Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 352

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352. I felt peaceful

I thought Krang was a unique experience.

‘Is this how it feels to be escorted by a knight?’

There was a peace here that I had never felt while wandering around the continent.

This is despite the fact that there have been more assassination attempts than any attempt ever made.

The attack by those disguised as merchants was thwarted before it even began, but it was not the last.

Afterwards, I entered the city midpool.

“thank you. thank you!”

The son of a large landowner was happy, shedding tears.

Despite the pain in his ankle from being trapped, he acted as if he was going to kiss the ground.

Of course, he didn’t hit his head on the dirt-covered ground. He was that happy.

It was a natural reaction since he died and came back to life, and even after that, he followed me nervously.

“Even if the author had been an assassin, no one would have been harmed.”

Looking at that, Krang’s guard said.

“I think so too.”

Krang also nodded and whispered.

It was said that if the landowner’s son was harmed or ignored, the assassin guild would frame him for murder.

Therefore, the landowner’s son may not have been related to the assassin.

Still, no one let down their guard.

That was the gist of what Krang’s escort said.

The landowner’s son was at the center of the group all along the way.

I was in a position where I couldn’t do anything no matter what tricks I tried.

At the same time, he clearly distanced himself from Kraang himself, and Encred even searched his arms while treating him.

The touch was very thorough, but the person being hit couldn’t even perceive it properly.

My ankle was almost cut off and I was so sick that I couldn’t think of anything.

It was also strange to be able to endure the pain so well.

Ordinary people cannot maintain their composure when they are hurt like this.

If you are weak, there is nothing you can say even if you scream and cry out for help.

Even if he had the courage to endure it well, it was very difficult for someone experiencing this for the first time to remain calm.

Encred and his party watched him all the time and eventually entered the midpool.

The characteristic feature of Midpool was the strangely shaped castle wall made of stones of various colors, which had been repeatedly renovated and repaired.

The city of Naurilia generally made it a virtue to imitate the walls of the capital, so it may have been natural.

The capital city walls literally boast great majesty.

On the continent, monsters and beasts run rampant, so even thieves couldn’t roam around in small numbers.

So there are no private houses or small villages on the continent.

Humans had to build large cities to survive. That’s how humanity developed.

Incidentally, construction technology has developed dramatically, and traces of that advanced technology can be clearly seen in Midpool.

Even now, a new wall was being built by connecting and stacking stones in front of the wall built on one side.

“Thank you so much!”

Because it is a city built on surrounding farmland, the castle has been run by large landowners for generations.

At the same time, the lord who ruled this area was also the one who owned the most land in the kingdom and was called the Marquis of Okto.

There was an argument between the large landowners under the marquis, who would rather not express their gratitude and invite them.


“If they are the ones putting on a play like this to trap your son, why are you inviting him?”

Encred forced the large landowner to step down with just one word.

People who are big landowners are far from naive.

He knew from those words that these were people who would not receive his favor.

I don’t know if I was subconsciously agreeing with Encred’s words.

“I will repay this debt later.”

The large landowner stepped down.

He will go after the group or people involved in targeting his son.

If necessary, even borrow the power of the Marquis.

It was none of Encred’s business.

Afterwards, the group stayed at an inn and were served food mixed with poison powder.

“It’s poison.”

The assassin’s attempt was foiled again as Saxony figured it out right away.

After that, someone threw a dagger from inside the alley leading to another restaurant.

Of course, it was a poisoned dagger, but Encred took it with a gloved hand and returned it. Of course, the speed was faster than when I received it.


A whisper came from inside the alley.

“Why are you doing this when you can’t even dodge a dagger thrown by Ji?”

The person named Rem grumbled. The guys attacking me from all directions seemed quite annoying.

When there were less people, they kept attacking me.

Rem put on the prefabricated single spear, placed it on his shoulder, and draped his arm over it.

The posture looked sloppy, but in reality it was far from sloppy.

There was actually a poison dart aimed at Rem, but he just bent his waist to the side and hit the dart with the end of the spear handle.

The rat-like assassin repeated throwing and hiding.

Rem was too lazy to chase them one by one.


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It was worth it.

The assassin continued to harass me after that.

Just in case you forgot, something like a poisoned dagger flew at you. Not only daggers but also bolts and darts were mixed in.

I didn’t even necessarily aim for Kraang. He tried to target the entire party here and there, but it was no use.

It was meaningless.

Attackers also came out every now and then.

They were not assassins with outstanding skills, but were just a bunch of vagabonds.

The absence of private houses means that people have to live together in the city.

Large crowds of vagabonds were a problem in all big cities.

Some of them attacked. Of course it was useless again.

Pop, pop, pop.

