Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 33

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33. Goals

The emerald green eyes of the company commander who heard the platoon commander’s report were filled with puzzlement.

“Only ten people?”

Everything that happened in the other squads during the reconnaissance mission was normal.

The only thing that happened was that they encountered Azpen’s infantry scouts on the plains, and instead of fighting each other, they separated at a distance.

Naturally, Azpen will also operate a scouting party, so it is not uncommon to encounter them on the plains.

Rather, it’s strange that we only met once.

However, what the Encred unit did was different.

The enemy was ambushed in the long grass field.

The enemy is pulling some kind of trick.

You can understand only by finding out the information.

However, with only ten soldiers, they infiltrated the enemy camp and set it on fire.

‘What are you doing, bastard?’

At the center of it all was Encred.

Same with the previous assassin incident.

Strangely enough, wherever things go wrong, there is a squad leader named Encred.

Should I consider it purely unlucky?

But for all that, it was resistant to bad luck.

Instead of just being there, he was active every time.

Although my skills were just average, the results of what happened each time were better than expected.

Even during the assassination, wasn’t the squad leader able to protect the target thanks to his persistence?

What I did this time went without saying.

Just infiltrating the enemy’s territory and finding out information was not enough to reward him 100 times.

“Yes, I say so.”

The platoon leader answered.

Ten infiltrated the enemy lines and only five were killed, while the remaining five returned with incredible success.

It was not the elite special unit raised by the Cyprus Division, but the work of ten scouts led by the lowest-ranking soldier.

The company commander was interested.

‘Encred, Encred.’

What is this guy really doing?

My skills are so good, how can I do this?

It wasn’t something to think deeply about.


I thought it was just luck.

What should I say if this isn’t luck?

What if I memorized all the unit locations as if I had entered the enemy commander’s head?

That makes no more sense.

A better hypothesis would be that he was a spy raised by the Principality of Azpen.

But this also made no sense.

What kind of idiot would raise a spy like this and send it to him?

A mere squad leader with poor skills?

“Would you like to call the squad leader and confirm the truth?”

“If you were stupid enough to lie about something like this, you would have been dead long ago.”

The company commander sat down, rested his chin on his fist and thought.

The squad leader called Encred is just luck.

What are the Azpen guys aiming for?

First, you have to tell the battalion commander.

That was the order.

She finished her thoughts and got up.

“Where are you going?”

Who chose this idiot to be the platoon leader?

The company commander pushed the idiot and said.

“I’m going to the battalion commander’s barracks.”

Since something like this has happened, shouldn’t reporting be the top priority?

* * *

Rem was bored.

There are no small battles, and there is nothing special to do.

Currently, both armies were busy glaring at each other in their respective positions.

Rumors began to circulate within the unit that the war would end this way.

“Well, something like that. It’s winter soon, and the battle on this plain isn’t going to end all at once, right? So, we’ll be making plans for next year again.”

These are the words of Kreis, who has bright ears.

Rather than being my own opinion, this is probably a conclusion I reached after listening to rumors going around and putting it all together.

Rem wasn’t interested in things like this, no matter what Kreis was talking about.

This battlefield is repeated every year.

I heard Azpen and Naulilia had a good relationship in the past.

What do you mean by knowing?

‘There’s nothing to do.’

I spent a lot of time sharpening ax blades and juggling axes with them, but that doesn’t change the fact that I have nothing to do.


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Rem was so bored at this time.

Except for him, everyone seemed to have work to do.

“No, you want cigarettes for that price? Did you spin? “Has an arrowhead stuck in her head?”

On one side, Wangnuni was busy digging something.

After the battle, your profits will decrease for a while, so you need to make a lot of money now.

I live really hard.

“what? arrowhead?”

Sometimes, there were people who rolled their eyes when they saw Wangnuni’s small body.

Rem even made it a hobby to threaten such guys.

All you have to do is look at the ax blade you just sharpened and lick it with your tongue.

To begin with, the ax blade is not sharpened that sharp. If you grind it to the point where it cuts as soon as your finger touches it, the blade will easily break.

As long as there is no magic or craftsman’s touch, this is the correct way to clean it.

So, licking an ax blade won’t cut your tongue.

“… … “In the last battle, an arrow hit my helmet.”

The bastard, who is quickly tailing me, attacks me.

“Cigarettes are hard to find. So how many units do you need?”

Kreis quickly raised his voice.

It was an image of impeccable businessmanship.

The little bastard, like a sinister wild cat, wandered outside rather than staying in the barracks.

The religious guy was praying and was banging his head on the floor with a very depressed face.

Then, Mannae mutters, ‘God, please give me the answer.’

When I look at it, I feel reluctant to get close to it. Just looking at what he’s doing gives off the scent of a crazy fanatic.

Seriously, why is that bastard acting like that?

Ragna, the last one left, wasted his time doing nothing but sleeping.

As if it wasn’t boring enough, I just zone out and sleep all day long and repeat the same thing.

Is that fun?

‘It’s so boring without a squad leader.’

Rem thought inwardly, complaining.

I was wondering if the squad leader might have passed away.

Reconnaissance missions are dangerous. And although the squad leader’s skills improved a lot, by Rem’s standards, it was a skill that would be embarrassing to show off.

What if he died?

If that was the case, I thought it would be a bit, no, a lot of regret.

‘Wait, did you feel any affection during that time?’

From what I’ve seen, he was a human being whom it would be a shame to let die.

But isn’t it funny to chase and protect it?

What about that person?

It is nothing.

I’m just a person I like that I met by chance.

‘A person you like?’

When I thought about it, people like that were very rare. There were many people like that in Rem’s life.

I thought it would be good to come back alive if possible.

But I’m not nervous.

