Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 340

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Jumping and Laughing The opponent this time was not a demon, but a monster active at the foot of the Pen-Hanil Mountains.

Did you say that it was the three greatest plagues of the Border Guard, including this monster?

Although it was a serious problem in the actual royal palace and even in the Border Guard itself, it was not seen as a disaster.

It was a nickname given to him by nearby villagers and peddlers.

Disaster struck them.

Including breaks, the location can be reached by walking in two days.

“Shall we run?”

Encred asked, but it was a question with a fixed answer.

What are you doing wasting your time?

It can be done by walking and running without resting in two days.

Then half a day is enough.

“Let’s do that.”

Everyone nodded, starting with Rem, and Encred ran.

Instead of running with all my might, I ran at a moderate speed.

The entire group followed behind them.

Sinard once again admired the man’s ability to act.

‘You can’t believe I ran.’

It was a method that would normally be unthinkable.

They had the stamina and ignorance to shorten a two-day distance into half a day, and they did just that.

In the process of training the soldiers under my command, it was not for nothing to make them jump to the point of ignorance.

Fast marching was a top priority for all armies.

It was natural that those who ordered it had to be better than him.

Who would follow someone who hasn’t proven their skills?

They kept running and quickly reached the bottom of the mountain range, northeast of Border Guard, where they could see the Green Pearl.

The owners of the third low-level demon race were five trolls.

These guys were wanderers using the Pen-Hanil Mountains as a base.

In reality, the problem was not that it was a demonic world, but that the five of them were wandering around a large mountain range as a hideout.

The words were low-level demons, and the five demons roamed around the area as if it were their own land.

Not only did they watch over groups of merchants, kill and plunder them even if they seemed even the slightest bit weak, but they also attacked private houses built near the city during the night.

Last year too, three groups of peddlers died.

Even if the number of people who followed as escorts was slightly insufficient, they were the ones who caught it like ghosts.

On the other hand, if you prepare well and chase after it, it just disappears like smoke.

They were a group of monsters who were born hunters.

People who saw them said that they walked around armed with hard wooden clubs and covering themselves with bushes.

They said it was a monster that was intelligent and knew how to hunt.

These guys were the hardest to deal with.

First of all, finding it was the first task.

Encred recalled Kryce’s words.

It was about how to deal with Brother O Troll.

“I’ll either put some bait and pull it out.”

Of course, Kreis had another plan.

‘It’s busy.’

Encred thought so.

“Can you chase me?”

So I chose an easier way.

This is the question I asked while looking at Dunbakhel.

“The smell won’t do it.

“A bad smell mixed in.”

Suin is a natural tracker.

Their sense of smell was superior to that of fairies.

But Dunbakhel shook his head.

The Troll O brothers ran errands throughout the mountain range to remove the smell of their secretions, and mixed the smell by applying something like sap to their skin.

“You can classify scents if you keep chasing them.”

“How long does it take?”

“Well, a month?”

I’m not even sure.

I don’t know how long it will take.

Then it could take more than a month.

“I will chase you.”

Rem stepped forward.

This is what I say as I pick my ears and glance roughly at the edge of the mountain range.

Encred doesn’t know Rem’s past.

I know a little bit, but I don’t know the details.

However, the fact that he was going to do something meant that he could do it right.

Encred himself had some experience finding directions and also worked as a bounty hunter, but his experience did not mean he had superior skills compared to others.

I just did the basics.

It would have been more helpful to have learned tracking skills from a hunter named Yenrid in the old Green Pearl, but even that was not a way to quickly find the five trolls that were running away so far.


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These five monsters did not belong to the general category.

Just as humans are not all the same, monsters are all different.

Not all ghouls are the same.

The same was true for a bug named Belle.

What is the difference between human face dogs?

Individual differences exist.

Among them, these five trolls seemed to specialize in hiding and hunting.

“I will chase you and kill you.”

Although it was said to be easy and comfortable, it is not an easy or comfortable thing to do.

“I’ll help too.”

Shinard also came forward willingly.

Fairies are beings specialized in the environment in which they were born and raised.

For her, forests and mountains were an ‘easy’ environment for activity.

For example, if you met the previous knight in the forest, you wouldn’t be easily defeated.

Still, even though I couldn’t knock the knight down or overpower him with force, I was confident that I wouldn’t be easily defeated at least.

All fights are fought by crossing swords.

