Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 34

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34. Why do you do that?

“Is there a difference between the reconnaissance I know and the reconnaissance the squad leader knows?”

Rem said, twirling the ax in his hand.


“I feel like I came back after being halfway there.”

“I just got a little scratch on my side.”

“If it’s a scratch or a cut, does it heal right away?”

Rem said and giggled.

This bastard hasn’t changed.

Actually, I guess things have changed just because I haven’t seen you for a few days.

For Encred, it’s been several months, but for them, less than a week has passed.

“I almost fell.”

Encred said, tracing the wound on his side with his hand.

In reality, I have experienced death countless times, but I can’t say it like it is.

“Let me take a look.”

Saxony approached and revealed the wound on his side. En Creed turned his body and lifted his shirt to make it easier to see.

“You know what you see?”

Rem grumbled, but Saxony cheerfully ignored him and looked at Encred’s wounds.

“It’s no big deal.”

Encred said.

“The bones are not damaged, but if you ignore it as a minor injury, you will have a hard time.”

That is correct.

“I applied ointment.”

“Thank goodness.”

Saxony nodded.

“It looks like there was a fight while out scouting?”

Wangnuni said while looking at Encred’s scruffy appearance.

My hair was greasy, and the areas under my eyes were puffy because I had been marching on foot without stopping after the battle.

Throughout the mission, it was not enough to eat or drink, let alone wash properly, so it was natural that he looked scruffy.

‘Is it just a skirmish? We actually entered the enemy’s territory once.’

To be honest, there was no need to say everything, so I just nodded and pretended to say so.

As soon as I arrived, I was drenched in sweat and tired from watching the battle between Rem and Ragna.

So for now.

“Do you have anything to eat? “Water too.”

It was time to eat and rest.

Actually, I wanted to swing the sword right away, but there was a limit to what I could do in my current state.

And when I saw the enemies gathered in the tall grass field, it seemed like this battle would not end like this.

Therefore, it seemed like I would have to go to battle again, so I had to get my body back in shape.

“Wash up and go. “I will prepare it as a royal dinner.”

Rem said with a smile.

Encred nodded and headed to a nearby stream.

The infantry camp was not placed here for nothing. There was a stream running behind it, so it was easy to get drinking water and wash yourself.

When I put my hand in the water, a cold sensation came up.

‘It’s getting cold.’

It was a time when the temperature dropped.

Encred roughly rinsed his face, took off his clothes, and washed off the blood, oil, sweat, and grime from his body.

‘That guy.’

As I was washing up, the memories of what I experienced this time filled my mind.

Past the tall grass, the ambush, the flagpole, all the way to the last one holding the sword and torch.

‘I think we’ll meet again.’

It’s a feeling that I will face in an unavoidable situation.

‘Is this the wall?’

Didn’t the eyeless boatman say this?

That the wall will endlessly block his path.

I’m not worried. If you block it, you can overcome it and that’s it.

To be honest, I was secretly looking forward to it.

It was so frustrating that I returned without competing with that bastard.

Of course, the moment I decided to win, I would be the one to die, but I still didn’t want to avoid it.

I wanted to hang out for once.

The moment I saw that child, I felt a strange desire to win.

If you look at it from time to time, you will find people like this.

It’s similar to falling in love the moment you first see someone, but on the contrary, it’s someone you want to fight with and win over.

After getting dressed up, I went back and found warm soup, bread, and even golden brown meat skewers that I had gotten from somewhere.

Although this cannot be considered a royal dinner, it can be said to be a rare feast on the battlefield.


In response to Encred’s question, Rem said, “Ahem.”

“I prepared it myself.”

“No, I saved it, not Rem.”


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Then Wangnuni rolled her eyes.

“okay. thanks.”

Encred sat down and ate his food as if he was hiding his eyes.

“I think about this every time I see it, the squad leader eats really well.”

“You have to eat well to gain strength.”

“The squad leader is the most unique human I’ve ever seen.”

