Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 338

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What is the fourth sword’s quick thinking?

It was like an acceleration of thought.

After acquiring the information available around us, we select the most efficient and rational action.

Among them, thinking skills were necessary in the process of getting past unnecessary information and deciding what was necessary.

As this became faster, my ability to draw the shape of the fight also became special.

Encred felt more fun in this respect than when learning other sword techniques.

The key point was that even if the sword was curved like a snake and struck gently, the blade was bladed.

It is a bloody sword, a shedding sword.

The fun of it is to parry, and that’s what makes swordsmanship meaningful.

It was equally fun to learn this.

How about a lightning strike?

How could the process of gaining a ‘moment’ of accelerating Will not be enjoyable?

The learning process was always fun.

The same goes for the crushing sword.

It was started to withstand the knight’s sword, and it is a sword that started with Ragnar’s question.

What should I do to cut through lightning?

What I learned during the process of finding an answer, starting with a question, was to face lightning directly and avoid it before it hits.

In other words, put out your sword first before your opponent throws it away.

Then, the sword you hold out will become a lightning rod.

Even if you can’t cut down lightning, you can hit it.

He actually proved it.

Because the knight’s sword was no different from a lightning strike, a natural disaster.

Snakes and thunderbolts, crushing.

Although the process of acquiring the three types of swordsmanship was different, the form of joy was similar.

Aren’t they all skills acquired with one purpose?

In that respect, Jeong Geom-sik’s ‘captivating sword’, a proper and sophisticated sword, was a little different.

‘Technology can be applied.’

My calculation and thinking skills were stimulated, and my concentration boiled over like never before.

If the previous three sword techniques used a dot-like method, the new sword that started with the Jeonggeomsik was like an unbroken line.

Hidden intentions could be seen through the crowd of rushing ghouls.

With Jeong Geom-sik’s extreme concentration, it seemed as if he could see the future an inch ahead.

To block what you see, you can use the snake sword.

If you want it to move as intended, you can crush it.

If you want to destroy the other person’s intentions from the very beginning, you can attack them first.


Encred was inwardly impressed.

A sword that captivates is a sword that involves elaborate calculations.

Add technology to it.

Even after inventing a captivating sword, I felt it was insufficient.

Now I know what that lack is.

“You need to recognize your shortcomings to improve your skills.”

I thought back to the advice of a mercenary.

Encred did just that.

I recognized it.

I looked straight at it.

What is lacking?

Now that the shape was established, it was time to need the substance.

The snake sword has a core that bends and catches.

A lightning strike involves preparing the entire body, starting from the feet, to stab a single point.

The oppressive sword was filled with ‘coercion’.

So, something like that was necessary for Jeonggeomsik’s captivating sword.

The content did not necessarily have to be a different sword technique.

There is no need to even include newly invented sword techniques.

The point is that you need some substance.

‘That’s right.’

It’s fun to realize it.

I was so happy that joy filled me.

If this isn’t fun, what is fun?

I swung my sword to see the starlight under a black starless night sky.

It is a light that has not been seen even though countless days have passed.

Still, Encred didn’t know he was tired.

I just swung my sword.

Even though I couldn’t see ahead and was walking along a path that wasn’t a path, I didn’t stop walking.

I walked and walked again.

I walked, forgetting that I was tired.

I swung the sword like that.

What was it like when the curse called today was given?


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There was no need to verbally resist the boatman who was singing about despair.

Because I had no fear of living today again.

I swung my sword again.

So, how could this not be exciting?

Now the starlight is visible, the road has opened, and even though I will not repeat today, the moment of enlightenment has come.

I was very, very happy about that.

“Oh my, I’m excited.”

“I’m glad you’re not drooling.


“Wanderer Teresa will help you.”

“I don’t think there’s any way to help.”

Starting with Rem, he adds a word one by one from behind.

Only Sinar kept his mouth shut and was busy watching.

That man’s sword is changing in real time.

The fairy’s sensitive senses sensitively accepted all the changes.

No, as soon as he felt the change, Cinard heightened his senses.

Of course, if you look at it from the side, you wouldn’t know it at all.

All you can see is that you are watching.

Sinar was making full use of the fairy’s senses that he acquired through feeling and learning.

Encred discarded unnecessary information among the information he heard.

It is not necessary to listen to them at present.

It is not an object of choice.

Rather, the sound of a ghoul stepping on the ground was important in the present, in the present.

Encred did just that.

