Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 336

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Land of Gray Ghouls Rem threw the ax in his left hand.

The moment my left arm drew a circle, the ax in my hand came closer to my eyes faster than an arrow.

In Encred’s eyes, a vertical light seemed to flash.

The feeling of avoidance reacted, and my body moved.

The blade was raised forward to block the path of the ax that had become a disk.

If you look at it from the side, it was at the same time that Rem’s arm moved.


The ax flew to the side with a light sound.

The grip was heavy.

The force contained in the flying ax was by no means small.

He blocks the ax thrown by Encred.

As Rem’s left hand touched his waist, a stone rose into the air.

It seemed like a meaningless act.

Isn’t that all it takes to throw a rock upward?

Thanks to the act of throwing stones, a gap was created, and Encred did not miss it.

I shortened my pace and activated ‘Instant’ Will, sparking a spark.

It was a sword technique called lightning stabbing.

Starting with the thigh muscles, use the elasticity of the whole body to jump like crazy.

Previously, today, I wandered around the battlefield again and again.

After seeing the knight’s sword, I trained it again and again, and now it has become an extremely smooth sword.

The beam of light that even Rem could not ignore became a dot and flew away.


Rem turned the remaining ax to the side without throwing it.

When he blocked the sparks with the face of the axe, the ax blade caved in and the sparks penetrated the ax blade half a span in length.

Simultaneous with penetration.

The sparkling blade began to twist sideways.

The moment the spark pierced the ax blade, Rem twisted his wrist and released strength.

If it weren’t for that, I would have put a dot on Rem’s head beyond the ax blade.

Rem also knew how to use a sword.

He was also very skilled at that.

He is the most outstanding among the unit members when it comes to weapon handling skills.

It was acknowledged.

Encred pulled the spark flowing to the side.


The blade that pierced the iron was pulled out.

Since the power of a heavy sword was applied to the instantaneous acceleration, this level of power was natural.

Encred tried to throw away his sword again, but Rem took out a sling from his arms and swung it over his head. With that movement, the stone he had thrown earlier caught on the sling launcher made of leather.

Soon a whistling noise rang in my ears.

It was a series of movements that seemed like a set play.

Rem had anticipated this and made his move.

It is the application of Jeong Geom-sik to determine the direction of the fight using anticipation, prediction, calculation, and quick thinking.

‘I took a hit.’

Encred had also trained the unknown Jeonggeomsik, and here he realized that his calculations were one step behind.


As soon as the noise was heard, stones flew.

It was a speed that could not be compared to the dagger that Saxony was throwing.

It is several times faster than the ax that flew earlier.

The sense of avoidance set off alarm bells.

Encred felt a burning heat in his eyes and head.

My concentration flared up like never before.

Avoid stones by relying on your sixth sense, the sense of evasion activated with all your might.

I threw my body to the side with my left foot as the axis.

A rock pinged past my hair and flew backwards.

A popping sound was heard from behind.

It felt like a rock had fallen from the sky.

Encred didn’t even have time to catch his breath.

I dodged the stone, but had to make room for the ax blade that flew later.

It was because my posture had collapsed.


Encrid took a short breath, swallowed, and swung his silver long sword vertically from bottom to top.

He used a double sword vertical slash in the reverse direction.

Then Rem’s ax stopped flying and returned.


It was a trick.

If it’s a trick that can be deceived even in the realm of the sixth sense, it means that it was sincere right before the attack.

Afterwards, a second rock came flying at Encred and while he was dodging it again, he almost got his neck scratched by the ax blade.

If it had been scratched like that, half of its neck would have been cut and it would have almost fallen.


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Why did you survive?

I reflexively tilted my neck back, and at the last moment, Rem also relaxed.

“Then you could die.”

Rem took a few breaths and spoke.

“Then let’s enjoy it properly.”

Encred fell to the floor and got up to answer.

“What happens when you fall while sparring?”

Is that something you enjoy?

Rem asked back, looking truly amazed at this bastard.

Encred answered without changing his expression.



“You crazy bastard.”

Rem couldn’t hold back and revealed his true feelings, but the sparring continued afterwards.

In particular, Encred has learned more and more new things.

In particular, I learned how to use various weapons from Rem.

“Ash, what is the best training method to deal with weapons such as axes, spears, maces, and flails?”

I do not know.

Didn’t answer.

Rem didn’t wait for an answer either.

These words came out after a fortnight of sparring that felt like half-dipping in the river of death.

“Try it yourself.”

Encred did just that.

For the rest of the fortnight, I tried using maces, axes, spears, and halberds.

Rem used all of those weapons as skillfully as an axe.

Encred’s experience has now gone beyond the acceptable level.

He quickly figured out a few tricks and put them into practice.

