Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 329

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In Jiraa Border Guard, a hero who defeated Azfen and a cultist appears!

He might become a knight!

Discuss the qualities of a knight.

This alone made Encrid the hottest name in northern Naurilia.

“I need to see your face.”

It was natural that the attention of the nobles surrounding him would be focused.

The story itself is good, a hero born in the outskirts of the world.

It was very popular with the public.

Wouldn’t it be good to keep it in your arms to show off your status to those around you?

Is the benefit limited to increasing prestige?

So, do you believe that you will become a knight?

Few people believed that having the qualities of a knight would make one a knight.

Only a very very few people recognized Encred.



“It’s funny.”

All you have to do is react like this.

However, it didn’t matter if it wasn’t an article.

In fact, even if Encred didn’t become an article, there were many places where it could be useful.

There were too many.

First of all, the force itself was at a level that could not be ignored.

Although he did not become a knight, he proved his skills well, unlike the so-called idiots who were at the level of a semi-knight.

Did he say that he would save the pioneer village from crisis and put his name on the castle wall?

Among mercenaries, there are those who are called platinum mercenaries. Isn’t it said that they are comparable to the platinum mercenaries?

Even if he can’t become a knight, he’s too talented to be a bodyguard.

And the rumors didn’t only discuss skills.

“I heard you have a pretty face, right?”

The face also has outstanding destructive power.

How could word of one’s skills spread?

It was also natural that the hearts of some light-hearted ladies were excited.

It is said that he was nicknamed the devilish company commander because he was hooked just by looking at him.

“I have to see it myself.”

How can you not be curious about this?

In addition, Encred is not a castle lord and is only a company commander.

It is said that it is worthy of being dragged into the arms of nobility.

At least it seemed that way on the outside.

It was easy for rumors to spread for one reason or another.

In addition, the person named Encred was unique in that it gave him an advantage in political standing.

‘If you bear interest.’

Wouldn’t it be possible to nudge the border guards who are devouring the Green Pearl and advancing towards the trading city with a fork?

It’s quite possible.

For one reason or another, the name Encred was heard everywhere.

It spread widely.

It took no time for the water to reach the capital.

It started with Encred’s name popping up in one of the salons, and it reached the Queen’s ears.

This is the outdoor area of ​​the villa where you can see the stars.

“How do you feel, Lua?”

Frog Ruagarne puffed out his cheeks at the queen’s question.


It is a supreme joy and an expression of pleasure.

What made that frock’s cheeks swell?

“Are you in love too?”

I know that I have already met, known, and been with Encred.

Ruagarne opened her mouth in response to the queen’s question.

“I fell in love with it from the first time I saw it.”

Although a member of the kingdom, Proc is not human.

No one forced human etiquette on her.

This is why Ruagarne is so easy to talk to the queen.

After all, isn’t this a private situation?

They were talking over expensive wine that had been touched by a fairy.

There were several servants standing around, but they all just did their job in silence.

“Because you have a great face?”

The queen asked, putting the glass to her lips and quenching her thirst.

Words that were rare to come from Ruagarne, that is, from a Proc who coveted a human’s face after looking at his or her tail, came out.

“He is a person I covet more for what he has in his heart than for his face.”

“I see.”

The queen nodded.


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“What are the qualities of a knight?”

“does not exist.”

Even though she answered sharply, the Queen’s face did not change at all.

Ruagarnet did not try to read the queen’s mind.

A person who leads a country.

Do you have the chin to easily show your insides?

Moreover, reading the other person’s intentions and projecting them into politics was not my specialty.

More than anything, Ruagarne was now overcome with pure joy.

‘Are you really going to move on?’

He does not have the qualities of a knight.

I saw it myself.

Still, it goes on.

It’s changing.


Ignore other people’s views and opinions.

‘Do you believe you can become a knight?’

Reason says no.

But before he knew it, Ruagarne himself was cheering him on.

Behind this, the news that a cultist bishop had been beaten to death also played a role.

She could puff out her cheeks three times more than now to express her displeasure whenever the topic of a cultist was mentioned.

That would be similar to the act of grinding one’s molars in a human being.

“I see.”

The conversation with the Queen was brief.

The news circulated and reached Marcus as well.

“Wow, this is real.”

He was purely rooting for a man named Encred.

To the point where I feel sorry for not being able to help.

In fact, since it was a sword, a cult, and a border guard, it made me want to take out some of the talented people, including Encred.

But I overcame it.

The damage is not that big.

Graham’s handwritten letter only said that he wanted to kill the lord of the castle and talked about a man called Encred.

‘If it weren’t for Enki, everything would have been destroyed.’

Marcus sat down and stroked his chin.

Looking at the surrounding situation, Encred seemed to be the eye of the typhoon.

Why not?

