Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 350

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350. The knight who chooses the king

The rain and wind continued for another day, and just when I thought I was tired of it, it stopped.

It was a really boring rain.

“Let’s take a rest and then go.”

A little while after the rain stopped, Encred spoke. Water was dripping down my body, and it seemed like sunlight could be seen peeking through the clouds on the other side of the sky.

It was also expected to tilt towards the west soon.

After passing through the dark weather, we were about to enter a time of real darkness.

“Let’s do that.”

Rem nodded.

The Mad Company was not the problem. Kraang held up well, but the horsemanship was a problem.

I have to ride a horse for another 10 days, but I wonder if the rider is already tired.

Above all, if you don’t take care of your wet body, you can easily get sick.

If anyone started snoring, it would be a pain in the ass.

Even if a horse gets sick, it’s just as painful.

Because of the storm, I couldn’t sleep properly and just walked.

“Are you going to spend your time here?”

Howie asked as if talking to himself.

I bought time by killing all the people who came to kill me.

Isn’t now the time to move outside the opponent’s expected range?

Encred nodded at those words.

Yes, I will write it here.

That seemed like the answer. The whip escort said nothing.

What do you mean here?

It’s best for me to just focus on protecting my master.

Not only will they not even listen to me arguing here.

‘It will be taken care of.’

A belief similar to respect also emerged.

“Rem, let’s make a fire.”

“You seem to have a tendency to make me do all the annoying things. What do you think?”

“is it? “Then shall we send Ragna?”

If you send me to get some dry wood, I’ll probably be able to meet you around this time next year.

“That’s it.”

Rem waves his hands.

“Dunbakel, come with me.”

Encred assigned a worker.

“… … huh.”

Dunbakeel joined, showing a lot of displeasure. Rem said after seeing that.

“Do you want to sleep?”

“I want to live. “No one wants to die.”

The conversation between Lem and Dunbakhel gradually became distant. It was a lame joke.

The two turned off to one side of the road and headed toward the forest.

In the meantime, Encrid dug the ground with Saxony and Ragnar.

My partner, who was wet and following along, helped me with that.

“You’re talented too.”

Krang looked at it and said.

Jjaknun kicked the ground with his foot and made a hole.

Encred placed a large stone on the ground.

Even if the rain poured down loudly, the luggage wrapped in oiled cloth and leather would not have gotten wet, but there were no cooking utensils in there.

Instead, there was salt and seasoned beef jerky.

Encred got some salt and beef jerky from there.

A wide stone would be a good tool for grilling beef jerky.

Rem and Dunbakeel managed to bring tree branches that were not wet despite the storm.

Encred hand-split the half-wet branches to make kindling, took a flint from his pack, and lit the fire.

There was a crackling sound and the sound of stones hitting each other, and soon a fire broke out.

As I blow air with my mouth, the flames grow bigger. I put a few more branches in there.

Even if it hadn’t been raining, the fire would have been bigger, but that was the limit for now.

“Let’s dry our clothes.”

Excluding Esther, the only female is Dunvakel, but when she transforms, she can cover her entire body with fur.

This means that you take off your clothes with ease, regardless of whether anyone is watching or not.

It’s funny that Suin is ashamed of her naked body in the first place.

“It’s not that you are important, it’s that you are a nuisance in the eyes of others. Cover it.”

Encrid taught Dunbakkel to be considerate.

“Is it so attractive that it’s a lung?”


The leopard snorted at those words.

Dunbakhel went unnoticed.

Encred found that to be incredibly surprising.

I realized once again that Esther was not on good terms with all of the company members. It was nice to say she was on the good side.


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Is there any particular reason?

there was. This is because of their attitude towards Esther.

They do not reject Esther as a wizard.

The world’s perception of witches is a separate matter from them.

In particular, he was like a peer to Rem, who used magic.

Even though what we do and what we can do are completely different, we feel a sense of kinship.

This is why Rem is kind.

Ragnar doesn’t care whether Ester is a wizard or a sorcerer.

In the past, Audin would have criticized it as heresy, but not now.

After watching Encred, there is an enlightened and open world.

He also respected Esther, calling her sister.

Teresa had nothing to say.

I saw several wizards among the cult.

Compared to them, Esther was a sociable witch.

The same was true for Dunbakhel.

She didn’t cause any harm to herself and looked pretty.

