Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 353

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353. Who is the craziest?

“Make everyone on your side.”

Krang recalled the queen’s words.

It was a meeting in a secret location, not the throne room.

‘What was the first question then?’

Krang recalled that time. That was when Encrid said something to the wild horse whose eyes were a different color.

“Shall we go?”

Ah, that crazy person.

Where are you going? The wild horse nods her head as if she understands something else.

The moment I saw it, the conversation I had with the queen came to mind without a single mistake.

“Why should I hand over the throne?”

The queen asked, and she answered. I don’t know if that was a good answer.

I just revealed what I meant.

“It is only right that there be someone on the throne who will swear to protect the kingdom.”

It was the last of a short answer.

“There is someone else who will ask the same question as me.”

The Queen did not evaluate the answer. She just spoke calmly.

Krang bowed his head in respect for the Queen’s will. The conversation that followed was a little more practical.

“Even nobles have factions. “Can you cover it all?”

“Even a mind-reading wizard wouldn’t know that.”

Predicting climate change is extremely difficult. This is possible only by reading the flow of water and discovering changes in nature.

Even wizards who can accomplish such difficult tasks cannot understand the true intentions of humans that change in real time.

“I will try to predict how much rain there will be throughout next month. But at that time, you will not be able to know the heart of the farmer in front of you as he tills the land here.”

These are the words of a wizard that once became a famous proverb on the continent.

I don’t know if those words were actually exchanged, but the meaning conveyed by the proverb was clear.

A person who swore loyalty to you yesterday may be swayed by a few gold coins tomorrow.

Humans are like that.

In particular, the inside of a politician is different in the morning, different at lunch, and again in the evening, and not only that, it also changes at dawn.

‘Prediction is impossible.’

How can we detect each change in the human mind?

But it may be possible to guide it as intended.

By threatening, by threatening, by promising compensation, by reading the other person’s desires and desires.

Even if a magician cannot, politicians and strategists who make use of their brains can read the minds of their opponents. It is a talent performed with insight instead of the mystery of a spell.

‘Check the faction, make all the ministers on my side.’

I knew what the queen meant.

Can the people who fill the throne room be filled with one’s own people?


The average person would ask if that makes sense.

How many factions are there currently in the Naurilia royal palace?

Even the queen doesn’t know.

A person who became a subordinate of a large company.

A group of nobles who gather together and dream of founding a nation based on their territory.

Or one who has sworn allegiance under another great noble.

A person who has steadfastly sworn loyalty to the royal family.

No one was on Kraang’s side.

So it is difficult and difficult.


‘The process will be arduous and arduous.’

It will be so.

Still, there is a way. Krang listened to the Queen’s words and nodded to her.

“As you commanded.”

“I hope that Lady Luck will stay by your side.”

The god that Queen Naurilia believes in is the god of Libra, who governs the sun and moon.

A god who discusses fairness and justice without bias to either left or right.

Nevertheless, the Queen discussed Lady Luck.

This means that Krang is expecting a difficult future ahead of him.

“Good luck. May the balance be fair.”

Krang ended the conversation by mentioning the god his sister believes in.

The queen gave birth to no children. She therefore cannot have children.

Krang was the child of the previous king.

What was the previous king’s intention in hiding the child he gave birth to?

At least it wasn’t a preparation to hand over the throne.

But things went astray, and the palace became a chaotic market place.

No, it’s not a market, it’s more like an arena.

Some people threatened by inflating their bodies, while others hid daggers behind their backs.

I was the one who stepped into that situation.

‘Make the minister on your side.’

This is something that has come to mind repeatedly since I met the Queen.


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To that end, Krang thought about dozens of things and made dozens of decisions every day.

There is a way. The process is just tedious.

Because of this, I always felt like my head was splitting.

The headache subsided a little as I laughed out loud at Encred, but a subtle pain still throbbed through my head. Krang was rather familiar with that.

Is that the path you are taking?

It would be better to describe it as a thorny road.

I know this very well, but I have no intention of turning back or giving up.

Didn’t the man in front of me show it to me?

‘What do you want to be?’


I asked and heard the answer.

It wasn’t funny.

It’s much nicer to hear than a guy who’s been reciting poems in a mansion in the corner of the outskirts and is aiming for the throne.

More than anything, these words felt sincere.

The Queen’s and Encred’s words flashed and mixed together in Krang’s mind.

It may have been complicated, but it was calm.

The headache could have gotten worse, but it didn’t.

For fifteen days, Krang felt unprecedented peace amidst the assassin’s threat.

That’s entirely thanks to their abilities.

Is it because of that?

Because you have peace of mind?


Encred rode on a wild horse while talking to the horse.

I jumped up and got on the horse, but the wild horse didn’t bother to lower its body.

Encred kicked the ground and lifted himself up.

The body floats sideways. I bent my upper body forward and stretched my feet back.

It was like running in a strange position.

Encred’s body seemed to stop just above the wild horse’s body, and soon came to rest on top of the horse.

