Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 341

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341. It is a heavy and fast sword.

Rem turned around and struck down one of the spears with his axe.


The spear blade bounced around in the air. Although trolls are monsters with superpowers, Rem is also a human with superpowers.

Audin ran and caught the flying spear in the middle.

It was a heavy spear blade, but the spear stopped as soon as it touched Odin’s hand.

For something that flew so dynamically, it stopped so easily that it felt like nothing.

It is an abnormal scene created by abnormal forces.

It also seemed to ignore certain physical laws.

There is a saying that the power to overcome limits can seem like a spell.

That’s exactly what it says. It is a strength that has been trained to the point of ignorance.

In terms of strength, it is said that it is stronger than Rem.

Brother Oh Troll didn’t even notice anything strange.

“ha ha ha!”

As Audin burst out laughing and kicked the ground, a loud bang erupted from where his feet touched, and the dirt erupted like a fountain.

Boom boom boom!

A fountain of dirt erupted on the ground not once, but three more times.

Auddin’s body left an afterimage, drawing a long line.

That large figure shortened the space at an unbelievable speed.

To an ordinary person, it would have seemed as if it had suddenly disappeared. It is a lunge created by combining trained thigh muscles with the ability to perfectly control one’s body.

It was comparable to the charge of a semi-knight. Encred thought so the moment he saw it.

Audin went forward and used the spear as a blunt weapon to hit one of the troll’s heads.

The troll couldn’t avoid it due to his faster footwork than ever before.

Add to that the ‘collect and explode’ that Encred realized.

Sigh! pop!

It might have been natural for the head to crack and black blood to pour into the sky.

The components that made up the skull, including the skull, flew out in all directions. The blood spread radially from the area where the spear was hit, diagonally upward on the opposite side.

As the sun began to set, the surrounding area began to get dark, but no one was blind enough to see it as a problem.


“Don’t miss it.”

Encred said.

Dunbakhel and Teresa run out.

Audin laughed and hit the troll.

The sight of the troll, synonymous with regenerative power, with its arms pulled out and its eyeballs popping out and being crushed, caught my eye.

Encred had no need to go out again.

The five trolls didn’t even dare to run away.

If you miss just one, it will hide, and from then on you have to chase it like a game of tag. Even if it’s Rem, it’s going to be a headache.

Pursuing purposeful and hidden monsters was a different matter.

So you can’t miss it.

Of course I didn’t miss it.

Audin did not take any action and dismantled and dismantled the three.

One of the five was cut into nine pieces by Rem with an ax swing.

“What is that?”

After breaking it into pieces, Rem spoke to Audin.

The question was asking why that Gomtaeng was so excited.

“Hehe, good night. “The Lord looks down on you.”

Audin just laughed.

The last one belonged to Dunbakel and Teresa.

The two tore, crushed, and split one as if competing.

That was the end.

There was no time to show the troll’s unique regenerative abilities.

Sinar just watched. No, I was busy putting out the lights. Then he suddenly raised his head while squatting down and asked.

“Shall I smoke again?”

Encred looked at the sky to gauge the time. The evening has passed, and now it is time to discuss the night.

If it was early in the morning, it would have been right to take a break, but is that really necessary? There is no law in the world that has to happen that way.

Encred wanted to wash up and thought that this could also be used as an opportunity to train. Above all, he had no reason to endure the inconvenience of camping.

“Let’s go back.”

If you run here all night, you will be a border guard in two days.

If I went faster, I could arrive the next night.

Is it too much? This kind of training is also necessary.

After getting injured and resting before, I rolled around less.

So it was a perfect opportunity. It’s hard to overwork your body just by running.

This will also be good training.

Through that thought process, I decided to postpone resting until I arrived in the city.

No one had any complaints.

* * *

The rumor that they had slain three low-level demons, two colonies to be exact, and five troublesome monsters quickly spread around the area.

“I have nothing to say.”


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Those were the first words of Kreis, who heard the news before anyone else.

Is there anyone who wouldn’t be surprised to hear this?

It didn’t mean anything bad.

From the moment Cryce heard what Encred had done upon his return, his head was spinning.

If only this was possible.

So, there are many people who have the ability to attack, destroy, stir-fry, cut, slice, and kill any and all monsters that approach, and if they only ask for it, they will come forward.

Oh, except for one person.

Ah, again. One of them is on vacation, so we have to leave them out, but it’s still a great help.

Aren’t Rem and Audin also doing better than ever before?