Sometimes I don’t like the idea of ​​monopolizing the captaincy.

In addition, Dunbakhel also liked Esther’s long hair.

Isn’t it very soft to the touch?

Moreover, Esther also let Dunbakkel touch her hair.

These are not eyes filled with fear, nor are they eyes filled with curiosity.

Everyone recognizes and respects themselves as just one person.

How can I hate this?

‘Do I view people favorably?’

This was unusual for Esther, but she took this as a good sign.

Wizards are people who originally exist for exploration.

For Esther, this moment was worth exploring.

How will this relationship affect your magic?

It was well worth researching.

“Ester, dry your hair too.”

Esther quietly took a seat next to the bonfire at Encred’s words.

Everyone dried their clothes. She was only wearing underwear, and the underwear made of thin fabric was dried with her clothes on.

It was a long journey that would take about a month, but on the first day, as soon as it started, there was an attack by a group of about 30 assassins.

I can’t really say it’s good.

“Why don’t you have a drink?”

Rem found some alcohol.

Saxony had already taken out his drink and was taking a sip.

Encred was asking if he wanted to share the drink.

Everyone seemed to have no worries.

“Do you have any alcohol?”

I asked if Krang was also intoxicated by the atmosphere.

Howie shook his head. What is alcohol?

It’s amazing that you can even think about drinking something leisurely here.

Saxony handed a small bottle to Encred.

Encred took a sip and nodded.

“It’s apple wine.”

“Wherever I went, I met a craftsman who makes alcohol.”


Encred was impressed.

“Are you the only one eating?”

Rem approached Saxony and proudly opened his hands. Saxony sat down, pulled out a dagger, and swung it. Rem closed his hand and dodged it.

“What are you doing?”

“Didn’t you ask me to cut off your wrist?”

“Captain, wouldn’t it be okay to kill at least one wild cat?”

Encred took another sip of cider and looked at the two fighting here as well.

Then he capped the bottle of cider in his hand and threw it away.

Rem accepted it.

Saxony didn’t even bother with what the captain shared.

That’s the end of the fight. After cooling off, the two turned away, ignoring each other.

Rem didn’t complain any more.

“Hey, let’s eat together.”

Instead, he approached Dunbakhel and said,

Dunbakel was eating seasoned beef jerky grilled on a stone instead of alcohol.

“Ugh, good.”

The unique seasoning keeps the beef jerky soft. Dunbakhel thought this was the best food he had ever eaten while camping.

Encred also had similar thoughts.

Krang also took a bite and nodded loudly.

It seemed like if he became king, he would at least give a reward to the person who made this beef jerky.

After seeing the storm, Ragna thought about old times.

There was a storm at that time too.

Because of the falling rain, I couldn’t see an inch ahead.

The falling rain hit my body so hard that it seemed like it would bruise me.

There was a day like that.

Thinking back to a certain moment in the past, Ragna turned his head towards the direction where he was born and raised.

I looked at the stars in the sky to gauge the direction and looked north.

“What are you doing?”

Encred came up and asked. Ragna’s mood seemed unusual.

Ragna answered obediently.

“I look north.”

Towards the place where one’s family and one’s land were.

The north is where people of the same race as yourself live.

Is this longing, or is it regret, or is it hatred?

As I was looking towards my hometown like this, I felt like I could feel their energy beyond.

“That’s the south.”

Encred said. Ragna quietly turned her head.

The old thoughts ended here. I was hungry after moving around in the wind and rain.

It was time to fill our bellies.

“You really shouldn’t go do errands alone.”

Seeing that, Rem chimed in.

Ragna didn’t even pretend to listen.

As the night deepens and it is time for everyone to sleep.

“Saxony stand first.”

The order of watch and watch was roughly determined.

Starting with Saxony, the order is Whip Guard, Rem, Encred, and Ragna.

It would be okay if the opponent tried to trick him with a spell.

Esther’s eyes sparkle… … .

Suddenly, the leopard fell asleep next to Encred.

Encred held the leopard in his arms.

If something goes wrong, it will happen on its own.

Krang looked at that and opened his mouth.

“A wizard who turns into a leopard.”

Whip Guard was still shocked when he saw Esther.

At first I was surprised to see the change, and then I was surprised to see the appearance.

Yet, it doesn’t look like his senses are wavering.

‘not bad.’

He is the person next to Krang. She was, of course, a decent human being.