Rem said he was watching while he was eating, but then crossed his arms and spouted something nonsensical.

This is a trouble-making squad, and among them, a guy whose hobby is assaulting our own soldiers is being told that he is a unique person.

“I don’t want to hear that from you.”

Rem chuckled again at those words.

After that, all the squad members dispersed.

Saxony went out saying he had some business to run, and Kreis went out saying it was time to do business.

The religious squad member started praying on one side, and Rem giggled and spent some time wasting his time outside the barracks.

He was probably telling a lame joke to another soldier passing by.

And Ragna looked at Encred quietly. I kept feeling eyes on me.


Encred was concerned about the gaze, so he turned his head and asked.

“I just saw it.”

Ragna answered while lying half-slanted.

When Encred tilted his head, Ragna turned around, saying it was nothing.

It seemed like he had something to say, but he didn’t ask any more questions.

I knew this from my experience leading a squad of troublemakers. Even if you ask now, you won’t get an answer.

In these cases, if you wait, they will speak up again later.

If you don’t say anything, well, I’ll just move on.

Since I had just returned from duty, I was off watch and meal duty.

Encred ate well and slept well.

Saxony’s ointment was effective. The wound on my side healed quickly.

I thought just two days of rest would be enough.

Just because Encred lay down and rested didn’t mean he was just wasting his time.

‘I think I’ll lose ten out of ten.’

Encred sat down and swung his sword repeatedly in his head.

The first opponent was Rem, the next was Ragna, and after that, the enemy we met in enemy territory.

I thought about it again and again.

An old swordsman who taught swordsmanship in a quiet coastal city said this.

“If you don’t want to die by a blind sword, there are two ways for you. One is to pray and pray to Goddess Luck that her hands become her feet.”

One was to leave it to luck.

“The second thing is to think and think again and again.”

Did you say that if you risked half your life in a fight and survived, that fight would be your fortune?

This is what an old prosecutor in a coastal city often said.

So what should I do to survive while risking half my life?

devise It’s a thought. I’m worried.

He told me to think endlessly about ways.

If you face an enemy without thinking, then you will have to rely on the first method.

If you don’t want that to happen, I told you to think about it on a regular basis.

‘He was a good teacher.’

It was the perfect advice for Encred at that time.

And that advice still holds true today.

Encred pondered and thought.

What should I do to win?

What should I do to at least avoid losing?

The struggle to find the method was the Valenc mercenary sword.

The swordsmanship, which some say is a crude trick, was Encred’s core skill.

Three-sword style, including trick breathing and headbutting, and foot sword techniques for throwing daggers or stones.

In reality, it is a ridiculous and meaningless technique, but it works well for first-time opponents or opponents with poor skills.

Encred in my head swung his sword.

Hold the stabbing stance and throw the stone.

He pretended to draw a sword and then threw the throwing knife.

Rem swung his ax and struck them all down, and Ragna used his feet to dodge them all.

And the opponent holding a sword and a torch ignored the flying stones and ran towards him, stabbing him with his sword and splitting his heart.

In reality, it may not move as imagined, but at least it did move that way in Encred’s mental image.


I think about it countless times. Encred spent the whole day like that and fell asleep.

When I fell asleep, I fell asleep as soon as I laid my head on it.

It was after completing an arduous mission. I was just getting tired.

The next morning, Kreis received his breakfast. It was soup, salty dried beef jerky, and crumbly bread.

“Are you on duty?”

“Yes, I heard you slept very soundly.”

“Because I was tired”

Kreis rolled his big eyes and asked.

“What happened? “Tell me.”

Chrys and Wangnuni are informants on the battlefield.

Encred was about to speak but lost in thought for a moment.

Then I decided that there was no need to hide it.

It was something that would soon become known anyway, and it was never specifically said to be confidential.

However, I couldn’t go into too much detail, so I just said that the enemy was ambushed in the tall grass.

When I tried to explain it in detail, I was at a loss for an answer.

