Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 339

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Itinerant gray ghouls settled in this land for political reasons rather than geographical reasons.

Naturally, it was able to withstand because the Border Guard standing army had not bothered to search for and deal with monsters and beasts until now.

“why me?”

According to the words of the former border guard castle lord who left before Marcus, hunting monsters like gray ghouls was an unnecessary measure and a waste of troops.

So naturally, in order to maintain the trade routes around the Fen-Hanil River and other areas, all they had to do was slay the monsters as if they were doing occasional cleaning.

At least now, the roads around Green Pearl have been cleared and the road connected to Martai has been cleared, but even that wasn’t perfect.

“Isn’t someone throwing monsters somewhere?”

This was the complaint that Marcus expressed upon taking office.

Throwing monsters refers to luring the gathered monsters to a neighboring territory, but of course, that didn’t happen.

However, I fully understand why he said that.

Because it looked like the monster was coming out of an infinite pocket.

When the upper frontier cities were established in the Border Guard, gnoll colonies sometimes appeared.

Even if a cultist intervened, it was possible because they had the resources.

That meant that there were a lot of monsters in this area.

That meant that the Border Guard area was not a very good place to live.

For this reason, we have dealt with monsters only on defense and avoided taking preemptive measures to eliminate them.

There was also a clear reason to stick to a defensive strategy.

When troops are lost, it becomes difficult to prepare for Azpen’s threat.

Because the surrounding monster hordes were not so easy that there was no loss.

In the area around the Border Guard alone, there were more than three places that were avoided by all merchants in terms of risk, although they did not reach the level of a demonic area.

This is an area that has been nicknamed ‘low-level magic.’

This was also the reason why when the centaur colony settled in the forest, I tried to deal with it early because I was worried that it might become a place filled with monsters and beasts.

This is what Krys wanted to explain to Encred.

There were many other reasons that needed to be dealt with, but Encred did not listen properly.

What’s the point of knowing things like history? Can’t we just cut it up and get rid of it?

That wasn’t wrong.

* * *

The ugly ghoul is dead.

If I were to explain it in detail, it would be infinitely long, but to put it simply, it is.

“I was first.”

“My club came first.”

The moment when two post-human level forces competed was the end.

Rem came armed with two axes and a flanged mace and used all three weapons.

The most impressive thing was the moment when the mace was used.

That moment when he threw the ax at his feet, pulled out the mace behind his back, and struck it straight down.

Hung- Boo!

A loud noise erupted, and Mace proved the meaning of two words: violence.

Not only did it crush the head of the ghoul that was trying to leave, it also plowed away traces of its upper body.

It is a combination of incredible power and technology.

It felt like a heavy rock had been struck from the sky.

The combination of muscular strength and the destructive power of the weapon created an abnormal destruction.

From the ghoul’s perspective, it was doom.

Rem passed by, hitting and destroying everything in her path, be it a singular ghoul or anything else.

Rem’s striking breakthrough was incredible.

And Audin also did not sit still.

“I am sending you to your side.”

Although his entire body was a weapon, he held two clubs in each hand.

The club with an iron ring at the end was originally brown in color, but it quickly turned black.

The ghoul’s blood has seeped into it, making it difficult to regain its original color.


Shout once and walk twice.

In between two steps, the club swung left and right, breaking the ghoul’s head.

It was a technique to control the amount of force required with precise cutting.

Despite its size, its delicacy stood out.

Nevertheless, the excitement did not go anywhere.

The combination of boldness and brutality created a path leading to the leader ghoul.

It felt like the roles of the two had changed, but Encred thought that Rem and Audin looked very good together the way they were now.

The ghoul leader was intelligent, so he set up something similar to a trap, but it broke through.

I broke it.

I woke up.

They made a trap and gathered ghouls to attack them, but what could they do?

What was broken by force.

Moreover, they weren’t the only ones who came here.

“I fight too!”

Dunbakhel is also rampaging.

“It’s disturbing.

“It’s disturbing.”


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Cinard also chose the age.

“Just take a look.

