Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 332

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The stimulus spreads and spreads (1) ‘The curse is lifted.’

Esther thought.

I thought I would suffer for decades to come, bound and tangled up in this damn curse.

No, if you were unlucky, you would have suffered for over a hundred years.

If you were unluckier, you could have lived with the world of spells contaminated for the rest of your life.

It was terrible just to think about it.

Because it was such a curse, anything could be done to break it.

This is why Encred slept in the arms of humans.

Now that there was no reason to do so, it became rare for me to sleep in his arms.

The thread of the curse has begun to unravel.

I was lucky too.

I found my old senses while dealing with Galaf, who was grabbing the river, and I also took down some of the spec objects he had.

It was natural that among them, there were items that were helpful in my world of spells.

It would have been better to find Galaf’s personal laboratory and rob it, but when would they find that?

Moreover, he was famous for having many disciples.

So, the remaining treasures of the lab will belong to the disciples.

They will covet, steal, and fight each other, so that one who remains will take over.

The wizard’s greed will make it that way.

It was like a dream because they were good friends with each other.

If they weren’t intoxicated with the desire to explore the truth and break away from the human mold, they wouldn’t become wizards, so what kind of nonsense is this?

‘Ah, you idiots.’

There was a time when I got into that kind of argument, but not now.

My heart warmed as I thought about Galaf’s disciples happily fighting.

No matter how you look at it, Esther herself does not have a kind personality.

Even she knew that.

For a wizard, he’s probably pretty decent.

‘No, even in a place like now where only strange people gather, I tend to be fine.’

The same is true among companies of lunatics.

The thoughts continued and I returned to the original point again.

I turned my thoughts back to the curse.

Esther once again fell into thoughts about her curse.

The curse didn’t necessarily leave only bad things behind.

There were also advantages.

It was unexpected.

There was also something to be gained about Lake Panther’s strength.

Of course, since it was called a curse, it obviously wasn’t all good things.

There were also side effects.

It was also a bigger problem than expected.

‘The body’s shape memory has changed.’

A physical being, the body, exists in a form that one perceives.

In particular, wizards must maintain their physical form by accurately recognizing their bodies when dealing with the world of images called the world of spells.

Otherwise, you might get eaten by my spell world and become an evil spirit.

‘Should I overdo it here?’

If you try too hard, you can maintain your human form, but if you make a mistake, there may really be no turning back.

Esther made her choice.

I gave up on being only in human form.

It would be okay to live half as a leopard.

This problem may be solved in a different way later.

What was more frustrating than that was a different problem.

‘What a stagnation.’

The world of your orders has become stagnant.

Even though I constantly thought and thought about solving the curse, I was stuck.

It stopped.

There is no development.

That made me very uncomfortable.

So what should I do?

Same as before.

All you have to do is wait for inspiration, train spells, and refine the shape of the world.

Aren’t there people beside me who break their limits through endless repetition?

When I thought about Encred, I felt an unreasonable confidence that my problem would be solved somehow.

The frustration went away a little.

I feel better.

It was truly amazing that there was a person who could do that just by thinking about it.

After roughly sorting out his problems, he returned to the barracks.

Esther walked through the barracks wearing a black robe.

She is a beauty who attracts everyone’s attention.

Everyone used to get their attention, but that kind of attention was rare today.


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I wasn’t disappointed.

However, it just felt strange.

Esther walked faster.

Soon she could see Encred.

To be precise, I saw Encred fighting while destroying the barracks.

It was just a coincidence.

However, coincidence may also be a result of the accumulated causality.

Encred had defeated Theresa and Dunbakkel by using the crushing sword three times in a row, and was just putting pressure on Rem.

“Something like this could work!”

Rem shouted and swung the ax over his head.


In reality, there was no sound, but Esther heard something similar.

The spell ‘Demullaire’s Scythe’ is a spell that compresses the wind and throws a vacuum blade.

It was also a superior order in terms of cutting power and speed.

What are the wind and vacuum spells?

To be precise, it is an art of handling pressure.

So what is the ultimate in wind, pressure, and vacuum spells?

It affects atmospheric pressure.

This shows abnormal pressure.

Some of Encred’s sword skills remained in Ester’s mind and stimulated her mind.

