Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 328

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For three days, Encred repeated his thinking and his quick thinking.

It had to be that way.

I rolled my body so much that it was a relief not to have a bone disease.

Thanks to this, I only had to do very simple exercises to move my body.

All I had to do was do a few movements to improve flexibility and swing the sword in the air to not lose my feel.

The rest of the time was devoted to contemplation and restoration.

However, it wasn’t particularly boring.

“Using my body now is like pouring water into a broken bowl.


What Audin is saying is that no matter what you do now, the flow continues and there is not much to salvage.

If the past, that is, before today, was repeated, the dish would have rolled over regardless of whether it broke or not.

But now I know.

When you rest, you must rest.

“You can only move forward if you rest properly.


Once upon a time, there was a goat named ‘Nu’.

The wildebeest knew how to walk without stopping.

Because he had very strong legs.

The goat wildebeest walked without stopping.

Someone thought that moving forward and moving forward was what gave him such strong legs.

So Nu walked without stopping.

The Lord saw this and said, “If you walk without looking at the direction, you will not know where you are.”

Auddin continued his sermon.

It wasn’t bad to hear.

Teresa knelt next to me and listened together.

The two got along strangely well.

First of all, they were similar in size, so they were called giant siblings or something like that.

Looking back now, it seemed like the atmosphere had become similar.

Teresa spoke quietly about what had happened since Audin’s sermon and nagging.

Thinking about meeting for the first time, it might have felt very awkward, but Encred knew how to smoothly lead relationships between people.

If conversation requires skill, Encred was quite capable.

“I think it’s the same situation to take a break just because you’re injured.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Since you killed the bishop, won’t they turn on their eyes and rush at you?”

“I do not know.”

“What is the response?”

“I plan to do as much as I can.”

Teresa was surprisingly not well-versed in social news.

So it was difficult to get any information through her.

Of course, in the meantime, Kreis seemed to guess something after hearing a few stories.

“These days, I’m learning to sing.”

Teresa said right away.

Her voice has a unique boom.

It may look like rough wood grain, but Encred could see the strengths of the other person’s voice through his sense of hearing developed through sensory skills.

‘It’s great, though.’

It’s an attractive voice.

Although the wood grain is rough, it sounds like it would make a nice piece of furniture if made into a table.

Encred himself was not good at singing, but he had quite a few songs he picked up while wandering around.

Garrett’s voice was unusually clear and pure, so I thought he would be a good match for Teresa, who has a great voice.

“What did you do when the captain was rolling?”

“We fought.”

“So where did we fight? Are you saying that on purpose?

Oh, you like getting hit, don’t you?”

“I don’t like it.”

“Okay, okay, let’s go.

“Let’s fight, no, let’s spar.”

On one side, Rem was frantically tearing down the dunbakel as if he had been waiting.

Ragna dozed off in the corner.

He was also recovering.

In the meantime, there was talk about holding a banquet or not, and Encred focused on resting except for basic training.

Rest included things like thinking, reviewing, and talking with unit members.

I ate a generous meal.

“When this eel is delivered, be sure to eat it.”

He even recommended it like this.

Rem, who saw Ragnar nodding next to him, showed interest.

“Does that tricky tongue approve?

“I’ve eaten eel too.”


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“The seasoning is different.”

Encred felt a strange air current flowing within the barracks.

Ragna and Rem were seen several times looking at each other indifferently, like they were looking at each other.

There was something similar to tension.

This may have happened once or twice, but Encred easily ignored it.

“It’s ointment.”

Sinar stopped by occasionally and gave me ointment again.

“Did you rob the fairy tribe’s treasure trove?”

“How did know?”

Encred was accustomed to fairy jokes, so he accepted them skillfully.

“I knew it by feel.”

“I heard that he didn’t die and came back alive because of that feeling.


Sinar quickly disappeared with a nonsensical remark.

Actually, I make that ointment myself.

The ointment in a small earthenware vessel with hand stains gave off a faint, grassy smell.

The dish is old, but what’s inside smells like new.

So you make it yourself.

Even after Sinard left, daily life did not change.

Encred dug into me whenever he had time.

I reflected on what I had learned and learned.

What can I do since I can’t actually move my body vigorously?

At least my head is spinning like crazy.

There were quite a few things I achieved this time.

‘Wouldn’t it be possible to use senses in a fight?’

It seemed quite possible.

Broadly speaking, it becomes intuitive to understand the starting point of victory or defeat on the battlefield.

