Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 337

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Fiushu having fun with a ghoul?

“What about going out?”

Encred asked about the date.

“There is no need to rush.”

Wouldn’t it take at least 15 days?

Kreis thought.

The gray ghoul is a monster that has been staying there for a long time.

If you leave it for another month or two, it won’t be a big problem.

“I get it.”

“How many troops would you like to bring?”

Kreis expected at least two companies.

It was something of that scale.

Encred thought for a moment and then answered.

“Just one independent company.”

“… … Independent Company?”

Currently, there is only one independent company within the Border Guard.

One company of madmen.

Is this guy really crazy?

This wasn’t a joke, it was serious.

The fact that the risk was low meant that we were able to prepare accordingly.

Now that there was no threat from Azpen, it was possible.

Until now, we haven’t been able to withdraw our troops as much as we want because of the Azpen bastards.

The reason is that the number of people available for non-standard combat, including Encred, has increased, but the clearer reason is that there is now enough capacity.

Kreis expressed all of this absurdity and emotion in just one word.


Is there anything surprising?

Encred faced a colony of gnolls and centaurs.

If you don’t need to defend troops or villages for Mercury, then.

Dealing with monster colonies is surprisingly easy.

This is the answer obtained through accumulated experience.

‘Hit your head and you’re done.’

It’s a simple principle.

That was also true.

Even the scholars who said they were smart enough chose to remove the boss as the best way to solve the land of gray ghouls.

So what do you need?

This is the minimum knight power.

It would be better if the driver arrived.

That’s the best way.

However, there is no extreme damage right now, and it is just an inconvenience.

The palace’s policy was to resolve issues whenever there was time.

So there will be no need for the knights to come.

It was a problem that the palace ignored, but Kreis could not do that.

Things have changed a little.

Diversion of trade routes is a loss.

It’s a big loss.

It’s a huge loss.

This is a problem that must be resolved as a border guard.

For the future, we need to sharpen trade routes, and we have even come up with several ways to do that.

At least that was the case with Kreis.

‘Crona is leaking.’

It is common knowledge that the longer the transport, the more one or two silver coins will leak out.

So solve it.

With this, Encred’s status will rise even higher.

Because the royal palace’s requests overlapped.

This is something that must be successful and handled reliably.




“Because that’s enough.”

“You didn’t hurt your head while sparring?”

“But why do you keep speaking informally?”

“That’s because I was so surprised.

in amazement.”

When will this bastard become a normal person?

Encred shook his head at Chrys’s irreverent gaze.

“It hurts.”

“I could have split your head open.”


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Those words couldn’t have been lies.

Kreis endured the pain.

Only the crazy company goes.

‘Oh, well, that’ll work, right?’

Encred is the one who goes directly.

It was the captain’s decision.

I could roughly understand the reason.

If you increase the size and lead the unit, damage will occur.

Some people will get hurt or die.

It was natural.

Is it because of that?

That wasn’t all.

A subtle heat suddenly appeared in Encred’s eyes.

It’s because I’m crazy about wanting to fight.

Kreis felt strangely confident.

Encred asked.

“Have you received a request from the central government?”

“It was close, yes.

“He came.”

The palace was a suitable excuse, but a real request came.

A letter was also included.

[Good luck.]

It was all just three letters.

It was Marcus, the previous castle owner.

“I guess I’m busy.”

Encred didn’t bother to reply.

That was the end.

Each person checked their equipment and took care of supplies, and all Kreis did in the meantime was do what could be considered preparations.

It only took two days to complete preparations for departure.

If it had been decided to send a company of troops, what would have taken at least 10 days became simpler.

Kreis wondered if this was true, but strangely, he didn’t have any ominous thoughts.

Moreover, not all of the unit members went.

“Do you have to go?”

While preparing to go out, Ragna asked with droopy eyes.

It seemed like he was gradually becoming an old dog.

“If you’re tired even after sleeping, just lie down.”

Rem gives his blessing.

“If you want to die, come at any time.

You can attack while you are sleeping.

But that still won’t work.”

Ragnar politely declined the blessing.

“Do you need a bastard like that?”

Encred thought for a moment.

All it takes is the tactic of attacking a small number of elites to be effective.

The most important thing for Ragna to do during the fight was not to get lost.


Encred left Ragnar alone.

What if the level of gray ghouls is such that they summon knights?

‘That would be fun too.’

Encred always felt thirsty for new challenges.

This incident was like rain falling on dry land that was experiencing a drought.

