Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 330

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This kid is a jerk.

‘This bastard is a jerk.’

For a moment, Kin read the madness hidden behind Encred.

Regardless of appearance and skills, there is a problem with personality.

She immediately grasped Encred’s true nature.

Kin developed an eye for people while taking charge of external affairs for the Baisar family.

That insight shone through.

‘Crazy guy!’

What are you going to do if the count immediately accuses you of insulting nobles?

No, what if I go back and raise an army just because I feel bad?

Even in the center, the count was a troublesome figure.

It was known that he had several men of semi-knightly skill under his command.

No, I couldn’t even figure out how much power it actually had.

I’m curious as to why I’ve been holding my breath and waiting for my time.

Kin couldn’t even swallow his saliva and looked at the count’s mouth.

On the other hand, Encred was calm.

‘Well said.’

Someone killed by a monster?

A person who died from a magical beast?

Anyone left behind?

A person who is worried about that doesn’t even send reinforcements and turns a blind eye?

No, the one who even ignored my own family in the first place?

Where was Edin Molsen picked up from outside?

If not, why isn’t his name even mentioned?

When Edin Molsen heard that his father had arrived, he even said that he wanted to be dispatched to the Green Pearl Garrison.

It was a very, very, very strange thing.

‘You used sparring with me as an excuse to stay here.’

At some point, he slowly withdrew without sparring, and now he threw away any external excuses and stormed out.

There is something that Kreis said when he came.

“He must be a scary person.

Well, it looks that way just by looking at it.

“Rather than that, throwing my son away seems scarier.”

Now Encred trusts his senses more.

The sense said.

There is a winged chimera sitting in front of me that has devoured dozens of snakes.

So, the current appearance is a disguise.

Although the mask was shiny, it was disgusting to see the real person.

“Isn’t it working?”

The Count’s attitude quickly changed.

I wasn’t angry.

Instead, I asked back like a merchant who had just wandered into the streets, and for a moment the atmosphere became dull again.

“It doesn’t work.”

“I heard you fought admirably while saving the child?

“If you hadn’t stepped forward, the damage to our troops would have been greater, and I heard you later covered the battlefield risking your life?”

It’s not wrong, but there are a lot of things that could be corrected.

But Encred didn’t bother to do that.

What can I talk about for a long time?

“Yes, I say so.”

“You’re talking like it’s someone else’s story.”

“I haven’t recovered from battle fatigue yet, so I don’t have time to think.”

Of course it was bullshit.

He went into his own world alone and made two nobles, one of whom was the head of the family, wait for two days.

But what kind of battle fatigue are we talking about?

“Have you seen my escort?”

“I saw it.”

“What do you think will happen if we stick together?”

Encred thought for a moment.

To be honest, as soon as I saw it, I wanted to meet him.

However, not now.

You shouldn’t do it.

If I fight now, I could kill my opponent unintentionally.

What if the opponent is completely inferior to you, or if the opponent has superior skills?

Otherwise, I might kill you.

Force control was not possible properly.

“I do not know.”

“You’re being boring.”

“For it to be fun, I just have to be sure I’ll win?”


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“Then it will be fun.”

Behind the count was his courtesy escort.

It was natural that I was listening to the conversation between the two.

Are you saying something for the earl to listen to?

In other words, it is a provocation.

Howie did not hide his momentum.

I looked at Encred with the look in my eyes that I would crush you in an instant if you attacked me.

Encred completely ignored it.

Normally, it would have stuck, it wasn’t something to avoid.

And yet you avoid it?

If anyone who knew Encred saw this person, they would be worried about whether this person has a fever.

“Then, I’ll be the boring person.”


“It’s going to be a hassle after I leave, is that okay?”

“it’s okay.”

The corners of the count’s mouth, who was staring blankly, went up further.

“I was worried for nothing.

ha ha ha.”

The Count laughed loudly and stood up.

The guard calmed down when he saw the count.

I turned to the side and waited for my master to pass by.

Looking at Encred, he was no different from a faithful dog.

Do you eat snacks on time?

Do you take walks on time?

You never know.

“My offer is valid. You are welcome whenever you think it is not too late.”

The Count turned and said:


“Please take care of my son and daughter as well, since they seem to want to leave my arms.”

The Count was a meticulous man.

If they wanted to bring Edin Molsen back, they would probably do whatever it took.

He also spoke without hesitation about the existence of Edin’s daughter, who was dressed as a man.

Of course, Encred already knew.

Anyone who was astute would have known this.

Everyone in my company would know.

“Take a look.

“It doesn’t go far.”

They made me wait for two days and didn’t even go far.

At the earl’s request, Graham, the lord of the castle, who was outside the door, came to see him off instead.

“Your Excellency the Count.”

