Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 347

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347. It couldn’t have been better than this

Encrid said he would act as Kraang’s guard, but that was not something he would do right now.

“I will stay here for 10 days, or a week at the shortest, and then leave.”

Marcus says:

“I don’t think it would be dangerous to stay any longer.”

Kreis interjected, but Marcus shook his head.

“Didn’t you think it was too much of an adventure for a trip to meet just one person?”

Kreis quickly understood what Marcus said. Encred also understood.

He came to see himself, but that wasn’t his only goal.

If coming to the city of Border Guard is an adventure in itself, there are other practical purposes as well.

It was worth it.

Count Molsen is a magnate who even influences the aristocratic society in the capital.

Of course, avoid the eyes and ears of such people.

The queen is still holding on in the center.

I don’t know if he’s not interested in succession or if he has other feelings.

In this situation, an attempt is made to usurp the queen’s throne.

Will it be easy? Will it be difficult?

It started with no foundation, no location, and no advantage.

The only thing that exists is the lineage of being the illegitimate son of a royal family.

‘No, it has its own unique charm.’

It was the second time for Kreis to see a human being who radiated light with his very existence.

Of course, the first one is Encred.

‘Because the captain is unique.’

In Kreis’ view, Krang was unique in another way.

He is a person who sucks in the people around him and uses them as a stepping stone.

It also reminded me of a huge sailing ship that moves while being embraced.

Encred, on the other hand, looks more like a flag than a sailboat.

I stand alone and move forward. Sometimes it is a flag that becomes someone’s guidepost, sometimes it becomes a goal, and sometimes it becomes a shield that blocks the way forward.

‘The ability is also outstanding.’

Anyway, that sailboat, or rather the Kraang, was fighting an unfavorable battle.

In this fight, what does it prove that you are doing something beyond what you have endured so far?

It shows that the abilities of the individual and everyone around him are formidable.

“So are you going now or not?”

As the cold went away, Rem became full of motivation.

Rem couldn’t understand a word of what was said.

They just pick their noses and argue.


Encred knew how to handle wild beasts. He showed his palm and spoke to Rem.

“Not yet, wait.”

The attitude is similar to that of a puppy.

“… … .”

Rem silently lifted the axe. It was natural that the chopping of the ax followed faster than words.

It was also a half-intentional teasing.

We spar in our spare time.

Or training.

Or repeated training.

* * *

Digging a single hole can be deeper than digging multiple holes.

Pick just one and dig it out.

This is what you hear when you first pick up a weapon, whether it’s a sword or an axe.

Jeongjunghwan recovery.

Straight, heavy, deceptive, fast, smooth.

Which of them will you sell?

If you ask ten of those guys who use knives, they will give you the same answer.

If you dig a well with several holes, no water will come out of any of the holes, and you will eventually die of thirst.

Of course, here too, you have to dig a hole for water to come out. In other words, there is a saying that you should choose the path that suits you, but this is a detailed and slightly different story, so the conclusion is this.

“Dig just one well.”

Even if you ask a hundred people, the answers will be similar.

But Encred didn’t do that.

I tried my hand at various wells and dug holes.

Heart of the Beast, Sensory Arts, Techniques of Isolation, One-Pointed Focus.

I also learned a lot of sword skills.

Out of 100, 100 would say it is the wrong path.

However, none of the Mad Company members say anything upon seeing this.

I don’t argue.

Even if something seems true or true when 10 or 100 people gather together to speak, when the number exceeds 1,000 or 10,000, some of them may give slightly different answers.

“Why should I do that?”

Ask again.


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“Why? “I just have to do whatever I have to do, right?”

When I say things like this, I hear something.

“Are all geniuses like you?”

Most of the time they are treated as crazy or envied.

It was worth it.

Even though he did not take the common path that everyone takes, he leads alone. These are people who do not run at the same speed as others.

An ordinary person who saw such a person’s back had to fight with frustration and despair.

Talent was a discrimination.

The world is not fair.

Lady Luck doesn’t love everyone.

This is a fact everyone knows.

Encred often heard similar stories.

“Dig just one.”

Whether you focus on the Valencian mercenary sword.

“How about focusing only on the fast sword? At least it will be better than now.”

I was often told to learn how to use a fast sword, risking everything on the first strike.

Those who say this are those who highly value Encred’s persistence.

But Encred didn’t do that.

Not just one well was dug.

Exactly, it couldn’t be done.

Because if I did that, I couldn’t survive.

Since the curse-like blessing came along with it, I have naturally learned various things.

Couldn’t he have thought of just one blue horse in the process?

did. But I ignored it.

What everyone says cannot be correct. Encred acted according to his intuition.