‘If you focus on the enemy you are fighting against, you can use it in other ways as well.’

This fact has already been proven through the author, a knight of the Order of the Duke of Gong.

Boldness through the heart of a beast, sensitivity through sensory skills, and even concentration.

What is lacking?

Thinking is understanding.

It was the power to cultivate eyes that face one’s present.

Having done this thousands of times, Encred quickly realized what his shortcomings were.

Because I knew how to figure out exactly what I needed and was currently looking at, the answer came out easily.

What is needed now is quick thinking.

How to deal with situations, moments, and phenomena.

Think about many things quickly, but choose the best one and execute it.

I had to get used to thinking itself, not just the realm of sensation.

‘It’s not intuition.’

It summarizes the thinking process.

In reality, the three letters ‘feel’ contained intuition resulting from experience.

The conclusion is that it is the quickness of thinking.

If you rely only on intuition, you will fall victim to the sword of deception.

How much benefit have you gained from using the Valenc mercenary sword so far?

Encred didn’t think he was special.

I always kept in mind that the same thing could happen at any time.

It was natural.

When I was young, I was told that I was a genius and after coming out of town, I was hit and run over countless times.

Repetition and training were also the reason why my body became accustomed to it.

Once a thought was ignited, it burned without being extinguished.

While Encred was sinking into himself, something happened outside, but it was none of his business.

No, I couldn’t hear it.

“Who are you visiting?”

Ignore vague external sounds.

Encred dug deeper into himself.


That guy’s sword came to mind again and again.

All I had to do was read the sword’s trajectory.

Since he couldn’t even read his breathing, he had to watch it countless times at the cost of death before he could react.

‘What’s different?’

I understand the difference.

However, what is the fundamental reason?

As I got into it and dug into it, I also felt something.

By going beyond the repeated today, Encred had a different perspective.

What was the speed needed to save the child?

What was needed to overcome the wall called strategy was awareness.

It is said that the knight’s sword is despair.

It was despair, but it was not despair.

Broadened perspective and experience dealing with knights.

That awakened something inside Encred.

I changed my perspective to go beyond the knight’s sword.

Instead of blocking, I hit him first.

It is a way to overcome the conditions set by the other person, ‘just once’.


A small realization rose like a flame, faded, and rose again.

The moment he recognized it, Encred called for change himself.

What did you gain by kicking the ground to save your child?

‘Will of the moment.’

I needed the speed to penetrate the short gap where other people’s eyes turned away.

That’s how ‘Will’ came into being.

It’s the same when you’re stuck in the framework of strategy.

Are the shackles of ominousness, a sense of avoidance, and putting attack intent on top of the senses all different?



It permeates and blends into the sensory arts.

Gather it together and knead it to form one.

That’s how I got this incredible ‘feeling’.

Wasn’t ‘Will’ involved in it at all?

No, I did.

I feel it.

This was possible because willpower, ‘Will’, was superimposed on his intention.

It was like realizing rejection in order to overcome coercion.

What about the crushing sword created to take down the knight’s sword?

Here, Encred pondered.

Shall we take a big step?

It seemed like it could be possible.

However, I don’t know if that’s the right way.

I thought I closed my eyes while sitting down, but the boatman looked like I was still asleep.

“Do what you do.”

The boatman’s face appeared only blurry and then disappeared.

Is it advice or slander?

Encred’s senses were activated even at moments like this.

It sounded like advice.

Encred set a milestone and walked.

I decided to keep doing what I always did, one step at a time.

I thought that was the answer.

After putting it all together, I opened my eyes.

“Well, how about changing your habit of falling asleep frequently?”

I heard Rem’s words.

Without even realizing it, I had forgotten myself and fell into the world of the sword.

“How long has it been?”

“Two days.”

The answer was Kreis.

But that didn’t seem to be the problem.

“It would be best to go to the castle lord quickly.”


“There is someone who has been waiting since yesterday.”

Encred took a quick look at the situation.

He was in the barracks and could not see Auddin.

My sense of hearing, developed through sensory skills, told me that Audín was talking to someone in the distance.

“I could have stopped it yesterday.”

Rem added.

It was a somewhat rough attitude.

Encred could roughly understand what was going on.

As he drooled again, forgetting himself and immersing himself in the world of the sword, it seemed like his unit members were there to stop him from interfering with it.

But if you knew that, wouldn’t you have left Graham Castle alone?

There was no way he could have summoned himself here unless someone of considerable stature came.

“Someone came.”

Encred asked as he got up.

