Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 323

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Article Jamal Enlightenment came to me like a lightning bolt, but actually putting it into practice is something the body has to do.

As I jumped up to greet the new day, Kreis next to me asked in surprise.

“What is it?

“Are the scissors pressed?”

As Encred stared into space without saying a word, Kryis continued to fumble.

“It’s all because my body is weak.

“You can rest well.”

“Is that so?”

Only then did I respond indifferently and reflect on what I realized.

Will it work?

I think it will work.

That feeling, that sixth sense, thrilled my whole body.

“Why does it seem like my condition is getting worse day by day?”

Chrys muttered next to him.

Encred ignored it.

After that, I had to invest ten and two more days.

This is because I had to properly apply the sword technique I had learned in this repetitive day to my body.

“… … “What is it?”

Ragna, who helped with the process, was rarely surprised.


“When did you think of this?”

“It suddenly occurred to me.”

“Is this because it’s a talent?”

Ragna muttered to himself.

He didn’t seem particularly curious.

I refined my sword skills, consulted with Ragna, and had a light hand-to-hand sparring session with Sinar.

The fairy’s hand movements were extraordinary.

In particular, his talent for reading the other person’s intentions was, shall we say, at a level that went beyond common sense.

I asked because I was curious about that.

“It’s the talent of a fairy.”

That too was full of value to learn.

In fact, Encred realized that he was already using some of that talent.

After that, all that remains is training.

It was what he did best.

He did so.

I repeatedly refined and trained my swordsmanship.

As such, he did not hesitate to learn by stealing and asking about the fairy’s talents.

In fact, he didn’t even say anything about stealing.

Shinar spoke generously.

“If you tweak your ability to read emotions a little, you can do something similar to mind reading.

“You just have to project that into the fight.”

Above all, Sinard was one of those who was good at explaining things.

Compared to Rem, Ragnar, Saxony, and Audin, he is an angel.

It was safe to say that he was an archangel.

Although Audin does give similar explanations, he cautions that it is faster if you learn with your own hands.

In other words, they prefer physical explanations rather than verbal explanations.

That wasn’t necessarily a good thing for the learner.

Anyway, based on Sinar’s explanation, Encred repeated the trick in an attempt to master it as well.

The shackles of ominousness helped again this time.

The sense of avoidance is about facing your own instincts.

Where does that instinct come from?

It’s happening right before your eyes.

It is a warning given by the sum of things that momentarily pass by the five senses.

Because that’s what a sixth sense is.

The sense of avoidance was an avoidance technique using the sixth sense.

So what about fairy ones?

It was impossible to imitate the racial trait of reading emotions.

Encred used a different method.

The first was snow.

After learning the technique of isolation from Audin, I developed an eye for seeing my opponent’s skills.

Add concentration to it.

Focus on the person in front of you by looking at it as a dot.

The body created through the technique of isolation is prepared to move at any time.

Look at the other person with one point of concentration.

Here, the skills of the senses are sharpened and sharpened again and again to sharpen the blade.

See with your eyes and feel with your senses.

This is the basis for stealing and imitating the talents of fairies.


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“You do that now.”

When he performed the trick in front of the fairy, he was surprised.

The facial expression remained the same, but the pupils were slightly enlarged to the point where you couldn’t see them unless you focused on one point.

Even Encred himself was amazed when he saw it.

You can only see it by immersing yourself deeper and deeper than before and looking directly at the other person.

After learning how to focus on one point and expand it, I learned how to go back to the original method and dig deeper.

“I followed suit.”

“If I were to follow suit, I wouldn’t even call it a race secret.”

“Is that so?”

“It would be nice to show off this talent when I greet the fairy family later.”


“Before you give birth, you have to show your face once.”

The world of fairies is structured in a form similar to a clan society.

I also heard that there is a policy of co-parenting, so the village itself and my hometown are my parents, relatives, and family.

“Wouldn’t a mixed race between humans and fairies be unfortunate?”


“You just have to cover it with love.”

Encred tried to make a joke but got caught back and started laughing without even realizing it.

“You smile a lot.”

Sinar looked at it and said.

I heard that it was nice to see a smiling face.

Encred calmly walked away.

It was time to refocus.

The magic of the fairy race is ultimately to not miss the opponent’s breathing, movements, and even the slightest changes.

Chivalry was also a person.

Since he was also not a god, there were very small gaps, like threads.

Encred was thinking about Whoville.

‘It is unlikely that my physical condition will fully recover.’

Then you have to do what you lack.

I decided to make up for what was lacking here with strength.

So, it is the heart of strength.