More than anything, joy drove him.

‘This is fun too.’

That’s fun too.

It’s thanks to today’s repetition. Things that could have been painful were replaced with joy.

Since I enjoyed it, there was no need to discuss whether it was one well or multiple wells.

He builds his sword skills on top of the skills taught by the crazy company member. The whole process is fun and enjoyable.

Every day is new.

Opening my eyes every morning was like a gift.

Growth, change, and advancement made him completely happy.

This was possible because Encred was not a normal person.

Move forward even if you have to crawl. Would you enjoy recognizing that?

no. Not everyone can do that.

This was possible because it was Encrud.

Because I was truly grateful for not being complacent, every day and every moment was new and enjoyable.

A crazy member of the squadron who started by chance and remained as fate, with all this motivation and a curse that seemed like a blessing.

All of this adds up to Encred pumping water from every well.

“If I had to divide the talents of swords, weapons, and martial arts, I would see them as two.”

This is what an instructor in a big city said. He was a person with firm principles and standards.

“One is this way.”

As he spoke, he pointed his index finger to his forehead.

“It is a talent for using a sword with one’s head. It’s about seeing, judging, thinking, and devising. The second is the talent of the body. Does your body follow your thoughts or not? You lack physical talent. Close your eyes when the sword flies? What does it mean to say that it is not easy no matter how hard you try? “Your body doesn’t follow your thoughts.”

So focus on one thing. If you are going to use a sword, strike first.

This author also said to focus on quick mercenary-style swords.

But no one in the Mad Company says anything like that.

They were talented people who broke common sense outside of common sense. Even Sinar was treated as a rare being among the fairies.

Above all, in their view, Encred’s skills were intertwined.

There is no need to focus on just one well.

“I just liked that.”

Just like Rem felt a moment ago.

Audin’s martial arts skills, following the technique of isolation, are reflected in the sword.

Ragna’s heavy sword formula was mixed into the captured sword, which was made based on the nameless regular sword formula.

A little while ago, Encred struck down the silver long sword in his right hand, placed his left hand on the spark, and pushed his left foot forward half a step.

A sword that stabs quickly and straight.

Rem had to swing the ax as it seemed like it was about to jump out at any moment.

Cut it out and shed it.

In an instant, thoughts flowed and a conclusion was reached.

But no sparks flew.

Even the sword falling from above had no weight on it.

At the moment when I wondered if this was some kind of modification, Encred narrowed the distance using his two main sword strikes as bait.

It was very close combat.

It is a method created by adding a Valencic mercenary sword.

Moreover, both sword strikes contained momentum that seemed ‘real’.

It was a virtue that contained the enlightenment learned from the crushing sword.

“You’re crazy!”

At that moment, Rem shouted excitedly.

Encred’s hand suddenly grabbed Rem’s arm and bent it in the opposite direction.

In a situation where it seemed like his arms would be twisted, Rem kicked the ground, jumped into the air, and spun around.

It was a movement that was close to a stunt.

Since the arm was bent, the body was turned in the same direction.

Then, he hit Encred’s forearm with the blade of his hand and pushed him away.

As if it was a calculated move, Encrid, who was pushed back, grabbed back the long sword that he had let go of, or more accurately, had been thrown upwards.

Just grab it and hit it. It is a crushing sword. Here, a heavy sword-style downward slash was added.

Rem was also excited by the incredibly fun method.

I spun around in the air and as soon as I touched the ground, I kicked the ground with my incredible leg strength. Rem’s body became blurred. An afterimage appeared.

It seemed as if his body was about to split in two.

There is a Rem that stops and a Rem that retreats.

Among them, Encred’s sword tore apart Rem, who had stopped.

Rem, who retreated, leaned back and then leaned forward.

All movements are fast, strong, and rough.

He stretched his body backwards, bent down, and threw away the two axes and weapons he held in both hands.


Encred was inwardly impressed.

What Rem pulled out was an impromptu move.


With an explosive noise, the ax flew like two disks.

Encred tilted his sword diagonally.

By doing so, the direction of movement of the two axes was accurately blocked.


As I was catching the flying ax, my whole body trembled as I drank heavily.

It was because it contained tremendous power.

The ax hit by the sword sprang upward. The two axes, which had been tracing strange trajectories in the air, plunged into the ground.

Because the weight was placed on the blade, there was no chance of the handle falling off.

Encrid had his knees half-bent and the long sword he held with both hands was held diagonally.

“Let’s stop here.”

Rem stopped when he saw Encred blocking the axe.

If you do more, something will be broken or seriously injured.

After all this process, all Lem said was, ‘I just liked that.’

Encred took a breath and spoke.

“You threw it impromptu, right?”