“Theresa the Wanderer is leaving.”

Teresa also swung her shield and sword, soaking the ground with the blood of the ghoul.

Encred did not step forward this time.

Although he didn’t know it himself, everyone was stimulated from the moment he stepped forward, excitedly swinging his sword and enlightening Jeong Geom-sik, etc.

Encred’s battle warmed the blood, making you want to hang out with him just by watching him fight.

Why not?

Even people who have never held a sword ask, ‘Is this fun?’

It looks like he is swinging the sword with excitement, so immersed in it that he secretly lets him hold the sword.

It almost looks like they are fighting while dancing on their shoulders.

How exciting would it be to do something like that?

It was natural that it had an impact on others.

After meeting the driver, Encred’s growth stimulated everyone.

Their military power exceeded that of a semi-knight.

We have already made more efforts at that level.

The moment Rem and Audin heard of the knight’s existence, they realized that they could no longer play and fight.

The same goes for Sinar.


I fall in love with swordsmanship.

What you think is complete is not complete.

There is no end.

She changed her mind.

Now I had to walk and move forward with my sword.

Is there a difference between Dunbakhel and Teresa?

Some people grew, and some people used their hidden powers properly.

As they fought so hard, they couldn’t last even a day in a situation where they were nicknamed low-level demons and couldn’t be resolved unless the knights came.

This was true even though the gray forest was quite large.

In Kreis’ judgment, the battlefield that would have required at least two companies to fight for ten days while taking damage was cleared up in one day.

In the meantime, quite a few monsters escaped, but it was impossible to chase them all.

“Is it over now?”

Rem asked, shaking the black blood from the ax onto the floor.

In response to the question, Encred shook his head.

“Let’s finish everything while we’re out.”

That wasn’t Kreis’ original plan.

“It would be better if we take care of them one by one.

“It’s not urgent.”

He also said this.

There were two more low-level demon level threats nearby.

Krang’s plan was to resolve the issue, return, resupply and rest, then attack them one by one.

Encred changed his plan.

Since I was already out, all I had to do was go around and go back.

There was no reason to hesitate.

There were only ghoul corpses around.

The surviving ghouls could not come to their side.

I was busy running away.

“let’s go.”

Encred took the lead and everyone followed him.

They headed straight out of the forest.

While they were going, Encred was busy moving around and talking.

“What is that sword technique from earlier?”

The first time was by Rem’s side.

“What do you mean?”

“I heard the way you swing the mace is different from usual?”

“Do you want to learn that too?”

Rem got to the point.

It was right.

I wanted to learn.

Encred waited for the next words without saying anything.

Isn’t this an answer that doesn’t need to be said?

Rem stared at Encred’s blue eyes.

Straight eye color.

In other words, his eyes showed his will to do something.

Is this too greedy, or is this just crazy?

Rem thought it was the latter and answered.

“The destructive power varies depending on where you place the central axis when swinging the weapon.

This is especially true if the weapon in my hand is a blunt weapon.

“I told you, the way to use each type of weapon is different.”

Encred was startled.

Doesn’t Rem suddenly speak well?

Such an elegant explanation.


“Is it a demon?”


“Why are you explaining well?”

“f*ck you.”

There was a small commotion, with Rem swinging his fist and Encred catching it, but no one slowed down their walking speed.

After briefly reflecting on what he had learned from Rem, Encred turned to Audin.

“Hanging up, that…” … .”

“It’s power control.

I’m more used to doing it with my fists, but holding something in my hand doesn’t mean the knack goes away.

Mix heavy techniques with fast ones, and apply force only at the moment of striking again.

You must be able to control your grip strength and relax and tense your entire body muscles as you wish.”

Audin answered before even asking.

“Is it Balaf style martial arts?”

“It’s just a weapon technique.”

Encred knew that there was something hidden in the word ‘just’.

But I didn’t question it.

What’s important about a name?

“How do I learn the ropes?”

“It’s repetition.

“Go back and do it.”

That’s it then.

All I had to do was learn.

After that, I asked Dunbakel how to use the beastman’s body, but Dunbakel was less able to explain than Rem.

