Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 335

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It’s training.

There were still people coming to see if you were a nobleman, a merchant, or a mayor from some city, but Encred didn’t care anymore.

Still, it was okay.

Kreis was blocking well in the middle.

When I told him to use a number, he really did.

“You mean I came all the way here and didn’t meet even a single soldier from the city?”

Even if an old noble comes to visit.

“Yes, I can’t meet you.”

Kreis responded like a doll.

They say that sometimes there are people who show force.

“Let’s fight?”

There was Proc Meelun, who became Krys’s bodyguard.

It was rare for people to be big enough to take on Frog’s threats.

Encred and its surroundings were strange, but this was normal.

However, it wasn’t like Kreis was forcing him out or using force to drive him out.

“We are preparing for an important battle.”

With a suitable excuse.

“It’s hands-on work from the center.”

The background was the royal palace.

Noble brats were blocked with this, and merchants had no need to step forward themselves.

“If you have anything to say, go to the top of Lochfried.

“They signed an exclusive contract with Seongju.”

It was enough to pass it on.

Leona Lockfried was indeed a talented person.

I cooked and handled everything on my own, including small and medium-sized businesses.

“Is the name Lochfried that light?”

Just putting the name at the top is half the problem.

It didn’t matter if a nobleman of some size came.

What they wanted was to secure trade routes and generate profits through Encred.

Leona promised them that.

“Trade routes will become wider.

“We can’t eat it all with just one top anyway.”

Naturally, the merchants who had been sticking their heads out to get a good look at Encred flocked to Leona.

She selected and selected the good ones among them.

Understanding and extracting the value of items was her specialty.

After watching his performance, it was a very satisfying appointment for Kreis.

‘I can’t believe that a complicated matter can be ended so simply by showing the leader’s face.’

If it weren’t for Encred, he and Leona might still be coordinating various small details.

I can’t say that Encred was the reason I put all the little things aside and took on this job.

It truly is a precious face.

As expected, he was a great man who would become the salon’s signature and ace.

Just because Kryis was so good at blocking, that didn’t mean Encred was idle.

No, now I’m busy doing what I really want.


Since I was crazy about sparring, I had no intention of not being busy.

“Be careful not to die.”

Encred occasionally engaged in sparring, even training Rem’s speaking skills.

Dalian was rough.

On the outside, it may have seemed like a crazy thing to do, risking half your life, but it was helpful to both Encred and Rem.

Of course, Dunbakhel and Theresa also joined, and Auddin also helped.

Only Ragna was missing.

He sometimes waved his sword in the air or fell into a meditative drowsiness.

Everyone except Ragna was secretly surprised when they saw Encred.

I couldn’t help but do that.

‘When did this happen?’

Dunbakhel felt the gap widening even further.

Teresa now saw a wall that she could not overcome even with all the strength and tricks of the mixed-race giant.

Of course, whether it was a wall or a gap, neither of them gave up.

There is someone climbing up from the floor in front of me.

I couldn’t discuss giving up in front of someone like that.

Both emotionally and physically.

“give up?

it’s hard?

Ah, our prisoner has had a hard time.


That’s possible, so should I just die?

“If it’s too hard, you should die.”


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Even if Dunbakel shows signs of giving up, Rem will step forward.

“Sister, you said in the temple that sometimes a different shock makes you forget the original pain.”

Audin will also not hesitate to come forward and personally inflict shock and physical violence on Teresa.

Of course, neither of them said those words out loud.

‘I also.’

Teresa only made a promise.

The same was true for Dunbakhel.

The two women also got used to the attitude of looking upward and moving forward again.

My mindset has clearly changed from before.

Since they both have listening ears, I heard what kind of person Encred was and how he got to where he is.

If you listen to the words of Rem and other soldiers around him, Encred’s beginnings were humble.

It was truly weak.

“He was below me at one time, and his face was a little better than mine.”

The source of the new sound was a writer named Benjens, but there was no other content even when listening to other soldiers.

A mercenary who was at the level of a low-level soldier.

That was Encred.

That man has now become a completely different being.

He was a city hero and a battlefield hero, and he became the person who made most of the border guard’s kids practice playing games with wooden swords.

Is it as the temple says that the beginning was humble, but the end is grand?

Teresa had that thought too.

Dunbakhel is.

‘I won’t fall behind.’

Suddenly, I bit my molars and struggled.

Without even realizing it, she was following a trend similar to Encred’s struggles.

Naturally, it was none of Encred’s business to know how beastmen and mixed-blood giants viewed him.

