Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 327

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A shout erupted from behind Lem, Teresa, and Audin.

Of course, the news of what happened at the Green Pearl Garrison spread like a breeze to the Border Guard.

It was the return of the hero who defeated the black sword, the cultist, and Azpen.

It was rather strange that there were only cheers.

Encred saw something similar to pollen falling on his head.

There weren’t many.

It was a dry flower petal that was falling.

Those who sprayed it also caught my eye.

There are a few small children and a few women.

The faces of a little boy and a woman were familiar to Encred.

The child’s eyes looked directly at him.

‘I heard my dream is to become an herbalist.’

Since it is winter now, I would have had to find flowers that bloom petals even in winter.

They must have found the petals, picked them, and dried them well.

How much effort must have been made for this.

Dry white and pink flower petals fell on my head.

Although it wasn’t much, Encred smiled because his heart and sincerity were clearly conveyed.

showed a smile

The child who dreamed of becoming an herbalist saw Encred’s face.

The child who saw his hero smiling felt happier than ever before.

Even if my fingertips were swollen and burst from collecting winter flower petals, it would remain an enjoyable experience.

Encred passed by the child’s side.

I walked inside.

As I took my steps, Rem approached me to the right.

“Did you have fun?”


Even if the news was delivered, it would not mean that everyone knew what happened.

“Brother, you are very hurt.”

Auddin spoke from behind.

I think it was at the upper limit, or it had reached a state of half-darkness.

He had a bunch of quarrels on his back and was bleeding profusely.

I was wondering if I should feel better, but the driver came and gave me a bite to eat and then left.

At least this was the extent to which I ate and rested well at the Green Pearl Garrison.

“It was a moderate sprain.”

I answered half jokingly.

“My Lord and Father.

“Why did you give me such a weak body?”

Encred realized that Auddin’s prayers were words he was saying while looking at his own body.

Objectively, Encred’s body was developed enough to be comparable to that of a beastman.

He could be said to be a beastman, as he had a naturally muscular body that developed abdominal muscles even without training.

Being on par with them means that your body is that strong.

However, in Audin’s eyes, only the shortcomings could be seen.

Isn’t the body of Audin Gomtaeng’s religious cub like a combination of a beastman and a giant?

“There is still room for training.”

As I continued walking, leaving Audin’s muttering behind, Ragnar stood to my left.

His right arm has not yet recovered and is still wrapped in bandages.

The wound on my thigh seemed to have healed and I was able to walk well.

Ragna was also injured here and there, but he is now quite fine except for his right arm.

The cheers grew louder as Dunbakhel walked behind Rem again, and even Teresa, who was limping by Audin’s side, walked together.

“Immortal Rem!”

The battle between the black sword and the cultist will still be vivid in the memories of citizens as well as soldiers.

So, something like the immortal Rem could be said.

There were occasional cheers for Audin and words for Teresa.

The nickname “giant siblings” was very funny, but I didn’t laugh.

Dunbakhel even complained about why he didn’t have a nickname.

Walking like that.

“Take me!”

Occasionally, I could even hear the crazy woman’s shouts.

“What have you got!”

Rem accepted.

“Not you!”

“Even if I give it to you, I won’t take it!”

Looking at the shouting and even conversation amidst the cheering, the person shouting seemed to be a formidable man.

Looking at the woman who was shouting, I realized that she was a businesswoman who had raised two children in the market alone.

I’ve seen it coming and going.

The skills I had gained so far away were gone.


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That fortitude and firmness will be worthy of respect.

Cheers continued and the name Encred was chanted from all directions.

Half of the preparations by Seongju for the triumphal road were made by the city residents, and the other half was the voluntary participation of those living in the city.

In reality, Seongju was no different from voluntary participation.

This is a greeting from the heart.

I thought as I looked at Encred, who returned as a border guard.

What if Azpen won?

How can we bear those terrible consequences?

What do you think of yourself, who exploded in frustration as soon as he became the lord of the royal palace?

No, what action should we take?

It would have been fortunate if his head wasn’t cut off for responsibility for the defeat.


This is why Seongju also shouted cheers like a wild animal.


“Patient sword!”

“Great sword!”

When Encred heard a nickname, he realized once again that the only thing faster than a running horse are the words that come out of his mouth.

Didn’t the news arrive before the carriage arrived?

Of course, the background behind this incident was the advance team that started as border guards, so it was also clear that they spread it.

Apart from Encred, the intact troops returned in advance, so it was natural for word to spread.

As he walked among the cheers, Encred stroked the head of the child who dreamed of becoming an herbalist.

