Encred said in a casual tone.

“The face doesn’t look surprised at all.”

“I was really surprised.”

“So you’re going to be at Baron Gardner’s house?”

Ruagarne, who was listening to the conversation, asked, and before Encred could say anything, Andrew answered first.

“Of course. “It’s better than staying at an inn.”

There was no reason to refuse.

“Then I’ll see you later. I have a lot of work to do, too.”

After saying this, Ruagarne lifted her round finger and waved it.

It’s a human greeting. Encred also waved his hand.

“Let’s talk about the rest as we go. “What about Mr. Krang?”

“I must remain in the palace. “There will be a party to celebrate my return in a few days, so there is a lot to prepare.”

A party was something that did not suit Encred’s taste.

Krang took a quick step back before hearing the answer.

Encred glanced at Andrew and realized that this friend had grown up a lot.

The whisker marks became darker, and a scar appeared under my right eye that wasn’t there before.

I guess I don’t need a nanny anymore and I’m alone.

As Encred was disarmed upon entering the palace, Andrew was also empty-handed.

“What about Mac?”

“It’s in the mansion.”

I didn’t even know that she might have quit being a nanny and become a butler.

“Okay, let’s go.”

* * *

Andrew summarized his past life simply and clearly.

“I regained my status as a nobleman through a request that I risked my life to fulfill, but from here on, the checks began to take effect, so I am still on an adventure.”

There was no need to hear the details of the adventure.

In the meantime, Crona had a proper house in the capital, although it wasn’t a mansion with a garden.

It is a three-story building.

There is a reception room and restaurant on the first floor, and there are rooms starting from the second floor, and the number of rooms alone is more than ten.

The house was spacious and big.

When I got there, I saw Rem and the rest of the group.

“Wow, this guy Andrew has achieved success.”

Rem said while chewing a cookie in the middle of the living room.

The capital is the center of logistics.

Naturally, food culture developed. Among them, dessert culture in particular.

Rem nodded while chewing the snack.

“Rem is the same.”

Andrew said from behind.

Esther dozed off while sitting on the wool cushion.

The rest were roughly gathered in the living room.

Ragna was standing in front of the window, and in front of him, I saw several men gathered and training with clubs.

“rank and file?”

Encred asked.

“Owning private armies within the capital was prohibited.”


“You are a student learning swordsmanship from me.”

“To whom?”

“to me.”


Rem, who was eating snacks, also asks.

“What do you teach me?”

Ragna then turned his head and asked.

Saxony didn’t say anything, but looked at Andrew silently.

“You’ll be surprised to see how much my skills have improved over the years.”

Encred nodded. He must have grown. Of course he would.

In his opinion, Andrew was talented.

“Then it must have increased.”

Encred’s voice was somewhat devoid of sound.

When Andrew heard that, a smile appeared on his lips.

The eyes do not smile, only the lips are twisted up. Although En Creed has accomplished great feats, he has also overcome formidable obstacles.

“A round of sparring?”

Andrew spoke first. En Creed nodded his head once again.

Andrew had welcomed and invited her, met the queen, and all sorts of other things had happened, but nothing had made her happier than these words.

“Is it okay to get beaten and cry in front of the instructor?”

Encred was worried about the unit member he hadn’t seen in a long time.

“f*ck, come at me.”

Andrew struggled.


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