I classified what I heard and selected and recognized only the necessary ones.


Thump, thump!

The sound of stepping on the ground and running.

Crunch, crackle, crackle.

The sound of a tree branch breaking.


A ghoul’s unique growl that sounds like it’s spitting out what’s inside.

Scholars who study monsters say that the reason a ghoul emits its unique roar is because of the stomach acid that burns the stomach inside.

The only thing that soothes that stomach acid is human flesh.

That’s why ghouls eat cannibalism.

Among monsters, there are some that like human flesh and attack it, but there are also those that were born that way.

It’s not important information right now.

Just brush it away and throw it away.

The accelerated thinking frame accepted new things.

A dark and murderous spirit mingled among the noisy ghouls blocking the way.

The mere act of living silences the sound.

The opposite of other ghouls.

It moved stealthily and settled down on the thick branch above Encred’s head.

The tree branch sank lightly to the bottom with a clatter, but if I saw the group of ghouls rushing in front of me, I wouldn’t have time to pay attention to the overhead.

Encrid held a silver longsword in his right hand and a spark in his left.

Afterwards, the capturing sword was filled with kernels.

Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish.

It’s a beat.

The blades danced to the exact beat.

The silver long sword cuts, cuts, and divides.

The spark pierces and falls out.

Two swords sang one beat.

The captivating sword used the beat as its core to trap the opponent within a frame.

Inside, the group of ghouls were just fire moths rushing to die.


Rem let out a small exclamation.

In the meantime, Dunbakhel slightly raised his head.

There was something in my instincts that set off an alarm.

Auddin and Rem didn’t even look up, but Teresa, starting with Dunbakhel, also raised her head halfway.

Is there something?

Teresa also felt an unpleasant sensation.

Encred seemed busy swinging his two swords.

A strangely rhythmic sound and noise were heard one after another.

“stomach… … .”

Teresa screamed reflexively, but then stopped.

Suddenly, something fell from above my head.

That thing was half as small as a normal ghoul.

It had the same gray body, but its right arm was abnormally long, and the nails on its right arm were also longer and more pointed than those of other ghouls.

It seemed as if four awl-like blades had grown.

All those images disappeared as soon as I could see them.

As soon as it is seen, it stabs its awl-like nails and leaves an afterimage.

The guy rushed from the branch, and Encrid swung his silver longsword at a precise beat straight up just once in half a beat.

He drew a vertical circle with his sword exactly centered around his head.


The blade cut the incoming ghoul diagonally.

A silver line passed from the head to the torso and crotch.

Encred swung his sword and at the same time pulled his body to the side.

Even kicking the ground and moving was within the framework of the beat.

Even the sound of kicking the ground and slamming down was in perfect rhythm.

‘You already knew.’

Teresa kept her mouth shut.

Before yourself.

Come to think of it, Rem and Audin already knew, and it seemed like the captain even knew that.

So I kept my mouth shut.

Encred forgot himself and even drooled without swinging his sword.

I calculated and calculated again, but I was realizing once again that I didn’t have to be limited to that.

‘What if I can’t calculate it?’

You can trust your intuition.

He even had a weapon capable of doing so.

You just need to put intention on top of the sense of avoidance.

There were over twenty rushing ghouls, and the one attack from overhead was a dangerous dagger.

If he had been an ordinary soldier, he would have definitely died.

A diversionary operation by a ghoul or something like that would have been acceptable to ordinary people, but Encred and those who came with him were already far from the two letters ‘ordinary’.

Watching Encred fight like that.

“I can’t stand it!”

Dunbakhel exploded first.

The beastman’s unique sense of smell picked up the scent of a ghoul hiding in the forest.

She just hit Encred’s left side.

“Aren’t you going to stop me?”

Teresa asked after seeing that.

Although he speaks in a calm tone, for some reason he shows signs of impatience.

Encred responded by chopping off the last ghoul’s head with a slow swing of his sword in two beats.

Bang, the head cap flies into the sky.


Encred’s voice was heard.

“Isn’t Dunbakel coming forward?”

“So you were just planning on watching?”

It was a misunderstanding.

I thought Encred himself was saying that they were all his prey and that he was going to cut them all down, but that wasn’t the case.

Encred was just excited and jumping around.

Now I am feeling satisfied.

In the meantime, Dunbakhel is going on a rampage?

Regardless of expectations, it doesn’t matter.

“More coming.”

Sinar said.