The heart of great strength will provide the power to push the injured body into overdrive.

I couldn’t care less about my body being damaged by the reaction.

I couldn’t get past today without worrying about things like that.

All preparations are roughly completed.

Encred suddenly realized something.

There is no need to drag this day out.

No, there is no reason to take it long.

Is this conceit?

Or is it arrogance?

Or is it an illusion?

I don’t know.

If you don’t shut up, you won’t know.

So I just moved on.

Encred passed this day over and over again and greeted the morning.

It was today.

Today was a day that should have been made yesterday.

As Encred stands up and washes his face, Krys asks.


“Are you feeling unwell?”

“It’s moderately bad.”

“What is bad in moderation?”

“It’s just a moderate amount of pain and it’s okay to move.”

“Ah yes.”

Kreiss tilted his head when he saw his captain, whose eyes had turned somewhere.

Did you take any medicine?

That’s not right, right?

“Going tomorrow.”

Encred muttered to himself as his firm will burned like never before.

“Oh, is there really no priest?

Are you having a headache?

“Did you fall headfirst into a cliff somewhere while escaping from enemy territory?”

Kreis said loudly.

Aren’t real people strange?

“If you fall headfirst off a cliff, you die.”

Kreis’s gaze did not change despite Sinard’s comments.

The captain, who was supposed to respond immediately, closed his mouth, moved his body for a moment, and then lay back down.

It was really strange.

Afterwards, Kreis continued to have strange experiences.

The captain, who was said to be able to move, did not get out of bed.

He told me to do this and that with words, but he didn’t even move a finger.

“What is it really?”

He said it was worth moving.

But why are you eating the porridge served by the fairy company commander?

Dunbakhel also tried to feed it, but it lacked delicacy, so Sinar stepped forward.

Because I kept ordering something, Kreis gave a rough answer.

“I’m taking a break.”

“So, to my eyes, it looks like he’s desperately trying to rest.

Have you accepted the day you will die?

The only thing left to do is survive and win, so why do that?

“It makes people anxious.”

It seemed like Chrys’s ominous antennae were activated.

I wonder why people do their best to rest like this.

He wasn’t the type of person to be like this unless something happened.

“Training how to rest hard.”

Encred made Chryce close his mouth with a natural groan.

Saying what you need at the right time is called eloquence.

Encred’s speaking skills were outstanding.

“I hurt my head and took medicine.

“It’s clear.”

Kreis came to his own conclusion.

Until the sunset, Encrid desperately rested as Cryce said.

It was a process of getting into the best physical condition.

“Is the sun going down?”


“Go out and see.”

“Yes, slowly.”

After having Kreis check the time.

Encred woke up only after the sunset.

After that, my body started to heat up.

Check the flexibility of your joints and tighten and relax each muscle.

The position of the sword belt was adjusted along with the armament.

Along with physical preparation, I also prepared my mind.

I set a blade in my heart.

Everyone looked at me wondering why I was like that.

No matter how I looked at him, he seemed like a strange person.

It wasn’t normal before, but today it was even weirder.

“Captain, are you really sick?”

So much so that Kreis finally asked seriously.

Encred answered with sincerity.

“No, I’m going to be sick.”

Even if I succeed, I don’t think it will end well.


Before Kreiss could say anything more, the tent tore apart.

A man with brown hair and an ordinary appearance stepped in front of him.

“I’m sorry.”

It’s the same repertoire as usual.

“It’s just one time.

“That is the minimum duty I must follow.”

They say similar things.

Do not seek the other person’s understanding.

There’s no need for that, so I’m just saying it for myself.

The moment Encred had been waiting for was next.

Take your first step.

The enemy’s awareness is directed towards you.

It was time to show what I had been waiting for.

* * *

“Sir Jamal, please.”

“Are you saying this knowingly that this is damaging my reputation?”

Abnair was at a loss for words to answer.

“You know it’s not okay to do this, right?

No, there’s no way you wouldn’t know.

Yes, you have to do it even if you know it, right?”

Knight Jamal said.

There was a bone in the horse.

Thorns also stood up.

Even though it was sharp, Abnair bit down on his molars.

Even if I was hit by a bone or pricked by a thorn, there was nothing I could do.


“There is no ‘favor’ of you with this.”

“I know.”

Jamal didn’t frown or swear.

There is no need for that.

It’s something that can’t be undone anymore.

However, I couldn’t say that it was something I was happy about.

“It’s just one time.

You will only swing your sword once.

“You don’t know that it’s my best, right?”

“Yes, I know.”

Abnair bowed his head.

A knight is also a being bound by honor.

Because they protect their honor with oaths and oaths.