In addition to training and sparring, he also spent his time visiting blacksmith shops.

No, it had to be sent that way.

I’m not impatient, but I can’t let time pass by easily.

Haven’t you seen the knight’s sword?

He even pretended to block by striking his sword first.

It was only once, but by sharing the sword with the knight, Encred’s world became wider and the starlight on the road became brighter.

The dream that came as a messenger has become starlight and gone away.

The remnants of that light illuminated the path.

It’s natural to feel more motivated than before.

This is why training, which appears to some to be a series of harsh and painful experiences, brings unprecedented joy and joy to Encred.

“What is this?”

The self-proclaimed best blacksmith of the Border Guard examined the sword gifted to him by an enemy quasi-knight again and again.

Silver blade and finish, even a grip wrapped in demonic leather and a round pommel.

“It’s not ordinary workmanship.”

When they showed me the gladius and sparks, my eyes almost rolled back.

The blacksmith’s eyes sparkled.

“The manufacturing technique is different. It is not a human weapon.”

He has a great eye and recognizes the value of Spark and Gladius.

“Are you going to use three sacks?”

We had seen each other for a long time.

The blacksmith still spoke comfortably.

He was a craftsman whose work was more important than his position as a company commander.

There are guilds where blacksmiths gather together to protect their interests, but there was no such guild in the Border Guard.

Unless they were making agricultural tools, most of them were in the military.

He is a person who has challenged himself to develop his skills rather than lead a stable life by belonging to a guild or something.

Encred respected his craftsmen.

I thought this person was also running after a dream similar to mine.

“I just do it because it’s work.

“What is the use of such grandiose words?”

Of course, if you ask him directly, he might say something like nonsense.

Still, pride will be high.

Encred thought back to his dream while looking at the blacksmith.

I think it’s because my motivation has soared so much these days.

the blacksmith asked, still not taking his eyes off the three swords.

“What are you asking me to do?”

“I wrote it poorly, but I thought it would be good if you could take a look.

Also, I made 50 thin but well-centered throwing knives and a good iron plate for the gaiters, and the gauntlets were all worn out, so I had to replace all the armor… … .”

For a mercenary, good equipment was like another life.

That’s the same now that I’ve become a quasi-knight and am using Will, even if it’s fragments.

‘What if what I had in my hand when I received the knight’s sword was a cheap long sword?’

That must have been strangely annoying and annoying.

Above all, a good weapon that fits well in one’s hand is what makes a swordsman happy.

That may also be part of the skill.

In that respect, it was arrogant for the driver who came earlier not to bring my favorite bottle.

It’s too much confidence.

Thanks to that, I escaped, but will I really have to learn that arrogance?

Or, since we have seen the failure caused by arrogance, should we try not to do that ourselves?

Encred chose the latter.

Crona was also invested in equipment and armor.

“What is the price?”

“To the castle.”


The cost will be covered by Seongju.

The craftsman repaired the blades of the three swords, sharpened them with a whetstone, and examined them thoroughly.

There was nothing wrong with everything.

While working as a mercenary, Encred also learned quite a bit about weapon maintenance, but it was different from the craftsman’s skills.

But isn’t it true that you can’t just learn it and neglect your training?

“Oh, I’d like to see some maces and axes in the spear and blunt weapons category. Do you have any made?”

In the meantime, Encred ordered a few more weapons.

In fact, it was a level that required a variety of weapons, not just a few.

At those words, the father-in-law looked at Encred.

I was only looking at the sword and equipment, and now I looked directly into the eyes.

It seemed like he was asking what I was going to use it for.

“Yes, I will use it.”

I needed it, so I ordered it, and when I ordered it, the blacksmith just nodded.

I knew he knew too.

How could the reputation that has been unleashed on the battlefield thus far escape the ears of a blacksmith?

Even if his request was more bizarre, I would listen to it without saying a word.

The blacksmith was momentarily distracted by the three swords and then thought.

Could a better sword be made than this?

One day, I will challenge myself and show that sword to the man in front of me first.

I definitely planned to do that.

If the opponent likes my sword, then we will discuss Crona.

“I will send a few weapons along with the equipment later.”


Afterwards, there was a time to focus on training again.

“It tightens the muscles and gives them strength.

That way you can get muscles of steel.”

It’s early morning training time.

Encred did not tilt his head at Audin’s words, but he did ask a question.

“Are you saying that your body won’t get hurt even if you get hit by a knife?”

“That’s right, brother.

“You understood well.”

It doesn’t make sense.

I didn’t say that, though.

“It’s possible.”

