Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 322

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How do you stop lightning?

Today was repeated.

Whether the boatman was watching or not, Encred was steady.

As always, it remained unchanged.

There was no difference between when I first grabbed the sword and set out to work as a mercenary, or when I swung the sword at the tree after holding it and bursting, and now.

No, something has changed.

My perspective has changed.

What I look at has changed.

The method of devising has also evolved.

My body has changed.

The sword in my hand changed.

The dream has come closer.

Nevertheless, Encred was Encred.

He pondered day after day.

‘How do I stop it?’

This is something for which there is no answer.

Of course there is no problem.

Because it was always the same.

It was rare for Encred to have a problem with an answer.

Everything around me told me to give up.

It forced me to settle for today.

A method of giving up also came to mind.

Whether it was a ploy by the boatman or something like this, there was always no one way to get through today.

‘What if I take everyone and run away?’

What if you run away like crazy as soon as you open your eyes in the morning with your sick body?

There were several carriages at the Green Pearl camp.

What if you pick one of them and throw it away?

Will the knight come to the border guard?

He only appears in the evening, so if he decides to run away in the morning, will he come after me?

Can I chase you?

I do not know.

In fact, there was no need to know.

Encred won’t do that.

There were many and easy ways to escape.

I didn’t know where I was going with that body, and even if Garrett caught me, it didn’t mean anything.

‘I’ll have to go to the rear and rest.’


‘I have work to do when I go back now.’

You can just say it.

Who will do what to the person who led this battlefield to victory and who is the most decorated person?

There was already a secretly excited atmosphere within the camp.

As soon as Azpen stepped down, it was a party.

They will eat meat and drink wine.

Can we face such a tomorrow?

“It is despair.”

The words the boatman was repeating linger in my mind.

“You can’t get over it.”

The boatman repeated the same words.

It was just a stray thought.

That doesn’t change anything.

Encred swung his sword ceaselessly in his mind.

I tried to find a way.

‘What if I spill it while stepping back?’

How does a sword shake and bend like that?

How can I make my blade touch it?

Encred considered the curse of repeating today as a privilege.

The pain of death is the same even if you experience it a thousand times.

I endured it with the joy that came after the pain.

That’s how I faced the knight’s sword again and again.

It was a repetition of today with burning concentration.

That’s why Encred was able to see more.

“It’s an honor.”

That was when a knight came telling me to stop it just once, out of honor.

For an instant, Encred looked like the entire scene was cut off.

The shackles of ominousness that had been constricting my body when I started this day also played a part in this.

It was caused by my extreme sense of avoidance.

That feeling pushed my concentration even further to the limit.


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‘A blade?’

I step back and try to shed it, but the blade accelerates.

The speed has changed.

Encred saw something before the blade accelerated.


I was shaking.

It certainly seemed that way.

At the same time, Encred touched the knight’s sword at an angle.

It was a struggle that I did while feeling as if all the muscles in my body were being torn apart.

Encred couldn’t see the knight’s face because he was concentrating only on the blade, but instead of boredom, the knight’s face looked a little surprised.

Of course, it disappeared quickly.


The moment the blades met, the shortsword split the dwarf’s gladius.

‘The advantages of weapons and such.’

does not exist.


My heart was stabbed.

Encred is dead.

Today was a day of dying and repeating.

This time too, a similar pattern was seen.

Instead, I added another masterpiece.

While blocking with the gladius, I activated ‘Instant Will’ with the intention of bursting the muscles of my left arm.

Half of it was a gamble.

‘Will’ is ultimately a power and mystery that comes through the body of the person writing it.

It was not something to do with a body that had not recovered properly.

I felt like the muscles in my left arm were being torn apart, but Encred finally pushed the spark in the direction I wanted.

It was thanks to that.

The knight’s sword trembled and bent, piercing his heart, but not completely splitting it.

It may be a little bit, but it buys time.

Although it was only for a moment, death was postponed.


Encred stumbled backwards and vomited blood.

At the same time, the body collapsed downward.

When I tried to place my left hand on the ground, I had no strength and ended up leaning forward.

I’m about to fall.


Someone supported my falling body.

When I looked down, I saw the top of my foot.

Sinar supported Encred’s body with his thighs.

Encred did not repeat the same mistake.

I placed my right hand on the ground.

I didn’t have the energy to stand up.

Blood continued to flow from the mouth due to the shock to the heart.


Sinar says.

At that moment, something flew over the knight’s head.

It was Ragna.

His sword violently slices through the tent roof.


There is a sound of the tent being torn, and the knife in his hand shoots out terrifyingly.

