Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 345

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345. What kind of person should a king be?

“What kind of person should a king be?”

Marcus suddenly asked.

Encred didn’t think deeply.

As a person who has always lived to achieve what he wants, he just says what he would say.

“People who want to do it do it.”

In response, Marcus said something else instead of commenting.

“I thought that too a few months ago.”


Who should do it if it’s not the person who wants to?

“Can I answer that?”

It was outside the restaurant.

Marcus didn’t come alone. Encred’s eyes turned to the outside of the restaurant.

“You unintentionally attracted attention, Marcus Weissar.”

A man shouted outside the restaurant.

“That was my intention too. “I enjoy this kind of attention, so don’t worry about it.”

Marcus answered, turning his body to the side.

The man outside caught everyone’s attention.

Seongju was a face he didn’t know, Crys thought he had seen it somewhere, and Encred was a familiar face.

It was a blonde man.

As the man wandered around, the soldier guarding the outside of the restaurant asked with his eyes whether he could let this in.

There were no onlookers around.

It’s not a sparring match, it’s just gathering at a restaurant and drinking a cup of tea, so what’s there to see?

Kreis also asked me to hand over someone in moderation.

I didn’t know what would be said, so it was better if there were few people listening.

It was the same reason that two trustworthy soldiers were stationed in front of the restaurant.

The man outside smiled brightly as he looked at the two soldiers.

It was like a smile asking to be let in.

His attire was not that of an aristocrat, but he was wearing a plain brown shirt and loose-fitting pants.

The soldier was confused.

Should I kick him out?

“Let me in.”

Encred gave the answer. Seongju didn’t say anything either. Doesn’t she seem to know Marcus?

The man’s boots stepped on the stone floor of the Tabak Tabak restaurant.

The blond man approached and stopped in front of Encred.

He was of moderate height, and his sad and blue eyes stood out.

The man opened his mouth.

“It’s been a while.”

“Are you here as a nobleman?”

Encred stood up and spoke loudly.

The previous time I stayed in the same barracks for a while, I was a soldier. So what now? Encred’s question implied that.

“Take it easy. “Now I’m just a wanderer and wanderer.”

“Is the name the same?”

“It’s Krang.”

The man swept up his blonde hair and gave a formal greeting. He held out his hand. He was shaking hands.

The handshake was a greeting that arose in the process of proving that there were no weapons in each other’s hands.

Encred took the hand, shook it lightly, and took it away.

Only then did Kreis remember his opponent.

Kreis is someone whose face I rarely forget, but I saw him a long time ago. He barely passed by.

At least I remembered it because it was Chrys.

“That duty barracks then?”

Kreis asked reflexively.

“right. “He is a soldier with an excellent memory.”

Krang responded and also lightly greeted the castle owner with his eyes.

“who are you?”

Graham asked, hesitantly raising his large body. Marcus responded by imitating Krang’s words.

“Wanderer, wanderer, let me add one more thing to that, hmmm.”

Marcus tried to take a sip of tea without speaking, but when he realized that the taste was terrible, he cleared his throat and opened his mouth.

“Let’s stand.”

Marcus didn’t seem to have any intention of getting up. Seongju, who saw this, stood up hesitantly and placed her buttocks back on the chair.

Encred and Chrys also sat down. Kraang naturally took a place as well.

Seongju didn’t notice, but Cryce’s expression changed for a moment as if he noticed something when he heard the word bastard.

Krang looked at everyone once and smiled. She had the same smile as before.

It’s a smile that’s somewhat sly but also shows a friendliness that makes you feel like you can easily become friends.

Encred could see a slight scar on his cheek, but his expression was the same as before.

“It’s been particularly cold this winter. Are you feeling okay?”

Krang asked.

Encred answered the unexpected question.


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“When you roll around in a bag, you forget about the cold.”

“I heard you had a very hot time.”

“But it looks like you had a very warm time too?”

“I wanted to spend my whole life rolling around in a heated leather suit in the winter, and viewing the flowers in the spring.”

Krang spoke with a smile on his face, and Encred was just amazed at the other person.

A bastard, whose bastard are you?

As I said, a bastard who will use a member of the Baisar family as an eye-catcher.

A noble family, and a lineage that can be considered a member of the Umji family.

“You are royalty.”

Kreis gave the answer.

In the first place, the other person didn’t seem to have any intention of hiding it.

It was a conversation that left ample room for speculation.

