Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 324

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Since attack is the best defense, Encred looked at the opponent’s entire body.

Read the intention of the movement itself, not the gaze.

For a moment, my head and eyes felt like they were on fire.

I mustered up enough concentration.

The blood vessels in my brain bulged and my entire body throbbed with a throbbing pulse.

The concentration on one point was activated more intensely.

The opponent moves.

Show small movements in succession.

A series of movements, reading the hidden meaning within them.

Just like understanding words that seem meaningless by reading between the lines of a sentence, or understanding the context.

It’s about understanding the other person’s movements that you thought were meaningless.

How does the knight’s sword move?

I didn’t know yet.

The process is difficult to understand.

But didn’t we see him die countless times?

Didn’t you see me frozen and unable to move?

Didn’t Ragnar and others show it even when they were dying?

So it seemed.

It is a very short gap, a gap, or separation, that occurs between drawing and swinging the sword.

If I hadn’t repeated today, if I hadn’t had a repeating experience, if I had, I wouldn’t have been able to see it.

Even if you sharpen the blade of your sensory skills, even if you look at it with one point of concentration, there is a gap that cannot be seen.

Encred took aim at that gap.

It is a concentration achieved by making one’s senses extremely sensitive through experience and then feeling the blood vessels in the brain burning.

It was just before the opponent drew his sword.

Encred felt that time was passing slowly.

Still, he calmly continued with his work.

Just as I thought, in the order I had planned in advance.

The heart of the monster exploded first.


As my heart was pounding, the blood throughout my body was rushing like crazy.

Although I wasn’t in perfect physical condition, this was the best I could do.

Encred’s hand calmly grasped the gladius grip and turned his body diagonally.

Meanwhile, the knight’s swords were all drawn.

It’s accompanied by an annoying sound like “tidik”.

Take a breath.

As time slowed down, thoughts flowed at a relatively fast pace.

It is a thought that passes by in an instant.

The first sword I made was the snake sword.

It is a flowing sword.

The second sword I made was Lightning Stab.

It is an art that embodies the ‘will of the moment’.

It is a sword that embodies the topic of speed.

And this is the third.

‘There were no preparatory movements.’

Encred saw the opposing knight’s sword.

I’ve seen it countless times.

I experienced it through death.

So I looked at the opponent’s swing movements and figured out the principles behind them.

The movement of power, the movement of the center of gravity, and the subsequent movements.

Here, Ragnar’s sword was also seen.

Cramming is a sword.

I don’t know the name, but the movements of the sword strike are engraved in my mind.

Imitating the fairy’s skills, I also add reading the other person’s intentions.

I read it over and over again.

As I added to the experience I had accumulated through repeated today, the separation of the gap became clearly visible.

‘Just before I drew my sword and swung it.’

It can’t be faster or slower than that.

Everyone’s eyes gathered.

Ragnar’s pupils grew silently.

The movements of my captain and the movements of the man who suddenly came in seemed to overlap.

Sinar’s gaze was no different.


This happened before everyone was even aware of the situation.

Dunbachel and Kreis couldn’t even understand the situation, and Esther was just getting up and pouting.

During the strange silence, the man who came in drew his sword, and Encred exuded strange energy.

Whether everyone’s eyes were on him or not, Encred did his job.

‘It can’t be stopped.’


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That was Encred’s conclusion.

So what should we do?

If blocking doesn’t work, what should you do first?

I didn’t try it, but I saw the possibility.

It was clear that blood appeared on his hand while blocking Ragnar’s sword.

At that time, even as I was dying, a thunderbolt struck my head.

Sword, knight, power, defense, failure.

Everything came together to come up with one answer.

‘If you can’t stop it.’

I’ll hit it first.

Encred showed off his third sword.

It is an art based on heavy swords and heavy swords.

Will is added to the double check ceremony.

Will is used to it because he has suffered countless times. It is intimidating.

Although he cannot use perfect intimidation, he was forged to be able to use it in conjunction with swordsmanship.

It was a sword technique that Ragna was surprised to see.

Of course, since today was the day that disappeared, he will be surprised again today.

Here, Valencian mercenary sword techniques were also mixed in.

Normally, moving forward begins with a forward step, but Encred extended his feet to the side.

The knight’s eyes glanced at his feet.


It was irrelevant, but it was enough to make me question it.

The knight’s sword did not slow down, but the gap in his thoughts widened.

Encred aimed for that timing.


kick the ground

I put my left foot to the side and put pressure on my right foot, which is my back foot.