I didn’t worry about danger or what would happen next.

It was Kreis who was worried.

He gathered and analyzed surrounding information and figured out the value of the Gray Ghoul Forest, a now ruined forest.

I concluded that the colony leader hidden inside was not as threatening as I thought.

‘A ghoul who became intelligent while leading a colony.’

This is a guy who directly rejects the adage, ‘You’re talking like a ghoul brain.’

He is a ghoul who uses his head.

A guy like that lives hidden in the forest?

what is the reason?

Too much to eat?

Is it because the monster’s violence has become stronger?

‘That’s nonsense.’

Because he has become intelligent, he knows that if he fights carelessly, he will lose.

That’s why I have the advantage and hold on.

Kreis decided that this was the true identity of the gray ghoul.

‘Well, if you mess up, you’ll get out on your own.’

I saw Encred get through a trap the other day using only intuition.

It was natural to have faith in him.

Two days later.

On the day of departure, Sinar joined us.

“Aren’t you busy?”

“I am a fairy.”

What he meant was that he couldn’t watch the monsters polluting the forest.

Fairies love the forest.

The plant did not show any fluctuating emotions, but it was full of life.

The creation of such a forest filled the fairy’s body with a certain power.

It is said that forest bathing can heal even fatal wounds.

Of course, this is assuming that the forest is healthy and lush.

“I will not forgive you in the name of a fairy.”

Encred nodded with dry determination.

No matter how you look at it, it didn’t seem like it was a step taken to protect the peace of the forest, but she also had no shortage of swords from the elite few.


After riding a wagon for a day, we set up camp, laid out stones, raised pots, and prepared a place to sleep.

Until this time, a single squad was sent off to look after the camp, turn on the lights, and keep watch.

On the way, I met three ghouls.

“I am.”

A squad unit of troops, led by the soldier who had followed from Green Pearl, dealt with them.

It is said that the number of ghouls has increased in spring, and they can be seen even on the highway.

There was even talk that it had become a more difficult road for peddlers.


The soldiers continued to cheer.

Three ghouls were lying on the floor without a single scratch.

The first and second guys cut off their heads, and the third guy cut off their legs, then threw a rock from afar and smashed their heads.

The third ghoul was more agile than the two.

Not all monsters were the same.

There was such a thing as individual differences.

The squad tactics with that in mind were impressive.

Two relatively good soldiers bought time by stabbing the nimble ghoul with a spear.

Armed with a javelin and a shield, it was effective.

Encred evaluated the squad’s strength as not bad.

‘If only I learned the basics more.’

The basic technique he thinks starts with running next to the river of death.

Although you are actually running in the plains towards Green Pearl, the effect is that you can see the River of Death while running.

This is definitely not good news for them.

So I slept for a day, took a detour for a few days, and came close to the land of gray ghouls.

Everyone walked well, including the squad troops.

“Then let’s go back.”

Encred nodded towards the commander who showed military courtesy.

Encred sent his troops back and looked around.

After settling down in the vacant lot in front of the forest with a gloomy vibe.

“Let’s go tomorrow morning.”

Fighting monsters at night is foolish.

“Let’s do that.”

Rem answered.

No matter how confident you are in your skills, should you take risks on purpose?

In exchange for only one night’s camping?

Encred didn’t do that.

And as soon as the sun rose the next day, Encrid, Rem, Audin, Dunbakel, Teresa, and Sinar entered the land of ghouls.

* * *

A shallow fog obscured the view, and gray trees once again narrowed the range of vision.

Beyond that, a sour, musty smell and damp air flowed through the fog.

“It’s a place where you can get sick just by breathing.”

Rem said, stepping on rustling, gray leaves.

That was right.

The breath you breathe in through your nose travels through your airways and reaches your lungs.

In the process, my sensitivity, trained through sensory skills, caught something cloudy mixed in the air.

If you stay there for a long time, poison accumulates in your body.

‘They say he’s a ghoul with brains.’

There must have been a reason why they chose this place as their base.

Otherwise, they could have transformed the environment after making it their home base.

Of course, I already knew this fact.

Was there not enough information?

However, the venom was thicker than I thought.

A sick person would develop lung disease in less than two days.

All of the company members, including Encred, who was extremely healthy, would feel uncomfortable even if they camped here for a whole month, but they would not suffer from lung disease.

Based on their physical strength and strength, their health status was also outside of the normal range.

“Shut up!”

After smelling the disturbing air several times, a ghoul came out.