Auddin spoke first.

Even before I asked what happened.

“You probably already know how.

“It’s not a bad thing to ask and answer, but isn’t it sometimes better to find out on your own?”

There was an answer to my question.

Encred nodded.

After that, a ridiculous process of training awaited me.

Audin held a hammer with a thick cloth on the end.

“What should I do with that?”

Dunbakkel asked.

It was a voice full of anxiety.

“It’s discipline.


If you want, you can stand in line.”

Dunbakhel did not stand in line.

She thought this wasn’t it.

Maybe someday, but not now.

I want to absorb everything about Encred, but it’s better to put this off until later.

However, Encred silently followed Auddin’s teachings.

That was the result.


It was simple.

Give force and hit.

That was it.

Auddin struck Encred’s side with a cloth-covered hammer.

It wasn’t a very hard knock, but it was a blow that would have shattered a normal person’s ribs and made his internal organs tremble.

“Hoo, good!”

Auddin struck with moderate force.

He estimated the durability of Encred’s body just by looking at it.

And Encred was right.

“Isn’t that just torture?”

This is what Kreis said as he passed by.

It was a sight that I couldn’t take my eyes off, even though I was making fun of how busy I was.

“It’s all training that becomes flesh and blood.

Please stand in line if you wish.


“If you do it to me, it’s murder.


Kreis spoke extremely seriously and then ran.

He ran away without his feet being seen.

Okay, go.

Encred took a deep breath as he watched Chrys walking away.


“It strengthens the core, the center of the body.

The moment it shakes, it goes somewhere.


Audin’s words were heard, and soon the hammer wrapped in cloth struck his side again.


Shock ran through my entire body.

A thrill struck my brain.

‘Are you enjoying it?’

Encred thought to himself as he felt the pain.

Could it be that Audin enjoys being hit?

The corners of his mouth seemed to go up higher than usual.

He normally has a gentle smile on his face, but he seems to be smiling a little more now.

On the outside, that smile seemed truly benevolent.

But you shouldn’t be deceived by appearances.

‘The devil comes with the face of an angel.’

Encred repeated the words of the temple that he had heard and memorized without realizing it.

“I’m looking forward to the day when I can unwrap the fabric.


Bundling up a piece of cloth and throwing it around was also crossing the line, but Audin said the following.

Encred smiled softly.

“I also.”

In fact, it would be useless if this was meaningless, but that was not the case.


Will, willpower moved.

Something derived from the Will of Rejection took over my body and did something similar to rejection.

Are you refusing to be shocked?


It was different from that.

It was about enduring.

Among the techniques used by knights, there were several standardized techniques.

Intimidation was also one of them.

This is also the reason why there are many semi-engineers who made it their specialty.

Because I saw coercion as the basic level.

Naturally, there were other arts as well.

One of them, which has been standardized and widely known, is ‘Endure’.

Also called the power of endurance, it was originally a skill of the Holy Knights, but has now been spread throughout the Knights Templar.

If you look at its utility.

‘An instinctive reaction that occurs at the moment of being hit.’

It was like armor wrapped around my body so that I could ignore it.

If you use this skillfully and wear it all over your body, it will become the basic skill of a knight.

Then, you will have a body that cannot be cut by a blade.


This was the reason why the brown-haired knight was surprised when he was cut by Ragnar’s sword.

Also, Encred knew.


You cannot build a body that can withstand a blade by simply training your muscles.

But what happens if you surround your body with will as if it were armored with iron armor?

This is a milestone that comes to mind again.

Was it motivated by seeing such ignorant training?

I didn’t know.

The sparring between Encred and Rem also contained an unprecedented level of extremeness.

“You can’t just treat it like before.

It has increased a lot.


Rem grabbed two axes, and Encred made a knife mark on his cheek after 16 fights.

So that’s what I’m saying.

“Oh, did it hurt?

“I should have looked after you.”

“Well, let’s do that.

“Let’s die today.”

“I’ll burn it and sprinkle it in the river.”

The abbreviated words could not have been more provocative.

What will you burn and scatter?

It’s ashes.

It meant you had to die.

Are you saying it like that?

Rem felt a little impatient at Ragnar’s change.

I felt that something had to change.

So the training time increased.

I started swinging the ax in the air.

Full of motivation moves my body.

This kind of provocation didn’t feel bad.

Rem’s mood changed.

Even after seeing that, Encred said what he wanted to say.

“It’s a sling?”

Hearing words urging him to use a new weapon, Rem became so immersed that he forgot about his surroundings and took out the weapon.


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