“Count Molsen.”

Kreis gave the answer.



At Chryce’s words, Encred took a step forward.

The king of the frontier, an ambitious monster and a nobleman.

If you’ve come this far, there’s probably something wrong with you.

“I said I just came to see the captain.

“You have to be careful.”

Kreis warned.

The nobleman waited for me for two days.

I could hold out longer here, if necessary, but it was a foolish thing to do.

Encred was crazy about the sword, but he wasn’t stupid.

I knew which way was easier.

Although I was a little hungry, my mind was clear and my physical condition wasn’t that bad.


Encred walked out at a fast pace, and Chrys followed.

I headed straight to the barracks, thinking that if I had something to say, they would come after me.

There, along with Audin, a woman wearing a thin fur coat with long black hair stood out.

It was Esther.

“Are you tired of being a leopard?”

The fur was so soft and warm.

Ester turned her head at Encred’s words.

“I didn’t become a beast because I wanted to.”

It was harsh.

That means it’s the same as usual.

In front of Audin, a man with a fierce look and a woman wearing scale armor appeared.

The woman had her eyes half closed, and a strange light seemed to come out of them.

The man looked as solid as a rock and the woman stood with an upright posture.

A few more soldiers appeared behind the woman.

“I told you to listen to the story and then go.”

Cryce spoke from behind, and the woman who found Encred opened her mouth.

This is said while scanning the face and body with the eyes.

“Are you a squire named Encred?”

“Yes, that’s right. What about that one?”

“Sister, look, I’ve been waiting for you to come out.”

Auddin intervenes.

“It’s been two days. You’ve kept the Count waiting.”

The man moved his rock-like mouth.

As I bit my molars, I could see my jaw muscles tightening.

It had muscles that looked like they could chew a fairly large stone.

Are your main weapons teeth?

It was in front of the barracks.

The soldier on duty looked embarrassed, but Audin calmly added his usual subtle smile.

“Hehe, it’s okay since I came out.


“Are you taking the count’s name lightly in this land?

Then, work is done.

“You big guy.”

The man warned, and Encred stood in front of Audin.

Audin does not get angry easily, but he was also not the type to ignore his opponent’s provocation.

I knew that well, so I took action.

Even if you don’t stop them, they won’t beat you up, but good things are good things.

Wouldn’t it have been better if he had come out himself?

“I was rude.

“Let’s go now.”

“I think this one goes first.”

Then the woman straightened her back and spoke.

He wore a round helmet on his side and a thick fur cloak, and his eyes had a strange color.

The pupils glowed white.

“This is a clan with spells in their eyes.”

Esther said from behind.

Is there such a clan?

Encred looked at her blankly.


I guess it’s not that important to have a spell in your eyes?

Of course, it seemed like that was why Esther came forward.

I may have been concerned because there was a wizard on the other side.

Encred’s guess was correct.

Esther set out with the intention of making the other party pay if they made a clumsy move.

Where are you trying to memorize such an ordinary spell?

Encred scratched his chin with his right index finger.

He was also surprised that all of this was done to avoid disturbing him.

‘No, isn’t it time to be surprised?’

Isn’t it already predictable that they will act like this?

That was correct.

The woman with a spell in her eyes spoke again.

“It came from Baisar.

“Someone who has business for you is waiting.”

How many nobles are there in the Kingdom of Naurilia?

It won’t be just one or two.

Among them, Encred was, to put it in layman’s terms, close to a hillbilly.

I have been to the capital city, but it was expensive to stay and there was little to do.

This is why I wandered around the periphery.

I didn’t go all the way to the coast and meet a swordsman instructor for nothing.

Encred also knows the center pole, the Umji family, that is, the five families that make up the kingdom.

It was Marcus’s home.

The Marquis of Baisar was nicknamed the Centerpole or Thumb family.

This is because it is a family that exerts great influence even in the capital.

If Marcus had come back, it wouldn’t have been like this.

Someone else must have come.

Encred acknowledged the situation with a few words.

The quickness of thinking was also used in moments like these.

I summarized my thought process, decided on an answer, and took action.

“Let’s watch it together.”

Since it seemed obvious what the two were aiming for, it didn’t seem to matter if they did this.

No, he thought this would be better for him.

At those words, Rock Jaw and Eye Spell looked at each other.

It was clear that neither of them could wait any longer.

Even up until now, he has been very considerate of the situation.

If I hadn’t been told that I was a war hero and might become a knight, I would never have waited.

Soon both heads nodded.


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