A blade faster than an arrow was thrust from top to bottom.

When I asked Ragna, didn’t he mention thunderbolt?

It wasn’t for nothing.

His blade became a thunderbolt.

After containing the ‘Will of Cutting’, the swordsmanship of the Northern Zaun family is shown.

It was a Jaun family heavy sword-style cramming.


That kind of sound was actually heard from Ragnar’s blade.

And the knight thrust his sword from bottom to top.

What about cramming?

It’s not an article for nothing.

He wasn’t the one handling ‘Will’ for nothing.

The knight was able to do what Will’s fragments alone could not do.

He caught Ragnar’s sword with his left palm and stabbed it.

Encred caught it all in his eyes.

In order not to miss a single thing, I did not relax my concentration.

It didn’t matter that my body was dying.


It was also vaguely visible in Encred’s eyes.

The knight’s sword seemed to instantly increase into dozens.

“Crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr torrrrrrrrrrr

Encred not only vomited blood, but even foamed at the corner of his mouth.

Sinar, standing next to him, said.

“A fairy who has lost her companion never forgets revenge.”

No, since when are you a pet?

Why on earth are we talking about revenge? This is it.

It sounded reassuring.

A fairy who can joke at a moment like this is a fairy who will do anything.

Ragna gets stabbed and rolls around on the floor.

It was a fatal wound.

His eyes turned black and dead.

There was a hole in my heart, but it was natural.


Chrys also blocks Encred’s path.

This time Dunbakhel was also there.


Is it any different with Ester?

Oh, are they not planning on running away?

This time, Ragna actually died.

Was it because I was so excited that I suddenly tried a big trick?

Still, thanks to that, there were changes in the knight’s body.

In Encred’s dying eyes, he saw a knight examining his palm between Chrys and Dunbakkel.

Blood on the tip of the shortsword dripped onto the floor.

Red blood flowed from his left hand and fell to the floor.

The blood was an extremely deep bright red.

“You got cut?”

The driver was shocked.

It had to be that way.

No matter how much ‘Will’ is contained, the opponent is an unfinished fragment.

He was a knight.

But cut the palm that has ‘Will’ on it?

This is a cut?

“You mean you got cut?”

The driver was confused again.

It was that shocking.

Unfortunately or fortunately, Encred had to close his eyes after seeing only that point.

The time I earned by giving up my left arm is over.


He tried to hold back, but at the end, Encred let out something that sounded like a very unpleasant scream and collapsed.

It was the limit.

“You make a lot of noise when you go.”

The gloomy yet eerie voice of Chryce was somehow heard in the dying Encred’s ears.

I close my eyes, die, wake up, and today begins again.

A shaking sword, a bending sword.

Above all, the image of the knight when I last faced Ragna was vivid in my memory.

I changed my feet and changed my posture.

After seeing the opponent’s skill, I changed the sword I threw away.

Well, if it had always been a similar level of sword attack with the same trajectory, I would have already overcome it.



“good night!”

“So what is it?”

Is it normal to shout like a crazy person as soon as you wake up in the morning?

Cryce asked repeatedly from the side, but Encred was immersed in his own world.

It was an immersion like never before.

“No, did you hurt your head?

“I think I got hurt really badly this time.”

Chrys muttered next to him.

Sinar also had similar concerns.

The originally strange person became even stranger.

Well, that was the charm.

Encred spent a few more days today.

I summarized the things I realized one by one after that.

Meanwhile, I saw an interesting scene recently.

By chance, Ragna and Shinar attacked together, and the sword of the knight who dealt with them cried.


It is a sword that cries based on tremors and vibrations.

Sword name, Blade Echo.

It was a so-called echo.

The blade cried and a white light flowed out of the knight’s eyes, enough to be seen with the naked eye.

It was the visualization of ‘Will’.

Wow- wow!

The knight’s shortsword literally drew beams of white light left and right.

Ragnar’s sword caught in the path of the beam of light was split in half and Sinar’s sword was cut off.

Encred attacked first, but this time he was able to get a brief reprieve.

He could see clearly.

‘With an old short sword?’

At this level, it could be called not an art, but a mystery and a divine skill.

Both Nydeul and Ragnar’s sword were cut.

One belonged to the famous sword axis and the other was thick, so it was cut even though cutting it seemed absurd.

Not even a spark flew.

‘Like cutting a rotten tree branch.’

Is this possible with just the power of ‘Will’?

What is ‘will’?

What is willpower?

Encred pondered, but came up with no answer.

His thoughts changed in a more progressive and healthy direction.