“He’s the company commander under you, right?

“You’re so arrogant, how about hanging yourself?”

The Count joked as he left.

Graham answered while breaking into a cold sweat.

“If you hang Encred Independent Company Commander, I will be stoned to death by a crowd of citizens.”

They say he is a hero created by the city.

At those words, the Count laughed again.

He said with a cheerful laugh.

“It’s just a joke.”

Could this really be a joke?

Encrid saw off the departing Count with his eyes.

Soon the drawing room door closed.

Some of the soldiers guarding the door stood as if they could not see or hear at all.

It felt like even ten lives would be lacking if I got involved.

“Are you crazy?”

Only then did Kin open his mouth.

It was a war of words that she herself watched with bated breath.

“I hear it often.

“Such words.”

Encred was still calm.

“No, if you do that… … .”

I would have come this far because I’m not that smart, but is it because I was so surprised?

Encred noticed the remaining refreshments in the living room and popped one into his mouth and said.

I was hungry.

Haven’t I starved for two days?

Encred said while munching on a cookie.

“Have you decided to hand over the Border Guard to the county?”

“That is ridiculous.”

Kin was here as a check to prevent Encred or the castle lord from being taken over.

She was also a warning to the Marquis de Baisar.

“If I have to tell you to step down anyway, the Count won’t care whether you say it kindly or harshly.”

Kin also understood.

Because Count Molsen was like a loaded crossbow.

He is a man who poses such a risk that if he is wrong, the tip of his crossbow and the arrowhead will point towards the royal palace.

Let’s eradicate him immediately, because his power is extraordinary and the central power is not unified.

If this continues, there will be nothing to say even if the country is divided.

After letting go of his miscellaneous thoughts, Kin looked at the crazy man named Encred again.

There was a blind spot in his words.

Knowing and doing are two different things.

This guy is not normal.

There was no change in that thought.

“Your liver is swollen.”

That was Keane’s assessment.

“Would you like to stay and solve this annoying problem?”

Encred got to the point again this time.

Kin shook his head.

“Now that the Count has retreated, we cannot stay here.

“It will cause other problems.”

If a rumor spread that the Marquis de Baisar was interested in this area, his position in the center could be in trouble.

Marcus didn’t force himself to go to the center for no reason.

He had to consider his family’s political standing.

Of course, I couldn’t be accused of treason.

This is why I am saying that the means used by the leader of the Black Blade that caused Marcus to be bitten at that time were amazing.

To put it bluntly, it’s at Cryce level.


“Go right away?”

Kin asked back in bewilderment.

Does this bastard know he’s been waiting here for two days?

Above all, doesn’t anyone take a second look at their appearance?

Is it fortunate that it only happens once?

Both men and women would look back at each other countless times.

‘Kin Baisar’ was a beauty recognized even in the capital.

How many young people in the capital shed tears and suffered just because they were wandering about outside affairs?

But why is this guy so refreshingly clean?

“Something to do?

“Didn’t you say you were in trouble?”

That was correct.

Keane woke up.

I had to go.

It was time to go.

There was nothing good about staying any longer.

Still, wouldn’t it take about a day?

When I got up, Howie was next to me and whispered.

“What a unique man.”

This is my escort who has some sort of spell in his eyes.

They were like sisters.

“He’s crazy.”

Kin said and took off.

You said you were a demonic company commander. Is this how you leave a first impression?

If so, it was a valid method.

I don’t know what it’s like as a man, but my interest has grown.

‘It’s special.’


Encred repeated the same words.

Are you telling me to just turn it off?

Kin felt uncomfortable, but tried to ignore it and took a step forward.

A short send-off followed.

As I went out to Kin, I saw some people watching around me.

So, there were many hereditary nobles, including single-ranking nobles and high-ranking people who bought titles with gold coins.

There were several noble ladies who came to see Encred’s face.

It is a group of people who have no significant power.

No, someone must have come with power behind them.

Anyway, they are a bunch of hunters who have gathered together to try to get lucky.

‘They’re bastards in politics.’

It won’t be dangerous, but it will be a headache every time you deal with it.

What will happen?

Kin decided not to worry.

He even bitten Count Molsen with three inches of his tongue.

I have someone to worry about.

As he left the city, Keane looked back three times.

Then, a sudden thought occurred to me and I swore.


The sister-like escort turned her head.

I had just boarded the carriage.


“That bastard didn’t even ask my name.”

Even though she is a well-known beauty, she is treated like this.

I felt like my family’s halo and my appearance were all ignored.

But again, I didn’t just hate it.

‘This is my first time.’

That crazy bastard.

So see you again.

Keane made up his mind.

The escort was worried about the owner who was like a sister to me.

Keen’s weakness was his obsession with useless things.

