Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 349

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349. You are diligent in this weather

“You’re so diligent in this weather.”


As soon as Encred muttered, lightning struck.

“Did something come?”

Krang asked. En Creed nodded his head.

The weather was going crazy. Suddenly a storm came.

The rain had been falling since we set off, but who would have known that the weather could be so fickle.

At this level, I was ready to become friends with Ragna. The whimsical nature of the weather was similar to that of a crazy stray kitten.

It was a sunny spring day until yesterday, but suddenly there was this storm.

“Seven in front, ten on the left, eight on the right and six in the back.”

Saxony said.

Doo doo doo doo doo!

The rain showed no signs of abating at all.

It’s like they’re tearing up the ground.

Even though I was covered in an oil-soaked robe, the rain was whipped around by the strong wind and hit my face. Her cheeks were tingling.

The blowing wind was also strong. The wind speed was so fast that it was difficult to open my eyes.

The rain pouring down on my clothes was like an arrow being thrown with its tip removed.

Are you going crazy in this weather?

It’s not at the level of being diligent.

The opponent had a strong work ethic.

Otherwise, you probably came reluctantly.

“Are even family members being held hostage? So is that so?”

Encred raised his voice. Facing forward.

As I spoke, I took a step forward, but the muddy dirt road bit my boots halfway. It’s one of those days where I feel anxious every time I step out.

On a day like this, they set up an ambush and attack you?

Won’t I catch a cold then?

I was on the verge of pure doubt.

Although it is possible to go, it is only a level with large straight stones laid on the left and right.

Did you say that it was a path laid by someone nicknamed the Wise King among Krang’s ancestors?

So the name of the road is also a blessing from the royal family.

It is a road that connects from the outskirts to the royal family, and is structured so that you can reach the royal family by just following the road.

The structure of the city lined up along this road was the core of the royal palace called Naurilia.

At this time, a question arose again.

What is it about Ragna that gets lost even on a road like this?

Ragna, a genius who could get lost at any moment, just turned around.

The guys behind them were approaching one step at a time.

The same was true for those who blocked the way.

I squinted my eyes to see as much as I could and saw everything I could see.

I saw three guys wearing armor and holding short swords in their hands, and there were also a few guys with their hands hanging down.

The one in the lead among them spoke. No, he cried out loud. A voice rang through the rain.

“Are you a mercenary? Or a standing army? There is no need for him to risk his life for something like this. “We’re only after one guy.”

It was bullshit.

The momentum changed except for the guy who came forward and spoke.

Hitting while talking is a tactic also found in the Valen style mercenary sword.

The other person used a similar tactic.

Encred gave up trying to read the steps of those approaching from all directions.

You can only hear the sound when it rains hard.

The rain, accompanied by strong winds, was too heavy for me to hear anything with my ears.


Encred asked knowingly. he asked, putting his right hand to his ear and his left hand hanging down.

“that… … .”

The other person trailed off. It is a speech technique that makes anyone wait for the next words.

After that, the guy in the lead attracted attention and attention.


The raindrops on my head began to form a certain shape.


Encred was quite impressed.

You brought a wizard?

It wasn’t an odd opponent.

Encred was just amazed. That was enough. He didn’t dodge or cut with his sword.

There was no need for that.

I’m sorry, but there was something similar to a wizard here too.


Esther stood up from behind in the form of a person rather than a leopard and waved her hand.

The rain was falling in a round shape, but then scattered and splashed in all directions.

It was spectacular.



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The sound of the falling raindrops rang in everyone’s ears.

In an instant, the rain pouring down on my head disappeared.

Instead, a wind three to four times stronger than before blew outward, centered around the space where the spell collided.

Encred strained his feet and pressed them against the muddy ground. Whoa! The blowing wind seemed to blow my body backwards, but I withstood the strong wind by strengthening my abdominal muscles and leaning forward a little.

Of course, everyone got through it on their own.

The group of assassins also quickly lowered themselves.


One of the opponents said:

The opponent was also covered in oil-soaked robes.

However, there were quite a few people whose robes were torn off thanks to the wind that blew right now.

Among them, the face of the one who shouted loudly was glimpsed through the removed hood of his robe. He was a middle-aged man who looked over fifty.

His eyes turned to one side.

I was so shocked that I didn’t even think about putting the hood back on.

Wherever his eyes were directed, there was Esther, standing in a vague posture, being hit by the falling rain.

Esther’s upright robe bounced off raindrops, and the wind gradually weakened as it got closer to Esther.

It is a mysterious sight.

Esther raised her finger through the bending rain.