The wizard fell into his own world and sank.

It was obvious that if I continued to meditate like this, I would just stand there and make a stupid expression, but I couldn’t help it.

It was an opportunity to weave and gain something new in the world of spells.

I couldn’t miss it.

* * *

“What is this?”

When Cryce scolded him, Encred responded by giving strength to his shaking legs.


What else is there to say?

Kreis didn’t ask any more questions.

It’s already happened.

What are you going to do about it?

The broken barracks are not being repaired, nor is Encred a person to reflect on.

The corners of his mouth turned up softly, wondering what was so good about it.

It’s a relieved expression.

A gentle smile made people feel really good.

Naturally, I didn’t even feel like saying anything.

“Is it a rebellion?

Now you want to cut my head off and become the lord of the castle, right?”

Seongju Graham must have been through a lot so far, and his nonsense has increased.

“Do you really have to say this?”

Encred accepted it and looked to one side.

I saw a beautiful woman standing tall, stealing all eyes from anywhere.

It’s Ester.

I saw it get closer, but suddenly it stopped like a wax doll and just quietly breathed.

The soldiers who were watching were seen forming a circle around Ester.

No one touched it carelessly.

Esther was also a member of the Mad Company.

She is a wizard who turns into a leopard, and she is a witch who walks around wearing only a black robe and says that if anyone steals her body, she will rip out their eyes.

In other words, it is a very dangerous entity.

Encred approached the witch.

I saw his eyes open.

Why is he like this again?

I didn’t know.

It is not common for people to seek change in the world of spells by being inspired by their own swordsmanship, and Encred was not a wizard.

There is no way to know.

Esther is sensitive to having her own body touched.

The only person who could do that was Encred.

He turned around holding Esther.

Starting from the legs, I lifted them up easily.

When I picked him up, his body went limp.

He looked like someone who had fallen into something while standing still.

Is this what it feels like when you lose yourself in the sword?

“It’s similar to when the captain drools.”

These are the words of Kreis, who glanced at them.

Encred did not necessarily guess Ester’s condition.

It’s a wizard’s job.

I don’t know what could happen.

I guess I should just lay him down on the bed.

My eyes are rolling and I can’t come to my senses.

However, when Encred turned around, all he could see was the broken barracks.

“Vacate another barracks.”

Graham stepped forward.

“If you want the position of Lord of the castle, say it with words instead of aiming for the head.”

Was this author always this good at telling jokes?

Encred laughed.

After pouring out what I had learned and learned, I felt relieved.

No, it didn’t end with regret.

There was also a way to go further.

“You have changed.


There was praise from Audin.

“It’s worth using.”

There was also Ragnar’s muttering.

Dunbakhel fainted, and Teresa ran wild without realizing it until her arm was broken by Auddin.

It wasn’t broken, but it had to be cleaned for a day.

Encred laid Esther down roughly and came out.

After that, I found Rem.

“Did you roast someone else on the battlefield?”

This is how you say your skills have improved.

“In the West, can one improve their skills through cannibalism?”

“There are some crazy people who believe that.”

Rem said as she wrapped herself in heated leather.

My sweat seemed to have cooled.

Everyone had just been moved to the barracks right next door.

Aside from those inside, the only person left was Rem.

That was also strange.

I’m not going to take a shower and I don’t have anything to say, but I’m just babbling here?

That Rem?

Instead of narrowing his eyes, Encred opened his mouth.


“Why buch?”


Just before the sparring, the beginning of this, what is the reason for the atmosphere to be like this?

It’s Rem.

Encred noticed it with his keen eye.

There was also something that Audin gave me a sneak peek of.

I wasn’t able to look in often because I was busy with people looking for me, but I felt that Rem’s atmosphere had strangely changed.

It wasn’t dangerous, but it had a sharp feel to it.

So if you ask why, will you get an answer?

Maybe so.

However, even if you know that, what can you do?

“What are you talking about?

“Don’t you feel uncomfortable if you wrap it up?”

Rem grumbled.

At least that dangerously sharp sense had faded.

Encred decided to skip the question and answer process for no reason.

“It’s tomorrow morning.”


“We have to spar properly.”

One Belt One Road.

As he finished speaking with his eyes, a smile appeared on Rem’s lips.

