Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 333

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Stimulation spreads and spreads (2) “Can I just leave it alone?”

Castle Lord Graham’s adjutant looked at his superior and asked.

I wondered if this could be okay.

Because I was about to throw Encred to some noble or merchant owner.

It seems like the right thing to do since we found him, but wasn’t this something that could have been resolved in Seongju?

The questions were short because I couldn’t say everything I was thinking about.

Castle Lord Graham answered while holding his sword.

“What if I don’t leave it behind?

I am still the lord of Seongju.

“If you don’t like it, you’ll come for my head.”

The adjutant thought that Seongju seemed to be carelessly rolling his neck these days, but he had nothing to say.

From his perspective, it seemed like it wouldn’t be a problem for Encred to become the lord of a castle if he wanted to.

Above all, Graham seemed fully willing to give up his head.


The adjutant agreed.

I had nothing to say.

Instead, I looked at my castle owner.

I noticed that he was more engrossed than ever before.

Graham held the sword with his eyes half closed and slowly lowered it.

‘A crushing sword?’

Did Encred’s swordsmanship only affect Ester?

It wasn’t.

Graham’s heart pounded for the first time in a very long time.

My heart was pounding.

The uncontrollable desire and desire became a spiral-shaped ignition agent and burned.

Emotions became fuel and made his body move.


As he continued to swing his sword, a small realization struck his head.

Graham remembered the training he had done yesterday and the day before, all week long.

I did not neglect training.

It wasn’t negligent, but was it for the best?

Did you do your best?


It wasn’t.

I just got caught up in inertia and stayed with today.

There was a rush to maintain the status quo.

Did you have an excuse for being busy as the lord of the castle?

Did you think there was nowhere left to climb?

Has the spirit you had when you first picked up the sword disappeared before you knew it?

Can I talk about that in front of that kid?

That child is definitely Encred.

A person whose dream is to become a knight.

Now, those who walk that path.

A person who could not live with anything but ridicule when he first joined the unit.

A person who heard unpleasant rumors that he was selling his body to a member of his unit.

He was barely a low-level soldier.

Graham had seen the change in the person named Encred, so it was only natural that he would be stimulated.

The realization through the sword made me look back on my entire life.

‘There is no law that tells you to lay down your sword just because you are the lord of the castle.’

Graham himself knew he wasn’t very smart.

That’s why.

Most of the work was handed over to a lieutenant.

In the meantime, I also entrusted the work to Wangnuni of the Madman Company, who said that one of the small hairs was so good that I couldn’t help but admire it.

Interacting with people was also reduced to a minimum.

Now I was so desperate to swing the sword.

The adjutant could not stop Seongju.

Is it any different if you are yourself?

“Would you like to spar?”

He also belonged to a heavy armored infantry company and was said to be a so-called veteran and elite soldier.

Now, he was the adjutant and bodyguard of the castle lord.

Of course, he also saw Encred.

I saw the change, I saw the present, and I even saw the recent battle.

It would be a lie if I said I didn’t feel anything.

“Let’s have a fight.

“Let me tell you the difference between you and me.”

Seongju nodded.

It wasn’t just something that happened to the two of them.


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It was something that had an impact on the entire unit.

The fairy company commander was no exception.

Sinar got older and repeated the same movement over and over again.

It’s about honing delicacy and detail.

What stimulated her was Encred’s back while dealing with the knight.

‘It blocks.’

Sinar saw the sharp emotional blade made up of three letters.

Sensitivity allows you to feel emotions, and sometimes it becomes a means of reading the other person’s mind.

I couldn’t read everything, but things like the strong wind were surprisingly easy to read.

This is especially true the stronger the other person’s will.

Therefore, Sinar was able to feel Encred’s emotions when he stopped the knight.

‘Even if I die, even if I die, even if my heart breaks.’

block it

What kind of person could do that?

A person who focuses solely on one thing and forgets everything else.

Moreover, what was the piece of emotion that came in between?

There was only joy, forgetting about fear.

It’s not that there is no fear.

I was not unaware of pain and suffering.

It’s just wrapped in the joy of enjoying it.

I forget the pain because I enjoy the moment.

I put off the pain that would follow and focused on the present.

He seemed like a person who only lives in the present.

‘It’s crazy.’

Sinard could say that emphatically.

They say he has mania, his brain is broken.

Still, it’s inevitable that I feel a thrill when I think of him.

It is true that fairies control their emotions, so they do not feel thrills.

But now I have forgotten about such controls.

Ages began to dance at Sinar’s fingertips.

