Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 334

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What was inside your head?

When I woke up in the morning, I practiced the technique of isolation with Audin, and later I practiced slowly swinging my sword and controlling every single muscle movement, and then continued my sparring with Rem.

While eating meals in between meals, I also ate herbal pies and other items as snacks.

Since the amount of activity was different, eating and packing were also different.

Eating a lot was basic.

Aside from eating, sleeping, and sleeping, Encred moved around like crazy.

The first thing I did as soon as I fully recovered was to destroy the barracks.

after that?

Encred knew how to observe himself, so he pondered and trained again.

No matter how hard Kreis tried, no more people came.

I was very happy about that.

So, he had declared that he would not even accept the Gilpin Guild rebate.

Then, when I went to the front of the barracks to meet just one person, I saw an unexpected face.

“Have you become more handsome?”

It’s something you say to yourself while laughing.

That smile and face were familiar.

It was Leona Lochfried.

He is the owner of one of the merchants and a friend I spent the night with before.

As Encred watched in silence, Leona asked with a smile.

“You haven’t forgotten my name, right?”

“How could you forget?”

He was a very impressive person.

I asked if we could become friends.

Friend, the words coming from the mouth of a woman who had gotten rid of the son of the previous head of the top and took over the top were extremely refreshing.

We ate herbal pie, drank pumpkin soup, and looked around the market together.

We stayed up all night, joking and talking about various things.

It’s hard to become close friends right away just because you said you wanted to be friends.

But the goodwill remained.

It is a feeling of liking as a human being that has nothing to do with the opposite sex.

Leona, who became the owner of the business, appeared wearing neat leather pants, a white shirt, and a fur vest.

The shirt was also of unusual thickness, and to be honest, Encred was a fabric I had never seen before.

The thought that came to mind when I saw that was that it would be nice to weave that fabric thicker and use it as the lining of the Gambison.

He was like a human being who only thought about fighting, battles, and swords.

Anyway, the two faced each other in front of the barracks, and Kreis, who was watching from the side, muttered.

“Where does it come from that you’re handsome?”

Encred didn’t even shave his beard and didn’t wash after sweating.

It was time to cut my hair, but it was messy because I hadn’t touched it, and it was wet with sweat and then half-dry.

It means it’s tricky.

Kreis twitched his nose.

Moreover, it doesn’t even smell good.

In Kreis’s opinion, the best thing to attract a woman wasn’t the face.

The first thing was definitely the atmosphere.

Even if he is a handsome man with exceptionally large eyes, high nose bridge, and thick lips, he cannot beat the atmosphere.

So what creates that atmosphere?

It was a complex thing.

‘Scent, eyes, attitude, appearance, well-trained body.’

Of course, appearance is included, but that is not everything.

That’s the atmosphere Kreis thinks of.

So is Encred’s current atmosphere really fatal to women?

A swordsman who is crazy about sparring might not know this, but this is not the moment to be attacked by a woman.

Absolutely not.

The two letters ‘Devil’ were almost embarrassing.

“I told you to take a shower and come back.”

“It’s a waste of time.”

Encred answered Chrys’ words without even turning his head.

He was thinking about the past and ruminating on the experience of that time.

It would be more accurate to say that there was no need to turn your head.

‘One night’s rest.’

There were no signs or physical contact with the opposite sex.

We just had a conversation.

I rested.

What did Encred himself gain at the end of that break?

I couldn’t forget it if I wanted to.

It’s a feeling.

After reflecting on the trajectory of swinging the sword, the steps taken before that, and the movements of the shoulders, I realized how to quickly draw a line connecting dots.

It is time to acquire some of the concept of fast.

It wasn’t important what I learned at that time.


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The process was important.

As I thought about the process, I remembered the feeling I had at that time.

But it wasn’t something I was going to do right now.

This was closer to fine-tuning the direction.

Since you are already on the right path, it should be said that this is of some help.

So now is the time to welcome a friend I haven’t seen in a long time, Encred thought.

“It’s really changed.”

Leona, who was looking intently into Encred’s eyes, said.

She is a top seller.

He was a merchant.

It was natural that he had a unique eye for seeing people.

When I said that things had changed positively, I was half joking, but half serious.

Appearance wasn’t the problem.

The atmosphere was different from when I saw it before.

‘It’s strange.’

It has changed.

It’s hard to pinpoint something.

Leona just felt it through intuition.

It was a woman’s sense and a sense of supremacy.

Well, since he changed, wouldn’t he have accomplished a feat and made his name widely known to those around him?

There was no place in the capital or the surrounding cities where Encred’s name was not heard.

“Have your wrinkles increased?”

Encred calmly joked.

“Are you trying to make fun of me?”

Leona accepted.

The two exchanged eye smiles.

Where should I drink tea?

Before Encred could think about it, Chrys motioned, and several soldiers prepared a table and chairs.

What is this preparedness?

Encred’s insight was extraordinary.

It occurred to me that there was a reason why Kreis had called me here.

“You can’t keep standing and talking, and the captain is busy.”

Kreis spoke, holding the sword with both hands and pretending to swing it.

Leona knew very well that she was crazy about training.

