Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 331

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What was the beginning of the madman? It was one day right before Encred was appointed to the troublemaker squad.

The squad leader who forced me to follow him died.

Afterwards, the son of a nobleman who was appointed as the squad leader laughed and got beaten up by Saxony.

The next angry guy received a threat from Rem in the name of mental education, and even after he left, the squad leader continued to be divided.

As the newly appointed squad leaders were replaced repeatedly, it was natural for them, including the company commander, to say something.

“If you plan on staying in the military, shouldn’t you protect what you have to protect?”

Rem nodded at the words the company commander approached.

“That’s right!

“I guess it’s all because of that wild cat.”

“The biggest problem is the person who blames others.”

Of course Saxony responded.

Ragnar looked at them and spoke calmly.

“I can go to another unit.”

Rem and Saxony’s heads turned at Ragnar’s attitude.

It’s as if he’s saying that it doesn’t matter because he’s a completely different person.

The languid tone of voice irritated me even more.

“That bastard?”

The most recent squad leader said he was correcting Ragnar’s insincere attitude – in reality, it was a discipline change from the squad leader who mistakenly thought he looked easy by staying still – but he attacked and left with his head broken.

But what does that attitude mean?

It was enough for Rem to get angry and Saxony to give him a sharp look.

Twenty days have already passed without the last squad leader.

The company commander had a headache.

The battalion commander above them tells them to take care of it on their own, but are these guys going to be able to take care of it?

But is the answer here to say, ‘They can’t do anything on their own’?

It was like admitting that I wasn’t capable of it and that I was an idiot.

What would the battalion commander say?

“Can’t you control even one of your troops?”

Blaming others was an obvious story considering the personality of the battalion commander.

‘I’d rather go out and throw it all away.’

No matter how dangerous a battlefield is, these people only suffer a few scratches.

Would it be a good thing if I got a scratch?

Why is someone of such skill doing this here?

Well, it seemed like you could tell by looking at what he was doing.

A bastard named Rem was sent to the 1st Company, a heavy armored infantry company, and he broke his superior’s head and is now here.

Even now, the 1st Company grinds their molars whenever they see Rem.

However, when this guy named Rem heard the sound of his molars grinding, he enjoyed it as if he was listening to some kind of symphony and fell asleep.

“I can’t help it.

Brother, I will lead them temporarily.

This too may be a trial that the Lord has given me, so I am letting this small and weak servant watch the world so that I may not avoid the trials.”

The company commander was speechless when Audin spoke.

He is a religious soldier who usually stays still with a dark complexion.

But why pour oil into the fire at a moment like this?

What’s more, is that guy thinking about his size when he speaks?

Where is it small and where is it weak?

And I would rather sacrifice one of my lieutenants. How could I entrust that to a guy so obsessed with religion?

They must have been shouting at me to pray all day long.

No, even if I were to accept that and leave it to them, the rest would probably just stay still.

“What are you talking about, you gomtaeng?”

The madman with the ax was first.

The lazy guy immediately helped out.

“If something is wrong with your head, take medicine.”

After that, a man who was considered the best in the unit, just by looking at his face, opened his mouth.

“Do you want to die?”

Why is this little boy named Saxony getting along so well with the other unit members, but is he like an earthenware vessel leaking water on the inside?

Oh my, it’s a goal.


A new squad leader arrives in the afternoon.

“Please don’t beat me up or harass me.”

The company commander spoke and wished the newly appointed squad leader well.

What can I do?

I was brought in urgently because there was no suitable personnel available right away.

He’s not a noble, but he doesn’t have any special talents, and his fighting skills are just so-so.

I just hoped there wouldn’t be an accident.

Even after the company commander left, the bloody atmosphere remained the same.

It was a coincidence that Rem came here.

As for the purpose, I came here to hide for a while by killing the nobleman’s son, and I planned to leave after about half a year.

But by some coincidence, these bastards gathered together.


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‘They all seem like people who live for their own taste.’

These people do not know how to bend down moderately.

Of course, it was the same for Rem.

The reason the current battalion commander had gathered these troublesome guys was because he didn’t care whether they all died in the fight or not, but it was impossible for Rem to know such details.

“Just kill them all and go to another unit.”

Rem muttered.

Since it was meant to be heard, it was more like a provocation disguised as a muttering.

“You want to die?”

Ragna received Rem’s words.

“Brothers, if you wish to remain with God, I will pray for you.”

The prayer will not be a prayer only spoken with the mouth.

“You idiots.”

Even Saxony intervened.

Until now, they had cursed each other but did not willingly cross the line, but that was because they knew that if they were going to fight to the death, they had to fight properly.

Of course, that doesn’t mean they aren’t ones I can tolerate.

The reason was that it was not a big deal, but something like this could happen at any time.

Weren’t we conscious of each other from the beginning?