I started with delicacy and moved forward, forgetting the form and framework.

The energy inside the body that has been stored for a long time moves as it pleases.

I left it.

Didn’t control it.

Right now, I just wanted to swing the sword.

Encred’s back made her do that.

* * *

“There’s nothing I can’t do, right?”

It was natural that Encred’s performance stimulated the soldiers in the unit, especially those who used swords.

There were several soldiers who followed us here from Green Pearl after seeing their performance on the battlefield.

After they came to the Border Guard, they openly talked about fighting and saying that they would join the Mad Company because of their outstanding skills.

It was something that would attract attention.

Naturally, one of the original soldiers of the Border Guard captured him.

“Are you fighting?

“You talk a bit too much.”

The soldier who came all the way from Green Pearl did not pass up the provocation.

To be exact, it was the soldier who spoke out to Encred.

His name was Johnson.

Johnson turned his head and said.

“Do something.”

Fought on the front lines of this battle.

After watching Encred, I trained every day.

I trained harder than ever before.

It was enough to show confidence.

“Bell, please be considerate.”

From behind, another soldier glanced at a soldier named Johnson and said.

That strangely scratched my pride.

The person in front of me, a guy named Bell, nodded and walked out.

The attitude is to give it a go.

“It hurts.


Johnson said.

“Okay, let’s get hurt.”

Bell answered.

Bell was trained by the Madman Company, and sometimes received intensive training.

The soldier from Green Pearl saw the stars in broad daylight that day.

He caught my fist with his forehead and was hit on the temple by the outstretched fist, causing him to fall to the ground.

Difference in skill.

Rather, the difference in mindset was clear.

“Does it hurt?

“I’m all over here.”

Belle said, rubbing her forehead with her hand, and the fallen soldier raised his head.

“It’s Johnson.”

“Come, welcome.”

Johnson went straight into Bell’s squad.

It didn’t just happen to Johnson.

Everyone who saw Encred fight was engrossed in training.

Everyone was sweating like crazy.

Despite the lack of training from the Madman Company, it ran on its own.

In a way, it was like a barracks filled with only crazy people.

Of course, in the midst of all this, there were some who took a rest without rolling over.

There were also some people who were losing weight.

Everything was done of free will, there was no coercion.

However, they also instinctively knew.

‘Everyone trains like this, but what if I’m the only one playing?’

It is natural for there to be differences on the battlefield.

That’s how the stimulation spread.

Is it any different with Rem?

He also started swinging the axe.

Even though it was the end of winter, it was a rare sight to see Rem taking off his heated skin.

“Where does it hurt?”

Kreis, who was passing by, seemed worried.

“If you don’t want an ax on your head, get out.”

Kreis suddenly turned off.

Following Rem’s footsteps, Dunbakel also worked hard as if someone was chasing him.

Although Rem did not bully her like before, she did sparring, training, and advice whenever necessary.

“Are all prisoners as brainless as you?”

“That is a racially discriminatory remark.”

“So what?

“You’re going to give it up?”

Sometimes it seemed like Rem was taking out her anger, but that was a good thing.

I learned everything I needed to learn while being hit by Dunbakhel.

Audin also noticed the change.

Ragna has changed and my captain has changed.

What did that make you feel?


Therefore, Audin also began to think a lot, even if only for a moment.

I also felt fortunate that it was Ragna.

‘If Rem has changed.’

The barbarian would have challenged them to spar without hesitation.

I would have enjoyed this situation with my superiority in skill.

Ragna didn’t do that.

He was still lazy.

Now, unlike before, he swings a sword and spars with the captain often, but he doesn’t go out of his way to do anything provocative to put pressure on himself and Rem.

Above all, right now, he didn’t know what to think, just gave a blank look and didn’t come out of the barracks easily.

Still, it was uncomfortable.

‘I can’t believe you go first.’

Audin thought.

‘Is it time to lift the ban?’

If, really, if Rem had changed that much, I would have seriously worried about it, but not now.

Audin also sought a similar answer, but he didn’t think it would work for those who banned him.


“It is said that you should retrace the path you have taken, and therein lies the answer to what was blocking your path.”

I will recite the scriptures and pray.

Auddin did just that.

The rest of the time was spent re-training my body one by one.

Building it up and building it up, that was the source of Audin’s power.

I reflected on the process from the beginning, that is, to the present.

I reviewed the process of change in my body one by one.

He did so.

As Encred progressed, those around him also progressed, and the stimulation spread and spread, shaking the entire barracks.

Quiet, but hot.