* * *

There were many nobles and merchants who coveted Encred.

“I can’t handle it alone.”

Graham raised his hands and Encred said he knew.

“If you come to my territory, take my wife with you…” … .”

The first one was an asshole who wanted to sell my daughter.

Encred brought Esther with him.

“Can I remain in human form?”


Esther’s appearance is enough to make anyone with two eggs look back.

If Kin had seen it, he would have nodded, saying yes.

Isn’t it clear why Encred doesn’t pay attention to my face?

“Well, um.”

It wasn’t long before the little noble’s mouth closed.


“Well, what is Lady’s name?”

There’s a guy trying to trick Esther.

Encred had to stop him quickly.

Esther tried to take action right away without even asking if it was okay to kill him.

Afterwards, he would accompany Sinar.

We can’t mass produce noble bodies.

If it were Sinar, he wouldn’t kill me right away.

Instead, Sinar also had drawbacks.

“He’s fiancé.”

Strange rumors are spreading.

There was a rumor going around that he was a devilish company commander with a fairy and a witch as his fiancée.

Encred was left alone.

If I leave it like this, at least I won’t use my daughter or the beauty world.

“Why don’t you take me?”

“I also have some time left.”

In the middle, Dunbakhel and Teresa were talking nonsense.

Although they both belong to the category of beauties, if they take Teresa, some of the nobles will misunderstand that they are there to beat her to death.

In some ways, Dunbakel had faster hands than Esther.

It would have been better for strange rumors to spread.

When a merchant came and discussed gold coins, he took Kreis with him.

“If you come to my top, you can have wealth you never thought possible?”

“Yes, how much?”

“… … hmm?”

“Yes, so how much is it?”

Kreis was cool.

“Don’t say anything for less than a hundred gold coins.

And don’t even think about saying it just as a one-time thing.

The contract is for one month and you also receive shares.

But what is the name at the top?”

There were no merchants selling shares.

“does not make sense!”

“The exit door is over there.”

“This guy!”

“Any complaints?”

It was the end when a few standing troops appeared behind the person who was angry.

The guys who were acting as escorts just looked at me.

Even if it is not a crazy company, the military power of the standing army is superior.

They were the survivors of the battle against Azpen.

If you make a mistake with your mouth, you will die.

The merchant closed his mouth and stepped away.

In reality, I ground my molars, but that was enough to keep my mouth shut.

There were also others who invoked their authority.

There were times when he wanted to send Rem to split his head, but Encred decided that a good thing was a good thing.

“Come under my command.

Is it something that enhances your honor?

If it were me, I could recommend you to the Knights.

“But how dare you reject me?”

Encred thought that really good things were good things.

“The sword has no eyes.”

So I had to cut it out with cliché words.

“This guy is so weird… … .”


When he showed off the skill of cutting off the nobleman’s remaining hair by swinging his hand blade, the nobleman’s mouth was covered.


What kind of mosquitoes are there in the middle of winter?

The nobleman could not fight any further.

Isn’t there someone who looks at you with eyes that make you feel like they’ll bury you if you make a mistake?

“Can I do that?”

Seongju expressed his concern.

“If only that guy had a really great army and could wage a territory war.”

“Oh my gosh, I have to say thank you and fight.”

Kreis received the afterword.

Border Guard was a city with the best military power in the area, both in name and reality.

However, there was a shortage of gold coins.

Therefore, the most urgent thing right now is Crona.

Expansion of the city is essential, but Crona is not running smoothly, so if it attacks, all you have to do is eat it cleanly and receive war reparations.

Anyway, Kreis hits it again and again.

Kill it with Cynar and Esther as well.

Encred was also called out without stopping.

After about 15 days, Encred realized that his body was largely healed.

My senses came back again.

Now you can stop killing your opponents carelessly.


I took a breath with satisfaction.

What would have happened if you had fought the Count’s guard back then?

I don’t know, but I would have killed or seriously injured the other person.

It was a moment to reflect on what I had learned and learned so far.

Because it wasn’t fully used to my body yet, I couldn’t control it.

So, it could be said that the past 15 days were a period in which Encred refined what he had to the best of his ability while spending time on useless things.

As this happened, the desire to swing the sword to my heart’s content suddenly arose.

Today, none of the nobles or merchants came looking for him.

Encred returned to the barracks.

I’ve been quite busy so far, so I haven’t been able to stop by the barracks often.

Upon returning to the barracks, Encred had a familiar atmosphere.

The silence, the tension flowing between them.

The heavy air, as if anything could happen if you slip up, presses down on the inside of the barracks.

There was a dangerous smell that I hadn’t smelled recently, but it was familiar.


It was similar to when Encred first visited the troublemaker squad barracks.


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