Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 326

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It was an honor.

Encred was in a state of pain from receiving the knight’s sword, but after suffering for two days, he was feeling better.

The monster-like resilience showed its power this time too.

Naturally, it was not in perfect condition.

‘I don’t have much strength in my grip.’

Should I say it was fortunate that my shoulder was dislocated right after receiving the sword?

If I had held on longer, it would have put more strain on all of my arm muscles, starting with my forearm muscles.

I can’t say I’m in very good shape yet, but that doesn’t mean I can’t miss the party.

No, it would be more correct to say that even if I did rest, I couldn’t stay still.

Because people around me wouldn’t let me do that.


Starting with Helma, the familiar soldiers came one by one to the tent where Encred was lying.

“Would you like a bite of eel?”

Even the soldier who was cooking.

“It was great.”

There was also a commander from the reconnaissance team.

There were several soldiers there who were making noises for no reason.

A few of them looked embarrassed, but eventually showed their faces.

“It was an honor to fight together.”

They said with one voice:

Encred looked at them quietly.

Those who came in looking excited all fell silent when Encred didn’t say anything.

I couldn’t even lick my lips.

There was silence.

A cold winter wind came in from the tent entrance, leaving a chilly feeling.

Some of the soldiers’ fur stood on end.

‘Did I act too much at that time?’

‘I guess that’s right.’

The soldiers began to notice.

“Uh, captain?”

Helma, who could not see anything, opened her mouth.

Encred looked at Helma without a trace of laughter.

There was no need to organize my thoughts.

I’m just spitting out my usual thoughts.

However, I wanted to say this after looking at their faces.

How to contain sincerity rather than just empty talk.

You speak after looking directly at the other person and clearly recognizing who it is.

I learned something from watching a guy named Krang.

Encred did just that.

I did what I was taught.

It gave the other person the chill of a cold wind, but Encred thought that what was more important than that was sincerity and sincerity.

“I also.”

Encred’s mouth opened.

Did you say it was an honor to receive the knight’s sword?

For Encred, fighting alongside them was a similar or even greater honor.

Why not?

As one of our allies, they are those who hold up spears to protect their families, friends, and lives.

Among them, there may be some who carry spears for a few krona, but is it any different for them?

In the end, the fact that you have to fight for the comrades next to you remains the same.

The term ‘comrades in arms’ did not exist for nothing.

So they were the same.

These are people who risk their lives to identify enemy territory.

These are the people who became the eyes and hands of the army.

Without them, he couldn’t fight like he does now.

So how could it not be an honor?

For the same reason, there was no need to hide my respect for them, so I just opened my lips and said what I had to say.

“It was an honor.”

Encred continued what he had left off.

After a moment of silence.

One of the soldiers who heard that hit me on the head.

There was a cheerful pop sound.

“… … “Oh, I’m an idiot.”

The soldier who hit my head muttered.

In particular, it was the soldier who criticized Encred.

Helma laughed when she saw that.

The soldier looked at Helma smiling and spoke in a solemn manner.

“Go away, the leader allows it!”


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“What are you talking about, idiot?”

Helma grabbed the soldier by the neck and pinned it to her side.

Even though he was screaming, the soldier did not ask to be released.

But is it right for me to let go of my commander and call myself captain?

When I asked if it was okay, a middle-aged man holding a wine bottle said that he had brought some good liquor right next to me.

“it’s okay.

Because the captain is the captain!”

From what I heard, this guy was the person in charge and commander of this unit.

That guy came out and said that.

That wasn’t the end.

Nurat came.

“Is the captain okay?”

I heard him whispering to Kreis about when they became friends.

Nurat was the direct escort and adjutant of Battalion Commander Garrett.

In other words, it is correct to call Encred a company commander.

However, she also only called him “Captain.”

After listening closely, I could see that Encred was also running smoothly.

“Hey, Captain, tell me a story.

“I’m dying to know what you’ve done so far?”

Even Garrett said this.

On the battlefield, he ran into the enemy camp alone and started swinging his sword.

With that, the direction of the battle changed from the first day.

Afterwards, there were disappearances and various incidents, but what was the most shocking scene seen by all the soldiers?

It was one person’s back.

It was a sword wielded by one person.