Didn’t we have a random sparring with the Border Guard before when something happened to the top?

Afterwards, Leona personally observed Encred’s training.

Encred glanced at Chryce.

Wangnuni even makes an appropriate excuse.

There was something.

Leona sat on the chair prepared by the soldier as if it didn’t matter.

His gaze was still on Encred.

After that, there was Mattis, the guard warrior I saw before.

Another man also appeared.

He was quite a handsome man with blond hair and blue eyes.

Speaking of Kreis, he was a person who knew how to set the mood.

He raised the corners of his mouth, smiled softly, and sat behind Leona.

“What brought you here?”

“Would you believe me if I told you I came to see my friend?”

“no way.”

“that’s right.

It’s the top job.

Still, it’s fun to see friends, isn’t it?”

Leona smiled as she spoke.

Encred also smiled.

I really thought it wasn’t a bad place.

However, the taste of the tea was terrible.

This is a car used to chase away visitors.

It comes out when you’re trying to tell someone to just get up and get up, so why bring this out here?

‘on purpose?’

It was natural.

Kreis’s intentions were revealed.

In fact, the way he pretended not to notice even when our eyes met for a moment was more than disgusting.

Encred focused on Leona.

There was talk about catching a few words.

“It’s amazing again.

Did you know that it has become incredibly famous?

I knew it would be like this.

“I had to somehow bring him to the top at that time.”

“Do you really need a knifeman on top that often?”

“You need it often.

“Because we are not a settled upper class.”

It’s miscellaneous knowledge.

It was fun to listen to.

At the top, there are two types: wandering and settling.

The two are often used interchangeably, but the Lochfried Merchant Marine is said to have much greater power than the Wandering Merchant Marine.

There were a lot of problems that arose because of that, but from the previous generation until now, there was no one in particular to depend on, so I had no choice but to mainly focus on wandering.

Unless Encred was a fool, he also understood the hidden meaning of Leona’s words.

It’s not that there was no one to be indebted to, but that there was no mutually beneficial relationship.

Even if there was, the opponent would have tried to swallow the upper part or stab him in the back.

All of those situations have become the present at the top of Lochfried.

Not having a place to settle, or a place of connection, means that it is difficult to exert influence within the region.

In order to take advantage of any place, there are many cases where you need to link up with the top of that place.

In such a situation, in order to make a profit, he would have created the Lochfried Sangnodo and entered into a deal with the Glacier Rangers, the Black Leather Guild, and the Shepherds of the Wilderness.

It’s impossible for merchants who do business with those three groups to be common.

That was the case at the top of Lochfried so far.

So should this continue to be the case?


They also need a home base.

It had to be a stable profit.

Especially when there is an evil energy hanging over the continent like now.

So where should you place your hometown?

‘A place where things change rapidly.’

A good place to make a profit.

A city whose value has been raised in the midst of an unstable domestic situation as a civil war may break out.

In other words, a place like Border Guard.

It was a perfect location for a hometown.

Encred roughly grasped the situation.

However, there was no talk about it.

Leona did the same.

If Kreis had called it to gain the upper hand in the agreement, it was a misjudgment.

Because they were meeting friends.

“What about marriage?”

“I didn’t.”

“What about that fairy?”

Leona whispered.

“You usually joke and call me your fiancé.”

“Tch, that’s not fun.”

“And what about Leona?”

“I promised to marry the top.”

“Is that true?”

“It’s a lie.

I have a fiancé, but I’m not sure yet.

It’s close to an arranged marriage, so if everything else goes well, I might not do it.

But I have no intention of taunting you, Enki.

If I get kicked once, it’s over.

So, I’m saying you should regret not giving in to my temptation back then.”

“Yes, I will sometimes.”

“Regrets should always be expressed in a serious way.”

“I’m busy.”

“Swinging a sword?”

“I understand.”

We both laughed as we joked around.

Encred felt like he had returned to his childhood for a moment.

A woman named Leona knew how to make others feel comfortable.

Is it your talent as a merchant, or is it an expression of consideration for others?

That wasn’t important.

It was just fun right now.

While we were exchanging a few words, Kreis suddenly intervened.

“It’s an arranged marriage, does that even make sense?”



“Oh, that’s right.

“I really don’t want it.”

“So, that’s right.

“Isn’t that right, Captain?”

“… … what.”

Cryce suddenly kicked Encred’s foot.

Then I pretended that I was thirsty and took a sip of tea.

Kreis said that it tasted like shit and that he would never eat it.

Encred also roughly understood the situation.

‘While we need a deal.’

The relationship between Krys and Leona is like that.

We didn’t serve tasteless tea for no reason.

It let me know that this was the kind of place.

Lochfried needs a settlement.

A border guard who needs a shield to block out annoying things around him.

The needs of both met.

I thought Encred was a really funny bastard.

He also showed why he had been called.

They are commonly referred to as handsome men, and they are trying to gain an advantage by using their friendship.

Now, you have a friend here too, are you going to do this?

What you are doing is truly shameful.

When Kreis was like this, there was only one reason.

“How much did you agree to receive?”

Encred asked.

