Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 343

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343. Is it fun?

‘Am I falling behind?’

Sinar felt something similar to a sense of crisis.

Encred’s growth made her like that.

Does winning or losing matter? no. However, the problem is that if you get pushed around like this, you won’t be able to give any decent pleasure to the man in front of you.

‘Live by fighting.’

What is the best gift for someone who is on his way to becoming a knight?

What makes the author’s heart beat the most?

It may not be a beauty beyond compare. That was certain. The charm of the opposite sex cannot shake the author’s heart.



It will be something that is replaced by fighting, skill, and ability.

Of course, Sinard also had a secret. It’s just that he didn’t expect to bring it up here.

Fairies grow by eating the energy of the forest, and if they train themselves to a certain level, they can grow a tree of energy within their bodies.

Normally, it takes hundreds of years to build up slowly. That is the default for the fairy race.

However, Sinar was different from an ordinary fairy.

She was talented.

It is a talent that can be cultivated by absorbing the energy itself.

Let it stay in your body and use it when you need it.

It is a hidden move, a secret move.

Sinar pulled out his trump card. He only wanted to see En Creed’s surprised face and excitement.


None of that mattered.

‘Ah, it’s fun.’

It was Shinard’s first time experiencing something like this.

My heart is racing. Joy fills me. What do you feel from the moment you recognize that the other person’s emotions are changing?

It’s a pleasure.

It’s fun.

That made Goosebumps appear on Sinar’s skin.

‘Are you having fun?’

I ask myself. Encred’s whole body senses respond. It was so much fun to see that.

Control your emotions.

This is something I have heard since I was born and became aware of my surroundings.

The characteristics of the fairy race, which allows them to feel the emotions of others without filtering, gave rise to an emotional tendency that makes them easily swayed.

This is the harm of sensitivity.

Since I knew there was a problem, it was natural to solve it.

The fairy did that too.

They faced the problem and solved it.

Afterwards, the fairy did something called mind study.

I learned how to control and control my mind.

Stay calm no matter what.

In a way, it was similar to the heart of a beast.

In this way, you control your mind, control your body, and even control your emotions. Sinar also passed the entire process, so he could be in this position.

If the condition for a Frock to leave its home was not to glow at the two letters ‘heart’, the condition for a fairy was to control its own body and mind.

We share swords and sweat. Encred’s face was seen dripping sweat onto the floor.

His black hair and blue eyes were softly curved.

Light seemed to flow from its half-moon shaped eyes. It was a little after noon.

The full spring sunlight shone down, wrapped around his hair and cast a long shadow forward, shading the left side of his face.

As I was looking at it, it seemed to blend in with the scenery and give off some strange energy.

The fairy saw, smelled, and felt the whole scene with her sensitive senses.

Fairies are born with a beautiful appearance.

The perfectly symmetrical eyes and eyebrows, and the bridge of the nose that divides the middle of the face used to make people who looked at their faces fall into lovesickness.

The term beauty beyond human origin did not arise for nothing.

Fairies are beautiful beings that surpass humans.

Of course, there are some who are far from beautiful, but most of them look like fairies.

Sinar was born as a fairy, so she has seen such beings countless times around her.

‘I wouldn’t know just by looking at the face.’

The lively atmosphere of a man captivates those around him. He had felt it many times, but Sinar’s attitude now was different from before.

It is not a promise or a resolution. It’s a natural flow.

I will try to swing my sword based on my emotions.

Sinard did just that. I acted based on emotion, not control.

* * *

It is intuition or sixth sense.

An ominous feeling passed through the back of my neck. En Creed felt a chill and the fur all over his body seemed to stand on end.

It seemed as if the Shinigami came up next to me and whispered something in my ear.

Everything I could see, hear, and feel was crushed and entered the realm of the sixth sense.

A view of my body from above opened up.

Encred saw another sword aiming behind him.


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Right after seeing and feeling it.