It was a force created by a man named Encred.

“Great sword!”

Someone who saw him fighting gave him a strange nickname, so he became the leader.

An even weirder nickname came around thanks to the medic who repaired the dislocated bone.

“They say it’s also called the sword of patience?”

Kreis naturally has a keen ear.

This was what he said after hearing it.

It was a very cool name for someone who endured pain so well.

In fact, the term ‘crazy company commander’ circulated more often than other nicknames, but those nicknames were quickly worn away.

The victory party lasted for two days.

Encred worked faithfully, realizing the importance of rest as he recovered from the roll.

In other words, I ate, drank, and rested.



A variety of seafood, barbecued young pigs, wine, and expensive whiskey were also sold.

“For the great sword!”

“Let’s eat and die!”

Garrett was a stronger drinker than I thought.

Encred has never lost in terms of drinking volume, but Garrett drinks really well.

Even after drinking three or four bottles of strong liquor alone, he sang with a refreshing voice.

It may have happened once or twice, but several soldiers sang slogans as if they were singing in unison.


When the world calls us!


They say they sell swords for gold coins!


That’s how we sell swords for gold coins!


We are mercenaries!


Sell ​​your sword for gold coins!


A mercenary who risks his life for loyalty!

Encred was also a song he heard while wandering around the continent.

However, this was the first time I had sung it so cleanly.

Garrett’s voice seemed natural.

In terms of swordsmanship, it is a straight and soft sword.

His voice exploded at the moment of need and softened at the next.

Among the soldiers shouting, Garrett finished singing and approached Encred, who was sitting, and spoke.

“I already made your song.”

Those words made Encred tilt his head.

What song are you making?

“I’ll stop by later.”

Garrett patted his stomach and laughed.

He had a likable appearance and a personality as well.

As for personality, it means that he is a really good human being.

Marcus didn’t leave me here for no reason.

Come to think of it, Graham, the castle lord and commander of the Border Guard, also seemed to have no worries about betrayal.

It was Kreis who was worried.

I realized once again that the worries I had at that time were truly useless.

“Yes, let’s listen then.”

I had a few drinks, won the battle, and learned something after enlightenment.

He took the knight’s sword and discussed glory.

Celebrating victory with those I call my comrades.

That was fun too.

Some of the soldiers who saw it whispered that people were still people.

So, is it a human or a monster?

“I don’t know what, but I see, the captain is going to play and drink like this and then train right away in the morning?

You can wear this.

This means we’re going to do early morning training again.

“He’s crazy!”

Kreis was chatting loudly, probably because he was moderately drunk.

In the middle of speaking, he tapped my crotch with his palm.

It may be a joke, but I bet a man.


“If you don’t believe me, just walk.”

It was a natural flow.

Kreis collected silver coins from some soldiers.

Encred, I just listened to the first few words and skipped it.

It was obvious that it was Kreis’s handiwork.

There was no need to listen.

Ragna, who was drinking on one side, made eye contact.

I slightly bowed my head and raised my glass to him.

‘Thank you.’

I said this to the boatman, but I will say this to everyone, including Ragnar.

I made something called a crushing sword.

What if Ragna wasn’t there in the process?

Somehow I find my way and walk.

Encred would have done that.

However, it is also true that Ragnar’s existence shortened that time.

No, now I know that that bastard’s presence is necessary.

So much so that if you say you’re leaving, I’ll ask you at least once if you’re serious.

So, I guess he said it was natural for Saxony, who had left to briefly run errands, to return.

‘Is it my greed?’

Having people around you.

Having them close by.

Is that really true?

‘Do I need a barrier to hide my meager abilities?’

It was an extension of a thought that passed by when I was young.

Of course, it was useless now.

It’s a trivial ability.

Encred clenched and unclenched his fist.

The pain is decreasing in real time.

It is a god of regeneration based on the technique of isolation, a virtue of the body recovering.

The body has changed.

The sword being wielded has changed.

My mindset isn’t much different from the past, but it’s clear that it’s changed.


Not a barrier, but a friend.

He is a colleague.

Sometimes he is a teacher and sometimes he is a member of the unit that fights together.

I would ask them.

If you are at an important crossroads, you will definitely ask.

No, I would say.

You can leave.

