Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 346

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346. Pahahahaha

The Queen of Naurilia has no children.

This means that there will be no successor.

So who should be the next king?

Why doesn’t the queen have children?

This situation soon became one of the reasons why people seeking the throne came out here and there.

Of course, the biggest reason is that the queen’s central power is weak.

As a result, he refers to himself as the king of the frontier, like Count Molsen.

There are some within the capital who want to become the queen’s consort.

Some envoys from other countries even said they would send a prince.

Countless people are aiming for the throne.

A man named Krang was one of them.

Hasn’t Chrys seen all the people who are aiming for the throne?

Just comparing him to Count Molsen was enough.

Isn’t he the most threatening candidate to usurp the throne at the moment?

Based on that, this is what Kreis felt.

‘The magnanimity is different.’

Encred also had a similar feeling.

This is true even when compared to Count Molsen.

It’s just a hunch, but what Count Molsen wants is the throne.

That’s his goal.

But Kraang is different.

The royal bastard did not look at the throne, but beyond the throne.

‘I faced the problems of this country.’

Will Count Molsen also have thoughts after taking over the country?

However, the difference lies in where more weight is placed.

What comes first, the throne or what needs to be done?

What are you moving forward for?

Where is the purpose?

In the sunlight, vines tangled on the wall of the right barracks. I could feel the vitality of life in the green moss and vines between the walls.

It was the height of spring, so the temperature was slowly rising.

However, it wasn’t enough to make me sweat while walking.

In the midst of the not-so-warm sunlight, the man who spoke while attracting everyone’s attention grinned.

“That’s why I didn’t want to get it dirty.”

The last words were almost humorous.

“is it?”

“Isn’t it you? Have you ever not wanted to do something? Have you ever been bored with the road you walk now? Have you ever wondered if you should go down this path?”

Encred pondered Kraang’s words. There was none. He was never bored or troubled. Not once.

Swinging a sword is fun.

I had fun going through it.

Every moment of becoming a knight was a joy.

Even though he said something bordering on humor, Krang’s unique atmosphere was not disturbed.

His eyes looked directly at Encred.

Encred thought that at that moment, everything around them disappeared and only the two of them were left.

‘Can you say there was no suffering?’

That’s what Krang seemed to be asking.

I guess I have to say yes. It wasn’t pressure, but an atmosphere that felt like it had to be said surrounded my body.

It is a unique atmosphere created by Krang. Encrud became a straight sword within him.

He spoke through the will he had built within himself.

There was no shaking.

“at all.”

Encred answered.

At those words, the smile disappeared from Krang’s face.

The blue eyes of the expressionless face stared at Encred. After a while, you can hold a sip of tea in your mouth and enjoy the flavor.


Krang laughed loudly. She tilted her head back and let out a cool laugh.

* * *

It was the first time Krang’s guard had seen his master smile like that.

So, you throw your head back and laugh until tears come to your eyes.

It was strange at first glance, but I didn’t understand it either.

Looking at my life so far, it was amazing that I could smile like that.

It was cute to prepare food separately for fear of poison.

He frequently suffered assassination threats.

It is also difficult to figure out who the subject is.

I had to avoid it again and again, and in the meantime, I had to increase my power. He had to have what could be called luck on his side.

“What do you believe in that makes me support you?”

This was what a nobleman said, and Howie agreed with it. What will you believe and support?

“Faith, trust. “Did you move like this?”


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The lord changed the situation with a few words and his natural charm.

He fascinated others and changed the situation.

Yet, the line is maintained. Don’t cross the line. I protect what I have to protect. That is the life decided by the lord.

It’s harsh. It is a harsh and harsh life. The standards I keep to myself are very high.

That’s why it shines.

Shining means capturing people’s attention, captivating them, and being noticed everywhere.

Is this why the value of colorful stones is higher than eating, drinking, and wearing?

At that time, the nobleman who said those words became one of his lord’s strongest supporters.

“How can you get what you want by just following the right path?”

The so-called wise man asked.

The lord answered.

“I may step in the mud sometimes, and the dirt on my boots may stain the room, but I can’t let the people I stay with frown at that.”

The so-called wise man was lost in deep thought at his lord’s words.

“That is correct.”

“You are right.”

Kraang and the sage became extremely close.

Howie watched the entire process.

I know the years that have passed.

That’s why I knew it. He had never seen his lord smiling like that at any moment. It was unfamiliar to see my lord smiling sincerely.

“Ha, yes. “There is none.”

The lord ran his fingers through the tears forming at the corners of his eyes.

It was because I laughed so hard that tears came to my eyes.

“huh. does not exist.”

The other man didn’t even ask why he was laughing. I just answered calmly. He doesn’t get embarrassed either.

The conversation between the lord and the black-haired man continued like that.