No, if we only look at it today, it would be nice to say that Rem is an assistant at some academy.

In reality, the explanation was not that elegant, but it was quite touching.

Because this is a relative law.

“Why are you looking at me?”

After listening to Dunbakel’s absurd explanation, Lem turned around and asked.

“Demon, go away.”

That wasn’t what Encred said.

It was Dunbakhel.

After seeing him arguing with Encred earlier, he seemed to want to say something.

Prisoners are vulnerable to desires.

He was a servant who had to do what he wanted to do to be satisfied.

While Frock was faithful to one purposeful desire, Suin was swayed by the desires of the moment.

It is natural that the results will not be good.

It was still like that now.

I couldn’t resist the urge to say Dunbakhel.

“Yes, it is here.


“You just have to catch it here with your forehead.”

As Rem politely said that he was cutting an ax with his forehead, Encred looked at Rem once again.

Do you feel any strange energy?

“There are no evil spirits.

“Brothers and sisters.”

Audin saw that and said.

Rem didn’t really swing the axe.

“When we get back, let’s spar with each other.

Okay, let’s do it.”

After properly stopping Encrid, he again asked Dunbakeel for an explanation.

“You just have to run well and pick well.”

This is Dunbakkel’s answer to a question about how to use a scimitar.

Encred was not embarrassed.

This was okay to this extent.

He was an excellent listener.

There were several questions and answers.

That’s the conclusion I came to.

‘A sword technique that uses the feet and cuts with the whole body.’

It is a sword technique that uses elastic muscle movements.

In terms of quick healing, it starts off as a fast sword, but because it is an attack method that puts weight on it, it ends up being a heavy sword.

The form of swordsmanship was like that.

“I don’t know your name.

“I learned it when I was young, and I’ve learned it my way until now.”

As Rem became involved in Dunbakel’s overall training, her swordsmanship improved significantly.

Encred heard some of the sword techniques with his own ears and saw them with his own eyes.

It seemed worth learning.

It was not a skill that could be learned verbally.

Encred took a step again.

“Is there something you covet about me too?”

It’s Teresa.

I have always admired her skills with a sword and shield.

When I go back, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get a shield and learn it.

“They said if you want to learn, there is a way.

“I learned that from watching the captain.”

Teresa’s words.

This is a quote from the temple, but he followed Auddin around and his speaking habits became similar to him.

“A shield is a blocking tool, but depending on how you use it, it can be a great blunt weapon.”

Teresa spoke well.

Encred thought that was very fortunate.

As I was asking and answering questions like that, I looked at the map and realized that I had now reached my destination.

A swamp appeared in front of the group.


Dunbakkel asked.

Encred nodded.

The light green swamp is a treasure trove of medicinal herbs.

It is a land where a variety of gregarious and aquatic plants live, and there are also many amphibians and reptiles.

“It’s good land.”

Sinar, who was lamenting as he looked at the forest, his eyes lit up.

She dealt with poisons and medicines.

How valuable is this swamp to such a person?

This is why Kreis spoke so passionately about the need to restore this land.

“We must find the swamp.

It cannot be stolen by monsters or something.

“That must be the wish of everyone who was born in this land and made it their home!”

It was an abominable oration.

“Is this a place where medicinal herbs grow naturally?”


Kreis did not bother to feign enthusiasm.

“If we just restore that area, we will be able to create not only a trading area but also special products.

Of course, we’ll have to kidnap a few useful alchemists from somewhere.”

It’s not like kidnapping, I’ll just trick you and bring you back.

Saving people was one of Kreis’ specialties.

The same goes for getting things.

It was not for nothing that he acted like a generalist in the unit.

There was such a swamp in front of me.

The problem is that this land is already occupied by someone.

“There are a lot of insects.”

Rem muttered.

The bug was the owner.

The types of monsters are endlessly diverse.

It was one of them.

It is an insect monster.


The sound of insect wings flapping struck my ears.

Sinar’s hand was placed on Nye.

Dozens of flies the size of a finger flew in front of my nose.

