Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 351

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351. Assassins sell traps

Shut up!

A few drowned bodies were also seen along with human face dogs and ghouls.

Are the drowned bodies fresh creatures that have just been created?

It was entirely possible if there were dead bodies from the heavy rain that had poured down a few days ago.

It doesn’t make much difference whether a monster is born for an hour or a week.

Sometimes, if they stay for a long time, they can become dangerous, but there is no such thing as a toddler just because they were born. Therefore, it did not matter whether it was newly born or not.

What matters is numbers.


These are the words of Whip Escort. Yes, that number was a lot.

Not only was there a lot of it, but the type was also a problem for the eyes.

There was also a demonic beast that was more dangerous than the three types of demons shown above.

By nature, magical beasts are less dangerous than monsters, but there are exceptions everywhere.

The easiest example is the bear demon.

Bears are dangerous beasts even when they are not monsters.

If such a bear becomes a demonic beast, it will naturally become more threatening and dangerous.

The easiest example is that two animals raised their heads from among the monsters. One of them was a head taller than the other.


The bear demon, drooling and his eyes turning red, caught my eye.

Rem said after seeing that.

“I have a friend who is religious.”

“I see.”

Ragna answered.

If Auddin had heard it, it was a conversation he would have asked with a benevolent smile as always, saying he would stand by his god’s side.

However, the bear was different from Audin.

The guy didn’t laugh.


Instead, he beat his chest and roared.

It was a sound that pierced my entire body. It is a cry that instantly hardens the prey’s body.

It seemed like it was a signal.


Dunbakhel said. The monster turned into a wave and attacked. started running.

The dog kicked the ground and soiled its belly with mud.

A drowned body runs towards me with its arms flailing. The ghoul stretched out his hand forward, as if showing off his claws, and kicked the ground hard.

The number exceeded one hundred.

A swarm of demons attacked, and the ground trembled every time the bear demon moved.

If the people here were ordinary people, they would not only be in trouble, but they would also be in danger of their lives.

It’s a scene that will make you tremble with fear.

However, the people gathered here are people who are different from the words ordinary or average.

If you were a prey, you would have had to stiffen from the roar of the bear that had become your devil, but only the most free people gathered.

There was no one here who would freeze upon seeing such a magical beast.

Hung, wow!

A beam of light flew into the head of a running bear beast. It was a throwing axe.

A sound of steam coming from the snout of the thing that was screaming loudly.

The bear’s head tilted back and then returned forward. Strong neck muscles prevented the head from falling off. But the results did not change.

Soon the bear, which had an ax decoration on its head, began to lose its running strength and fell forward.

Several human-faced dogs nearby were crushed by the bear’s body.


The human dog’s screams erupted.

That was the end. Wouldn’t the Hydra be the only monster that survives and moves with its head split open?

That guy has multiple heads.

Of course, Hydra is a monster that Encred has never seen in person.

It was natural for a bear beast with a vertically split head to die.

“Oh, it’s mine!”

Dunbakhel complained.


A ghoul’s distinctive scream rang loudly.

Ragna and Saxony cut off the ghoul’s head and chopped off its limbs with indifferent movements, as if pulling out weeds.

It is a series of simple movements.

I kept my steps to a minimum and cut down everyone who came around me.

Encred also came forward.

Did you say that one ghoul usually requires three trained pikemen?

A well-trained soldier can kill a ghoul on his own.

Even if there were a thousand of these guys, Encred could survive.

‘Stop repeating hit and run.’

If you’re alone, you can do that. What about protecting Krang? It is okay to fight while carrying and running.

However, you are not alone now. I’m with the company members. There was no need to avoid it. It was a rush.

They beat him, killed him, and chopped him up in a flash.


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The monster’s black blood soaked the rain-soaked ground.

“You’re throwing a monster.”

After the commotion was over, Saxony spoke.

It means that someone drove the monster and threw it this way.

It is a famous technique called by various names such as throwing monsters, pushing, and lifting.

“This is not the end.”

Saxony said, wiping his sword with a cloth and throwing the cloth on the floor.

That’s how he sees it.

It wasn’t like he was ignoring or luring away the monsters that were flocking to the territory, and it wasn’t an ordinary skill to send a group like this arbitrarily. So, they are not the ones to give up.

“Ask them to come as often as they want.”