It seemed like he was worried about taking a break, but he didn’t really open his mouth.

Is there a sudden overflow of trust in Encred?

You may say that because you saw a fight once, but it was more about respect than that.

Since you have proven your ability, I respect you, and since my master respects me, I do the same.

He really wasn’t a bad person.

It’s a cider for miscellaneous thoughts. Krang’s question reached my ears.

“How about becoming a knight?”

“It’s fun.”


When asked if it was okay, the answer was that it was fun. Encred nodded.

They were hanging their clothes to dry by sticking a tree branch into the ground at an angle.

Saxony stirred the campfire with a long branch.

The crackling, dry branches burst into flames and sparks flew out. The sparks that came out flew into the air and disappeared.

The spark that disappears, the flame that rises, and the comfort that arises as the damp body dries.

Krang and Encrid were sitting across from the campfire.

Beyond the comforting flames, Krang’s eyes looked red because of the bonfire.

Encred looked directly into those eyes.

Krang also looked into Encred’s eyes.

As it was, Krang’s mouth opened.

“Why are you helping me?”

First, I said that I was a friend, and then I looked directly at myself and told him my dream.

But nowhere in those words did it say anything about helping oneself.

Krang asked sincerely. When he made up his mind and spoke out his words, I felt powerful.

Words seemed to have the power to compel.

Is this what Yongin said?

Could it be that among my ancestors, there was at least some dragon blood mixed in with me?

It is the pressure of having to answer, the oppression that comes from speaking out.

‘that’s interesting.’

Encred felt something similar to when he was intimidated.

However, the Will of Refusal will not be activated.

Because this isn’t an art based on the real Will.

Above all, Encred was not defeated by Kraang’s power.

“They said he was a person who didn’t want to die here.”

So I was able to answer calmly.

“I won’t die even if you don’t help me.”

Krang said without even breathing.

What kind of confidence is this?

But I had no intention of denying it again.

Even if I had to go back a little bit, I would have found a way to survive.

If I hadn’t thought that much, I wouldn’t have been able to survive until now.

Encrud thought about it before he helped Krang, after he decided to help him, and even the night after he said that to Cryce.

‘Why should I help?’

Because you want to fight? Do you think assassins or anything else will attack you if you’re around?

Fighting spirit is one of the elements that make up Encred himself. That’s right.

Still, that’s not all. Something more ultimate than that is what made him willing to take on this task within himself.

Because I wanted to become a knight.

A knight is a protector.

So what should we keep in mind?

Protect those behind you.

Then who will you place behind you?

Encrid does not serve Kraang. He didn’t even make such an oath.


I knew very well that he was not someone worth protecting right now.

“Is it worth protecting you?”

Encred was not pushed back by a force that bordered on oppression.

I easily overcame it.

“Because I don’t know yet.”

Then he continued his interrupted words.

I help because I don’t know. Since I don’t know, I add my hand. Will a lot change if you protect it once?

I do not know. We’ll have to wait and see.

That’s the only reason to help. Because I don’t know, I’m helping to get to know you.

Through the campfire, Krang laughed again. Instead of laughing loudly like before, she showed a deep smile.

Encred was grave.

“A knight who chooses a king.”

Neither of them were yet kings or knights.

“Being chosen by someone like that would be the beginning of my royal journey.”

The guard frowned after hearing what Encred said, but quickly returned his expression to its original state.

Watching my lord speak, I do not feel any discomfort in my heart.

He was speaking with sincerity.

The beginning of the royal road was discussed.

If it starts with the man in front of you.

If that’s true, we’ll just have to wait and see.

You have already made your choice.

“Also, I want to do something that Count Molsen would dislike.”

Encred also spoke about his petty revenge. I didn’t forget that he did not send his reinforcements and instead resorted to modifications.

“That Count Molsen?”

“huh. “He’s like a wild dog’s penis.”

Encred said something vulgar with a noble expression. If it was a talent, it was a talent.

Krang giggled this time.

“It’s a wild dog’s penis.”

I thought it was a very fitting word.

The night’s conversation was nothing more than a light skit.

Rem, Ragnar, Saxony, and Dunbakel said that it was fun to watch their conversation, but that was all.

The next day, the Krang guard set out again, this time encountering a group of monsters.


It was a gift set of various types of monsters, starting with a group of face dogs.


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