The fact that the winter is cold refers to the battlefield that Encred went through, and on the other hand, Kraang did not go to the battlefield, but he was saying that he was fighting a similar battle behind the scenes.

Krang just smiled at Kreis’ answer.

Graham began to wonder if he could even be here.

“Graham, have you got a nice car in the office? “Let’s go have a nice cup of tea.”

Marcus saved Graham.

“Yes, there is. It will suit your taste perfectly.”

He saved some expensive tea leaves, wondering if he could give them to Marcus, who had handed over the position of lord of the castle to him.

Under Marcus’s guidance, only the escort with the whip remained and the rest stood up.

“What is this, Marcus?”

Graham whispered to Marcus as he left.

“What does it look like?”

“It seems better to pretend not to know even if you know.”

“Do it that way.”

Graham was a man who knew his subject well. Marcus especially appreciated that point.

Even if there were men like Encred under my command, he was a man whose core would not bend or break.

“Give me some tea.”

“Yes, let’s go.”

Graham moved his feet without saying another word.

Even after Howie and Graham left after getting punched by Marcus, Kreis didn’t move.

Even if I were to leave here, my captain wouldn’t say anything strange.

No, even if I say strange things or say strange things, I will not suddenly say that I will take sides.

But isn’t there such a thing as what if?

There is also the possibility.

As my anxious imagination soared, I thought I would at least watch.

From the moment he realized that his opponent was the illegitimate son of a royal family, Kreis had dozens of possibilities in mind at the same time.

It was natural that he also thought of a means to respond.

For example, he told me to come under him right away.

Like joining a knighthood that hasn’t even been established.

You have to be loyal to the royal family.

Or give them a lot of Crona.

‘No, is that a good thing?’

If you have enough crona, wouldn’t it be okay to sell it for a while to show loyalty?

What if that krona is enough to open five salons in the capital?


Cryce’s thinking speed was as fast as Encred’s who used a sword, and it was as simultaneous as Rem’s who used multiple weapons at the same time.

In other words, as soon as I started thinking about it, I quickly came to a conclusion.

‘You should not trust what politicians say.’

The other person sat here with Marcus behind him.

The famous center pole, he is the one who brought in the Thumb family, one of the five families that support Naulilia, to attract attention.

I could also understand how the royal family came here. Clothing and behavior themselves say the same thing.

‘I’m walking around hiding my identity.’

What is the reason for hiding it?

‘I’m being chased.’

If your life is in danger, you will want Encred’s sword, his hands, and everything he has achieved.

So how should we view this person now?

If we are talking about civil war, is the bastard in front of us pretending to be another king?

Are the frontier king and the bastard king aiming for the throne?

‘Which side should I be on?’

What is more beneficial?

For now, it’s on hold. That’s right. No matter what the king’s bastard offers him or even a mountain of gold coins, he must refuse it with tears of blood in his eyes.

‘No, just get the advance payment and wipe your mouth?’

Kreis gave up as soon as he felt regret.

There was no way my captain would do something like that.

Without a single change in expression, Kreis organized his thoughts.

Now is the time to be ready to accept whatever is said.

“Do you know that our kingdom has lost its ‘horse’?”

But what nonsense is this?

This is a question that is difficult to read.

No, it wasn’t even a question.

Krang didn’t ask any riddles or anything.

He just continued speaking fluidly. Kreis thought that the voice of a man named Krang was not bad to listen to.

It’s a strange voice that catches your ear.

Vocalization is like that, pronunciation is like that.

It seemed as if there was a magic power that made the other person listen.

Kreis has seen these people a few times.

‘Innate talent.’

These are people who know how to grab the attention of others.

The voice is like that, and even the gestures are like that.

Krang continued by lightly hitting the table.

“Why are all the words used on the continent the same?”

Kreis has lived with his head since he was young.

I did that to survive. He used his brains to survive and Crona.

So I’ve never thought about something like this. It was also my first time hearing it. If you only thought about it once, you would probably know about it, but I didn’t pay any attention to it.

I only knew as much as others knew.

“Are they saying the same thing?”

Encred muttered as if he was talking to himself.

“Yeah, same thing. It’s a bit frustrating. Do you want to walk? The sky is clear today. “It’s a shame that I’m stuck inside on a day like this because I’m under threat of assassination.”

Encred stood up without a word.

assassin? The word is now familiar. How many times has he faced such malice himself?

The first time I encountered an assassin was because of Krang.

In any case, if he was still being chased, someone would want the king’s bastard dead.

But now the king is the queen? Who gave birth to her child? It was a trivial question. I left that for later.