Dunvakel puffed out his chest and said. He wasn’t a threat or a monster.

He even kicked the head of the human-faced dog that was drooling at him.

There were more than five human-faced dogs with torn heads just around the wild horse.


Jjaknyeon shook his head and cried.

They said it was no big deal.

“The dirty deeds will continue.”

Saxony continued speaking. It was a firm tone. It’s speculation and prediction. It was also a natural thing.

Because it was something I had done countless times.

Of course, in terms of attack, not defense.

‘Have we gathered?’

It wasn’t like one or two guilds had moved. The scale is too large to say that.

Of course, there was something like an assassination guild in Naurilia.

Did they all come together and form a united guild?

It was just a guess, but I felt certain.

On this scale, the audacity to target the royal family of a country.

This is not the job of one guild.

‘Why did we gather together?’

The answer was derived through several guesses and predictions.

The client wanted a hunting dog, and the one chosen as the hunting dog chose to eat together and survive rather than eat and die alone.

Saxony’s guess was close to perfect.

That’s actually how it went.

* * *

In Azpen, an assassin guild called Monterre’s Swamp controlled most of that world, but not Naurilia.

They competed and coexisted.

The number was not small.

As the domestic situation was complex and wars had been taking place here and there for several years, some nobles took advantage of this and formed a guild.

There were some people who used their talent for killing people to get jobs among the common people.

There were a total of twelve guilds that survived in this ecosystem for a long time.

And now, those who had formed their own guilds and held on have come together to form a united guild called the Twelve Blades.

“We hired dozens of mercenaries and sent our own people, but they all failed.”

“Because the opponent was that crazy company.”

The Assassin’s Guild is naturally sensitive to information. It was natural that I realized it as soon as I was hit.

They had gathered in the city closest to the capital and were staying in a renovated mansion.

Of course, defense and security were thorough.

“Are you going to let it go like this?”

“You all know what failure in a request means.”

Among the twelve blades, there was bound to be the most influential guild leader. The woman who had the most power before the union spoke to everyone.

“You have to do everything you can.”

Giving up is death.

The client is inside the royal palace. Failure and giving up only lead to the same result.

There were two choices to live.

Either run away from whatever foundation you have built.

‘Or succeed.’

Of course, she and the other guild leaders dreamed of the rewards that would follow.

Throw away your foundation and jump out? It is impossible.

In that case, I will accomplish the task even if it means overdoing it.

It is a change in the ownership of the country.

Of course, compensation would follow.

We even gave up our pride and came together so that we wouldn’t be able to throw away just because we saw all the balls.

That’s how everyone’s hearts came together.

The woman who became the focal point opened her mouth.

“The opponents are those who have made a name for themselves on the battlefield. It’s not good to fight and win. Let’s fight on our own stage and in our own way.”

“That’s right.”

The man who became her mistress responded first.

“Say the obvious.”

Another guild leader who was jealous of her also nodded.

They did so. They moved in their own way. The opponent will not be able to know all of the assassin’s methods, so he will be defeated at least once.

Then it was over.

Even if they have experience in bounty hunting, there is probably no one who can figure out all the traps that the assassin has set.

Because they are all people who fought on the battlefield.

Their judgment was natural.

* * *

“Help me!”

This is a voice heard while following the road.

A youthful young man was sprawled out on the floor. She seemed trapped.

When he found Encred and his group bleeding on the floor, he desperately opened his mouth.

“Please save me! My father is a landowner with tenant farmers! I will repay you! “I will repay you!”

This is said with tears streaming down my face.

“How did you get trapped?”

Before Encred could step forward, Saxony asked first.

It’s a different way of speaking than usual. It was similar to when it was Jag Rice. That is, when imitating Kreis.

So I asked under the guise of goodness and kindness.

“I was on my way to sell wheat, but when I woke up… … .”

He says he doesn’t even know what happened.

“Are you going to help?”

the whip escort asked. I wanted to pass by because of a strange sense of anxiety.

Encred saw the person trapped in a trap. He seemed sincere.

“please please. Deval.”

She continued speaking, shedding tears and snot.

I must have bit my tongue to pronounce the last word.

“It’s a trap. “It looks like a trap has been dug around.”

Saxony said. His eyes swept around the young man.

The trap falling on the floor and the miasma subtly tickled my nose.

“Will I die if I leave it alone?”