“Why are you asking if you know?”

Rem said with a hearty smile.

Encrud’s method of throwing his sword was something he came up with after several days of deliberation.

But not Rem.

He showed off a technique he improvised while watching his opponent.

Nevertheless, the level of completion was extraordinary.

“After this?”

“Sling, charging, martial arts.”

I’m talking about after throwing the axe. It is a killing art that cannot be continued through sparring.

It will throw stones with a sling, kick the ground and charge, and then stick around and swing its fists and feet.

Rem’s martial arts skills are also top-notch.

What’s scarier than anything is the reckless rush that occurs while avoiding and blocking stones thrown at you with a sling.

The idea is to take advantage of the fact that you are distracted by blocking and dodging stones and your breathing is disrupted.


Encred nodded.

I pictured Rem’s movements in my mind.

“It’s good.”

Rem also nodded. He was also happy about Encred’s growth.

Of course, he couldn’t learn everything at once. He was a truly unique talent.

At some point, you suddenly learn it, but when you look at it from the side, its growth is extremely slow.

But there is no hesitation, no stopping, no prejudice.

Purely admire, react to, and reflect on the other person’s skills.

What a good posture.

“Is it fun?”

“What are you talking about?”

Other than Rem, he sometimes swung his sword at Ragna.

Training with Audin is the same.

In the meantime.

“Take me too!”

I set out without even knowing what Dunbakhel was.

He said he would go with the escort request.

Encred nodded.

It is clear that an assassin or something else will step forward.

Is this dangerous?

Is this a thorny road ahead?

Is it something full of danger?

It will be so.

However, even though I knew that, I was half excited about Encred.

“Why do you have an excited face?”

Wangnun, who was quick-witted, would ask whether those thoughts were visible on his face.

Encred answered truthfully each time.

“What kind of guy do you think will attack you?”

Three or four assassination groups he knew flashed through Kreis’s mind.

It’s a life that started in a back alley.

He also knew a lot.

No, I know more now.

There are quite a few things I have gained by running the Gilpin Guild like an information guild.

“Troublesome guys?”

Encred smiled so brightly at Chrys’s words. Kreis frowned because that smile seemed to resemble spring sunlight.

“Is this something to laugh about?”

“Then isn’t it?”


Rem, who was watching, patted Kreis’ head and said.

“If you understand this person’s head, you too will become crazy.”

Those words made Encred a little uncomfortable.

This is what the craziest person says when he calls himself crazy.

Looking at something like this, are you saying it’s like a human dog swearing at a ghoul?

‘No, not this.’

That’s what similar people say when they criticize each other.

A different word would be appropriate now.

It’s like a dog with feces scolding a dog with dirt. This is correct.

“good night. Come on! Rem, I will accept your challenge for a duel.”

“… … “Where is the duel challenge I’m talking about?”

“For all those words.”

“It just seems like a fight.”

To Kreis, the two were similar.

Anyway, five days passed as I spent time doing various things.

“The work was finished earlier than expected.”

An official request has been received from Marcus. The royal family is requesting escort work.

Externally, they escort members of the upper echelons of the family, and internally, they escort bastards of the royal family. The periods are separate, and they are the subjects of the request.

From the Border Guard to the capital of the kingdom.

We decided to leave in two days, and a day later, it was evening, and we had decided who would go with us and who would stay.

“… … It’s sick. “Did you secretly come in and sit down because someone thought you might be a wild cat?”

I was on my way back after getting some useful equipment and buying seasoned beef jerky.

Encred got a canteen and some brandy.

There may be moments when you desperately want a few sips of alcohol.

As I was just coming in, Rem saw a person sitting in the barracks and spoke.

“stealthily? “You must have been dull and didn’t know.”

Anyway, he is very good at hiding his presence.

The way he sat indifferently without lighting the lamp looked like a still life that had become one with the bed.

“Are you here?”

Encred entered the barracks and spoke while standing.

Saxony, who returned, nodded.

“Yes, I went. But I guess I’ll have to go again soon.”


“I have some business to do in the capital.”

“… … By the capital, do you mean where the Naurilia royal palace is located?”

To Encred’s words, Saxony sat on the chair and blinked once before responding.

“Say the obvious.”

Is it a coincidence or are you lucky?

“I’m on my way there right now.”

Saxony blinked again.

Where are you going?

“A burden, a burden. Are you going to take that with you?”

Rem joined in from the side, but Saxony didn’t even seem to hear.

“Are you going to the capital?”




Saxony thought it was a very unfortunate incident.

I was looking for an excuse to go to the capital, to be more precise, the royal palace.

The sooner the better, but it was tomorrow.

So, it couldn’t have been better than this.


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