With his index finger and thumb spread out and the rest of his fingers clenched, he aimed at the guy who called out a wizard and whispered.

“Demullaire’s Arrow.”

These words were drowned out by the sound of rain and could not be heard by anyone. The spell that gathered together the wind took shape and flew away.


The opposing wizard made a noise.


My head exploded.


It was after killing the other person that Esther’s voice was clearly heard.

Encred thought that in times like that, he should have said ‘You’re dead’ instead of ‘Die.’

“… … what.”

These were not what the assassin leader said, but what the whip guard muttered.

Are you surprised?

I was surprised too.

Encred muttered to himself.

I knew that Esther was a wizard, but I didn’t know she could overwhelm her opponent like this.

“Why are you fighting so well?”

Rem asked Ester. It was a casual tone.

“I’m usually good at fighting.”

Surprisingly, Ester and Rem didn’t get along well. She answered obediently.


Rem just nodded.

“Kill them all!”

The assassin leader came to his senses and spoke. Only then did they attack from all directions.

Did you quickly forget about the magic failure? No, it’s because they are well-trained.

What does it mean that the training was good?

It means doing what needs to be done, right when it needs to be done.

They were like that.

As they formed a siege network, they fired poison-filled daggers and crossbows. I didn’t rush in.


Encred had experience escaping from a place where he was surrounded by soldiers, deceived by terrain, and even joined by shamans and wizards.

Compared to that, it’s hard to say that this is a siege.

Moreover, now Rem, Saxony, Ragnar, Dunbakeel, and Ester are together.

Here, the wizard’s head exploded and he died from the start.

‘I can break it with my own strength.’

Encred thought and swung his sword at the same time. The five crossbows aimed at Krang were hit by the silver longsword and bounced off.

The whip guard also took out his shield and blocked one side.

The dagger plunged into the shield. The long shield up and down did its job well.

Meanwhile, Rem burrowed into the group of assassins like an angry animal.

As he dug in, the assassin spread out in all directions.

The moment it spread, the enemy’s limbs flew through the air.

This is the result of Rem escaping at a slower rate than the speed at which it rushes in.

It was faster for Rem to get to where they were than to escape.

Rem’s ax, which paused for a moment after charging, caught Encred’s eyes. It was a weapon that was modified by visiting a blacksmith shop.

“Please make the handle this long.”

His ax has a longer handle than a normal ax.

If the hatchet he originally used was half the length of his forearm, it was now half that long.

The ax cut and split the enemy’s arms, legs, and head in silent arcs.

The attack range was much longer than it looked.

“You avoided it?”

While speaking, Rem turned around.

I saw a guy who barely avoided an ax that was swung with great intention.

When the weather is like this, it is difficult to wear Gambison or iron armor.

The opponent was like that too.

He wore thin leather greaves. He was wearing studded armor and holding two short swords in both hands.

he shouted, taking off his half-naked cloak.

“You crazy bastard!”

He looked more like a mercenary confident in his skills than an assassin.

“Do you know who I am!”

he shouted.

Rem responded with a weapon.

The ax wasn’t the only weapon he carried.

He also had two throwing axes hanging loosely on his belt and a prefabricated javelin on his back.

There were also short daggers scattered throughout the body.

One of them separated the rain and the wind.

The moment Rem’s left hand flashed, the throwing ax that turned into a vertical disk flew out and hit the opponent’s head.

The leg of the mercenary who was hit flew backwards. The swords in both hands were crossed in front of his chest.

Because it was a move he made before he died, he blocked his path, but the ax was already stuck in his head.

The two swords cross each other in vain, collide and fall apart. The arms become limp and the body loses strength. The guy flew backwards and his back fell to the ground.

The ax proved its existence by sticking into the head like a stump.

The pouring rain quickly washed away the blood.

Encred realized something when he saw that.

It was not at a level that could be broken with force.

‘I don’t know.’

This is a fact that can be seen immediately.

These group of assassins were aiming for Krang’s head, but they did not know who the group that had joined to protect Krang was.

I made a hasty decision, moved immediately, and ran at increased speed.

The opponent must have been busy blocking the way rather than discussing this or that.

Of course, it was a target.

This is why Kreis said that it is advantageous to ride fast on the road.

I didn’t think Encred would be caught so completely.


“100 million!”

It’s a series of screams. It was in the back.

Ragna went wild. Every time the long, thick sword in his hand moved, blood spurted from his opponent’s neck.

Heavy swordsmanship that looks exciting? no.

He killed them one by one with precise positions and thrusts.