Hot, but subtly.

This is a change inside the barracks.

There were people who felt similar stimulation before, but this time it was like changing the atmosphere of the entire city, including Seongju.

* * *

“Could there be a better condition for you than this!”

Encred forgot the other person’s name.

However, I tried to look at Graham, but he wasn’t there.

Since the time of Count Molsen, when people who weighed a bit more came, he would show his face, but when someone like this came, he passed the burden on to himself.

‘Is this the attitude towards war heroes?’

Even if I’m embarrassed to say I’m a hero, why don’t I leave the job of dealing with people to you?

Is this Seongju?

Encred once again felt a desire to spar with Graham.

It seemed like there was a lot to learn from him.

For example, how to fall well, how to get hit well, and how to pass out without pain.

“She is my daughter, but she is the most beautiful woman in our territory.”

A merchant and nobleman who resembles a toad speaks.

The woman, who looked closer to a human than a toad, smiled shyly and made eye contact, then avoided it.

Should I kill you?

Of course that shouldn’t be possible.

Does that mean you get beaten up?

“Is it Rem?

“The leader is Rem!”

I could faintly hear Kreis’ nagging.

Shinard was busy today, so I had nothing to say.

Esther had no intention of coming out, saying she had to do some meditation.

Should I have brought Rem with me?

Then, it would have been a matter of stopping Rem from causing trouble and it would have ended quickly.

I had to spar with Rem in the morning.

I didn’t even like that the schedule was messed up.

However, I couldn’t vent my anger here.

Encred started a conversation on the outside and a virtual sparring on the inside.

Before he knew it, his inner self was busy dealing with Rem’s light beam and axe.

‘You used a sling, right?’

How should I avoid that?

I do not know.

However, I just do my best.

The process of enlightenment through experience awaits.

I was itching to do it.

Apart from patience, Encred felt the uselessness of this position.

It seemed like enough time had been spent on this.

Isn’t it past time to have a cup of tea?

Of course, I drank the tea in one go.

“Okay, okay?

“How is it?”

Because it doesn’t matter what you propose.

“Okay then.”

Encred left his refreshing words and stood up.


Hey, I’m a noble and the owner of a merchant in charge of trade in this area!”

He recited his history.

Encred didn’t even give me a look to tell me what to do.

I was so excited that I wanted to run right away and swing my sword at Rem’s axe.

Isn’t that the responsibility of the absent Seongju, whether he is in charge of local trade or not?

If the author was an important person, he would have stepped in to resolve the matter.

So Encred himself was not responsible.

It was a shocking self-justification, but it was not wrong.

Encred had left the place like that, leaving the remaining merchant lord and nobleman in shock.

No, it didn’t stop at being absurd.

In fact, the emotional change was not something that only happened to this person.

In the meantime, are there just one or two people Encred has kicked out?



Some of them even harbored something similar.

“this guy.”

The nobleman and merchant lord clenched his molars.

The jaw muscles were clearly visible above the skin.

The daughter who came with us as a human had tears in her eyes.

I felt sad when I saw the man in front of me who never made eye contact with me.

Kreis watched all of this from in front of the living room door.

“let’s go!”

A person who is almost an uninvited guest leaves.

Kreis knew that if he left things like this, something similar to catastrophe would occur.

Why not?

It’s obvious.

It’s so obvious.

But the people who have to solve this problem have gone crazy as a group.

Although this may have made him very angry, Kreis was only happy.

There was only one thing he could be so happy about, and it was Crona.

This is because gold coins are at stake.

“We’ll see!”

The noble and merchant lord was furious, but Krais had nothing to worry about.

A woman stuck her head out from behind him and asked.

“Do you want to be a shield for the merchants around you?”

At the woman’s question, Kreis opened his big eyes and blinked.


“What does that mean?”

“You pretend not to know.”

The word ‘you bastard’ seemed to have been omitted from the woman’s mouth.

Kreis finally turned away.

That was correct.

If the reason the surrounding merchants are chirping is to be greedy for the trade and commercial area of ​​the city called Border Guard.

If it looks that way because it’s a vacant position.

All I had to do was drive it to someone.

It was last night that I heard that the most suitable person had entered the city.

The news from Gilpin Guild was faster than the guards.

“I have to say hello again, but my greeting is late.

“Leona Lochfried Danju.”

“Yes, he says that greeting very quickly.”

Leona smiled at Kreis’ greeting.

They both had a lot in them.

So even if negotiations began, they would not end easily.

Of course, Kreis had no intention of investing too much time in this matter.


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