Encred does not represent the city, but he is a hero.

‘If I catch Enki.’

He would be able to exert influence on the Border Guard.

You would be an idiot if you didn’t pay attention.

What should I do to prevent that?

The more means you have to prepare, the better.

for now.

‘Stop the Molsen bastard first.’

Among the nobles around you, who would you say is the most dangerous?

The first thing that comes to mind about Count Molsen may not be because Marcus is narrow-minded.

He is a dangerous man who calls himself the king of the frontier.

Thanks to that, there was a rumor going around that a civil war would break out at any time.

‘It’s not just the Molsen bastard who is the problem.’

Marcus decided to borrow the power of his family.

Nearby, the most beautiful girl in the family is out.

It would be nice if she and Encred could at least make eye contact, but I didn’t expect that to happen.

In any case, you can start by keeping Molsen in check.

“It would have been nice if I had accumulated some gold coins.”

I was talking to myself.

If the Border Guard was strong enough to rescue itself, it could easily overcome many problems.

The head of the politician who was nicknamed a warmonger was spinning.

What should we do to prevent the surrounding nobles from crossing the Border Guard, or more specifically, from touching Encred?


Although it is still not lacking, the weight of previous achievements and achievements from now on will be different.

Each one will become a wall that protects Encred.

To do that, you will have to work from the center.

It would have been possible to use the soldier mercenary system.

‘By making a direct request, the value of it is recognized by the palace.’

If this happens, it will be a warning to the foolish people not to think about spitting because it was filmed in the royal palace.

In the meantime, it would be better if Border Guard grew on its own.

‘I would be better suited as a lord rather than a castle lord.’

After drawing the last picture.

Marcus stood up.

“I will see the matriarch.”

I will help you with everything behind the scenes.

Enki, you can run as wild as you want.

Marcus took off his feet excitedly.

It was the most fun thing I’ve done recently, so I walked forward with a light touch.

* * *

Associate driver Acia also heard the news and was surprised.

‘He was an interesting guy.’

These are the qualities of a knight.

Was it that much?

It is too much to think that someone can become a knight just because he or she is impressive in overcoming pressure.

However, I had strange expectations.

‘I hope to see you here someday.’

Will he stand with him in the position of knight, or quasi-knight?

It didn’t seem bad.

Although I haven’t seen it a few times, I remember it with a good impression.

* * *

Unlike Ruagarne and Marcus, the leader of the Black Sword felt like his stomach had been cut.


How can you feel at ease when a person who must be killed goes on a rampage like that?

The leader of the Black Sword moved the remaining members.

One of the nobles who lost his business a while back became his hand and foot.

He wrote a letter.

The letter was addressed to several people, including Count Molsen.

That wasn’t the end.

It’s clear that I’ll be called to the capital someday, so I’ll use up everything I can before then.

* * *

This time, soft fur was draped over his blond, clear skin, mustache, and well-groomed body.

“It’s been a while.”

This is Count Molsen.

Smile calmly and talk.

It seemed like he had come to meet an old friend.

Encred thought that this person might be the best on the continent when it comes to having a thick face.

‘Ah, there’s Rem.’

Well, second time.

No, in terms of thick faces, Ragna, Saxony, and Audin were formidable, and if Crona was caught, Kreis could also be argued to be the best on the continent.

Encred thought that he was completely out of the loop and thought it was natural.

It was an idea that would make a member of my unit swing a blade if they heard it.

Anyway, the other person’s face was thick.

In the past, an elite swordsman died after a few slashes, but he secretly sent a man to manipulate him, and did not even send reinforcements in this battle.

turned away

However, when I saw his face, he said it had been a while since I saw him, and it was shocking.

“You should thank me, because I saved you from a lot of trouble.”

The Count laughed as he spoke.

Who takes care of that mustache?

Judging from the fact that the angles were set so neatly every time, it must have been ordinary workmanship.

Encred replied, saying that his hair was quite long and that he thought it was time to cut his beard.

“Should I thank you?”

“Has your head become stiff from just swinging a sword?”

The count spoke, half ignoring the Marquis de Weissar next to him.

It was worth it.

The Marquis didn’t come in person.

Those who came from the marquisate are only members of collateral families.

However, it was not normal to ignore it.

That was how arrogant Count Molsen was.

“Even if His Excellency the Earl didn’t come, I think it would be okay since a member of the Marquis did come.”

Encred realized that as his name spread, people around him became interested.

Wasn’t there something that was heard all the time while resting in the barracks?

Kreis spoke without stopping.

It was natural for Kreis to include his own opinions in between.

“It’s hard to even say hello.

“Even after waiting for two days, the Count still attacked me.”

The marquis’ woman seemed to have seen the gap and intervened.

“Do you have any complaints?”