It wasn’t difficult to learn the basics if you had the hang of it.

“No, shit, it’s this slow?”

Although Rem expressed his dissatisfaction even more.

Afterwards, it was a repetition of sparring, training, and training.

Anyway, Encred found this time truly valuable.

I also felt that it was valuable.

Soon the moment came to utilize that precious time.

The conversation was already over.

“Now, this guy is a gray ghoul.

“It’s dangerous.”

This is Chrys, who was busy walking around.

He asked me about work.

To be precise, it was a matter of linking up with the center and giving credit to this side, but the process was none of Encred’s business.

I’m just a little happy that a proper match, which is impossible through sparring, has come.

That didn’t mean we had to leave right away, and finishing what we were doing was the first priority.

The sparring wasn’t over yet, so today was the day to compete with Audin.

“Uh, wait.

“I’m coming after finishing it.”

It is a day in spring, when winter has ended and spring has begun.

Kreis was unable to stop his captain.

No, there was no need to stop him.

Dealing with the ghouls was not an urgent task.

He waited for Encred and his companions near the brazier.

Although it is spring, the wind is still chilly.

The gentle heat of the furnace warmed my body.

I was sleepy.

Kreis waited and thought this was the first step toward the Border Guard’s own development.

There were many good reasons for that.

Kreis’ eyes gradually closed.

Even while I was dozing off, I was organizing what I wanted to say in my head.

* * *

The boatman looked beyond the image at the human being who was now entangled and bound to him.

I saw death.

It was seen several times.

Even though it was not a wall, it was a struggle to die alone.

So, it was just that he was so crazy about training that he didn’t take care of his own life.

Do you believe in repeating today?

It wasn’t like that.

I knew it just by looking at it.

It was just because he was crazy.

Does that mean he’s dead?

No, even when he should have died, he barely survived.

Is this skill or luck?

The boatman judged it to be a skill.

The combination of my opponent’s skills and my own skills twisted certain death.

‘Well, are there all these bastards?’

Today’s boatman spoke lightly.

He observed his opponent.

I won’t leave any praise anymore.

On the contrary, he is a person who listens to those words and uses them as motivation to move forward.

So just watch it now… … .

“You crazy bastard.”

As I said it again, today’s boatman’s personality was agitated.

He couldn’t stand it anymore and left his words in Encred’s mind, who fainted for a moment.

It was high praise.

Encred, who had briefly entered the world of images, opened his eyes and tilted his head.

Boatmen lived for a long time, and most people who lived for a long time developed insight through experience.

He read the words with just his eyes.

I heard the meaning.

Encred’s eyes were filled with a question as to whether he was busy.


The boatman shouts.

The image world became blurred.

In fact, it wasn’t busy at all.

Because sightseeing was his life and everything.

* * *

Encred opened his eyes and thought back to the last moment.

Auddin’s fist bent and hit his head.

The flow, process, and trajectory were clear in my memory.

‘I took the steps.’

I made an evasive maneuver, and Audin also used his feet.

Regardless of the size of its body, its feet were extremely nimble.

Normally, when you receive a shock like this, the memory of that moment is cut off, but whether it was because of the heart of the beast or because of the effort to capture the opponent’s afterimage, skills, traces, momentum, etc. in your body until the last moment, there was no memory cut off.

‘I broke it right before it reached me.’

Shock flowed through my body.

It is a skill I learned from Audin and am now familiar with.

“It was inspired by the company commander’s snake sword.”

Audin struck again with a new technology.

Encred felt it again.

Audín is also a genius.

You looked at my sword and made something to use it.

In fact, Rem, Saxony, and Ragna were all similar.

They were all geniuses.

However, there is no need to feel deprived again.

After sparring and entering the barracks, I saw Kreis sitting at a table with a brazier on his head.

I was sitting in a chair and dozing off.

I felt like I wasn’t getting enough sleep.

Esther was also in one corner.

She looked at Encred indifferently.

“Are you here?”

This is a greeting.


He went back and forth between a leopard and a human, but today he was a human.

He was still wearing a black robe, and unlike before, he wore a soft dark red shirt underneath the robe.

I told him to cover up the inside of his robe, and he did.

It was a very fitting outfit.

“Oh, are you here?”

Kreis opened his eyes at the sight.

I ended up taking an untimely nap because he said he was going to spar with me, saying only that he was a gray ghoul.

Although it was brief, it was refreshing.

“Ugh, I’ve been pushing myself too hard lately.

“If there is some precious medicine, I need to take it, but Saxony is not coming back?”

The person who airlifted various medicines to Kreis was Saxony.

He even saved some of them himself, but Saxony was more specialized in medicinal herbs and tonic medicine.