After that, there was no atmosphere emitting unique light. There were only a few more trivial words exchanged.

“Why did you charge into the enemy camp alone then?”

“I tried to hit and run, not charge, but I got stuck.”

It was a story about falling into a trap created by a strategist named Abnier.

“Wouldn’t it have been easier if I had led the troops under my command?”

It was for the next time. Rather than ruminating on the past, looking back on the situation means reflecting on the past and not repeating the same mistakes.

Kreis, who was listening from the side, felt that Krang’s attitude was wise.

Just because it’s a battlefield situation doesn’t mean there’s nothing to learn.

Krang showed an attitude of listening rather than arguing.

He had an attitude of being able to listen to others at a similar level to Encred.

“Then the damage to our troops would have grown out of control.”

Because it was Encred himself, he died and died again and came back to life.

What if you went in with a troop? Everyone would have died in there. At least half a wave.

Ultimately, it was the right choice.

“You didn’t know at the time.”

Krang asked.

“I thought that if I hit the front of the enemy lines alone, I could attract a lot of attention, and if I did that, my troops would be able to move freely.”

“This is a fight between a small number of elites.”

To some, it would have been a story of serious strategy and tactics, but to the two of them, it was a trivial story. So it was natural that the topic changed in an instant.

“What is that wound?”

Encred asked.

“It’s because I looked at the wrong person.”

Krang had a long scar under his chin. It must have been a wound that caused her to come back from death.

Encred didn’t say anything else.

It’s an attitude of ‘Oh, I see.’

However, I was just wondering if there was a problem with my eyesight.

What is a king? He is a man who manipulates people. It is right that he suffers without the eyes to see.

There are times when meaning is conveyed even without saying anything.

That’s Encred’s attitude right now.

Because what needs to be conveyed is conveyed even if it is not said in words.

When Howie saw that, blood vessels appeared on his forehead.

It wasn’t that I was looking at the wrong person. If I knew the situation, I wouldn’t be able to say that.

“I’ve already learned a lot.”

Krang responded with a giggle.

This is also an unfamiliar sight to Howie.

Until now, all I could do was smile.

The meeting of those who enjoyed walks, conversations, and mild spring temperatures has come to an end.

“See you around, buddy.”

Kreis felt drained.

That person named Krang never told me to stand on his side.

Why did I prepare to take on this and that?

No, but in times like this, don’t you have a set number of things to say?


How about dreaming of such a country? Stand by my side and let’s make our dreams come true. I’ll let you swim in gold coins and play with other beauties all month long!

You say things like this and things like that, right?

Well, if I were that kind of person, wouldn’t I have been able to come this far?

I was thinking about random things.

“Are we friends?”

Encred asked Krang back.

“Then isn’t it?”

“Let’s just say it’s true.”

As an escort, it was a conversation that would make the back of my neck tense up.

Still, I can’t go out. Didn’t the lord tell you to step down?

Above all, I thought that my lord’s actions had meaning and meaning.

That doesn’t mean it was nice to look at.

Doesn’t it look like my master is asking the other person to become his friend by giving him Crona?

As they say, it’s like giving silver coins to become a friend.

Howie’s jaw muscles split.

I clenched my molars without realizing it.

“If I do any more, I think that guard’s whip will fly to my head.”

“Try to avoid it.”

Krang giggled again with a joke.

Encred also chuckled.

Since I have become friends with Leona, the owner of the Lochfried Merchant Marine, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to do this with someone who might take the throne in the future.

Actually, putting that reason aside, it was because I liked Kraang as a person.



Encred and Chrys left.

Krang watched the two quickly leave.

Howie’s mouth opened when he saw that.

“You know it’s dangerous to come here, don’t you?”


Krang placed one hand on his waist and raised his head.

I’m thinking about it again and again, the day was really nice.

The sun is warm and the air is not warm. It’s the kind of day where it would be nice to lie down on the grass somewhere and take a nap.

Looking at it, Howie had to ask a fundamental question.

This is what my lord has said countless times.

If you leave doubts and don’t communicate, misunderstandings will eventually build up.

In questions that would end with simple questions and answers, it was said not to create a situation where one would have to pick up a knife.

Howie did just that.

“Then why did you come?”


You’re probably referring to the man who just left. This is a question that naturally arises. Howie spit it out.

“You mean skills?”

So should we have confronted each other?

Howie thought to himself.

Krang was dazzled and looked at the sky, blocking the sunlight with his hand.

It is a clear sky dotted with clouds.


Krang answered while thinking.

“I was wondering if it hadn’t changed.”

Kraang, who was speaking, laughed again.

Howie’s head tilted. However, that was it.

You can’t ask about everything one by one.

I didn’t think I needed to know everything about Krang.

It’s just that my lord had to check something, he checked, and he was satisfied.

That fact was important.

That’s the end of your doubts.