“I’m dying. “It’s a trap set to catch you like that.”

It was a trap that could be ignored and overlooked, but it was also a bar aimed at it.

“If we ignore it, it will be assumed that we killed the author.”

“You mean a double trap?”

Encred asked. Saxony explained the ensuing situation as concisely as possible.

It was a prediction of what would happen in the city we would reach for supplies and rest.

It was a trap called ‘an inevitable choice.’

If you want to save it, you have to overcome a trap.

If you ignore it, it can cause trouble in the next city you visit.

“The man who killed my son is over there!”

Whether it’s using someone who’s good at acting, hostages, threats, or poisoning, I’ll use everything to get Jiju to say those words to the group.

‘Getting your hands and feet tangled in the city.’

If you get embarrassed, it’s over. Strike with a dagger from behind.

A team would have been prepared for that as well.

‘That’s rude.’

Saxony thought, and Encred made a decision.



“Pick it up.”

As seen in previous battles, Dunbakel’s movements are quick and quick.

At that level, you can ignore the trap and rescue that man.


I don’t ask why.

If Encred tells you to do it, do it. This is Dunbakhel’s accident structure.

Originally, the current trap was to explode things placed on the floor when you approach to save someone.

Dunbakhel made everything useless by running with a run-off.


The ground, still in the form of mud, burst open. This is the place where Dunbakhel stepped on with strength.

Dunbakeel flew away as it reached the trap and fell down with a thud.

Dunbakhel jumped over the trap with a long jump and opened the trap with force.

The piece of iron that was constricting my ankle lost its purpose and broke with a crunching sound.

The man was hugged by Dunbakhel with tears and snot pouring out.

Holding the landowner’s son in the princess’s embrace, Doonbakel took a few steps back to secure space to run, then jumped over the entire trap.

This is a feat that demonstrates the beast’s thigh strength.


Only the screams of the trapped man remained in the air.

The landowner’s son and wife joined the party.

Encred inspected the wounds of the hostage he rescued, sprinkled powder on him to stop the bleeding, and bandaged him.

“Thank you, thank you.”

They are ordinary people. So, he is a civilian. This is a hostage that has nothing to do with the assassin. This was what my intuition told me.

Saxony came to a similar conclusion.

If you leave it behind, you will become a murderer who killed the son of a powerful man in the city.

It was a double trap that you had to dig out to save.

All of those traps were destroyed thanks to the beastman’s thigh strength and Saxony’s experience.

Afterwards, there was no end to assassination attempts.

“Save me!”

It was the top group. He said he was being chased by a monster and came with blood spilling here and there. No, he came running.

Encred frowned as he looked at the people running towards him.

Are you a merchant?

Hide yourself and hide your hostility. This is the basics of an assassin. That’s what they did.

I have doubts but am not sure.

After that, I saw three or four ghouls. That is evidence that gives weight to their words.

Still, something ticks in my heart. It is a warning from intuition. Why?

The accelerated thinking ability developed while training the sword shone.

‘The injured part.’

No one hurt their legs. The breathing of those who run away in fear is constant.

All of this was interpreted and organized in the realm of intuition.

“It is the enemy.”

That was the conclusion reached, and Saxony even confirmed it by nodding his head.

If that wasn’t enough, Encrid threw the dagger using the dagger method he learned from Saxony.

A merchant with a bulging belly who was shouting for help was thrown to the side when the dagger fell as if aiming for the neck.

If he hadn’t avoided it, he would have ended up with a pretty dagger decoration on his thigh, but he did.

Moreover, with such nimble movements on that body, doesn’t it give off the appearance of being trained?

The movement itself had to be seen as an amazing feat.

“He is a man without blood or tears.”

said the pot-bellied assassin who dodged to the side.

I don’t think this is something you should hear from an assassin.

With that in mind, Encred made a preemptive attack with a light flick of his tongue.

“Are you pregnant?”

The assassin’s brows narrowed as his masculinity was damaged.

Although I have been training for many years to always maintain my composure, I feel momentary discomfort because I heard something unexpected.

He couldn’t hide it.

His reactions overall became a little slower than usual.

That was the end.

By the time the pot-bellied assassin felt the dagger flying silently away, it was already too late.


As the silent knife was inserted into the back of my neck, the guy grabbed my neck. Bright red blood flowed from between the clenched fingers.


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