Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 342

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342. When you receive the knight’s sword

“You son of a bitch.”

Rem ground his molars. Ragna stood in front of him and showed a vague attitude.

Pull in your chin and tilt the tip of your nose. At the same time, she quietly closed her eyes and spoke as if reciting her poetry.

“Go forward.”

It means to move forward.

Encred thought that was exactly right.

Rem’s stomach boiled. So much so that I want to immediately go back to the place where I was born and bring back what I left behind.

Even though I didn’t use the sling, I still lost.

No, I couldn’t use a sling.

There were two reasons.

Still, Rem’s instincts made her realize that it would be difficult to overcome, and another reason was that there was no point in dying together like that.

It’s true that he was an unlucky guy from the first time I met him, but it wasn’t enough to beat me to death.

There were a lot of people who raped and killed passing women and then pounded their stomachs, so it seemed like it was okay to just let the short-tempered idiots who got lost easily live.

“Do you really want to get married?”

Rem said. I say this, but I have no intention of actually using my hands.

I would have been willing to die if I were to fail, but I couldn’t. Rem knew that he too was defeated.

To win, you have to use your skills.

Just like Ragnar did now.

Just as the easily lost idiot finished it without cutting off his arms or legs, you should do it that way.

But I can’t do it now.

We fought while dealing with the fact that the opponent was Will.

That power is contained in every part of the blade being wielded.

Even if you throw it away, the knife flies at a faster speed than when it retreated.

The tip of the sword that lightly stabbed the shoulder contained the power of a stabbing attack with all its might.

This was despite the fact that the process of incorporating power was obviously omitted.

What is the reason?

Rem was able to define everything in one word.

It’s Will.

So, did Ragnar become a knight?

That wasn’t it. However, at this point, although it was only a small amount, it was superior to him.

It was so intoxicating that I was almost delirious.

“Is that possible? “If you want to die together, then go for it.”

Do you think you’ll get hit by something like that?

This is the meaning contained in Ragnar’s tone.

He knew it too. If Rem steps forward properly, it will be difficult for him to get over it safely.

If you get hit, you will get hit.

If Rem attacked with all his might, he could have lost at least an arm or a leg.

Even though Ragna knew that, he did not change his stubborn attitude.

‘Oh, should I just kill him?’

It’s time for Rem to think seriously.

“I understand. “Rem.”

Encred intervened.

Before he knew it, he had finished sparring. No, it was a sparring that did not rise to a serious level in the first place.

Sinar maintained a teaching attitude, and Encred accepted it, so it became a form of guided sparring.

That wasn’t bad either, but the fight between Rem and Ragna took too much attention.

Naturally, after sparring, I watched the battle between the two, and the exchange of final blows especially shook Encred’s mind.

After a total of six short cuts, the last was a downward slash that felt stubborn.

It is a heavy sword-style longitudinal cut.

From there, Encred felt that Ragnar’s sword was different from before.

Rem crossed his two axes towards the blade that was stabbing vertically, and twisted his strength.

The two axes took the force as if they had been turned into cotton balls.

If Rem had had a little more power in that situation, the direction of the fight would have been different.

At least it wouldn’t have ended the way it did now.

But Rem couldn’t hold on. Ragna’s sword struck straight down with a certain force.

It resembled a crushing sword, but was different.

The will to cut was there, but unlike before, that will lasted longer.

If the previous cut was only a moment, this one lasted long enough for Will to savor and drink a sip of tea.

The crushing sword applies pressure to the opponent through the preparation process. The only time the Will, which is truly intimidating, is activated is when the swords clash.

In a way, it was safe to say that it was a leftover talent.

Because coercion itself cannot be used skillfully for a long time, a slow pressure method was used.

So what is Ragnar’s sword like now?

‘The durability is different.’

Ragnar originally used Will using the cutting technique. That’s what makes Will dwell in the moment.

So what now?

It falls while maintaining a certain force. A sword imbued with Will.

The difference between victory and defeat was there.

Rem couldn’t pull Will out.


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There is no significant difference in physical strength. No, in terms of physical perfection, Rem may be superior, but Ragnar puts Will on top.


Encred quickly grasped the situation.

It was because my eyes were opened after receiving the knight’s sword.

Ragna’s new sword technique, a light and heavy sword, was the birth of a sword technique based on Will.

Talent, or rather, the result of talent that blossomed after meeting the sword of a knight.

Thanks to my experience fighting the semi-knight and squire before that, I had already decided to break through my limits.

The reason he made the things that were eating him disappear was because he saw Encred’s honest life.

It was the sum of it all.

Which of these has been the most meaningful recently?

It’s an article.

In other words, the experience of receiving the knight’s sword led to the current results.

Encred thought that way and comforted Rem.

“You’ve never fought a knight, have you?”

“… … what?”

“Stick with the driver. Then things change.”

Encred even delivers his first-hand experience. These were words for Rem.

Ragna spoke there.

“Right. I have never received a knight’s sword. you.”

And Rem.


It briefly showed what it means to be a human being turned into a demonic beast, but he didn’t act viciously.

It was what Encred expected.