“It will come when the time comes.”

Encred truly thought so.

Kreis didn’t bother to look for him either.

“Now, shall we start explaining?”

Kreis said, rolling his eyes.

In everything, precedence and consequence are important, and cause and effect are also important.

There is a difference between knowing and doing something without knowing.

That was Kreis’s opinion.

However, Rem and his unit members had different thoughts.

Ragnar has been sleeping a lot these days.

Rem went to one side and made a sling or sharpened the weapon that Encred had obtained with a whetstone.

Managing the weapon in one’s hand was a basic skill of a warrior.

For that matter, I think I wrote it roughly in the past.

Well, things are different now.

Something happened where a young knight jumped out.

I know because I heard it too.

‘When you come out, you can’t just watch.’

There is no article about where he was born and raised.

Instead, there are those who call them warriors.

It means a brave person.

There was a reason why it was called that.

Come to think of it, did you say that beastmen also call those who stand out among them heroes?

It was none of Rem’s business.

However, what will you do if a tribe of knights appears?

What does it take to avoid being bullied?

It was similar to what Encred did.

It is discipline and training.

Rem did the same.

I rolled harder in an unseen place.

So, fatigue built up.

The past few months have been like a rush without even being able to breathe.

‘This is the first time in my life that I have worked this hard.’

Except for the time when I first picked up a weapon, it seemed like I worked harder than I did back then.

Encred’s skills also increased, so it wasn’t easy to deal with him.

Every moment was like walking on thin ice.

If you make a mistake, you either lose or get killed.

The risk was lowered by teaching Encred how to use weapons that he was unfamiliar with, but he wouldn’t be a crazy bastard if he was satisfied with that.

‘Anyway, you’re a crazy person.’

Rem came to the same conclusion as usual and lay down.

It was already over and I went to the bathhouse.

The aftereffects of soaking in hot water returned to drowsiness.

Auddin was absent because it was time to pray, and Dunbakhel and Teresa were not very interested.

Esther, there was absolutely no interest whatsoever in the first place.

Only Encred remained, but this was also what Chrys expected.

Since when do people listen intently to explanations?

He only looked at Encred and opened his mouth.

At least I’m glad to hear that he’s a captain.

If this person didn’t listen, isn’t that a problem?

“Do you know that there are dangers around the Border Guard?”

Kreis’ speech was long, but Encrid was, as expected, an excellent listener.

And even though it was long, Kreis knew how to summarize and say the main points.

This was it.

There are three places around the Border Guard that are like demonic scenes that threaten this area.

One of them needs to be dealt with.

It is a place called the Land of Gray Ghouls, and because it is located in the southwest of Border Guard, it was also the reason for the trade route between the western territories to be diverted.

“Yes, this is it.”

Aside from that, I also knew about political reasons, that is, internal reasons as to why this wasn’t dealt with until now.

‘Will I hear what I say?’

It already seemed like he wasn’t interested.


See, Encred only showed interest in the monsters I could cut down and kill.

In the meantime, Chrys spat the same words to everyone who was looking for Encred.

“We are preparing for an important match next spring.

There will be changes in the area, so it would be a good idea to prepare for that.”

“What is that change?”

He was a nobleman under Count Molsen who came to visit one day.

Of course, it was not Viscount Bantra who had attacked him earlier.

Perhaps because of the previous fight, his feelings were hurt, but he did not extend a hand of wooing to Encred.

Looking at that, Kreis once again felt that Count Molsen’s vessel was amazing.

‘I can’t believe you did something like that and then asked me to come under you.’

Were there one or two problems that arose because the Count ignored them?

Moreover, there are also cases where secret efforts were made.

I even sent someone under my command to threaten the Border Guard.

There was no evidence, but the suspicion was clear.

If you are determined and look for evidence, you will find it.

Well, since denying it means nothing, finding evidence is of course meaningless.

“The size of the border guard will increase.”

Beyond the castle and into the territory.

All I had to do was subtly say that I was preparing for that.

Encred was the sword for that.

So the border guards do that on their own?

You called the previous castle owner Marcus and discussed treason?

Any increase in size required central permission.

In other words, it is directly handled by the royal palace.


If Encred is taken away by a nearby nobleman, it will be a disgrace to the face of the royal palace.

Having said this, Kreis naturally needed to follow up with actions to prove his words.

The beginning was the eradication of gray ghouls.

Although he said this subtly with political dynamics mixed in, Encred had no interest in it.

Kreis finished speaking.

What more can I say?

He’s already full of thoughts about going out and fighting.

However, it won’t take any risk.

Because the captain is that kind of person.

‘I’ll take care of it.’

The captain does the captain’s work.

Kreis would just have to do his own thing.

It was already doing that.


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