Rem ran wild and Ragna stopped him.

Among them, the most excited one ran out and started playing.

“Here, here! here!”

Dunvakel advanced, brandishing his scimitar. He kicked the ground, tensed his thigh muscles, and ran in a straight line.

Three of the group of assassins used slings targeting her.

He swung the string and launcher over his head and threw a homemade bullet. It was a round stone.

Dunbakel’s eyes rolled back when he saw that.

“Where did this unlucky thing come from?”

The anger I have suffered for so long comes out.

Naturally, the speed and power were incomparable to those thrown by Rem himself.

Dunvakel twisted his wrist, pulling out his scimitar.

The bullet was caught with the wide face of the scimitar.

There was no sound as the bullet and blade met and exploded.

Was the sound drowned out by the storm?


Dunvakel caught the force of the bullet coming through the face of the scimitar and deflected it.


It’s amazing that the angle can be adjusted exquisitely.

It was also a feat that seemed to combine delicacy and boldness.

‘Dunbakel too.’

Do you belong to the genius category?

Did you?

Well, otherwise there was no reason for Rem to join in and teach.

Then, it hits the bullet like a bullet and jumps in.

If Rem looked like an angry beast, Dunbakkel was truly a beast.

Because she was a prisoner.

As if the rain-soaked fur wasn’t heavy, the dunbakel was very fast.

The scimitar was swung wide to make the enemy retreat, or it cut off part of the body of an unsuspecting person, and used its claws to hit the opponent’s head, etc.

If caught by those nails, the leather helmet would split into long pieces and not perform its function.

“Where do these monsters come from?”

one of the assassins shouted.

Encred was striking away the crossbow and dagger aimed at Krang, lifting the crossbow and dagger that had fallen to the ground onto his feet, and then catching them with his hands and throwing them away.

Just then, the dagger stuck in the forehead of the guy who shouted.

“Oh sorry. “Were you talking?”

There were no more words from the dead man. The man who had been stabbed in the forehead with a dagger was left sprawled on the floor, his limbs trembling.

The pouring rain had no intention of abating.

Shoot aaaah.


The same goes for lightning. In the distance, light flashed again and thunder sounded.

Encred opened his mouth indifferently.

“Was it popular to begin with?”

This is a question for Krang.

“There have been more recently.”

Krang answered.

“I wouldn’t envy you the greatest bard on the continent.”

“It’s just a brief flash of popularity.”

Kraang calmly accepted Encrud’s joke.

Krang, whose hobby was poetry and writing since he was young, was also good at telling jokes.

Whip Guard wanted to say whether now was the time to joke, but kept his mouth shut.

It was worth it.

The battle was ending as quickly as it began.

Esther, who killed the wizard, was standing indifferently next to Encred’s horse.

Rem threw a throwing ax at the fleeing guy, killing the group that was blocking his way.

The person presumed to be the leader had his head split open during the first charge and died.

Is it different from Ragna?

The six who blocked the back thought that they could kill Ragna with just one sword.

Ragna just made it look like that, but if you were to notice that, you would have recognized his skills at first sight.

I only realized the difference in skill after each one died with practiced thrusts, but it was already too late.

Saxony only occasionally turned to the side or stabbed the heart of the guy looking for an opportunity and returned to its original position.

Dunbakhel killed the rest.

“Hey, where are you going!”

Moreover, she even let out a mournful cry towards the fleeing enemy.

“He’ll run away.”


When Encred said this, Dunbakeel let out a regretful sigh.

‘Crazy bitch.’

Howie also discovered Dunbakhel’s identity.

However, apart from being crazy, you could tell just by looking at the fight. It is never beneath you.

Dunbakhel also hadn’t played for a while, so it was natural.

The beastman who rolled and rolled under Rem was different from when he first fought Encred.

But what surprised Howie more than anything was the man in front of him.


The man who was making jokes used his sword to strike down flying daggers, crossbows, and bullets, even in this storm.

It’s close to a stunt.

Don’t make it a big deal. It’s an amazing feat.

Encred realized that his sensory skills had become much more sensitive and developed than before.

‘Is it because of the experience of being trapped by the enemy?’

The blade of intuition was activated with utmost sensitivity.

So it was easy to block even if you couldn’t see it.

“You fight really well.”

Krang was impressed. There were only dead bodies lying on the ground.

I don’t know if these will become ghouls in the future, or Drowners, monsters that are only born in rivers or heavy rain, but that wasn’t something I should worry about right now.

“Then let’s go again.”

Encred just silently led the group. He took care of it, so it was time to go.


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