‘It’s a force that even Dunbakel and Teresa can’t ignore.’

There are also people who have identical eyes with Esther, but they were treated as extras.

“I have to go meet Seongju.”

Kreis said. Encred nodded roughly.

I saw his eyes sparkle as if something else occurred to him.

He must have seen something that would earn him krona.

Encred soon washed, rested, ate, and fell into the technique of isolation again.

Ultimately, ‘collect and explode’ is a technique that the body must follow.

The key was muscle condensation and explosion.

If he got used to it, he would be able to do what happened to him just a moment ago.

After beating the troll to death, Audin showed Encred the technique with his own hands, smiling even brighter than before, wondering what was so good about it.

“Once you become proficient, something like this becomes possible.”

This is what he said as he approached me holding a hammer in his left hand.

The sight was very scary, but on the other hand, it also raised expectations, and those expectations were met.

The street is just around the corner, and a figure as big as a giant looks down. Encrid himself was not short, but his height was not right for him.


Auddin spoke and stretched out his fist, stopping barely a word away in front of Encred’s ship.

It was a moment when I wondered what was going on.

A sense of avoidance was activated.

There is no time to escape. I instantly tensed my abs.


Encred felt floating along with the sound of an explosion, more precisely, the sound that exploded in front of his abdomen. Both feet were in the air. He flew for a moment, then flew back a couple of steps and fell.

I didn’t roll around unsightly.

The balance was achieved. It wasn’t in vain that I was beaten with a hammer. My tenacity has increased significantly.

“What is this?”

“It’s about gathering and exploding.”

Encred’s eyes turned to the floor. Traces were clearly left on the dry dirt floor of the training ground.

The sunken floor is twisted. It seemed like a small whirlpool had formed.

‘Ankle rotation.’

Condensation and explosion of muscles throughout the body.

It shows its destructive power in front of just one word, putting everything into it.

Because it is an incredible and attractive technology.


Encred was purely amazed and then immersed himself again. Both his body and his mind were busy.

Because it wasn’t just learning how to collect and explode.

Audin was still beaten all over with a hammer. I hit every part of his muscles except his head.

Afterwards, I briefly learned the full-body elastic sword technique of Dunbakel.

After getting a shield from a blacksmith and hanging out with Theresa, he also learned how to use other weapons from Rem.

“Could it be helpful to learn such miscellaneous things?”

Rem asked.

Sometimes they say that depth is important in learning, but that doesn’t apply to that crazy guy.

In other words, the question was asked knowingly.


The answer was short.

In the realm of experience and intuition, Encred found his way.

Is this the path to becoming an article?

I don’t know that.

Just one thing.

‘I’m going crazy.’

I was distracted by things like joy and fun. Joy fills my body. Learn and learn new things. The speed at which it attaches to the body is extraordinary.

“The captain’s body seems a bit stupid. “No, you’re wandering around here, doing everything as Will?”

Rem’s harsh words sometimes intervened, but it was okay.

Compared to before, the current growth rate is unbelievable.

From one side, Ragna looked at it with drowsy eyes.

It’s not that motivation has disappeared.

However, because I saw the knight’s sword and saw the path I had to take, I did what I had to do now.

It’s organizing and tidying up.

It was time to gather what we had and calmly stack and store it.

Ragnar wandered around the continent for a long time.

Half of them were lost, so it was unintentional, but there were many people who made connections.

They displayed various skills in their own way.

Mercenaries and top warriors were like that.

Ragna was a genius, and was able to quickly understand and learn their techniques.

If I saw it just once, I followed it, and after repeating it a couple of times, I reached the level of the original user, and within two days, I surpassed the other person’s level.

“He’s the devil. “It’s the devil’s talent.”

I heard something like that from a top guard warrior.

Ragnar knew from those words that he was different from ordinary people.

There is also a question that arises.

‘Can I go further?’

No one next to you can come after you, right? Is that a path worth taking?

There are questions and doubts. Doubt soon ate away at Ragnar himself. At some point, I stopped moving forward.

Even though I was motivated, I stopped at just learning what I learned last time.

I needed an opportunity. The opportunity was the battle with the semi-knight Aya. Through that, I overcame my own limitations.

Why could this happen?

This is because at some point, what was eating away at his heart disappeared.

“How long are you going to play? “Let’s have a round of sparring.”

Yes, it was because of this man.

Encred said, holding his sword in front of him and flicking it.

Ragna nodded.