There must have been a promise from Seongju.

Even though I said everything clearly, Kreis was not embarrassed.

When the gold coin was on the line, he was able to become a great actor, an excellent liar, and a standout witticism.


“What does that mean?”

“This is someone who came to see me as a friend.”

If you want to gain an advantage using friendship, it is right to think about the return.

Encred was also Leona’s friend.

“If you say something that will be misunderstood… … .”

“Ah, it’s okay.

Transactions must be clean and tidy.”

On the contrary, Leona takes his side.

To Encred, those words sounded like ‘I won’t be fooled by foolish tricks, but I won’t engage in such tricks either.’

“I’m going.”

Encred stood up.

Because I thought it wasn’t up to me to step forward from now on.

“see you next time.”

Leona smiled brightly and showed the back of her hand in greeting.

Encred held the hand and lightly placed his lips on the back of the hand before turning around.

This is proper etiquette.

I listened to it here and there and learned it, and even though I was a mercenary, I learned it back when I was earning gold coins as an escort for a noble lady at a party.

“Of course it’s a salon.”

Cryce, who saw this, muttered and someone else caught Encred who turned around.

“Well, you.”

It was Mattis.

He tried to hide his expression, but his surprise was evident.

I couldn’t believe it even after hearing the actual rumor.

This is someone who actually saw Encred.

This person is so famous?

I thought half of it was a lie, but when I saw it in person, it seemed unusually relaxed.

He seems really talented.

Unless my eye is sprained.

“Can we spar?”

Mathis asked.

Encred came out in the middle of training.

There were still three swords tied to his belt.

A gladius, a long sword with a silver blade, and sparks.

“However much.”

There was no rejection.

Leona didn’t stop him either.

Because I know Mattis.

The reason he came forward before he even spoke was because something stimulated him.


The swords were drawn, they looked at each other, and then, without even thinking about who went first, they put their swords to each other.

As promised, these are two swords that meet neatly in the center.

Land, tadang.

Three times, swords passed back and forth between each other.

Since it was a sparring match, it was also considerate to give the opponent time to warm up.

This is right after three sword strikes.

Mathis made up his mind and drew his sword.

He was a city-level powerhouse who knew how to show momentum.

“A city-level powerhouse?

“It’s damning, if you get hit by a blade, you die all the same.”

Even though Rem was criticized so much, it was clear that he was a recognized strongman.

And yet.


The moment the metal met, Mathis realized that his opponent’s sword was no slower than his.

He tried to keep his sword down.

It was a sword style that subdued the opponent’s sword, which was a mixture of a heavy sword and a heavy sword.

However, Encred’s sword was faster than Mathis’ reaction.

His sword came forward, striking Mathis’ sword away.

It was a snake sword, a sword attack that involved blocking and swinging at the same time.

It seemed like the sword was really curved due to an optical illusion.

Mathis saw the silver-shining blade stopping before it reached his neck.

Like this without any signs of difficulty?

Moreover, the perfection of his swordsmanship seems to be higher than his own.


It was just a feeling of helplessness.

Compared to when I saw it before, I felt like I could believe it was someone else.

The difference in skill is clear.

Even if you don’t let down your guard, losing will still be the same.

Holding on longer was a meaningless difference.


Even Encred didn’t know how to comfort the hearts of those who were defeated.

He just turned around.

At the same time, I thought that Mattis would somehow stand up.

He was not a knight, but a warrior of the highest order.

So, if I remembered my duty, I would do my job.

Behind him, Kreis began trading.

Because I hear those words.

‘That bastard.’

Encred was able to understand what Kryis was aiming for in the first place.

“Okay, then, the things you need to do and the things we will give you at the Border Guard have been sorted out.”

From the beginning, Kreis had no intention of engaging in long-term dealings with these merchants.

He invited himself to take Leona’s side so that they could clearly see what cards they had.

Otherwise, neither of us will have the courage to see Encred, so let’s just keep faith with each other.

That’s why I called you to look at the referee.

‘Just one little hair.’

I think it really is the best on the continent.

Well, that’s why I don’t think I’ll ever get stuck while handling a variety of tasks.

The Lochfried upper chamber then opened the upper chamber at Border Guard.

Naturally, there was resistance from the surrounding merchants, but we settled down by accepting what needed to be accepted and rejecting what needed to be rejected.

One month was enough for that period.

Meanwhile, Encrid swung his sword.

Like repeating this day for an entire month.

Encred was a person who could do that without feeling like he was making progress.

But now there was a feeling that progress was being made.

In other words, one month was not in vain.

“Is it fun?”

While sparring, Rem asked, and Encred also smiled and answered.

“Say the obvious.”

How can this happen if you don’t enjoy it?

Rem admitted.

My captain is definitely crazy.

Didn’t I almost go to the next world because of my ax a little while ago?

There was likely to be an unintended repetition of today.

The boatman seemed to have seen the death of Encred, but he did not die.

I was shocked.

The boatman who watched all of this had no choice but to leave a third high praise.

“What did you have in your head?”


What would be going through the mind of someone who only wields a sword all month long?

It was also a question I already knew the answer to.


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