After lifting my body with precise force and controlling it perfectly, I stopped my body at the top and rode the horse.

It was an amazing feat.

The weight of a human, including equipment, was placed on a wild horse with even eyes.

There was a clicking sound, but the wild horse did not even nod.

It was so strong that it felt like it was on top of a statue.

It’s amazing that the horse endured, and the movements of the human on top of it are also amazing.

‘Without holding the mane?’

In a motion similar to jumping in place, he climbed onto a horse without a saddle.

“What are you doing?”

Behind him, a guy named Rem is asking Encrid, while Ragna just looks on quietly, while Dunbakeel shows curiosity and Saxony watches with strange eyes.

“I’m coming back.”

Encred’s body disappeared without even looking back.


Krang opened his mouth in surprise.

What is that?

What kind of horse moves forward while breaking the ground?

The wild horse kicked and ran along the ground at a speed that was incomparable to that of an ordinary horse.

A popping sound was heard and a line was immediately drawn.

Encred bent down as if he had suddenly become one with the horse.

The moment Krang saw that, half of his worries seemed to have been resolved.

It’s different from surprise. My stomach felt open.

The answer was decided, but I agonized over whether there was a better answer. wrapped her head One day, I started having headaches.


Krang let out a laugh.

Encred didn’t worry about anything.

They are not going to catch the archery cub seen in the distance, but they are arguing that the horse will run when told to run.

“He’s crazy. that.”

Krang said.

“Do you know that now?”

The gray-haired barbarian joined in from the side.

“Isn’t he your captain?”

“That’s right. But crazy is crazy. “Be careful, they’re all a little strange here.”

Rem placed his right index finger next to his ear and twirled it, immediately assessing all members of the unit as being on the same level as Encred.

Ragna heard that and turned around.

I was looking in the direction where Encred ran, but I couldn’t ignore what Rem said.

“His hobby is chopping people’s heads off with an axe. “He does not discriminate between enemies and enemies, so please be careful.”

“Don’t be fooled Mashu. That thing has a devil of laziness inside it.”

“Who knows what to say?”

After Saxony said something, Rem continued.

“That guy has dozens of sneaky wild cats inside him, so be more careful. If possible, I would recommend not getting close to it. “Don’t forget that that bastard can do something to you too.”

“Wow, that’s what you said?”

Dunbakhel stuck out his tongue.

“That’s a poor prisoner with a head injury. “Please understand that it’s because I got hurt when I was young.”

Rem added:

“Someone hurt their head!”

Ah, the crazy bastards in this group.

Krang was a man of character who did not say what he thought on the inside.

“Isn’t it time to fight?”

Just saying a few words to divert their attention was enough.

Suddenly, Krang’s tone became as lively as when he first saw Encred. Before that, the tone was meant to give off a sense of weight, but now it was the tone of a real Krang.

“Anyway, be careful.”

Rem glanced at Krang and finally said one more thing.

Krang immediately turned his head.

The spot where the wild horse carrying Encred had galloped came into view.

A race that throws away all your worries.

My foggy, foggy mind seemed to clear.

‘When it’s time to worry, take action.’

Dozens of problems that had been unresolved on the way to the palace have now disappeared.

The headache also disappeared along with it.

It was refreshing. It feels like I woke up after a good night’s sleep and was greeted by clear sunlight.

Isn’t it brightly lighting up the surroundings at the moment?

“You’re running well.”

Krang said as if impressed.

The human and horse that had become one now looked like dots.

“Well, that’s a wild horse. Doesn’t it look like it’s running around with a person on it?”

Krang wondered why this guy named Rem kept staying by his side.

Honestly, I hoped it would fall a bit.

In his opinion, this guy seemed the craziest.

* * *

Encred didn’t really understand what the pair of eyes were saying.

A druid would be needed to communicate with such a beast.

Esther knew that.

The leopard’s leering eyes scanned Encred’s back.

She knew that what Encred was doing now had nothing to do with mysteries or spells.

Encred understood what the wild horse’s eyes were saying.

This was also possible because the intelligence of a pair of eyes was incomparable to that of an animal.

Jjaknun clearly expressed what he wanted and what he wanted to do.


In addition to crying, through gestures and actions.

Encred understood that and climbed on top of it.

It was right after I told Rem to protect Krang with a hand signal.

If you leave them alone, they might just watch whether Kraang is killed or not.

As I lifted my weight upward like that, I felt a burning power that cannot be felt from a normal horseback riding.

It is an intangible energy that can be felt throughout the mane, down, and muscles.


At least something similar to that.

It was similar to what I felt through the will of rejection, the acceleration of the moment, and the crushing sword.

“What are you?”

It’s scary to get on a horse and whisper.

The eye level has been lowered a little.

‘I’m going to run.’

This time there was no action or crying, but the will was conveyed.

Encred immediately lowered his body, and Jjaknyun ran.


Have you ever seen a horse running and bursting through the ground?

‘I’m riding now.’

It was too fast. The surrounding objects became lines and passed by.