Turn your body to the side. He turned his right foot into an axle and pulled out a gladius with his left hand.

As he pulls it out, he twists his wrist and catches the sword with the cotton.


It wasn’t heavy, but I felt a stinging sensation.

Before I knew it, Sinar in front of me had disappeared.

The fur stood on end once again.

As the accident accelerated, Encred knew what he had to do. No, he felt.

It was time to come up with an answer that was close to instinct, so I did that.

Throw the gladius in a frightening direction.


A spark was picked out in the gap where the knife extended in a straight line.


Without even having time to catch his breath, he drew a large trail with sparks. Sparks are for stabbing purposes only. Therefore, cutting power cannot be expected, but this attack was expected to be an unexpected blow.

Indeed, it was so.

Sinar was not embarrassed, but acknowledged that Encred’s strike was a creative one.

She crossed her swords and shed tears.


When sparks and age met, sparks flew.

Encred let go of the spark.

After that, he held the silver long sword with both hands.


After taking a short breath.

After raising your senses to the extreme, you activate one point of concentration.

I don’t know what it means, but there is Sinar’s sword in front and behind it.

It’s also a sword with physical substance.

Is this Will’s prank?

It doesn’t look like that. It doesn’t even feel like that.

Encred struck down his sword. Towards Shinar in front.

Sinar seemed to respond by raising his sword, but soon his whole body became blurred like a mirage.

Then people came in from left and right.

High-speed movement?

It wasn’t. It was all something tangible.

order? Is it something with a touch of magic?

There was no time to think.

As soon as Encred struck down his sword, he jumped forward and rolled.

Two lines were drawn on the floor where he was.

Sinar no longer played with Karl.

Instead, I just stood there and quietly caught my breath.

It stopped like that. Her gaze turned to Encred, who had not relaxed his posture.

“What did you do?”

Encred asked while squatting down on one knee following the rolling motion.

The blade in his hand reflected the sunlight.

Encred has not yet released his combat stance. Just looking at its posture and the force of the blade was threatening, but the fairy’s vision and insight were indeed far from ordinary.

“Are you planning to propose here?”

What does this mean again?

Soon Encred realized that he was only kneeling on one knee.

“It means you can still fight.”

“is it?”

The fairy accepted the words without a smile.

Suddenly, the number of people watching increased.

From the guests who came to have a sword-fight with Encred, to Rem, Audin, and Ragna. It was natural that Dunbakhel and Teresa also caught the attention.

What drew the attention of the crazy company member?

This is because of the miraculous skill that Sinar showed.

His talent and skills were extraordinary.

So much so that even Ragnar doesn’t think it’s unusual.

‘Did you know that all fairies would fight like that?’

There were many times when I wandered around unintentionally and hung out with a fairy swordsman.

The most impressive one among them was a fairy who used dual swords, aiming precisely at vital points.

The current Shinar was several times more threatening than the fairy back then.

It was clearly in front, but it looked like a blade was sticking out from Encred’s back.

How is that possible?

Because it’s detailed and delicate?

No, that was just a characteristic of fairy swordsmanship.

He clearly swung his sword in the air, but a sword strike came from behind Encred.

Rem’s eyes also narrowed.

What did that fairy do now?

Auddin was also watching with a smile.


Dunbakhel asks as if talking to himself.


Teresa answered. Teresa has a lot of experience dealing with wizards. She wasn’t feeling it.

Even though he could hear their words, Sinar turned to one side and looked at Encred.

A faint smile that appeared unconsciously flowed from Sinar’s face.

It was the smile of a fairy that Encred had never seen before.

Her mouth opened with a faint smile.

“Are you happy?”

It was a simple question.

Sunshine, dust, mild air.

Feeling that, Encred nodded.

Ask about joy It was natural. It was my first experience with this technology. I didn’t even understand.

An exhilarating sensation awakened my whole body at the thought of digging into and enlightening the principle.

The downy hair on his body was still standing on end.

Encred stood up.