That wasn’t the important thing.

“Have you ever wondered how it is that most continents speak similar languages?”

“does not exist.”

“Yes, everyone is like that. “Then have you heard of the desperate mission to find the royal family’s words?”

“Just passing by.”

In fact, somewhere in the market, I saw a few people holding something similar to a dictionary with words instead of a scripture.

I also saw Kreis.

To paraphrase Gilpin, they are not troublemakers.

I heard that they were just people who got along with each other.

Krang got up from his seat and went outside.

As he said, the weather was sunny.

“It can be more dangerous outside.”

Howie said.

“But it’s frustrating.”

Krang took a canteen from his waist and quenched his thirst.

There were also things that could be known by looking at the behavior.

It means I can’t even eat or drink comfortably.

They would have only eaten what they prepared themselves, not prepared water or food.

Encrud walked at his own pace next to Krang.

“Don’t be too clingy.”

Howie warned.

“Don’t step forward.”

Krang actually silenced him.

“Will you follow me?”

Krang asked Kreis. Kreis looked at his captain for a moment.

“Follow me.”


Kreis himself clearly showed whose orders he was following.

It was only with Encred’s permission that I joined him.

“Don’t worry too much. soldier. “I didn’t come here to force you.”

Krang said, his eyes slightly widening. It’s a subtle smile that suits you very well.

If you weren’t after my captain, why did you come here?

“I came here to have fun.”

Krang said with the same smile.

Encrud didn’t say anything, and Chrys nodded, saying on the outside that he knew, but on the inside he was more suspicious.

The illegitimate son of the royal family, the subject of the civil war.

Why does a guy like this come to play?

But perhaps to be faithful to his words, Krang acted like that.

He just walked around inside the barracks, with the parade ground on his right, talking.

Moreover, there was no mention of anything to be on his side.

“It’s because of the empire. The empire buried the royal language. “I got rid of it.”

“Unifying the language remains a great achievement.”

During his speech, Kreis asked a natural question. The unification of the empire’s language is praised as a great achievement.

Yes, that’s right.

But in order to do that, the language of the royal family had to be respected.

“What do you mean by horse, soldier?”

“Words, words, words, um.”

Although it was brief, thinking deeply was Kreis’s specialty. His thought structure was different from others, and the thoughts of those who were called wise people were also different.

“The culture, part of the culture has disappeared.”

“right. soldier.”

Kraang grinned. Looking at that smile, Kreis thought that it would be nice to use this guy as a salon player if he wasn’t a member of the royal family.

The royal language was buried by the tyranny of the empire.

reason? This is to strengthen control.

So why does the empire do that?

Are you trying to unify the continent?

No, it is to watch the kingdoms fight each other and profit from it.

For some other benefit than unifying the continent.

What are the benefits? I do not know. However, the rough structure was drawn.

What about eliminating words? It is to move the kingdom as desired through control.

From a political perspective, this is a very good thing.

“It’s a pain in the ass.”

Listening to Krang’s words, Kreis felt a sense of discomfort.

This is so.

‘He is drawing the future by assuming that he will become king.’

This ruler has already defined the empire as his enemy.

That was right. Kraang was confident of his victory. He took it for granted that he would inherit the throne.

What if I fail?

What do you mean by knowing? He became a member of the royal family after his death.

“Isn’t Count Molsen quite harsh?”

Encred also pointed out the key point. Are you not worried? This is it.

“Well, it will work out somehow.”

Do you have any plans?

Krang wondered what this meant.

“Is it somehow possible?”

This is the moment when Kreis asks the absurd question.

Krang stopped walking.

He stood there and showed his palms behind his back.

Encred, Howie, and Cryce saw that and stopped.

He took one step forward and kept a distance of two steps from his companions.

“The kingdom fights with each other, there are people who want to become kings, and the continent is overflowing with monsters and beasts. Within the royal family, the voices of the nobility go above the queen’s head, and there are not enough hands to discipline them. These so-called knights find it difficult to fill in the gaps in the magic world. “There are people everywhere who have abandoned loyalty for their own greed.”

A voice of moderate volume spread through the bushes next to the barracks.

The voice reached the ears of the three who had stopped.

It seemed as if the light gathered on a dark stage and illuminated only one thing.

It has a suction power that draws in the surrounding attention.

Krang did it with just a few steps, a few hand movements, and a few words.

After absorbing the attention of those around him, Krang’s mouth opened again.

“My job is to make sure that doesn’t happen.”


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