Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 354

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354. Kdianath Landius Nauril


When they reached the castle wall, a guard blocked the group’s path with a spear.

Encred reflexively checked the guard’s position, posture, and direction of feet.

There are two people blocking, and there are also people standing behind.

The skills of the two in front were mediocre. Should I say that this is not the stage to discuss the level?

‘It’s at the level of a new recruit.’

Encred and the Mad Company referred to soldiers with battlefield experience but no training as recruits.

This is the standard for the Border Guard standing army.

Their eyes met with a soldier who appeared to be a senior standing behind them.

He rolled his eyes.

It seemed as if he was asking where he was raising his eyes.

‘It’s clumsy.’

He was an opponent that even his feet and sword could not block in a fight.

There were over twenty guards guarding the castle gate.

Excluding the soldier who was checking carriages and carts on one side, there were four who came this way.

There were two soldiers blocking the front, a senior officer behind them, and the last one standing in the back was a middle-aged man wearing a hat with feathers and not a helmet.

He was wearing a long, thin sword at his waist, and his posture was unique.

Can you bell?

It is a time when you are worrying and evaluating your skills.

“I saw it too openly.”

Rem said. It was a warning. As soon as the words were finished, the other person’s mouth opened.

“Look at this, is that you?”

said the owner of the feather hat. This is said while tilting one’s head crookedly.

The other person also had a special sense of humor. The skills would have been the same.

Encred nodded obediently without even thinking.

“… … Do you admit that again?”

The Feather Hat muttered and then raised its voice.

“How many people are there in total?”

This is a question I asked my subordinate.

The soldier in the lead looked at the group.

“A prisoner for seven? “What does that mean? Why are the eyes like that? Oh, and is that a leopard?”

The guard said while looking at the group. It was an absurd group.

In particular, leopards are beasts and beasts. It was clear that if there was an accident, it would be a pain.

The guard subtly lowered his spear blade. It seemed like he was wary of a leopard.

Or are you just scared?

Encred had nothing to say.

Esther is a leopard, but it’s an issue that people don’t necessarily focus on in Border Guard.

why? Because he is a wizard by his side.

Everyone knew that wizards were mysterious and unique people.

Some people thought Esther was just a leopard, but that’s okay.

In their view, Esther is an animal raised by Encred.

There was no one in the Border Guard who had any objection to what Encred was doing.

But this was the capital.

Getting in was a problem.

Should I go back from here?

The mission includes escorting Krang to the capital.

Entry and exit was a separate matter, and entry was not his responsibility.


I’m in the middle of thinking. Krang said, tapping her shoulder.

“If you worry too much about this and that, nothing will be done. “It was something a wise man told me, but I had forgotten it without realizing it.”


In the meantime, I looked at Krang, wondering what he was saying, and his eyes sparkled.

“You will become a knight, right?”

Encred nodded at that seriousness.

“of course.”

“Ask me one more time. “Why are you standing next to me?”

Krang continued to whisper. Meanwhile, the tone of the guard standing guard in front was becoming increasingly fierce.

“You can’t bring in an animal without a leash. Above all, do you all have passes?”

“It’s very rare for people to come and say with their whole body that they are going to cause an accident. “Are they mercenaries?”

The feather hat is also saying something.

Krang had to ask because he found a hidden loophole in Encred’s words.

Saying that you would protect it because you did not know its value was a lie.

After the headache went away, I could see it. Encred doesn’t move for that reason. Saying that you will protect something without knowing its value is a calculated statement.

What is in that calculation?

I was curious about that.

In Krang’s opinion, Encred is an upright person who moves forward without wandering.

A person like that would not discuss value in terms of benefits, but the fact that he made such an excuse is something that bothers me. That was Krang’s conclusion.


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“Why did you give that excuse?”

Encred was purely amazed.

This bastard also notices Crona and says he’s going to slap Chrys in the face.

The fact that he used the word excuse made me feel like he had read my mind.

I am a body within the Border Guard. I didn’t forget that. If En Creed had been a fool who didn’t think twice, he wouldn’t have survived until now.

He was aware of his position and knew the repercussions of his actions.

What if Count Molsen gets really sick right now?

“Does that bother you?”

This is what Wangnun came back to when discussing with him. He was a guy who spoke really obnoxiously.

“Make excuses and excuses. “Insist until the end.”

It was a good method. These were the excuses and excuses.

Was the value of Kraang really that high?

So much so that the assassin comes with the set?

I don’t know myself. Since I don’t know, I’ll save it first.