For example, what if death is clearly visible like this time?

‘I will use today.’

The intention was to use even a curse.

This is not a passive attitude like before, but an active direction.

But that wouldn’t change the fact that I was doing my best to get out of today.

Well, if you can’t even get involved today, I’ll let you leave.

That’s the right way.

Encred didn’t worry about anything.

There was no agony.

I just decided.

“Let’s eat and die!”

Helma shouted from one side, taking off her top.

Only the chest is covered.

Isn’t it cold?

The abs were visible.

Even the scars left on my body.

“You are my girl!”

One of the soldiers was laughing and was hit on the head and abdomen, rolled over to one side and vomited out what was inside.

Oh my, I’m sure she’s your girl.

Encred burst out laughing.

I threw away useless thoughts for just today.

I focused on resting.

“Your head needs to rest as much as your body rests.


Didn’t Audin say this too?

I even forgot about it.

It was only one day, but I didn’t think about anything.

It was just in reality.

I had a non-stop time today.

Since today is a day that will never return, there will be nothing more valuable than this.

Encred laughed, ate and drank.

“Chef, I’m going to be a chef.”

Before I knew it, a soldier who was good at cooking approached me and mumbled something, so I accepted him.

“Why are you telling me that?”

“Please come and sell it.”

Look at this guy’s business skills.

It’s not at Kreis level, but it’s not bad.


“It is an honour.”

As the soldier spoke, two soldiers who were watching from the side suddenly intervened and spoke.

“I also.”

“It’s an honor.”

Are you following this now?

You’re drunk and out of your mind.

you guys?

Encred laughed and hit the two guys on the head.


The two soldiers greeted each other with a smile.

Where is this clumsy imitation?

Early the next morning, Encred continued training despite only sleeping for two hours.

It was an act of warming up and heating up without overdoing it, but some of the soldiers who woke up half drunk due to hangovers rubbed their eyes after seeing it.

‘Did you drink, eat, play like that yesterday and wake up at dawn to train?

Is this right?’

What can I do? Encred has become more comfortable doing something than not doing it.

It was natural that Kreis won a few pennies from the bet.

After resting for three days like that.

Encred roughly pulled himself together.

It was time to go back.

Since I couldn’t walk properly yet, Garrett gave me a carriage.

Just before leaving, Garrett faced Encred.

“Encred Company Commander.”

“Do you have anything to say?”

Didn’t you usually bother me by asking me to tell you stories about my experiences and fights?

Of course, it wasn’t a difficult task, but the middle-aged man looking at me with bright eyes in front of me might have felt a little burdensome.

They say he even made a song.

I haven’t heard it yet.

“Wouldn’t you like to be the Green Pearl battalion commander?”

Garrett suggested.

These words are spoken with a yawn while leaning one’s shoulder against the carriage.

There was no tension at all.

Encred had received a similar offer, and to be honest, a better offer, but had turned it down.

The commander of the Border Guard and the lord of the castle.

“Yes, I don’t.”

When I immediately declined, Garrett chuckled.

“I thought so.”

“Why are you asking if you know?”

“I’m going to retire.”

“But why?”

“I think my successor will have a hard time.”

When I asked with my eyes what the trouble was, Garrett said one after another.

“If you are in this position, there is a lot of pressure coming from the center.

Right now, it seems like Marcus is blocking it from the center, but I don’t know how long he will be blocking it.

Above all, isn’t the situation the same as that of a dog?”

I asked what he was talking about.

“Do you think a civil war will break out?”

Kreis joins in from behind.

Also, it was a story only the two of them knew, but Encred also understood a little bit.

What he was saying was that it was good that the external force called Azpen had been defeated, but that it might be the trigger for something else to happen.

Of course, it wasn’t something to worry about right now.

Encred didn’t even care.

For now.

‘Knight’s sword.’

Because he was busy digesting what was inside him.

In other words, he would sit in the carriage and return to the Border Guard in a state of sleep.

The captain was agitated, so was Cryce.

Because he didn’t think it would happen right away.

In front of the returning Border Guard, of course, I saw a familiar face first.

“Can you come?”

“Wanderer Teresa welcomes the captain.”

“Brother, was your trip safe?”

Encred felt that he had returned.


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