Afterwards, he nodded slightly to a middle-aged woman selling seasoned beef jerky.

“Marry me!”

To Vanessa, the innkeeper, who said this, she even responded by asking, ‘Are you crazy?’

The entire time I was riding in the carriage, I was busy reflecting on what I had gained and learned from these ‘days.’

Because of that, I didn’t expect the current reaction.

Maybe that’s why it felt more welcoming.

It would be a lie if I said I never dreamed of a moment like this when I wanted to become a knight.

He has a child whom he protects.

There is a mother for the child.

There is someone who thanked me for protecting my son.

Some craftsmen give boots as gifts.

There were people within the walls of the city.

These are people who live each day.

It is his sword that protects them, so if he is not satisfied with that, it is a lie.

Nevertheless, the world will be heartless.

In the demon world, monsters will appear endlessly, and monsters will give birth to demon beasts, and wars involving the interests of various species will always guarantee death.

The knight who ends the war at the end of the war.

The apocalypse, the knight who stands at the end of the world.

Encred entered the barracks, reflecting on his dream.

It was halfway through winter, so there was still time until spring came.

For others, the days were not that long, but for Encred, three days overlapped and it was a return from a truly long battlefield.

* * *

“Have you finally thrown away that wild cat?”

As I was resting in the barracks, Rem came up to me and said this.

Before I could reply, Rem nodded.

“Well done.

“Good job.”

I’m talking about Saxony. Would you be more excited if I told you that I really abandoned it?

Of course, he didn’t seem to believe that he was saying that.

Since it seemed like he was asking for no reason and had no interest, Encred responded appropriately.

“Is there anything I can do other than throw away?”

“Then I didn’t even throw it away, so where did that fussy kitten go?”

In fact, Esther, a leopard belonging to the cat family, was not present.

It must have been busy, so it disappeared as quickly as it arrived.

“For example, dead?”

Encred asked, curious about Rem’s reaction.

Why is there no premise that he died?

I can’t even count how many times I’ve already died fighting Azpen.

Rem hummed and snorted.

“That bastard could easily die.”

It may be a bit counterintuitive, but it means recognizing your skills.


From that perspective, do you believe that too?

You won’t die easily?

Before Encred could think about it, Rem continued.

“The captain is not in a relationship with Lady Luck or anything like that.

So I thought I would survive.”

It may sound absurd, but if you look at it through someone else’s eyes, it is true.

How did you survive?

To answer that question, I was actually at a loss for words.

“Because I’m lucky.”

It was impossible to say this in one word like usual.

Rem quickly lost interest in wild cats and Saxony.

Instead, he gently poked Encred’s side, telling him to figure out what he was doing.

Encred explained what had happened.

In the middle of the conversation, Audin stepped in and added his words.


I lacked muscle.


“You just need to build back muscles that won’t be pierced by things like Quarel.


What is a muscle that cannot be pierced by an arrow?

Isn’t this impossible unless you have hardened skin like a giant?

Rem and Audin were not the only ones listening to the story.

Everyone listened.

Even Ragna seemed to be listening attentively.

Surprisingly, the one I listened to most intently was Cryce.

It was natural for Kreis.

I wanted to ask at the Green Pearl Garrison, but there should have been time to ask.

That damn guy, Garrett, grabbed hold of the captain and wouldn’t let go.

I tried to ask in the carriage before coming, but Encred had his eyes closed and wouldn’t open them.

There was absolutely no atmosphere to disturb.

So it was now.

‘How did they get out?’

Cryce scanned the battlefield where Encred had escaped.

I searched.

I looked closely.

What did the commander of Azpen do when he retreated?

I saw the traces and followed them to the station to find out.

‘Spell, magic.’

I didn’t hear the details, but I heard roughly what happened.

The conclusion was this.

They tried to pour all their troops into exchange for one person.

Kreis blamed himself because he didn’t expect that.

‘I almost killed the captain with my head.’

Wasn’t it he who suggested creating a variable?

Of course, it was the captain who stepped forward, so the choice was also his own.

Kreis knew he had been completely defeated.


All intentions were read by the other party.

I got screwed.

Just thinking about that made me feel embarrassed.

Haven’t you always wondered what was in the head of the commander in your unit?

Sometimes, no, I felt it often, but why didn’t I know that it was such an obvious thing if you just looked at it backwards and forwards?

At first, I thought he was deliberately pretending not to know, but now I know.

Everyone has a different range of thoughts.

‘I was arrogant.’

Reflection is temporary.

Encred also said it was okay, so he didn’t harbor any negative feelings.

However, one thing was still questionable.