A man named Ragna stepped forward and gently sent the tramp away with his fists and feet.

“It’s a monster!”

One of the tramps shouted and ran away, but no one in the group chased him.

“I guess I ordered it for a few krona. Taking poison would be the same way.”

Saxony said that it was the inn waitress who was poisoned, but Encrid did not interrogate her. Her advice was that Saxony didn’t need to.

“It’s a commonly used tactic. “They tell you to spray it, deceiving them by saying it is not a poison but some other medicine.”

Kraang listened to Saxony. This is my first time hearing about this method. He had a memory of almost dying once before from a terrible poison.

At that time, I couldn’t even tell when I became addicted.

There was no one suspicious. Was that the reason for this? It seemed like that.

“If you make an excuse that you are the fiancé of one of the group members or that you are a member of the family and that you are secretly following him, everyone will nod. Since we are not deceived, it is a method used to deceive others, that is, those who will not be suspected. They often say they are worried about fatigue while traveling and ask you to spray it because it is a good medicine, but you have to do it secretly and they must not know that they are chasing you. “I would have done it like this.”

It’s an odd move, but it works well.

What if a waitress or inn owner secretly steals the powder and eats it?

Would the assassination guild care about that?

Instead, rather than a poison that takes effect as soon as you eat it, they will give you a poison that takes effect after about a day.

Fortunately, the inn owner and waitress were conscientious.

They did not steal the powder but sprinkled it all on the food.

The waitress who served the food secretly glanced at the group, and it was for this reason.

Of course, the faces of Encred and his party would have attracted attention.

Continuing to wear hoods even inside the inn was rather eye-catching, so they proudly showed their faces.

Of course, it had the effect of stealing the attention of those around him.

Also, since they had an attitude that it was none of their business to know what the pursuer was looking at, it also hurt the pride of some of the assassins.

As a result.


With Saxony’s warning.

When it became difficult to eat in a somewhat eerie place, more specifically an inn, an assassin fell from above on the way to another restaurant.

When the daggers that flew in were combined, it was enough to lay a seat.

Rem, Encred, and Ragna moved at the same time.

Three weapons split overhead.

The body of the fairy assassin who attacked from above split into six parts.

Blood sprayed like rain and spilled onto the floor.

Internal organs, flesh, and severed arms and legs fell to the floor of the alley.

If he had brandished his weapon like this in the middle of the street, it would have been such a disaster that the guards would have rushed to him immediately.


The last words were his last words.

His face, whose skin was so white that it reflected the moonlight, fell on the dirt-filled floor.

After that, several more sneak attacks followed.


“They all collapse before they even start.”

It was the same as what the escort said.

It seemed that way to Krang’s eyes as well.

Because that’s not enough.

“for a moment.”

When Saxony left the area for a while, the attacks decreased significantly.

Meanwhile, Encred went to a restaurant.

“They say the grilled chicken here is excellent.


Krang tilted his head to one side. Is now the time to look for delicious food?

“Do you hate chicken?”

Encred asked back.

No way.

It’s been a long time since I ate proper food.

Because I suffered from so much poisonous food, I ended up eating it not for the taste but to survive.

Krang entered the restaurant with those thoughts in mind.

“Be careful.”

Even as the guard spoke, he did not stop his master. It seemed to him that he could eat anything like this.

So I did that.

Krang ate enough to loosen his belt for the first time in a long time.

It was a place that only sold grilled chicken, and the cooking method was excellent.

A whole chicken is skewered on long skewers and grilled over a firewood fire. It was a time-consuming dish that required standing the chicken on skewers around a flame, turning it gently, and grilling it for at least half a day.

“It’s a recipe from my grandfather’s time. “This is my pride.”

The chef and restaurant owner showed pride.

It was worth it. The grilled chicken melted in my mouth.

A thin layer of seasoning was applied on top of the salt, pepper, and other spices, and when combined with the crispy skin, it was better than most lord’s meals.

When I cut the flesh with a fork, the firm yet soft flesh came out.

Krang kept putting it in his mouth.

“You’ve been starving for a few days, you’re eating well.”

The owner spoke and gave me juice from a fruit that he had developed.

It also tasted excellent. The sweet and sour taste combined to neutralize the greasy mouth.

When people live densely together in a city, the thing that develops the most is cooking.

A city is basically a place where surrounding logistics gather, so there are many different food ingredients.

Cities with advanced agriculture, such as Midpool, were good for raising livestock.

This may also be the reason why the walls of this city continue to be expanded and the land becomes larger.

There are village facilities outside without walls and soldiers are stationed to guard them, but livestock cannot be raised like that.

Not everyone can become a combatant who slays monsters and beasts like a shepherd in the wilderness.