The knight said similar words several times as he killed Ragnar, cut off his arm, or cut off his leg.

“what a waste.

“I shouldn’t have attacked you.”

He coveted Ragnar’s talent.

Encred thought back to Ragnar dealing with the knight.

I took out the things engraved in the repeated today.

I also think about Sinar’s rebellion.

I also reflect on the dead Chrys.

Dunbakkel’s struggles were also reflected.

As he reflected on his death over and over again, he thought of the knight’s sword.

Swordsmanship, sword fighting, struggling.

Everything was tangled up in my head as if it were swirling around.

“It is a swamp, and anyone who falls into it will not be able to get out.”

In the meantime, the boatman still tried to put Encred into some pit, but of course it was useless.

“Aren’t you busy?”

Sometimes Encred would say this first.

On days like that, the boatman kept his mouth shut.

Encred looked like he was upset.

It was an absurd idea.

Isn’t it something whose existence is difficult to guess?

Today was the fifty-sixth day.

‘How do I stop lightning?’

After thinking over and over again, I ask Ragna again and then ask Sinar.

I didn’t let today pass by. I did everything I could.

Among them, he saw the knight’s sword coming in as if it was curved, and died from that sword again and again.

He died even after seeing the sword tremble.

Sometimes the spark was cut, and sometimes the gladius was cut.

I never saw Blade Echo again.

That’s something that requires the help of chance and luck.

In the eyes of others, it might have been stalking the goddess of luck, but Encred knew that he was not that lucky.

Therefore, one could not expect the same luck.

If it’s not a coincidence, Ragna, Sinar, and yourself have to work together.

‘I don’t like that again.’

My heart doesn’t move.

That had to presuppose the death of a lazy or joke-loving fairy.

It was something I had to do myself.

That is absolutely unacceptable.

Obtaining a reprieve and seeing someone die can be taken as comfort as something for ‘tomorrow’.

Pushing my back directly.

‘It’s better to attack with a sword in your mouth.’

That was how I felt and felt.

Therefore, I agonized and pondered as I swung my sword alone.

Endless worries and contemplations, even half a step forward in the meantime, Encred’s contrivances have returned to the beginning.

How do you stop lightning?

“It starts with facing reality.”

This is what Ragna said.

Now I understood.

You can prevent it only by seeing it and recognizing it.

“After that, you just have to react to the speed.”

This is what Sinard said.

Hit after reacting.

block it

“That’s why you just have to do it ‘good’.”

These are Ragnar’s words.

It was all contained in one word, ‘Jal’.

by the way.


Knight’s sword.

A knight’s strike.

Isn’t it really thrilling?


I can’t help but talk to myself.

A smile is also present.

Encred felt an unprecedented joy rising from the repetition of today.

His dream was to become a Shinigami, but the sword he wielded seemed to have become his guidepost.

So, the signpost was like a light coming down from a dark tunnel.

What seemed like only darkness and despair to the boatman was light and joy to Encred.

Today is the day that begins again.

Seventy-second, his body was still a mess, but Encred moved his body as always.

I also saw Ragna slashing his sword while half dead.

After that, I saw Sinar struggle more than ten times.


I do not know.


won’t come

I don’t care about that.

Therefore, the boatman could not understand Encred.

Among these days, there were days when my confidence soared for no reason.

Of course he died.

After that, I experienced twelve more days.

A sword that seemed to be able to be blocked, but was unblockable, was like that of a knight’s sword.


When the ninetieth day arrived, the knight drew his sword and frowned.

Then he looked at himself and said.

“What a shame.”

Encred wasn’t very happy about those words, but honestly, it would be a lie if he said he wasn’t proud.

Of course, I felt nothing right now.

Because I was focused.

It was always like that.

When faced with an article, I was immersed and focused.

If you get a little distracted, your heart will break without gaining anything.

So even though I felt like my mental power was being worn away, I couldn’t lose my concentration.

However, it would be unforgettable that the dream in which he appeared as a Shinigami recognized himself.

A knight is an honor and says it once.

Encred exhaled and prepared.

It seems like it can be stopped, but it doesn’t stop.

Then something is wrong.

Should I rise to the level of a knight right now?

No, that was impossible.

You can’t move forward like that just because you have a piece of ‘Will’.

So, how?


The light blade echo, the moment I heard the echo, the knight’s sword mercilessly split my heart.


It was a different speed than before.

Blade Echo appears here?


It was truly like a thunderbolt.

At the same time, lightning struck Encred’s head.

A thunderbolt that struck my head illuminated the path that goes beyond today and into tomorrow.


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