Rem stretched out his arms as he looked at Saxony’s position.

I knew instinctively that giving up was dangerous.

Ragna suddenly woke up.

The gap was clearly visible in the rustling and noisy appearance, but was it really a gap?

Rem knew that the lazy bastard could throw his sword in that position.

Auddin put his hands together in front of his crotch.

Preparation for Balaf style martial arts.

There is no living.

Only the sticky air weighed heavily on the surroundings.

The shabby barracks was filled with pressure that would have crushed anyone with a weak heart.

Because it was temporary accommodation, we stayed in a tent, and it seemed like the tent was bulging.

At that time, the tent door fluttered open.

There was someone standing beyond the door who was meeting everyone for the first time.

He was a man with black hair and blue eyes who stood out even at a glance.

After he came in, he looked left and right.

If you’re smart, you’ll turn around and leave, and if you’re weak, you’ll faint.


This is it.

Yes, it’s the squad barracks, so you’d better come later.”

Wangnuni, standing behind the new squad leader, said.

He was quick-witted.

The atmosphere was bloodier than ever before.

What to avoid had to be avoided.

Kreis tugged on the back of the new squad leader’s shirt to keep him out of trouble.

But this guy didn’t move.

No, he takes a step forward and opens his mouth.

“This is Encred, the squad leader.

“Don’t fight.”

Rem was just looking at the gap.

Because the hanging arm is ready to grab the ax and swing it at any time.

Audin also tried to repel all incoming attacks.

Ragna tried to cut down three people at once in range, and Saxony was already ready to take out the dagger that was exquisitely hidden in his sleeve.

There was no doubt that he would die if he intervened, but an unknown face suddenly appeared.


That was a truly fearless act.

Encred dug in between them.

He was lucky.

Rem tried to pull out the axe, but then twitched his hand.

If I had flinched just a little more, I would have already split whatever was in front of me vertically with my axe.

Audin’s shoulders trembled, and Ragna also suddenly tightened his grip on his sword.

It looked like only Saxony was still there, but in reality, the tip of the dagger handle had already touched both palms.

“… … “Is there a slightly crazy bastard here?”

Ragna muttered.

“Are you crazy?”

No matter how clueless you are, why not intervene here?


I have insight.

I intervened knowingly.

Rem knew it as soon as he looked into the other person’s eyes.

So you threw your life away?

No, not that.

I felt the momentum, but I didn’t know clearly what the actual situation was.

But still, come through here?

What happened to the heart leather?

Actually, when I saw that he kept closing his eyes every time he swung the ax, I wondered what kind of bastard he was.

Anyway, that was my first impression.

“It’s okay if you don’t fight.

“It’s Encred.”

The new squad leader didn’t even shake hands.

Only the name was revealed.

I didn’t even ask for the names of the others.

The idea was that each person should just do their job well.

Even in Rem’s opinion, he was quite, no, very, very crazy.

“It seems like an interesting person has arrived.”

Rem muttered.

Isn’t this guy so crazy that you can’t help but become interested?

At this time, everyone thought Encred wouldn’t last even a week.

* * *

Encred recalled the beginning of the troublemaker.

Why did you come out then?

Ah, I thought that as a squad leader, I had to do my job.

I saw it as my duty to at least stop the fighting unit members.

The bloody air reminded me of the first time.

Even then, the pressure was weighing on my shoulders.

It felt like my heart was going to break.

Even though I closed my eyes as the blade flew in front of me, I was confident that I could endure the constant pressure and pain.

So I blocked the gap between them.

‘I was stupid.’

Rem stood with his arms hanging down.

An ax hangs from his waist.

The ‘preparation’ is over.

To Rem’s left, Ragna stood, gently holding the sword grip with both hands.

On the other side, Auddin stood with a smile on his face, his fists pressed together in front of his abdomen, like a frozen statue.

Everyone is ‘prepared’.

If you go in with a half-hearted attitude, you will die.

Must die.

The pressure grew and pierced my heart.

Even though neither party was conscious of it, it had an effect similar to coercion.

You couldn’t see it before, but you can see it now.

So is anything changing?

There was none.

It didn’t matter whether they put pressure on it or not.

Encred was anxious to show what he had learned and learned right now.

Haven’t you been waiting for your body to get better because you wanted to show off what you learned and learned about swords and swordsmanship?

It was none of my business whether they fought or not.

Encred drew his sword.

Instead of a dwarf gladius, it is a long sword with a silver blade.

Chiri riririn.

Pull it out slowly and hold it in both hands.

It was a sword given by Ragna.

They said they brought it back after killing the quasi-knight they were dealing with.

Ouch of brown feces?

It was a quasi-knight with a unique name.

The blade is extremely sharp and as good as a broken sword.

Well, isn’t this the sword that the semi-knight of the King’s Knights personally used?

The grip was wrapped with demon leather, which made it feel comfortable in the hand.