I didn’t know anything, so I just dealt with it because they attacked me, that’s all, yeah. I do not know.

This was Encred’s current stance.

But Kraang saw through it all and asked.

Can you stop making excuses and tell me?

This is the true meaning behind the question.

“If you are.”

Encred thought as he spoke.

If a knight protects, a king rules.

Encred had no seething loyalty to protect Naurilia.

Rather than belonging to this land, he is simply a person born in this land.

But that didn’t mean I didn’t love anything about this country.

Encred loved the small city where he was born.

He could not turn away from the people who raised him, knowing that he would starve to death without his parents.

“It would be nice if there was no war.”

The fruit seller cut off an apple with a rotten corner and cut it in half to eat it.

“Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone could live their lives in moderation?”

The old waitress who was roasting potatoes over a hot fire said.

“That damn war, it would be better for young people. “Cluck.”

The old woman, who once barely survived by selling her body, lamented her life.

“If there had been no war, I would have just quietly married, had children, and lived a life of stew.”

The stew the old woman cooked warmed my stomach like never before.

“You are a genius.”

There was also a mercenary who told a young orphan that he was a genius and told him to survive.

The mercenary who lost his leg had great bravado, but he loved children and thought he would take care of a starving young beggar rather than fill his own stomach.

There were hardships and adversities during Encred’s childhood, but he did not dislike them.

I honestly didn’t hate it.

All of them lived in this country.

I don’t know about royals, nobility, or the politics they do.


“I think I’ll do well.”

Wouldn’t something change if a man named Krang became king?

It’s intuition and prediction. Since Encred was not a prophet who could see the future, it was safe to call this a gamble.

“Choose me. Encred. “Become a knight and stand next to me.”

Krang says: It seemed like Will was carried away by those words. The will became an intangible pressure and touched me.

Encred did not nod his head even at those words, which were meant only for the human being Encred. He was Krang before him.

“There is no need for an answer.”

Krang said and raised his head.

I felt calm despite the assassin’s threat.

It is the realization that has reached the end of that tranquility.

‘If your sword is at your waist, my sword is in my mouth.’

It’s in your head and flows through your blood.

Now it was my turn to swing that sword.


Krang called Howie’s name, and Howie stepped forward.

The guard rolled his eyes.

“What are you?”

Matthew opened his mouth following Krang’s instructions.

“I speak in the name of the only, supreme, and glorious queen of this land, and I tell you that the only legitimate lineage of the royal family has now arrived.”

It was difficult to speak. The guard blinked. The senior at least got his head turned.

“What did you say just now?”

This is said by grabbing the shoulder of a subordinate who looks like he is about to use force and pushing him back.


Howie Matthew’s voice was quite loud. He is so loud that everyone can hear him.

It was quite noisy in front of the gate, but his voice clearly caught the ears of those around him.

“What did the author say just now?”

“Royal ancestry?”

“Are you saying he is the queen’s secretly hidden child?”

Anyone with a certain level of intelligence knew that Naurilia was going through a very complicated period internally.

The issue of kingdom succession has always been sensitive.

The queen is not old, but she has no children.

Everyone in the know also knew that although she had a husband, she was unable to bear children.

“It’s cruel.”

Matthew spoke for everyone to hear. To be exact, it was directed at the senior soldier who blocked my path.

“My master is a descendant of the royal family of Naurilia, and his name is Cdyanath Landius Nauril.”

Originally, royal families had long names.

That’s because I sometimes take letters from my ancestor’s name and add them to my own name.

In that sense, Krang’s name was short.

It’s because I lived in hiding as a bastard.

I only heard my current name when I was older.


“Call me Kraang.”

Krang spoke with a talent similar to ventriloquism, which he learned from somewhere.

When Encrid glanced at him and saw him, Kraang continued.

“That’s my real name to begin with.”

I’ve been called that since I was young. Then that’s my name.

Krang’s words didn’t sound false.

‘I was wrong.’

Encred thought it was an alias.

Now that I look at it, it seems like it was named after the first letters of Cdyanath Landius, but to say it was originally my name would have meant that I wrote the name Krang first.

“I hold my head high in front of royal blood!”

Matthew shouted.

“… … “This is my first time hearing that there is a prince. Shouldn’t we prove it first?”

After the senior soldier, the person in charge wearing a hat also stepped forward.

He was the captain of the guard at this gate.

At the words of the South Gate Guard Captain, Krang took a step forward.

“What do I need to prove myself?”

“Impersonating royalty is a serious crime.”