I’ve finished organizing my mind, and I’ve also finished sorting out the miscellaneous skills that were attached to my body over the past time.

Ragna also began to pioneer his own path, similar to the man in front of him.

That was the birth of Ragna Ryu’s swordsmanship.

Instead of being trapped in the path of recovery, Ragnar opened a new path.

“It’s a heavy and fast sword.”

It is simultaneous with words. Encrud immediately thought of the knight’s sword.

Suddenly, the disappeared sword folded the space and appeared.

The speed is different. The heaviness was also different.

This is the moment when Encred raises his sword horizontally to block. Wow! A shock was transmitted throughout the body along with a loud noise.

‘Hanging up?’

It’s different from bursting and bursting, but it has similar power.

Just by looking at the technique, he incorporates it into his swordsmanship. Change it to suit your body.

This is the aspect of genius.

“You crazy bastard.”

Rem, seeing that, smiled and picked up the axe.

“Okay, now I can beat your ass.”

This is what Ragnar secretly says to Rem as he sees Encred retreating from the blow.

“What do you mean you lazy bastard?”

“I said that now I can beat it without killing it. Is it difficult to understand? Should I show more hand gestures?”

“okay. Then, let’s die.”

Soon Ragnar and Rem faced off.

Encred, who had retreated, did not bother to intervene.

It was different from previous fights.

Rem is pushed. Ragnar crossed a certain line.

However, Rem was not just pushed aside.

Encred also caught that couplet in his eyes.

There is so much to learn. What was previously invisible is now visible.

A heavy and fast sword, Ragna showed exactly what he said.

Although it looked light, Ragnar’s sword clashing with the ax was extremely heavy.


The surrounding soldiers snooped around due to the repeated loud noises.

Some were surprised, but others were surprised but took an attitude that it was natural.

Are the crazy company members actually ordinary humans?

As Encred watched the two sparring, goosebumps appeared all over his body and he was so excited that he almost died.

So I couldn’t stand it.

“Are you just going to look around?”

Encred joined in with Sinar, who had already approached.

I want to see and learn from sparring with the sword imbued with her delicacy.

“Greedy fiancé, what will you give me if I give you this?”

Anything but engagement.

“You’ll go on a date at least once, right?”

The fairy asked, and Encred could not resist his desire.

“Of course.”

It’s a swordsmanship in one date. It was almost like a joke, but it was a direction that both Encred and Sinar were satisfied with.

* * *

“Robbing the swamp?”

The butler who was reporting to Count Molsen’s question lowered his head.

“sorry. “I don’t know how to move right away.”

The person who sprinkled the monster in the swamp was the Count himself.

They blocked people’s access with a bug called Belle and a vampire fly, and even conducted some magic experiments there.

It was a good place to find precious magic ingredients, including herbs.

I knew Encred hit the Gray Ghoul Forest after leaving the city. Intelligence wasn’t done for nothing.

Even if Proc goes on a rampage, I’m sure we won’t get any information.

So I knew that.

“We also killed five trolls.”

“What are these bastards doing?”

Even the Count is just astonished. Are you walking around without even sleeping?

The road was so rough that it wasn’t even suitable for a carriage?

Are you saying you ran through places where the roads were not paved?

I was so embarrassed that I couldn’t speak for a moment. I felt an uncomfortable feeling for a moment, but I quickly shook it off.

‘That’s ridiculous.’

It’s already too late to do anything.

I can’t admit that I released a monster, right?

If you get what you want anyway, it will all be useless.

“A guild bastard who wants to restore the kingdom’s language has infiltrated the territory.”

“Deal with it.”

“There are some troublesome mercenaries involved.”

The problem was that the territory security force alone could not solve the problem.

The Count erased the mad squadron from his mind.

Afterwards, my brain, which was working properly, came up with the answer.

“Send Matsu.”


The butler bowed his head.

The Count sat in a chair and quietly thought.

Preparation is still insufficient. So you’ll have to wait. So how long should we wait?

It will be one or two years at most.

Is it human instinct to climb where you want to climb? Or is it your desire to be born and raised as a powerful person?

I can not know. You would find out when you climb up.

I didn’t even want to know until then. Ignorance now will give you pleasure that will be satisfied through later experiences.

until then.

‘You will survive, right?’

Madman Company, Encred.

Isn’t he a truly unique person? He’s an impressive guy. So he should not go and stand on the other side of himself then.

Otherwise, I won’t be able to save you.

The count wanted to keep him alive if possible.

There were very few people who showed this much interest in me.


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