Encrud activated Will and felt like he was running at high speed for a long time.

Adapting wasn’t difficult.


Before I knew it, I had followed behind one of the bowmen, and he shouted.

The horse he was riding was close to a courser, but how could he compare it to a guy who had become a horseman?

Jjaknun immediately grabbed the back of the horse and controlled the speed.

Bend and straighten your knee joints and reduce the speed of kicking the ground. With that, he approached the side of the horse he was chasing and pushed it with his body.


From the bowman’s perspective, as soon as he shouts ‘crazy’, his body leans sideways.

It was that fast and without hesitation, rushing and charging.

Even though it collided, Encred, who was on top of Jjaknuni’s body, received almost no impact.

It was thanks to Jjaknun absorbing almost all of the shock with his own body and letting it go.

‘Crazy pair of eyes.’

Thinking to himself, Encred threw the cheap dagger.

The dagger flew out with a whoosh and stuck in the neck of one of the bowmen.

“Let’s go further.”

And speaking of it.

“Hee hee!”

Uneven eyes answered while running. It sounded like she knew.

I don’t know why he suddenly picks me up and runs.

When I saw the guys running away and told me to chase after them, did I feel a burning desire to win?

Encred’s guess was correct.

The pair of eyes didn’t like their name very much, and they didn’t like the tails of the guys running away leisurely.

The sight seemed to say, ‘You can’t catch it.’

It was an insignificant reason, but it was also an important reason for an animal that chose running as its reason for living.

“let’s go.”

Encred caught four more bowmen. After that, similar attempts disappeared. Even when returning to the group, Jjaknun ran faster than the other horses, and when it stopped, it was as soft as a falling feather.

It was a horse that was born to run well.

“Good job. “Did you mean to burn anyone?”

As soon as he came to the group’s side, Krang asked.

Encred felt that Krang’s tone of voice had changed a little.

It seemed like he felt at ease somewhere.

Until now, you’ve been acting like you chewed on a rock and swallowed it.

Still, the jokes were made, and I did my job well.

‘This looks better.’

This is a short impression.

As I got off my horse and started out on the road again, Krang spoke to me.

“What are you going to do when you become a knight?”

“Let’s try to end the war.”

At those words, Krang’s pupils contracted.

“Just one article?”

Can one article be called one?

This can be said because the magnanimity is great.

“why. “Can’t I do it?”


There’s something else I’m going to say that will make you shake your head.

Krang had no choice but to do so.

I have the same dream as you.

But in order to finish it, we’ll have to work harder and bigger.

It feels somewhat contradictory.

Well, that was it.

There were no worries anymore.

Funnily enough, seeing a cub named Encrid running on a wild horse made me feel like any worries were unnecessary.

“Let’s have a sword fight later.”

“However much.”

Krang talked to everyone, including Encred, as to whether the assassination threat was no longer important.

He quickly became friends with everyone.

To be precise, rather than saying we became friends, I was able to hear a few words from everyone.

“I heard you get lost easily?”

“no. “I just think that going the right way is more important than going fast.”

I had a conversation with Ragna.

“You’re really a bit gloomy.”

“If a barbarian threatens you to do something, you can wave a carrot.”

I was having a conversation with Saxony while I was eating boiled carrots for dinner.

“You said your hobby is chopping an ax into your superior’s head?”

“Who says that? “It’s not a hobby, it’s a specialty.”

Rem and I giggled and shook our heads.

“You seem a little crazy.”

“Actually, who is the craziest? “The captain is the craziest.”

And Rem even told a secret.

“Are you a prisoner? “Isn’t that Wear Tiger?”

“My beast personification is a white lion. “If you say that in front of me, won’t I want to bite you?”

“Enki will be angry.”

“… … You were a little weak. Was it always like this?”

There was also a case of teasing Dunbakhel.

As we talked so much, the capital of Naurilia was just around the corner.

I arrived after riding steadily for more than 15 days.

“Why don’t you give me a ride?”

From then on, Rem continued to try to ride Jjaknun, but it was impossible.

Above all, Encred didn’t even try to burn it again.

When riding normally, it seemed like he was telling me to ride a different horse.

Anyway, that’s how it is.

A place with walls that are stronger than any other city, extending left and right.

The heart of Naurilia, the place where the king’s bedroom is, and the city where the royal palace is located.

The capital was Nauril.

Looking at the capital, Krang once again straightened his back and straightened his shoulders.

Dawn has just broken and sunlight falls on the castle walls. The castle walls were almost a dull dark gray, but slowly became brighter when exposed to sunlight.

The castle walls, which received light like that, softly illuminated the surrounding area at night.

It was the power of a spell handed down from ancient times.

Absorbing the sunlight itself was a great sight. Krang looked at this, straightened his posture and opened his mouth.

“I get it.”


Encred, who was looking at the castle wall nearby, asked.

Krang answered right away.

“The craziest thing is of course you.”

What kind of bullshit is this?

Was it because I was too attached to Rem?

Encrid was worried about Kraang’s condition.


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