“Then arrest him and drag him away.”

Krang spoke and took out a pendant from inside his chest. It is not a complete object. It was half-sized.

It was something that Krang wore like a necklace.

The royal family’s emblem was clearly visible above the pendant.

It is a pendant so gorgeous that even clumsy workmanship cannot imitate it.

It was smaller than the palm of one’s hand, and even though it was half-sized, it was clear that the royal family’s emblem was engraved on it.

A sun beast with three swords, a round head, and a mane of flame.

It is a symbol of the royal family.

Among them, it was half with the sun tree’s head engraved on it.

“He said his sister had the other half.”

The only person who could confirm Krang’s identity with this was the queen.

But should we bring him in here?

The guard captain was in trouble. That’s it.

“I guarantee it.”

It was behind the guard captain. When did it come?

“I, Marcus Weissar, guarantee this. “He is the legitimate heir of this kingdom and a descendant of the royal family.”

The guard captain knew that the matter was out of his hands.

“Take them inside.”

I couldn’t help it. Here, it was impossible to overturn what was guaranteed in the name of the centerpole family.

From now on, it was up to those inside the royal palace who killed people in the name of politics.

He was a person who worked with metal and was not a person who used his tongue.

But I can’t just send it away.

‘Let’s keep the group together.’

Of course, the guard captain could not get his way.

“They are all mine. Are you going to hold on?”

A blond-haired man who identified himself as a member of the royal family approached me and said this with a bright smile.

‘It took a long time.’

If you just let him go, the noble bastards will roast him sweetly later.

If you’re unlucky, you might get your head cut off for inviting a group of traitors.

Does that mean you bite down on your molars and block them?

Hey, if this guy is a real royal, he would be decapitated.

Even a decent idiot would not impersonate royalty in the capital, much less in front of the guard captain, so there is a very high probability that what he says is the truth.

Therefore, I was in a position where I couldn’t choose anything.

In such a situation, Krang continues speaking with the same smile.

Every word of those words made the guard captain’s heart ache.

Which noble, which person in charge would say something like this?

These were words and commands that he had heard for the first time in his life.

“Say I insisted. Say I was being unreasonable. “Tell them it’s all because of me.”

Additionally, even Marcus nodded.


The guard captain turned 40 this year.

My heart breaks at this age. My emotions were about to fluctuate.

‘What about this man?’

Before he could say anything, Marcus Weissar approached him and subtly comforted him.

“I will do my best to prevent any damage.”

The guard captain nodded. His eyes did not leave Krang.

He seemed like a very unique and unique person.

Encred and the group just watched.

“Wow, the royal family is killing it.”

Only Rem showed admiration.

As they said, no one stopped the group.

This is true even for wild horses with different eye colors, and even for leopards that confidently enter the capital.

The group didn’t even have time to look inside the capital.

After being contacted by the security guard, an escort arrived from the palace.

They were called the Royal Guard. They were all wearing plate breastplates and armed with long spears, a short shortsword on the left or right waist, and a kite shield diagonally behind their backs.

Everyone was wearing helmets painted gold. I lowered the visor and only the eyes and mouth were visible, which made me feel intimidated.

Their uniform uniforms and unsmiling eyes seemed to prove their power.

The Royal Guard approached and surrounded the group.

“I will take you to the palace.”

Among them, a lone man standing in front with a dull dark gray helmet spoke.

He was wearing a helmet that was not plated.

Just looking at it was enough to make me feel dizzy, but was there an ordinary human being here?

“Can you see them sweating? “It’s so hot and I’m having a hard time.”

This is Rem’s evaluation.

Saxony was quiet as usual, but I thought it was good.

I was already going to have to find an excuse to go into the palace.

Dunbakeel rolled his eyes from side to side and whispered.

“Are you going to follow along like this?”

Is there any reason to go all the way to the palace? These are the words of a prisoner who senses danger.

“Do you want to go back? “You can go first.”

Encred said it didn’t matter. Dunbakhel quickly shook his head.

“If the captain stays, I also stay.”

“as you please.”

Encred’s curiosity arose within him.

I’m curious about what Kraang is doing now.

This was not a battlefield where metal spoke instead of words, but as I looked at Kraang’s back, he seemed like a general who was willing to take on a hundred or a thousand men alone.

As I was looking at it, something tickled my heart. Something about him touched his desire.

“Do you want to improve your skills?”

For some reason, something Rem said came to mind.

What did Rem say when I nodded to the obvious question?

Based on that memory, Encrid looked at Krang’s back.


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