“Holy shit. “I don’t intend to just let the ambush set in, but is there any point in setting up an ambush?”

Even though Wangnun didn’t know the slightest bit about strategy, he sometimes hit the nail on the head.

‘It’s meaningless.’

In fact, if the scouting party’s route had not been taken that way, they would have passed without being caught.

If I hadn’t had the talent to repeat today, the scouting party would have been wiped out.

An ambush is a tactic in preparation for an attack.

However, our troops do not advance towards the tall grass field.

Of course it has no meaning.

That’s what Wangnuni said.

“We don’t know yet.”

I do not know. That was the correct answer.

I thought the higher-ups were planning something.

However, it was clear that something was there.

That flagpole, even the guy guarding it.

Just looking at the deployment of the troops, I could feel the will to annihilate the approaching enemy.

Normally, the unit would not be operated to that extent. So the conclusion is that the enemy has prepared something.

“Well, I thought it would end like this this time.”

“Maybe the order will come sometime today or tomorrow?”

Not long after the trivial conversation, I heard someone shouting outside.

“It’s a move. “The 4th Company is moving!”

It was the voice of the 4th platoon leader.

“You didn’t hurt your leg, right?”

The man who was shouting outside poked his head into Encred’s tent.

“I heard you went through a tremendous amount of hardship?”

“Where did you hear that?”

“Rumors are spreading. “Some kind of child that Goddess of Luck kept hidden.”

Since this incident was all down to luck, in a way, it was a natural reaction.

“Then who is my father?”

“What do you know?”

The platoon leader smiled and responded to Encred’s joke.

“It may be tiring, but the unit is moving. “We’re going east from the camp, so let’s move.”

At those words, Encrid got up and left.

If it’s east, it’s towards Longari Grass Field.

I know there’s an ambush, so I won’t enter the grass.

“It looks like there will be a fight, but the atmosphere has changed.”

Rem suddenly snuggled up next to me and said.

“Is that so?”

“If you say that your skills have improved, you will end up in the goal, so be careful.”

Is this worrying or cursing?

It was the movement of not only the 4th company but the entire infantry battalion.

So, most of the infantry troops brought out in this battle were moved.

One platoon has about 40 troops.

At first glance, this is the movement of six hundred infantry.

Footsteps – the infantry moves with the sound of footsteps.

There was no fighting that day.

We moved and set up a makeshift camp again.

We lit a fire and everyone took a seat.

Since the commander would not give an order to charge into the Kidari Grassland unless an arrowhead was stuck in the head, it seemed that he was preparing for an emergency by moving the unit to this area.

After a day like that, the wound on my side hardly bothered me.

The next day, orders were given for each squad to eat their own meals.

Six squad members gathered together and cooked stew in one pot.

“I caught a lizard on the way.”

Saxony added bloodless lizard meat to the stew.

“Why are you doing such amazing things?”

Rem was very happy when she saw that.

Of course, Saxony did not stand at large.

Rem saw this and growled that he was chewing his words again, but Saxony ignored that too.

‘It seems like they fit together strangely well.’

Talking about one side and ignoring the other somehow seemed to make sense.

In the military, just moving, eating, and resting was work.

And while he was moving and eating, Encred felt strange gazes on him.

There were eyes that were staring at me.

It was Ragna.

“My face will wear out.”

As I said it casually, Ragna looked away.


It certainly seemed like he had something to say.

The atmosphere became tense, as if a battle was about to break out, but another day passed.

In his spare time, Encred tried to put into practice what he had mentally trained.

Some things were easier than I thought, and some things were harder.

As I was holding my sword and swinging it in a corner since morning, Ragna approached me and asked.

“Why do you do that?”

It was an endless question.

But Encred understood it perfectly.

There must be one or two people around me who can’t speak.

Ragna wasn’t very gifted with words either.

You’re the one who speaks arbitrarily.

So, I had to listen carefully.

In that respect, Encred was the right fit. Because I roughly understood what Ragna said.


Encred scratched his forehead with his finger.


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