On the outside, he looks like a crazy bastard who splits other people’s heads with an ax when he’s wrong, but although madness actually exists, he protects what he protects.

That is the Rem that Encred knows.

However, it was unfortunate that he couldn’t take his own advice, so he ended up only giving advice.

“When you receive the knight’s sword… … .”

“What do you mean, plague?”

“It’s because I haven’t seen it yet, but it will change when I see it.”

“f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.”

Afterwards, Encred said that he had no intention of teasing her, but Sinar, who was watching, saw something different, and this is how she commented on the events of that day.

“The devil is in my fiancé’s tongue.”

Esther, who was lying on one side and watching, had similar thoughts.

A wizard who had actually encountered a devil thought that the devil’s whispers would not be that bad.

“It’s for you.”

Especially when you say things like that, I feel that your intention is to make people go wild.

“Stop, stop!”

It was not something you see often. Rem was distressed.

After that, Rem, who listened to Encred’s words dozens of times more, was soon liberated.

“That’s right. “I will meet the driver sometime.”

Audin, who saw this, quietly recited a prayer.

“God dwells in him and surrounds him. You have gained an important realization. “Brother.”

“That’s right. “I will gain enlightenment.”

Rem agreed.

Ragnar looked at Rem for a moment and then spoke to Encred.

“I will admit that the captain is a few levels higher in cruelty.”

Encred said it was a misunderstanding, but no one believed it.

It wasn’t until that night that Rem came to his senses.

“If you call me a knight one more time, I will use an ax to turn your tongue into a snake.”

I felt that the threat of splitting my tongue in two was not a lie.

To the point where I wonder if there was will in the words.

Sometimes a strong will touches the heart that much.

Encred stopped teasing and just took a sip of his appetite.

“Okay, let’s stop.”

It’s rare to get a chance to tease Rem like this, so I tried a little harder.


Rem eventually lost his temper, but it calmed down. Afterwards, he devoted himself to training alone and asked Ragna to spar with him once a day or once every three or four days.

“Gilchi bastard, are you that good at fighting? “Follow me to the sparring hall.”

Ragna himself would step forward when asked for a polite sparring.

“Well then, today let’s take off that useless head of yours.”

Encred would come in between the two and hang out together, but Sinar would come to visit more eagerly and be absorbed in coaching sparring with her.

“Are you free these days?”

“busy. “Because Wangnun is doing a lot of work.”

Encred also has listening ears. Kreis came and talked a lot about it.

Kreis established a large trade route. He laid bluestone to create a path that could be walked even in the rain.

“Who does that?”

As Encred explained things to himself, he also asked questions to Wangnuni.

The Border Guard was short on manpower. Isn’t there some work to do to reclaim the Green Pearl Plain?

“There are people in the pioneer village over there who have a reputation for doing this. “I paid them for it.”

There won’t be any left in the pioneer village either.

“I sold the captain’s name.”

Kreis spoke confidently. Encred didn’t reprimand either.

When it comes to the brain that makes things work, Kreis is probably the best.

In the meantime, what’s the big deal about selling your name?

“I heard you were planning to put the captain’s name on that wall? “This is good for both sides.”

In addition, Martai also dispatched personnel, and entire mercenary units that passed by also became workers.

“The labor shortage now will soon be filled. Instead, please take charge of training new recruits.”

Just as Kreis had promised that the shortage of workers would soon be filled, it turned out that way.

This was the effect that occurred as Encred’s name spread throughout the area.

At the same time, it was widely spread that if you go to Border Guard, you will not starve to death.

In this world where monsters and demons roam the streets, there are no groups of vagabonds.

Instead, there were some who had no choice but to become bandits.

They were people who had escaped from the clutches of a dog-like lord who sucked their blood.

Kreis accepted refugees from each city, including these people.

There were many people who could be problematic, but since it was not the time to discriminate against people, we accepted them for now. If an accident occurred within the city, drastic punishment was imposed.

There were no problems as it was all done under the blessings of the lord of the castle.

Of course, there were some who came forward due to previous concerns.

“Don’t you know that if you accept just anyone like that, there will be problems with public order?”

The adjutant of Seongju said something.

“How can I avoid that?”

Kreis instead questioned and scolded.

“huh? This is an opportunity to transform into a trading city because security issues cannot be resolved! Take this opportunity to earn a lot of Crona! huh? Are you just going to throw it away? And then you still remain as the castle lord’s lieutenant? Go over there and ask a friend named Rem to take off that head. I’m very angry these days, so I’ll give it to you neatly and neatly. “What are you doing if you’re not going?”

If there’s anyone who can fight Rem with words, it’s only Chrys.

In particular, he was a friend whose combat power increased several times when Crona was caught.

The adjutant was speechless. I think I heard some nonsense about Crona or something like that, but I couldn’t argue with it.

However, I couldn’t hit a few hits.

Kreis was a crazy company member.

Can I lose this guy? Can I lose?

The adjutant was unable to strike.

Kreis put his face in his face as if he wanted to hit him.

“If you’re not going to hit me, let’s work.”

He was cool-headed and knowledgeable, and sat in the position of adjutant.