Naturally, cows, horses, chickens, and sheep were raised inside the walls.

If you go towards the tramps, there are some people who live with a few livestock.

Livestock are also good at maintaining body temperature in the winter.

For that reason, chickens were easily supplied within the city.

That’s how much you raise.

If farming was your main occupation and your superiors were properly running the city, it was natural to raise livestock with the remaining grain.

So, there must be a restaurant like this.

“Let’s get that chef.”

Rem left a high praise, and the chef who served the dish with baked potatoes was appalled.

“what? “This restaurant is invested by a large landowner, so don’t think about doing anything foolish.”

In this city, the highest level was the land owner.

Encred calmed him down, saying it was a joke.

Before I knew it, a friend named Saxony had also returned and was tearing off chicken legs.

“You wild cat, do you want to sneak around?”

“You are dull.”

These two are always fighting.

The wild horse outside was a horse and ate the chicken.

“Isn’t that a magical beast?”

asked a freckled boy who was a restaurant worker. He seemed scared.

“It doesn’t bite.”

Encrud reassured the boy by saying that, but of course the boy didn’t go near the wild horse.

How many people would want to be near a horse that crunches, crunches, and even chews on chicken bones?

“Let’s have a drink.”

Rem said.

“Let’s go and drink it.”

Encred agreed with that.

The people sitting scattered around their tables looked like a mess, with not even a trace of discipline in sight.

On the surface it seems so. But no one let down their guard.

Krang felt peaceful as he saw, heard, and experienced all of this.

Their nonchalant attitude made it that way.

So, I ate the chicken and drank a glass of cherry liquor.

It was a liquor with a unique flavor.

If I hadn’t been with them, I would have suspected that it might have been poisoned.

There was no poison.

“Master, how many bottles of alcohol can I buy?”

Encred buys a few bottles of alcohol, and the group returns to the inn after filling their stomachs.

“Sleep well.”

After a brief greeting, I washed up, brushed my teeth with a thin brush, and disposed of any meat stuck between my teeth, then rinsed my mouth with salt water made from cheap salt.

Beds made of cotton rather than straw gave a sense of the wealth of this city.

A day where I can sleep in a bed that is neither scratchy nor hard.

If this is not valuable, what is valuable?

“I can’t believe it.”

Howie said. Krang also agreed.

We stayed overnight, and surprisingly, there were no more ambushers.

‘The reason is that my red-haired friend disappeared earlier.’

Krang’s insight allowed him to see the situation clearly.

After the man named Saxony disappeared, the raids stopped.

What did they do?

I became curious again, but I wasn’t going to ask.

I could tell just by looking. He is not a great person who will answer questions.

Even after leaving the city, the assassin group’s struggles continued. Yes. It was a struggle.

“You can’t pass through here!”

A person who was said to be an arena champion attacked me.


A prisoner named Dunbakel stepped forward and smashed the opponent’s face with his knee.

He struck down the opponent’s spear with his scimitar and then lunged forward to do so.

I kicked the ground with my left foot and stepped up with my right knee. It was great martial arts.

The champion, with his face sunken, fell to the floor.

“Where is the arena? “Do you just gather chicks together and fight?”

The prisoner spoke and glared at the gathered people.

Then the gathered group dispersed and ran away.

The day was clear, as if the storm was a lie.

The group all rode horses and rode at a moderate speed.

Moving while managing the horse’s stamina actually made it go faster.

The basics of horseback travel were to comfort the horse and run steadily so as not to tire.

Then, suddenly, I was met with an arrow flying by.

The arrow was aimed precisely at Krang, and of course Encrid caught it.

Thump, brrrr.

Krang was greeted by a trembling arrow shaft that stopped in front of him, but he was not very surprised.

It’s okay because I blocked it.

Encred opened his mouth, holding the arrow shaft and looking into the distance.

“This looks real.”

This is the end of clumsy manipulation. The opponent’s last resort was long-distance sniping.

He also looked like a proper archer, not just some mediocre skill.

Although he didn’t see Kraang, Encrid saw a horseman shooting an arrow and running away from afar.

If I chase it on horseback, can I catch it?

No, that’s difficult.


All you have to do is to knock out the flying arrows.

Instead of the assassin disappearing, a bowman on horseback appeared.

The number chosen by the opponent was that difficult. Still, it’s not a threat.

That was Krang’s conclusion.

Even if dozens or hundreds of arrows fly at you, you will not die.

That’s what happens if Encred stays by your side.

This is why I feel peaceful.

So the archer on horseback in the distance was not a threat.

Even more so.


The wild horse cried and approached Encred.

“Let’s go catch him?”

Listening to Encred’s answer, it seemed like the bowman wouldn’t just leave it alone.


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