In the first place, he is not a great person who can be bullied by stupid people.

At the end of all these miscellaneous thoughts, Rem could no longer remain still due to the lingering boredom.

Whether the squad leader was dead or alive, the boredom of this moment had to be resolved.

“Do I want to kill you?”

Rem chose a simple method.

He said, kicking Ragna, who was lying helplessly.

Ragnar looked up at Rem.

With a look in his eyes as to what this bastard is doing right now.

“Are you doing this because you want to die?”

Ragna was serious.

“By Bored. “Let’s have a fight.”

There was no need for long words. Saxony, who stopped by the barracks briefly, saw the two and ignored them.

The religious guy was busy banging his head on the floor with a gloomy look on his face as usual.

Kreis was away.

The two went out with agreement.


After lightly clashing the ax and the sword, the start of the fight was announced.

They started swinging swords and axes at each other.


Rem’s arm bends and the ax comes down violently. Ragna twisted her body to avoid the ax blade and extended her sword.

A sharp attack that was twice as complete as the stabbings that Squad Leader Encrid had seen countless times was aimed at Rem’s abdomen.

Rem jumped back, putting a lot of strength into his toes.


A footprint was left where his feet were.

A level of fighting took place that would have been surprising to anyone with discerning eyes.

Encred arrived just as the battle between the two reached its peak.

* * *

“Kill me!”

An excited soldier shouted.

Before we knew it, a lot of people had gathered to watch the two.

Why is the troublemaker squad called the troublemaker squad?

This is because it is a collection of people who have problems in many ways.

Then why does the unit have such a group of troublemakers?

Of course, it was because of skill.

With these two showing off their skills, how could this not be a sight to behold?


As the sword and ax met, dust rose around them.


Nevertheless, the two did not take their eyes off each other.

Scar Gagak.

The ax blade seemed to fall from above and scratch the floor.

Small stones were scratched and bounced by the ax blade.

Ragna avoided the downward slash of the ax and slashed his sword downward from above.


Even with my eyes open, I couldn’t see the blade’s path.

The sword that was on top suddenly fell down and slit Rem’s throat.


There, the ax and the sword clashed again.

Sparks flew around the weapons the two were holding.


The 2nd platoon leader of the 4th company muttered.

Just by looking at it, it seemed like the level was several times higher than mine.

In addition, a few soldiers who were confident in their skills held out their tongues.

There were a few who soon surpassed the level of senior soldiers.

They all felt that their levels were different.

Of course, there were some who judged the skills of the two.

‘I do that too.’

‘If it were me, I would have already finished it.’

I was able to do this because I mistakenly thought that what I was seeing was all about the two of them.

And Encred stopped in place with his eyes wide open.

No matter what was said around me, I couldn’t hear anything.

At this moment, Encred’s eyes were busy following the two’s movements.

In my head, I was focused on dealing with the two’s swords and axes.

Beads of sweat flowed from the tip of Encred’s nose.

Just watching and concentrating was enough to make my whole body drenched in sweat.

Sometimes, you can improve your skills just by watching.

Although no one had intended it, Encred realized at this moment what he was going to do.

‘It can’t be done the same way it is now.’

Each person has a form that suits them. The same goes for learning a sword and training your body.

And Encred had something that no one else had.

Today is a repeating curse.

The endless wall that the blind boatman spoke of.

In that case, a new method appropriate for it would have to be chosen rather than ordinary training or training.

Looking at the axes and swords of those two, the method came into Encred’s mind.

The excitement and realization came quickly and quickly cooled down like a pot poured with cold water.

The moment I saw the two sparring, not sparring, Encred had to admit it.

He said he had never brought out the skills of those two before.

Neither Rem nor Ragna had ever shown anything like that while sparring with him.

Regardless of strength and speed, you can tell from the expressions on both of their faces.

Rem was smiling.

That looks so exciting.

Ragna’s expression was also full of liveliness.

It was a face you don’t normally see.

How many times did you repeat today?

How many times have you missed the moment of death?

Still, I can’t seriously compete with either of them right now.

That was his position.

But I wasn’t discouraged.

If I was going to give up this much, I wouldn’t have even started.

In fact, I thought it was fun.

Because I have a goal.

‘That look.’

While watching the two, he becomes determined to make them look like that when dealing with him. Encred was extremely satisfied with that.

Because I see a new path and have time to walk down it.

It was so much fun, really.


The ax and the sword passed each other, making a strange sound.

At the same time, Rem and Ragna widened their distance.

Both were sweating quite a bit. Sweat could be seen running down Ragna’s forehead.

Rem exhaled and grinned.

“For someone who just sleeps, it’s useful.”

Ragna snorted at those words.

“How can you judge a barbarian who only harasses the weak?”

Contrary to their sharp words, the two gathered swords and axes.

This was because we knew each other’s conditions well even without saying anything.

If you go any further, you will have to fight for your life.

Maybe if they were both excited, but not now.

It was a sparring match with some room left over.

As the two fought, they noticed a familiar face among the onlookers. He was a squad leader.

This was proof that even while fighting, he had some spare energy to look around.

“Did you see it? “If you’re going to keep watching, you can either play with me.”

When Rem suddenly spoke, the crowd of people watching quickly dispersed.

Among the scattered people, only the scruffy-looking Encred remained.

“Can you come?”

Rem welcomed Encred. Ragna also pretended to know her with his eyes.

The fight is over.

And Encred also returned safely.

Soon Saxony came out, combing his messy red hair with his hands, and Kreis also came running after seeing the squad leader.

“Are you here?”

“Squad leader!”

“God took care of you.”

Even the religious squad members pretended to know.

A total of six members, which is all of the squad that was originally supposed to be ten.

Encred became one of those six and announced his return.


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