It was a vampire fly.

The ages were pulled out and the space and flies were cut.

The sword strike, neither fast nor slow, continues smoothly without pause.

It was a series of sword strikes that stood out more delicately than ever before.

A series of clanking sounds rang out from the fairy’s blade.

It was visible when dealing with ghouls, but this time it was even worse.

Her sword, which appeared to be a type of fairy swordsmanship, showed extreme delicacy.

‘I could even cut leaves.’

Encred thought.

That was indeed the case.

Her swordsmanship is based on cutting the bracts of leaves.

The blade cut, struck, bent, cut, cut, and pushed away, accurately splitting, crushing, cutting, and piercing the insect’s body.

Soon, Sinar dropped the bug and looked back.

“If you don’t have confidence, it’s better to back off.

“My fiancé can hide behind me.”

A fairy with an expressionless face and extravagant beauty spoke.

“Did you take the medicine?”

Rem picked his ears at those words.

“You looked down on me and told me to send even the smallest creatures up to you.”

Auddin answered with a prayer.

Dunvakel raised his claws and stabbed the bug instead of using his scimitar to kill it.

Vampire flies are annoying.

Once bitten, it sucks blood ten times as much as a normal leech.

However, it is not difficult to deal with them.

Even ordinary merchants can avoid or catch them if they have the courage.

If you wear leather clothes a few times thicker, it won’t be difficult to deal with.

Of course, if you could kill someone by stabbing them with a sword or stabbing them with your fingernails, there was no need for thick clothes.

Even Teresa, who seemed the dullest, knew how to crush an insect by swinging her shield in a short motion.

Encred also dealt with him in the same way and stuck by Sinar’s side.

It is delicate.

Look at the insect’s trajectory as a line and cut it in the middle to kill it.

Since it was effective to hit him with the cotton, he did so and opened his mouth to the fairy next to him.

“That swordsmanship… … .”

“Shall I give it to you as an engagement gift?”

“When will you get engaged?”

When he took the joke as a joke, the corners of Sinar’s mouth moved.

Although it was only a little, it seemed to rise a little.

Of course, it quickly returned to its original expression.

“You are truly greedy.”

No matter what, there is no change in my desire to learn.

Moreover, they have straight eyes.

I wasn’t asking you to tell me any secrets or hidden visions.

The basics were enough.

‘I know it’s lacking.’

I know it’s getting better.

Encred is a thirsty doer.

He saw the direction his desire was pointing and wanted to walk.

What made you create a new sword technique?

Because I learned it, learned it, and saw it.

Encred was still doing that.

“It’s him.”

Sinar said he would go back and teach him swordsmanship and looked forward.

The king of the swamp appeared in front of her, or rather, the group.

It is a monster five times larger than a wasp, with six wings and sharp teeth.

The lower one was a monster with a bee-like sting, a bulging belly, and a snout that was torn from side to side.

The name was Belle.


The sound of its wings flapping echoed everywhere.

The bug, which looked scary just by looking at it, attacked from behind, leading a group of similar-shaped bugs.

They moved as a group.

That lump was one.

Although it is an enemy that is several times more difficult to deal with than a ghoul.

Bub bub bub!

The running feet exploded and died.

The biggest and reigning bug was killed by a stone thrown by Rem.

“I killed him this time, right?”

This is something I say looking back as I was still competing with Audin.

Audin smiled brightly.

Encred thought that Gomtaeng, who was obsessed with religion, would lose.

He will say, ‘You will.’

Isn’t that kind of personality?

“I didn’t see it.”


Encred stopped fighting and lost his footing.

I didn’t fall.

I took that as a step forward.

I swung the sword horizontally briefly and killed two bugs with the blade, so it wasn’t a mistake.

“Insist on insisting.”

“I’m not insisting, I didn’t see it.


Audin was also a crazy company member that could not be helped.

Encred didn’t care.

They weren’t people who would change just by talking about it.

“let’s go.”

And Encrud eventually stopped by the third low-level demon realm.

It was the final circuit area.


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