Sinar also realized this when looking at Encred.

He doesn’t give up even when he sees the results.

When I think about it now, I think I really liked that look and wanted to spar from the beginning.

“That’s it.”

Rem shook his head.

The method is different.

Then you need time to get your hands and feet together.

It was a waste of time.

Sinard also nodded.

They say that alone is enough.

Even if trolls were extraordinary, this was a group of people who went beyond extraordinary.

“how much?”

Encred began to emit a musty odor from his body.

Spring has come, but the mornings and nights are still cold.

I wiped my face, hands and feet, but did not wash my body.

This is uncomfortable.

So I wanted to finish it as quickly as possible and go back.

You can tolerate discomfort, including odor, but if you don’t wash, you become vulnerable to disease.

So washing was important.

Everyone probably feels the same way.

Oh, it wasn’t Dunbakhel.

Although she was a beast with a keen sense of smell, she hated washing.

It’s absurd to Encred that those two things coexist, but does he have the knack of making someone do something he doesn’t like?

There is no choice but to force it to be washed.

The rest all tended to agree with Encred.

“Let’s make a fire and play.

“Let’s finish before dawn.”

Rem said and walked towards the mountain range.

It seemed like he was walking slowly, but at some point he suddenly disappeared inside.

“Let’s bake beef jerky.”

Encred said after seeing Rem disappear.

Break time must be used properly.

“That’s right.”

Auddin and the rest of the party settled down, and Sinar dug a hole under a large tree and collected gumballs like dry leaves.

As I walked around, I collected dry branches in my pocket as I saw them, so there was no need to collect gumbul separately.

Traveling requires diligence and preparation to be comfortable.

In that respect, everyone was a prepared traveler.

Even after the squad that had actually come to meet us left, no one experienced any inconveniences while camping.

There was no one here who had not wandered around the continent at least once.

Everyone did their job.

Audin took a long branch and peeled the outer skin by sweeping it with his palm.

It was an amazing talent every time I saw it.

This makes cleaner skewers than washing them with water.

Meanwhile, Dunbakel twitched his nose and went into the forest at the edge of the mountain range, and came out and caught a few squirrels.

From here, Encred stepped forward.

Taking a small pot out of his backpack, Dunbakkel skinned the squirrel and drained its blood, while Sinar lit a fire.

It was a smokeless bonfire dug in a pit.

She was also a talented fairy.

“Fire is mysterious.”

That’s what I’m saying.

I always wondered what they meant by telling me to be careful with the furnace.

Encred put the blood-drained squirrel in a pot, took out a clean cloth, and crushed the whole squirrel.

Mash the brain and intestines, sprinkle a little salt and pepper, and make them into meatballs.

Then, I took out the canteen, poured a lot of water into the pot, and put it on the fire to boil.

I put the meatballs in the boiled water and tore up some seasoned beef jerky.

The seasoned beef jerky was a seasoning in itself.

When the broth was about to ripen, a savory smell spread.

It was a recipe I learned from Rem.

Western peoples can eat animals from head to toe.


Audin smiled deeper than usual.

No matter how much post-human power you have, you must eat well.

Encred thought so.

Don’t you think you’re hungry because you’re a driver?

Will’s willpower was mysterious, but it wouldn’t solve his hunger.

The more muscle I gained through training, the hungrier I became.

“let’s eat.”

The broth with well-cooked squirrel meat, beef jerky, and seasonings was excellent.

When I took a bite, my mouth was filled with flavor.

There was no fishy taste and it was full of flavor.

The soft meatballs and broth warmed my insides, and the soaked beef jerky was a great treat to chew.

It became a stew that could be eaten right away.

“It feels good on the tongue.”

Dunbakhel said.

Everyone agreed.

Encred also drank the soup and chewed the meatball.

Beef jerky revealed its identity among the meatballs full of umami and meaty flavor.

It really wasn’t bad.

I’m not particularly talented at cooking, but I ate a lot of delicious food.

As a result, my talent for making things naturally increased.

So we all filled our bellies.

Afterwards, we spent some time keeping warm by the fire we had lit.

Encred repeated the motion of holding and unfolding his sword, thinking about what he had learned from each of them.

I was just thinking about the cutting weapon technique that Audin had taught me.

‘The key is grip strength.’

Hold it loosely and apply force the moment you hit it.

Transmission of force is more important than speed.