The Marquis de Weissar’s woman shook her head at the count’s words.

“That can’t be right.”

Words with the meaning of checks and balances were exchanged.

The atmosphere between the two was tense.


“You said you were looking for me.”

Encred didn’t care whether the two fought or not, so he got to the point.

The count’s gaze and that of the Baisar woman separated and turned to Encred.

The name of the woman from the Marquis of Baisar was Kin Baisar.

She had two purposes in coming here.

One is to prevent the Count from exerting pressure on Encred.

If possible, the two of them will bring Encred into their family.

The first was the request of Marcus Weissar, the returned prodigal son.

Both decisions were made through family meetings.

But looking at Marcus’s attitude, shouldn’t he be friendly towards Encred?

Looking at it now, it seemed very blunt.

It’s not against etiquette, but you don’t really care?

“I don’t just know how to cut with a knife, I see.”

The Count opens his mouth again.

Encred wanted to shrug his shoulders, but held back.

This is a person who has no reason to express his or her feelings.

Is it possible to put a dent in that shameless guy’s mood just by shrugging his shoulders?

That won’t be it.

It is intuition and confidence.

“The surrounding nobles covet someone like me.

“Aren’t you dreaming that if you catch me, you can take over Border Guard, which is sure to become the largest city in this rapidly developing area?”

‘Do you like your hair?’

Kin thought to himself.

He had an accurate understanding of the surrounding situation.

Didn’t you say that for two days you were so crazy about something that you realized that you couldn’t come out?

Of course, this is what Kreis told me in advance.

Even if you don’t have time to understand, it’s easy to understand if you listen.

Encred finished speaking.

“I’m not interested.”

“Not interested?”


“Are you loyal to the palace?”

“Do you see it that way?”

“I hope not.”

It is a small reception room.

Count Molsen’s eyes seemed to shine.

He was sitting on the sofa with one leg over his thigh, then lowered it and straightened his back.

Keane seemed to see the Count’s momentum changing.

And when Encrid looked at the Count, he thought of Kraang.

It was the same as back then.

The momentum changes.

The Count placed his hand on my thigh.

After establishing a correct and upright posture.

“There is a threat to the country and we need to destroy that threat, but we are unable to do so.

“Then whose fault is it?”

The Count’s voice was not loud.

Still, it was heavy, as if it was penetrating through the skin.

In an instant, the atmosphere changed.

“Those who die from demons, those who die from demon beasts, and those who remain.”

The Count continued.

“Are you saying you don’t feel anything when you look at them?”

For a moment, the images of people dying or living appeared behind the count.

There was a child who dreamed of becoming an herbalist and a woman who made seasoned beef jerky.

There was a mother who sent her child to the military, and there was also a soldier who picked up a spear to protect his family.

The soldier collapsed, bleeding from his eyes, nose, and ears.

“So I want to ask.

“If I want to embrace you, what should I give you?”

The Count’s words were persuasive.

Kin couldn’t open his mouth even as he watched.

I will give you anything you want.

In addition, the Count telegraphed that if you want to walk the right path, this is the right path.

That wasn’t necessarily wrong.

Keane knew that Molsen’s estate was wealthier than any surrounding estate.

The author is responsible for his words.

He was a person who influenced those around him just by listening and speaking.

“If you want to save people, can you say that the path you are taking now is the right one?”

The Count’s voice filled the drawing room.

It was full.

I felt like I had to agree to that if I wanted to stay in here.

Kin was sweating from nervousness.

It was a cold sweat.

Instead of his usual composure, the Count showed spirit.

It seemed like I had to give him the answer he wanted.

You are right, I will do as you say.

It seemed like it had to be that way.

And Encred.

“Jira, ah, I’m sorry.

“I was thinking about something else for a moment.”


Keane seemed to have heard those words.

He didn’t say it in the end, but it sounded like he said it.

Encred was displeased with what the other person was doing.

The judging was distorted.

These were the words of someone hiding his true feelings.

“Heinous” is the word that should be said of a man like this.

If it had been Rem, who was not an ordinary person like him, he might have been swinging an ax and making a fuss, but Encred was not that kind of person, so he responded in polite language.

If it causes even a small ripple in the other person’s heart, I will feel a little better.

There are times when you have to do whatever you feel like to some extent.

Only then can the mind be controlled.

Only then can you have confidence in the path you walk.

Calling it chivalry is not just a play on words; it means protecting what you have to protect.

Among them was Encred’s own heart.

There are times when you have to keep it.

Now was that moment.

However, since he couldn’t fight right away, the best thing he could do was to put his feelings into polite language.

The moment Encred opened his mouth, the illusion attached to the Count’s charisma was shattered.

Also, the smile on Count Molsen’s face deepened.

Kin held his breath for a moment.


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