Encrud knew that there were six opponents using his sixth sense based on sound.

It rushes through the trees, kicking the ground violently.

Since Encred was in the lead, he naturally took a step forward.


With my left thumb, I pushed up the scabbard and the clasp that held the sword in place.

After holding the sword with my right hand, I opened my senses further.

It has nostrils that appear as two flat holes, skin that is almost dark gray, well-developed leg muscles, and long arms.

If I let the claws at the end bend forward and dig into the flesh, it would seem like I would have to sacrifice a lot of flesh.

Black eyes, eyes without pupils, drew a black line through the gray forest.

He sees it all, hears the rushing sound, and calculates the speed of the rushing ghouls in the realm of his sixth sense.

There was no need for a fast sword, a flowing sword, or even a heavy sword.

Encred believed that the silver weapon in his hand would do its job well.

Moreover, since I had come to catch the King of Gray Ghouls, I was thinking of conserving my strength.

Optimal movement and minimal movement path are what is needed for that: acceleration of thinking.

As the quickness of thinking, or the speed of thinking, became faster, Encred’s Jeonggeomsik developed further.

No, it didn’t stop with progress.

Rem’s beastly instincts captured what Encred lacked, and sparring helped him develop that.

Encred also knew his own shortcomings well.

“You need to recognize your shortcomings to improve your skills.”

These are the words of a mercenary I met in the city.

Although he wasn’t a swordsman instructor, he gave me a lot of advice on various practical skills, which was very helpful.

Encred tested and experimented with the wisdom of battle and life he had gathered into pieces and turned it into experience points.

It’s been like this all along.

It was the same this time too.

So, it was the same after experiencing the knight’s sword and sparring with Rem and others.

Encred focused on filling in what was lacking.

It was time to show the results.

Three from the left, two from the right, one kicked the ground and ran upward.


This is the moment when you hear the sound of a ghoul breaking a thin tree branch blocking your path, and the ghoul’s claws and gray body block your view.

Encred’s hands and feet moved.

As always, it started with the feet.

Pull out the sword with your right hand, using your left foot as an axis.

The one that attacked from above was first.

Dot and dot.

Afterwards, I gently connected all the dots with lines.


Snap, pop, pop, pop!

After splitting the enemy attacking from above your head vertically, add strength to your left hand and push your right hand to the left.

He retrieved his right hand, which he had pushed out, and swung his sword to the left from Encred’s standard.

Two of the ghoul’s heads were caught by the extended blade and split apart at an angle.

The first one had his head blown off from his right eye to his head, and the second one had his head blown off.

Black blood and brains splattered in the air.

In the meantime, Encred shifted his focus to his right foot, twisted his body slightly, pulled out his gladius with his right hand, and stabbed it towards the right twice in a row, then twisted his wrist and hit the remaining guy on the head with the blade.

It was a series of complex movements, but all movements were performed within one breath.

As if it were a promise, it was like a continuous series of precise movements that had been trained through repeated training.

‘Sparring helped me a lot.’

Among the ways to train your true swordsmanship, the most important thing is experience.

That experience wasn’t enough.

Sparring and hard work were also added to it.

It was thanks to that.

Encred was able to show his fourth sword skill here.

The first is the snake sword.

The second is lightning strike.

The third is a crushing sword.

This was the fourth time.

In a way, the battle a little while ago just made the ghoul look stupid.

Because these stupid bastards seemed to run to the sword on their own.

This was possible because the opponent was forced to move.

Everything from the timing of your steps, the angle of your body, and even the position of your hands made you want the ghoul to rush in one direction.

Encred named this ‘Capturing Sword’.

It was a straight sword method that restricted the opponent’s movements.

Originally, swordsmanship had to be learned in a slightly modified way to suit one’s body, but Encred went further than that.

We keep creating new sword techniques.

What Encred did naturally was actually the most ideal path.

It was truly the path to becoming a knight and the path to learning proper swordsmanship.

Looking at Encred like that, Rem realized that he had contributed a lot.

Moreover, I left a short congratulations because I know very well how helpful the work I am doing now will be.

“Are you kidding me with a ghoul?”

Encred nodded at Rem’s blessing.

“Let’s do more.”

It is a sword that has just sprouted.

No matter what Rem said, my first thought was to swing a little more and train a little more.

“Leave some for me too.”

Dunvakel left a harsh remark, but after that, while the group of ghouls attacked six times, none of the party members other than Encrid wielded a weapon.


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