There is no misunderstanding here.

“Yes, I see.”


Krang highly valued the human being Encred.

More than anyone who knew him.

In fact, more than himself.

‘If only it wouldn’t change that much.’

The appearance of moving forward without change fascinates those around us. It grabs hold and captivates. It affects.

Considering Krang’s own thoughts, it is such an amazing thing to have such an influence.

‘I wish I had gone into politics.’

A human who may have formed a family wields a sword. I dream of becoming a knight.

A knight is someone who stands at the pinnacle of military power.

So what happens when a person like that becomes a knight?

It’s none of my business. The attitude is the same. doesn’t change

He just goes his own way.

Krang was satisfied because he confirmed that.

As expected, my friend Encred has not changed.

He wanted to become a knight.

He wants to lead the kingdom.

“Is it possible to have a continent without war?”

“If my lord wishes.”

“Easier said than done.”

Krang chuckled and patted Howie’s shoulder.

Now he is his usual lord. However, would it be a mistake to say that your shoulders look a little softer than usual?

Krang walked.

“Let’s go, we still have to struggle if we don’t want to die.”

This was a fact that Howie knew well.


Leaving the sunlight behind, the escort followed Krang.

* * *

“On the throne should sit someone you hate, not someone you like.”

Encred said as he took his turn.

Kreis corrected that statement.

“To be precise, it would be better for someone who knows it well to sit down. “A guy who doesn’t know what he’s doing can’t even beg properly, let alone the throne.”

I corrected myself and answered with a mix of proverbs.

Even if you try to be a slob, you can’t become one if you don’t know what to do.

It is a proverb of the continent.

Encred’s words were the answer to Marcus’ question.

It is not something you want and want again, but a path you must walk with knowing its weight.

“He’s a great person in that respect.”

“Aren’t you crazy?”

Encred’s question had a different meaning, and Cryce understood it. That’s why I gave the answer I could.

“no. “That won’t be it.”

Kreis guessed why Krang came here.

What could be the reason?

‘You must have come to see this guy.’

Why did you want to see Encred?

Because he is a person who is making his name known far and wide?

Have you become famous these days?

It’s none of my business, but that’s probably not the reason.

So what did you sacrifice to see the captain?

Time, place, information, location.

“It must be dangerous, right?”

Encred asked right away.

He sensed the danger that would arise when a man named Krang came here. No, I guessed and figured it out.

After all, the captain has a good head.

Kreis thought and answered.

“Yes, I don’t know if I will make it out alive. “You said you were going to the palace, right?”

I also said something like that. Now he will return to the palace, and he expects the road will be difficult.

In that situation, we even came to the border guard.

Whatever the reason, it was clear that a pretty big risk had been taken.

The border guard post created by Kreis led to the explosive development of commercial commerce.

Moreover, due to the intervention of a merchant named Lochfried, trade literally exploded.

Even though this only happened in a month or two, the city was in an uproar.

That means a lot of people gathered.

And the fact that there were a lot of people meant that it was easy for people who would do foolish things to sneak in.

‘We can’t stop all spies anyway.’

Kreis only thoroughly secured its main facilities.

What else? I left it alone for now.

In the future, there were plans to expand the information guild and conduct internal crackdowns, but that is not the case now.

What if Kraang is still in danger of his life?

Of course I assumed that would be the case.

Even now, Encred is speaking incoherently. These are the things that became the standard for one’s judgment.

“The escort changed his posture. “He had the strength to move at any time.”

“Seeing that they don’t eat water or food unless they have prepared it, it looks like they went through a hard time.”

“Seeing as he was walking around without a hidden escort, it didn’t seem like there were many people around.”

Then, for a man named Krang, there is no place more dangerous than the Border Guard right now.

I was afraid that the moment I stayed here and left, an assassin would attack the entire carriage.

Cryce nodded while listening to Encred.

I also know why my captain says this. The reason is simple.

“If you want to do it, you can do it, right?”

Who is the commander of the Madman Company?

He is a madman with black hair and blue eyes.

It was Encred.

“know. “But you still need to know why.”

“I agree with you that it’s not worth dying here.”

When I returned to the barracks, Marcus had already arrived.

Encred had already expected that the assassins, his older brother, older brother, father, younger brother, and grandfather would attack him, so he was able to strike before Marcus could say anything with a serious look in his eyes.

“I will escort you to the palace. Please discuss the request fee with Kreis.”

Marcus let out an indecipherable word, ‘Uh,’ and then stopped with his mouth open.

It was because the speed at which Encred’s head turned was far beyond Marcus’s expectations.

“to? “Where are we going?”

Rem asked from behind him.

It seemed like his body was already itching.

First of all, I have to take Rem with me.

Encred nodded, thinking.

If that’s the case, it’s clear that there will be an accident.

It would have been better to keep it nearby.


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