The fairy’s senses were sharp even in the poisonous forest.

The enemy was detected before Encred.

In terms of his ability to detect, he couldn’t be compared to Rem or anyone else.


Teresa also came forward.

As I was looking at it, my blood boiled and it was difficult to bear it.

Is this the blood of a mixed race giant, or evidence of Teresa’s identity?

I couldn’t find an answer right now.

So ignore it.

She swung her sword as a huge tree blocked her view.



The sword got stuck in the middle of the tree.

Teresa felt that the wood was harder than she thought.

Although it wasn’t like a piece of iron with an iron core embedded in it, it felt compressed and hard.

So I gave it more strength.


As I gave up my strength and strength, my arm muscles expanded with a crackling sound and split the tree.

As the tree tilted and fell forward, Teresa hit the falling tree with her shield.


With a loud roar, a tree three times as big as her fell, changing direction and leaning forward.

It was a place where a group of ghouls were running.

“God is looking down on you.”

Teresa recited a prayer as she watched the falling tree.

“I am able to give you a chance to reflect under God.”

Audin received the afterword.

He really liked the prayer Teresa recited.

Theresa did not hide the blood that boiled as she looked at Encred.

Her fangs showed with a smile.

This is a physical change that is revealed after training the blood of a mixed race giant.

The fangs were sharp.

Afterwards, she waved her arms like a windmill.

The sword and shield in Teresa’s hands struck, crushed, cut, and split the charging ghoul.

“ha ha ha!”

Teresa’s laughter echoed loudly in the forest.

“Wasn’t it like an infiltration operation?”

“I would be grateful if the gray ghoul heard that laugh and attacked me, but I would be even more grateful if it ran away.”

Encred responded to Rem’s words.

That was right.

If you come out and attack them, the search time will be shortened.

If I ran away, I wouldn’t have to fight in the environment he built.

Anything was good.

“Well, that’s true.”

Rem nodded.

Being lazy and being stupid are two different things.

Rem also clearly understood Encred’s words.

“It won’t go as the company commander wants.”

Audin spoke from behind, laughing as usual.

That was right.

The place Dunbakel ran into was full of the same long-nailed assassin ghouls from earlier.

On the side Teresa was facing was a ghoul that was half the size of the other ghouls.

Their gray flesh is naturally harder than that of a ghoul.

‘Originally, there are one ghoul and two or three spearmen.’

The ones living in this forest were even more picky than that.

If you think about the diversionary operation earlier, even a well-trained unit would have had to endure fatal damage.

Encred and his party were not knights, but they were able to fight like this because they had combat power comparable to that of the knights.

“It’s good because it’s not boring.”

Rem nodded again at Encred’s words.

“That’s also true.”

Rem also came out because his hands were bored.


He took out the sling and swung it over his head.

Soon, a ghoul who could be called a commander-level ghoul or a ghoul who was hiding in various places, waiting for an opportunity, and a special ghoul with yellow eyes jumped out, but it was useless.






The stone that fell to the ground was Rem’s weapon and sacred weapon.

About three slings were broken, and the scattered stone bullets mercilessly smashed the ghoul’s head.

Encred didn’t stop walking.

And then I felt a slightly unpleasant feeling.


It was just a hunch, but it seemed like it would be the case.

Then, Sinar approached from the side.

“I have a bad feeling.


How come they don’t forget the title ‘fiancé’?

Encred thought and answered.

“This way.”

The fairy’s sense and his own intuition pointed to the same place.

There must have been an ugly ghoul there who was said to rule as the king of this area.

Encred’s steps went in that direction.

The other person’s intentions were clearly visible.

‘It clears the way.’

The intention is subtle, but the wish is clear.

When I looked at it keenly, I saw it that way.

Those who were called regular ghouls instead of high-risk ghouls, and of course they boasted good skin and nimble movements that required five to six ordinary spearmen to stick together, but in any case, the place where the relatively weak ones were gathered was clearly visible.

There was a feeling that a whole group of ghouls were rushing towards that direction.

He deliberately clears the way.

It seemed like he was subtly urging me to go.

“It’s the same.


I saw Rem muttering behind me, and it turned out that he had also read it.

“Brother Ghoul seems to really want to see his father.”

Auddin quietly sentenced him to death.

Encred walked on without answering.

We soon arrived at our destination.

It was an empty space where the other party’s intentions were clearly revealed.

The evidence was the more than a hundred pairs of yellow eyes surrounding it.


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