Why should we do that?

It wasn’t just a moral belief that this should be the case.

Rather, there was a more practical reason.

‘Will’ is willpower and what should we do to protect it?

What should we do to raise ‘Will’?

There is a knight who, by vowing to see the world with only one eye for the rest of his life, has gained eyes that are incomparable to other knights.

One-eyed Ruper is a female knight.

Willpower is invisible.

The moment you doubt yourself, your power weakens.

A way to strongly express something invisible.

I need shackles to strengthen my will.

It is a constraint, a pledge, an oath.

This was a big reason why it became the central axis of the article.

This means that an oath becomes stronger through oaths.

Here, they were also concerned about fame.

The two letters ‘knight’ are forgotten when honor is betrayed.

Among those who have forgotten their honor, is there anyone who has kept their oath?

In the end, honor was also the basis of the ‘will’ they gained by protecting themselves.

It is one of the fundamentals.

For the sake of honor, knights were chosen by themselves.

A knight fights a knight.

Jamal was violating this.

Of course, you can’t keep those words every time during a war.

In crowded situations, a strategy of deliberately sneaking in among enemy soldiers is also used.

However, that was a special case.

A knight has beliefs and honor that go beyond the laws he deals with.

It is a world of loyalty and chivalry.

However, I have to go to cut down the opponent even though I know that he is not a knight and that he is not prepared.

‘I have nothing to say even if you call me an assassin knight.’

That was why Jamal was reluctant to do this.

This was also the reason why I wanted to finish it with just one cut.

Of course, even though I said this, I will not swing it roughly.

He will look at his opponent, guess at just the level he can’t block, and swing.

Even if you do something you don’t want to do, it’s something related to your vows.

‘Instead, one forced promise is gone.’

Didn’t you already know that you would be doing something undesirable?

I could only take comfort in the fact that it was for Azpen’s sake.

Jamal stood in front of the enemy camp’s fence and looked for an opening to enter.

No matter how many guards you set up, you couldn’t protect every place.

It was an easy task for Jamal to pass without the eyes of ordinary soldiers.

All you have to do is spread ‘Will’ to determine the enemy’s location.

It was simpler after infiltrating there.


It is a technique that allows one’s presence and presence to permeate the surroundings based on ‘Will’.

If you make a drastic move, your presence will be disturbed, and it is a tactic that does not really work among the same knight, but in the current situation, it was perfectly useful.

Since he couldn’t use his own weapon for something like this, Jamal passed by, found an empty tent, and picked up a shortsword.

It was a terribly unmaintained weapon.

I picked it up and looked around.

Finding the goal wasn’t difficult.

‘It’s just one time.


You will swing your sword faithfully.

The opponent cannot stop it.

Jamal himself knew best.

This is just to control my mind, which is bound by restrictions and promises.

If I didn’t even do this, I would feel uncomfortable, and that uncomfortable feeling would be an obstacle to ‘Will’s’ growth.

‘There is no wrong choice.’

Make up your mind.

Sharpen your willpower.

Jamal did just that.

Now it was time to get to work.

Not all articles were the same.

When Jamal was a junior, he had to give up a lot to get what he needed.

Among them, there was a case where a pledge was made.

To put it more clearly, it was a relationship close to a contract.

It is listening to what the other person wants.

That was the case this time.


Tear down the tent and enter.

He followed the eyes looking at him and stopped at one person.

It was a face that was hard to forget no matter where you saw it.

I saw a guy with a glowing face, even though his hair was matted and pressed together with a beard.

His face was completely different from his normal appearance.

“I’m sorry.”

Jamal opened his mouth.

The target, Encred, didn’t look surprised and didn’t say anything.

Instead, I moved my feet.

It couldn’t be said to be secretive, but it wasn’t an expression of the will to attack outright either.

However, it was annoying.

The will to attack was visible.

Jamal couldn’t continue his thoughts.

He just keeps his oath as a knight.

Even though it was more of a contract, I did my job.

He also said that it only needs to be done once.

It tells the other person the possibility of escaping.

I swore in my heart that if even one person stopped me, I would turn back.

It was a knight’s oath.

After that.

Jamal’s first decision was to cleave the heart of the target with the glowing face in front of him.

Everyone only wanted to aim for the heart.

It would be for the benefit of their acquaintances and colleagues to leave their faces as is.

My heart awakens and my will awakens.

The will rises and the body moves.

An unmaintained shortsword came out of the knight’s hand.

Tiring, tidik!

Even the sound of the sword being drawn wasn’t smooth, but it probably didn’t matter.

Jamal thought so.


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