After holding his hand and concentrating, Encred walked among them without hesitation.

Teresa and Dunbakeel, who were watching, frowned.

‘Between that one?’

Esther left for a while and Kreis also went to the market.

So no one will die from being stabbed blindly.

If I had gone in without knowing anything before, I knew now and was able to take on the momentum of the three.

I did that alone.

Facing Ragnar, place Audin on the right and Rem on the left.

In that state.

“Not bad.”

Encred even opened his mouth.

After that.

He turned his body around his left foot and fired his sword.

The beginning is ‘Will of the Moment’.

With a turn of the waist, the sword held only by the right hand suddenly became a dot and flew.

It’s smoother and more flowing than before.


This is the end of the short gapongseong.

The blade suddenly aimed for Rem between the eyes.


Rem’s ax moved.

His ax also became a beam of light.

It is a beam of light and a beam of light.


When iron meets iron, harmony begins.

Yes, it was the beginning.

The tense air exploded.

Encred first showed Rem the moment and then launched himself to the right.

It seems to give some distance, but then suddenly stops.

Valencian mercenary sword, it is a mixed step.

He pretended to come forward, stopped, and drew his sword vertically from top to bottom.

It is a crushing sword.

Will, it is a sword of pressure based on ‘coercion’.

When I pressed it down, Audin cheered.


Even the spirit was Audin-like.


The air trembled.

The crushing sword is pushed back.

This wasn’t the end either.

While everyone was reacting, Ragna was taking center stage.

Encrid turned away from Audin and rushed at Ragnar.

It was like buying time with a crushing sword and getting rid of the body.

“Are you just going to look around alone?”

They throw words and use swords.

It is an unknown Jeong Geom-sik.

This is a trajectory to contain Ragna within my intention.

It is a sword that forces certain movements on the opponent.

Intentionally stabs the opponent’s right shoulder.

Avoid it by not hiding your intentions.

When the opponent dodged, I was going to start by cutting to the side, but Ragnar struck Encred’s sword away.

They blocked the official inspection ceremony from even starting.

Encred felt a certain dissonance in the movement.

I’m not fighting properly. To be exact, it’s a sword cut that limits my strength.

Nevertheless, it is easily blocked.


“Did you read it?”

“Because it’s obvious.”

No, it wasn’t obvious.

Ragna just changed.

Since his sword now opens the way, he can cut through his opponent’s intentions from the start.


Encred spoke with a smile and took Ragnar’s sword from the attack.

It’s a snake sword.

I swatted it away and stabbed the sword sideways again.

Also, it is ‘Momentary Will’.

Toward Rem.

Rem, who had been blocking and retreating, is drawn into the fight again.

He pointed his foot towards Audin, who was watching.

These are the steps he taught me.

It’s a snake walk.

Strategy is a step that you learn again by interpreting it in your own way when you are stuck in today.

Even without putting my feet on the floor, my body felt like it was sliding forward.

It was fast.

It is a sword that is thrown straight out.

Audin also responded to the sword pressing down again.



It breaks again.

Your voice is also good.

“Are you kidding me?”

Rem shouted.

It was worth saying that.

Why not?

Encred was saying that he would deal with all three now.


They challenged me to a one-on-three fight.

“Are you crazy?”

Ragna also tilted his head.

“It looks like your brother needs some prayers.”

Audin quickly realized the intention.

I want to fight you all!

I said this with my whole body.

Encred laughed.

Ah, it’s really fun.

Why not?

What I learned, learned, and realized.

You can see them one by one.

I see and I see and I speak and I speak again.

How about my sword?

I felt like I was dying of fun, so it didn’t matter if there were three or four opponents.

“I can’t do this anymore.”

Teresa, who had been watching in the corner, also stood up.

“Yes, I will be thrilled.

“I was so excited that I was about to black out.”

As Dunbakhel snorted, hair grew from his face and he soon became a white lion with white fur.

Everyone was tangled up.

The inside of the barracks was broken and broken.


In the end, part of the wall was broken and the door was smashed.

Kreis, who finally returned, was able to see a group of people surrounding his barracks to see the sights.

“Is there a problem?”

“It looks like they’re trying to kill each other.”

Graham said with a puzzled face.

Seongju could not intervene and was just watching.

That was enough momentum.

“Crazy people.”

Kreis was just astonished.

Are you doing this as soon as you get better?

Isn’t this why everyone is crazy and crazy?

However, I couldn’t stop it.

Because they were originally like that.

The fight ended in the evening.

As the sun sets, it is a group of unit members with steam rising all over their bodies.

Everyone came out bleeding in one place or another.

The half-destroyed barracks looked like ruins.

I was almost curious as to how the ceiling was split.

“Are you here?

“I’ll have to sleep somewhere else today.”

Listening to Encred speak, Cryce couldn’t do anything other than smile.


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