It was natural to judge that he could not be hit. Kreis also knew that and took advantage of it.

If it wasn’t for that, I would have just grabbed it and watched it.

If the adjutant had been the kind of guy who would strike first, Kreis wouldn’t have attacked like this.

From then on, the adjutant devoted himself to work, faithfully following orders that were not orders from Kreis.

Because Seongju found the fun of swinging a sword again, the black energy under his eyes never went away.

Instead, the adjutant began reciting a prayer before going to bed.

Half of it was Cryce’s swearing, and the other half was Seongju’s swearing.

Even Encred couldn’t know all the facts, but he had a general idea.

If Kreis works this hard, the rest will inevitably groan.

Kreis knew how to drain people’s abilities to their very marrow.

“Audin will take care of the training of new recruits.”

Encred gave Chrys strength.

“Yes, brother. I will do it. “We should at least make the lamb run.”

There was no one better suited for basic physical training than Audin.

Of course, the new recruits would have tears in their eyes, but it wasn’t a bad thing for them. It is true that if you suffer enough to die once in training, your chances of surviving on the battlefield increase.

Instead, soldiers’ salaries were raised sharply. In addition, he hired many workers to do odd jobs, increased the number of maids, and gathered women who were good at sewing and formed a sewing guild.

“Let’s sprinkle krona.”

Kreis completely burned up the Crona remaining in the castle.

I tried to write every single fairy tale.

“It’s the castle’s money.”

The adjutant gathered his last strength to argue, but there was no way.

“so? If you leave that money lying idle, will even wheat fall from the sky? Can you give me an apple? So what are you going to do?”

“I just said it.”

The adjutant gave up arguing.

It was also because the lord of the castle allowed him to do as he wished.

The adjutant’s prayer before going to bed just became several times longer.

Kreis made several changes to the organization, led by those who were called veteran soldiers.

All equipment was also refitted.

Unifying the equipment was a device to increase the sense of belonging.

Leona lent me the Crona I was lacking here.

“There is no interest. Instead, don’t forget to increase my authority.”

Kreis had to hand over commercial and other matters to Lochfried anyway.

Leona knows that too, but she thinks it’s good to be good to each other, so she gives her gold coins to help out.

In this way, there would be nothing to say even if preferential treatment was given to the Lochfried superiors later.

Meanwhile, there was a rumor going around that if you were part of the Border Guard Standing Army, your salary would be different.

As the rumor spread, it wasn’t long before people gathered around.

As more and more people fled from surrounding territories, lords here and there filed appeals to the palace and began to crack down on their territories.

A person came out of the palace and told him to act, but Seongju pretended on the surface that he knew, but of course he did not listen.

“If you’re going to do this, then maybe you should help out when people are harassing you here and there.”

Kreis criticized them harshly.

He knew that the palace was currently in a situation where it would not be possible to mobilize military force right away.

So I just did what I wanted.

Anyway, once I had built up my strength and cause, I wouldn’t be able to say anything more.

Afterwards, they began clearing roads and setting up guard posts within sight.

The guard posts lined up on the left and right of the road looked like famous spots for border guards.

Those who were newly organized were sent there.

The ten-man squad was named the guard post squad.

“Are you telling me to protect this place?”

The squad leader who first went out expressed anxiety.

I had to work day and night, but there was no guarantee that monsters and monsters would not come out.

Kreis gave the answer as if it were obvious.

“I’m going to give you extra pay.”

“still… … .”

“Would you like to go to such an in-depth training course?”

“I will guard the guard post.”

Among new recruits, Audin’s training was like entering the gates of hell.

This is why there is also a saying that if you want to die, become a soldier.

Nevertheless, there were many people who came to say they wanted to become soldiers.

Border Guard was changing day by day.

Kreis was at the center of it all.

He really did all sorts of things.

Additionally, Sinar became busy.

Her unit was in the process of assessing the newly acquired area of ​​the swamp.

It was a really busy time.

Nevertheless, she visited Encred regularly, so she asked him if he was busy.

“Then why don’t you come when you have some free time?”

Encred asked back, but to Sinar, it was just an absurd question.

“I got a date.”

“… … ah.”

In some ways, it seemed like she was more persistent than Encred himself, but Encred’s intuition knew that this fairy wasn’t doing this just because of a date.

There was something there.

If not, wouldn’t it be right to suggest that we go out to the bottom of the market right away? But that wasn’t it either.

“When the time comes, I will ask.”

All I could say was this.

“Let’s have fun today too. fiance.”

Sinar chose the age.

Encred also pulled out his silver longsword.

Now, it is a sword that feels comfortable in my hand, as if it has forgotten its previous owner.

“Now you’re better than me.”

While we were sparring over the map, Sinar spoke up.

It means that Encred’s skills have surpassed his own.

Encred did not deny it.

Because he felt that way too.

As usual, the end of the sparring was approaching.

Sinar took a step back and pulled his chin.

Her gaze rose from the bottom up and she looked directly into Encred’s face, and her mouth opened.

“It can’t go on like this.”

It was right after he finished speaking.


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