Valencian mercenary sword, staggered walking.

The better the person’s eyes are, the more annoying his or her steps are.

It was an ingenuity to pick through the smallest gap and increase the possibility even a little.

‘Speed ​​won’t do it.’

You already know this, right?

So go with momentum, not speed.

Encred’s trick worked.

The knight did not flinch, but the sword did not fly either.

Encred, who stole the timing, moved forward.


He drew his sword and held it vertically.

In the erect state, pressure is emitted based on will and coercion.

The knight moved his sword reflexively.

His senses, trained over many years, urged him to do so.

This has to be stopped.

The third sword technique is the crushing sword.

It exerts oppression and pressure, like a mountain pressing down on the ground or like pressing an ant with a finger.

Based on pressure, eliminate the opponent’s options.

In other words, it makes it impossible to stop it.

It is slow compared to lightning stabbing done with sparks.

However, the momentum based on ‘Will’ put enough pressure on the opponent.

Although he was not caught off guard, Knight Jamal did not expect this to happen.

No, I couldn’t.

Who would have expected this?

As you tear through the tent and enter, the timing is suddenly taken away and a heavy sword strike hits you?

The speed of drawing was slow.

After that, the pace increased relatively.

A moderately fast sword draws a trajectory that the opponent has no choice but to block.

Nevertheless, the knight was not easily defeated.


Reflexively, his sword vibrated and pushed back the slashing sword.

Ugh, the sword cried out in a short period of time, which would be an understatement to say.

This is a sound that Encred cannot hear.

He was already focused and brought down his sword with all his might.

I used up all my energy to think about it.


A burst of drinking broke out.


The sound of bones twisting continued.

Encred felt a sense of floating.

I felt an incredible amount of rebound from the old shortsword, which I could break with my bare hands.

My body flew backwards with a sense of floating.

A jolt to the back followed by pain.

It was hot.

It was because he hit the furnace from his back.

Encred rolls to the side.


Surprised, Kreis let out a single scream.

A fire broke out from the brazier that had fallen on its side.

The explanation was long, but in reality it happened in a very short period of time.

It was as if the guy who tore up the tent said something and immediately fought.

Encred’s head fell to the side.

It was a moment, but I was out of my mind.

Right after Encred fell.


Ragna reacted.

It was at the same time that a surprised sound came from Kreis.


A second explosion occurred.

It was the sound of a knight raising his sword towards Ragna, who was performing a thunderbolt.

Ragna also flew backwards.

It floated and flew, but did not roll to one side like Encred.

Jump back and strike the floor with your sword.

The sword stuck in the ground drew a long line with a crackling sound.


Ragna took a short breath.

You can tell at a glance.

It was never beneath him.

Instead of attacking, Sinar hit Encred’s burning back with a blanket.

After hitting it with a bang, the flames quickly stopped.

There was a cracking sound from Ragnar’s sword.

The sword was on the verge of breaking from one blow.

Ragna threw away the sword he was holding and drew another sword.

This is the weapon used by Squire Bill.

The quality of the weapon itself was better than that of a knight named Aya, but the length and weight were more familiar to Ragna.


Pull out and aim.

Take a deep breath, straighten your knees, and settle into your posture.

Ragna prepared to fight.


Encred opened his mouth while lying down.

The knight’s eyes turned to him.

Ragna stopped running.

Sinar quietly stepped back and put his hands on his hands.

You can tell just by looking at it, right?

‘It’s so f*cking underground.’

Is it possible to do this with a short sword that seems likely to break quickly?

The fact that something like that is possible is because the body has powers other than strength.

In other words, it is an article.

“I don’t think he’s a great person to come here.”

Sinar said.

The driver was speechless.

He silently looked at the fallen, or more precisely, the guy who had hit him in the first place.

Encred was scorched again by the fire before the burns on his back healed.

Even though it wasn’t magic armor, it couldn’t block the heat.

Of course, I got burns on my back.

Fortunately, it was not a serious injury.

It was also a blessing that Shinar quickly turned it off.

The injury on the other side was more severe than on the back.

‘Giant, go away.’

Both shoulders were dislocated.

It didn’t end with just dislocating the shoulder.

The crushing sword worked, but the counterattack that followed was brutal.

‘I wish I hadn’t lost my strength at the end.’

It wouldn’t have ended with a dislocation.

Both hands were torn and blood was flowing.

It was natural.

Knight Jamal sounded his specialty, Blade Echo, just before colliding.