“How did you get out?”

Kreis asked that question.

What the opponent had prepared was a prison from which there was no escape.

It was a hunting ground using the ground as a net.

In addition to 1,000 soldiers, he even worked to turn the terrain to his side.

‘No one can escape.’

Even if it doesn’t become an article.

So does that mean Encred is a knight?

That wasn’t it again.

Just once, wasn’t there an opponent who swung a sword?

Although he was relieved to see that he looked relieved as he left, Kreis was anxious that the driver would go crazy at any moment and turn away.

Anxiety arose and my heart tightened.

How many knights from Azpen come here?

Is there even three?

But one of them came to cut the captain?

It was an incredible story.

So I wanted to ask.

How did you get out?

It is not a knight, nor is it a prediction of what the other person is thinking.

I got caught up in the preparations.

I fell into a trap.

Could I have escaped because I was lucky?

‘Unless the Goddess of Luck herself grabbed my wrist and jumped.’


Practical from an early age, Kreis’ cool head was focused on the present.

It’s impossible with luck.

There was a hint of seriousness in Kreis’ eyes.

What a great thing to say.

Encred said it honestly because it was something that didn’t need to be hidden.

“By feeling.”

There was silence.

Suddenly, the winter wind blew outside the barracks.

Rem reacted first.

I started giggling.


“I knew it would be like that.”

Those who heard it also reacted.

“… … persimmon?”

Kreis tilted his head and Audin began to pray.

“Father, have you cared?”

Dunbakhel twitched his nose and asked in a cautious tone.

“How do you grow that persimmon?”

Of course, no one answered.

Theresa stared at Encred.

The author never told a lie right after meeting him.

So it must still be true.

It’s surprising again.

Where will this human end up?

Can you get out of such a battlefield with your senses?

Even though Teresa was injured, her desire boiled over.

I wanted to swing a sword.

I wanted to stand face to face with a shield.

Let the momentum emerge.


Auddin restrains him in a gentle tone.

He even added his own touch.

By pressing on your shoulder, you are clearly conveying the meaning that if you don’t control yourself, you will burst.

Not only was Teresa unable to fight as much as she wanted to with her current body, but she also had no intention of creating an incident that would cause an explosion to Audin.

She was not a beast, but just a half-breed of a giant.

“Yes, I know.

“Teresa the wanderer tolerates it well.”

Referring to herself objectively, Teresa recognized that this was a moment she had to endure.

Ragnar was already dozing in a corner.

After listening to the story for a bit, Ragna returned to his usual self.

Even though he came in with cheers a little while ago and Ragnar’s name was mentioned among them, his attitude was still the same and he seemed to have no interest in anything in the world.

Cryce, who was deep in thought at Encred’s words, opened his mouth.

“Please tell me more.”

It was not a story that would end with just one word: persimmon.

Encred explained it clearly and Chrys understood.

“Are you talking about the sense of detecting danger or the sense of seeing the flow of the battlefield?

“That’s what happens?”

Encred also seemed to nod inwardly at the muttered words.

It happened like that.

However, it wasn’t easy.

In fact, he had to die in so many different ways to even have that feeling attached to his body.

So it wasn’t that I was dissatisfied.

Were you not satisfied with what you got as a result?

As a singer, he was busy organizing what he had the whole time.

There were other things I realized and learned through that.

“It’s awesome.”

Even though Crona wasn’t caught, Chrys’s eyes lit up.

That was also a strange thing.

There is no gold coin at stake, but you are interested.

A few days have passed quickly since Encred returned.

There was talk of holding a banquet or not, but they were busy cleaning up after the battle.

We had to deal with the dead bodies and the corpses of the demon beasts first.

If you peel off the wolf beast’s skin well, you become Crona.

Tanning is necessary, but there is a leatherworking guild well-established within the Border Guard.

Still, it was a lot of work.

Compensation money was given to the dead soldier’s family, and the body was buried and burned.

For a while, the fire did not go out outside Border Guard.

Graham really wanted to throw a banquet, but there was no time.

Letters came non-stop, and there were also guests who came unexpectedly.

Among them, the two biggest guests visited Encred.

If it’s a problem.

“I can’t come now.”

Graham broke into a cold sweat at the adjutant’s words.


“The unit under my command is blocking it.

“You shouldn’t disturb me now.”


Graham decided to bide his time as best he could.

When the crazy guys started going on a rampage, there was no answer.

Rather than watching that accident happen, it would be best to prevent it here.

Being the lord of a castle was really not easy.


Graham missed his days as a heavy armor company commander, albeit briefly.

A sigh came out of my mouth.


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