“Anyway, you don’t want to get treatment for that headache, do you?

Why, what do you think you can do if you tackle it alone?”

“Don’t cry after losing.”

Encred used his tongue skillfully.

Rem chuckled at those words.

“It’s good.


“I will definitely make you cry.”

After exchanging something similar to fighting spirit.

After Encred walked away, Rem quietly looked up at the sky.

The stars above the night sky shone.

Warmth from the heated leather and heated stones enveloped my body.

Rem felt her heart sink as she heard Encred’s footsteps leaving.

I burst into laughter.

Encred: What does that guy know when he does this?

This thought occurred to me.

If you know, what do you know?

Rem thought of a lazy bastard.

‘What have you done?’

I asked myself.

Of course, there is no need to ask directly.

He has changed.

Rem saw that the guy had changed from before.

That was the start of this incident.

This is why there was a strange tension.

Ragna didn’t provoke, but Rem recognized it.

A sword with a different origin will be thrown.

I could tell just by looking.

The atmosphere has changed slightly.

Of course, you have to fight to know.

You can tell what’s long and short by looking at it.

It is natural if there is no clear difference in skill.

The problem is that Rem reacted to the change.

I became sensitive.

‘What if I use a sling?’

Naturally, I came up with a way to deal with Ragna.

The momentum arose and stimulated Ragna, and Ragna had no intention of avoiding it.

“Are you saying that because you want to be buried?”

He also did not spare provocation.

Should I step down, Rem?

“I’ll break your head.”

That was the beginning.

Rem thought as she looked at the night sky.

‘Am I paying the price for giving up?’

I even had that thought.

It went back to memories of the past.

When I left, I remembered the fortune teller’s curse on me.

“You’re going to give up that power, that right?

“You will pay a price.”

“Uh, I’ll take care of it.”

Rem said that and turned around.

At those words, the fortune teller pounded his chest and vomited blood.

How angry he was.

Well, the past is the past, and the present is the present.

Ragna was Ragna and he was himself.

‘Wild cat cub.’

Would it have been less damning if there had been a little bastard?

It’s true that they are ugly, but isn’t Encred too big of a focal point to really want them to go away?

This time, Ragnar’s change became a stimulant and a competitive spirit broke out, but Rem decided to shake it off.

‘If it’s wrong, I’ll go back and get it.’

There was something I left behind in the past, where I was born and raised.

Who will do what you gave up?

If I brought it, Ragna and others would be able to see beneath my feet.

* * *

The morning after moving the barracks, Encred began early morning training.

Audin suggested that we wait a few days and then do some proper training.

Even now, I’m drenched in sweat every morning and my limbs are shaking. What is proper training?

Dunbakhel, who was with him during the early morning training, felt troubled just by listening.

‘Should I quit?’

Teresa didn’t show it outwardly, but her pupils were shaking.

Although Audin’s training method was outside the normal range, Encred was calm.

“I’m looking forward to it.”

As he said this, Teresa and Dunbakkel realized once again that his resolve was strong.

It also stimulated them both.

There is someone by your side who won’t give up no matter what you do.

The mixed race giant and beastman also ignited a fire in my heart.

‘I won’t fall behind.’

Dunbakhel made a new promise.

‘Teresa the Wanderer doesn’t know how to give up.’

The same was true for Teresa.

After finishing early morning training, I was about to spar with Rem.

“Company commander.”

A messenger ran and called Encred.


“You need to come right away.”

After defeating Count Molsen, Encrid took matters into his own hands.

It’s annoying, but this is correct.

However, losing training time because of this was a different problem.

“He is a nobleman.”

I couldn’t just tell them to f*ck off.

Even if they were single-ranking nobles or non-inherited nobles, nobles were nobles.

Encred was really annoying.

I once again felt the need to solve this.

There was also a process of finding a solution in one’s own way.

Encred called the process.


Surely you’re not being lazy?

If nothing else, he has no intention of welcoming those who come looking for him, even if it affects his training and training.

Encred’s meaning was clear.

Wangnun, who had just come out rubbing his eyes, asked ‘Yes’, yawned once and opened his mouth.

“We’ll have to make some moves, right?”

He said.

Encred nodded.


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