When I think about it again, it was a difficult technique to share with Jeongjunghwanheyu.

You can’t say that everything in the world is straight, heavy, deceptive, fast, and smooth.

The swordsmanship compiled by a genius from the past named Lionesis Oniac has now expanded into different directions.

Among them, there are some who are reorganizing their swordsmanship in their own way.

This technology also seemed like something derived from that.

‘Concentrate your striking force on one point.’

Is that all?

So how do you focus your energy?

What is striking force?

As I think about it, a question arises.

Instead of asking for answers, Encred indulged and researched on his own.

It was difficult, but it seemed like I could somehow catch it.

It was different from before.

I have already reached the level of creating swordsmanship within my experience.

I even realized the fragments of Will.

Encred was now in a position where he could not discuss his past talents.

However, it was not possible to know all the principles.

I received the knight’s sword, but I did not notice everything it contained.

Does that matter?

No, there is no problem.

‘You don’t need to know everything.’

All you have to do is realize some parts and move forward based on that.

It’s a path I used to walk without anything.

Now it was like walking on a well-paved path with signposts.

Encrud swung his sword in the air alone several times, trying to figure out the technique.

Grip strength wasn’t the only thing that mattered.

It’s about exploding your muscles in an instant.

What should I do?

You need to relax and then tighten your entire body muscles.

How do you transmit that to the weapon in your hand?

It is a movement that creates tension in the muscles and gives strength to the gently held hands.

‘If you don’t have the technique of isolation, you can’t learn it.’

That was the conclusion.

Therefore, you can learn it yourself.

Because there is already a ‘body’ created through the technique of isolation.

“That’s amazing.”

Audin, who was watching, muttered.

Encred raised his head and made eye contact.

The mouth of the soldier, who was always like a bear with a smile on his face, became straight.

He was truly surprised.

The technique he taught was one of the church’s weapon techniques.

War Cults often mix techniques from various denominations, and one of them was restored and learned.

The name is ‘collect and explode’.

I thought it would be quite difficult to understand the principle of using an improved technology from the past, but looking at it from the side, I seemed to have figured it out.

“Is it okay?”

Auddin asks.

“Repeated training is necessary.”

Encred answered.

Knowing something and putting it into practice right away are two different things.

Still, knowing it itself is surprising.

Audin didn’t think there would be anything more surprising, but this really surprised him.

Didn’t you see Encred learning weapon skills from Rem?

His talents are unbalanced.

This is the height of absurdity.

It is strange and incoherent.

It’s terrible to see him learning and mastering things, but he oversteps the mark at ridiculous moments.

It would be impossible to explain the process in words.

Because it literally makes no sense.

Exceptional talent?

No, I couldn’t say that.

That is unusual and unique.

It was almost like a mystery.

But this time was different.

I learn by grunting, digging, and searching.

The process was visible.

Hold on to what you have figured out and think about it without stopping.

It is a lasting power.

He probably had it in his mind ever since the moment he showed him how to explode it.

He said he would learn by asking about all sorts of things, but the main thing he focused on was learning about himself.

What you have learned is amazing, and putting your own skills first is wise, wise, and admirable.


Audin laughed.

“There is still a long way to go.”

Encred answered.

As the sun was setting, it was time to consider staying one more day.

As soon as Encred could answer, a faint sound of barking was heard from afar.

It was a roar made by a troll.

Sinar, who had been stirring up the campfire with twigs, muttered as he scattered the fire.

“Beware of fire.”

Why is this fairy like this?

Encred quickly got up, but there was someone who ran away like the wind before him.

“I’ll go first. “Brother.”

The voice was cheerful and bright like never before.


It was before I could say anything.

“ha ha ha.”

Auddin burst out laughing.

I don’t know what it was, but Audin got excited.

“What are you doing, you crazy person?”

Rem reacted when she saw it from the other side.

Before I knew it, I was close enough to hear a voice.

After that, I caught a glimpse of the troll.

Two of them were holding clubs, and the other three were holding spears in reverse.

Since Rem lured him in with a look that seemed as if he would give up his back, it looked like he was planning to throw a spear at any opportunity he found.

Audin burst out laughing and ran towards Rem, who stopped in shock, and the two trolls who saw it threw spears.

The blade of the spear, thrown using the elasticity of the entire body, split the air.

It was at the same time that a sound of screaming was heard.


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