It is an art that uses high-speed vibration as its main weapon to add explosive power.

The knight was silent, and Encred coughed and coughed.

He waited in silence.

It was somewhat expected.

Since I dreamed and hoped to become a knight, wouldn’t it be natural to know a lot about them?

Naturally, Encred had heard many stories about knights while collecting them, so he knew about the honor they talked about.

It means that you understand what he said.

“Didn’t you say it only takes once?”

So I said it.

The knight glared at Encred in silence.

“What was it?”

“A crushing sword.”

“That’s great.”


The knight drew his sword.

Ragna was still holding the sword and aiming at the tip.

After Encred got up with just his legs, he couldn’t raise his arm due to his dislocated shoulder, so he roughly waved his arm around his waist and placed his hand on Ragnar’s shoulder.

It was painful and almost like a stunt, but it wasn’t something that couldn’t be done.

“Don’t mess around today.”

Encred said.

Ragnar calmly stepped back.

It is a talent called genius.

He knew it too.

The opponent is a knight.

To put it bluntly, if you attack now, a hundred will die.

“The name?”

Encred asked.

“It’s Jamal.”

The other person answered obediently.

“Are you a member of the King’s Knights?”


Can’t hide it.

What if I disobey the words I said and cut them all down even now?

If you can’t do that, you can’t hesitate to make your affiliation known.

It is the duty of a knight to be confident wherever he goes.

Since he said the bare minimum and the other party accepted it, he had to protect his remaining honor and loyalty.

That was the article.

“It was an honor.”

Encred said.

No matter what the situation is, he is sincere.

Jamal’s eyes sparkled.

What is that person?

Also, what is this situation now?

Yet, it was so absurd that it made me laugh.


I asked back with a smile without realizing it.

“Because it’s not common to receive a knight’s sword.”

“You swung your sword first?”

“I think I’ll be punished if I wait.”

Do you have a good sense, or do you have good judgment?

Or is that just luck?

I walked backwards, but did I catch a mouse with my foot?

Was this really a blessing from the Goddess of Luck?

Jamal continued to laugh at the absurdity.

There was no tension from the beginning.

Now I have also gained life.

As the will to kill disappeared, a man who seemed too ordinary to be believed to be a knight was standing there.

“I believed it because we were talking about honor.”

“You will become great.”

Jamal is a knight.

Naturally, he recognizes his opponent’s talent.

I know how to see growth potential in addition to my current skills.

Right now, a blonde man with red eyes catches my eye.

Ragna is what catches the eye at first glance.


Sometimes, apart from talent, there was a person who showed something that could not be expressed in any words.

The person in front of me was like that.

“We’ll see you again.”

Jamal said.

He actually felt relieved to be like this.

Since you made a promise with your honor, you must keep it.

Even Abnair would have no choice.

Didn’t he also agree to only do one cut?

“It’s an honor.”

Encred stood up straight and felt his thigh muscles and calves throbbing.

For some reason, every time I crossed over the wall of agony, ignorance, and despair that the boatman spoke of, it seemed like there was nothing left in my body.

“Offense is the best defense, so it was good.”

Jamal turned around as if that was the end of what he wanted to say.

“… … Just send it to me?”

Dunbakeel said with an uneasy look on his face.

“Then attack me?

Unless you’re all crazy about wanting to die, you should send it away.

No, I’m going to have to show you the way out.”

Kreis received the word.

I shuddered as I spoke.

Knowing that the opponent’s power is terrible.

A sea that can be seen through intuition.

“Ah, Chrys, I don’t think it’s okay to make a fuss, so please guide me.”

When Encrud spoke, Kryce’s eyes widened.

“I beg your pardon?”

“A knight’s sword is safer than a dagger with a civil servant.”

“Are you saying this knowing that he is an enemy soldier?”

Kreis said, his voice quiet.

I’m just saying this out of curiosity to hear it, but will it change anything if I do?

Yes, the King Kong Knights are the enemy.


But today we discussed honor.


“We also have to protect what we have to protect.”

On the way out, you have to make it comfortable.

Kreis wasn’t stupid.

If the guards discover that guy and make a fuss, it will only get worse.

Should we send Dunvakel, or Ragnar?


Since suppressing them by force was a waste of water in the first place, the best thing to do was for someone with intelligence to see them off.

Force was not important at all.

The opponent was a knight.

Kreis knew that too.

Wangnuni, with a tearful expression on his face, walked outside.


Of course, there were no complaints, so I muttered some unnecessary things.


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