“No more.”

“Then sparring with me will be the most fun.”

It was a random statement. So much so that even Encred couldn’t answer right away.

The most fun?

The conversation is going on.

After the fairy finished speaking, everyone took a moment to stop and think.

After a short but sufficient amount of time has passed.

A heavy noise was heard from behind the fairy.


It was a sound that very naturally attracted attention.

It was behind Encred. Aud Din was in a stance with his fist briefly pounded.

“Brother Commander, do you have any sense of how to fire at close range? Once you learn some tricks, you will experience a different kind of fun. “There is no greater joy than becoming familiar with and learning about the world.”


Encred stopped thinking for a moment.

I immediately wondered what he was going to say.

Audin was not the end.

Ragna swung his sword next to him.


“A fast and heavy sword.”

It is a sword imbued with Will. That is not a sword that can be learned by teaching.

My former self might not know, but my current self knows.

If you want to become a knight, imitation is not enough. You have to move forward on your own.

This is something I know better because I am walking in that direction.

“Even if you can’t learn it, can you say that you don’t feel anything just by sparring?”

Ragna spoke as if reading his mind. He stops his sword and his eyes shine. The will is visible. It was like a strong and hard blade.

Encred wondered if now was the time to create momentum like that.

After thinking and staring for a moment, the third man also came forward.

“Bosch, I learned this roughly after seeing a crazy old man do it before, so it would be good to learn it.”

I saw Rem wrapping the string around the axe.

What are they doing?

So are you emphasizing that sparring with them is also fun?

“So fighting with Teresa the Wanderer wasn’t fun?”

Teresa asks, and Dunbakkel also turns his shoulders. There is a tendency to attack right away.

Everyone seemed to be silently protesting, so Encred grinned without realizing it.

What can I say?

Just because the current Shinar gave me the thrill, will I lose interest in sparring and fighting with them?

It is said that when 100 people gather, there are 100 colors.

Encred was so happy to learn or experience anything that he almost died.

So there was nothing to feel bad about their reaction.

Encred laughed.

That’s the gap.

“What, do I have to wait in line to talk to Company Commander Enki?”

There were many people watching Dalian. From mercenaries who use swords to soldiers.

Among them were Belle and Vengeance.

They turned their heads towards where the voice came from.

It was a familiar voice.

“How are you?”

The well-trimmed beard and hair felt like they were handled by a professional.

The clothes on the body looked different from those of the Border Guard.

A man holding a short pole on the floor stepped out from among the soldiers.

Marcus Weissar, the previous castle lord, was the author.

The way he raised his hand holding his cane looked like a Korean who came to visit next door, but the guards standing behind him exuded formidable energy.

Everyone seemed to have dust on their shoulders. At the end of the trip, I came straight here without washing up.

Encred showed military courtesy in response to Marcus’ greeting.

“Why don’t you give me a cup of tea? Do you have a habit of making guests stand outside?”

Marcus saw that and said, and Encred thought that it would be right to find Seongju, who was kicked by those words.

However, I couldn’t throw it away.

Looking at his appearance, it seemed like he came to himself after arriving in the city without even stopping by Seongju.

“Aren’t you going to give me tea?”

Marcus asked again.

Encred nodded.

It was time to end sparring.

No one had any regrets. Encred also needed time to reflect on what Sinar had just shown him.

‘A sword strike that can be felt and has substance, but is physically impossible.’

How is that possible, and what is the principle?

There is a need to ponder, reflect, and think hard.

“It’s Kim Sae-yeon.”

Rem summed up the situation in one word.

Sinar said as he walked away with an indifferent expression.

“You’re a disruptor, you’re a disruptor.”

I couldn’t tell just by looking at his face whether he really thought that way.

However, she too obediently retreated.

Encred thought as he looked at Marcus’ smiling face.

He intervened at the right time.

“Let’s go.”

There was no way there were cars in the barracks. Encred headed to the restaurant.


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